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- stack_vector.h
- #pragma once
- #include <array>
- #include <stdexcept>
- #include <algorithm>
- template <typename T, size_t N>
- class StackVector {
- public:
- explicit StackVector(size_t a_size = 0){
- if (a_size <= Capacity())
- {
- size_ = a_size;
- }
- else
- {
- throw std::invalid_argument("size > capacity");
- }
- }
- T& operator[](size_t index)
- {
- return my_array_[index];
- }
- const T& operator[](size_t index) const
- {
- return my_array_[index];
- }
- typename std::array<T, N>::iterator begin()
- {
- return my_array_.begin();
- }
- typename std::array<T, N>::iterator end()
- {
- return next(my_array_.begin(), size_);
- }
- typename std::array<T, N>::const_iterator begin() const
- {
- return my_array_.begin();
- }
- typename std::array<T, N>::const_iterator end() const
- {
- return next(my_array_.begin(), size_);
- }
- size_t Size() const
- {
- return size_;
- }
- size_t Capacity() const
- {
- return my_array_.size();
- }
- void PushBack(const T& value)
- {
- if (size_ != Capacity())
- {
- my_array_[size_++] = value;
- }
- else
- {
- throw std::overflow_error("stack is full");
- }
- }
- T PopBack()
- {
- if (size_ > 0)
- {
- --size_;
- return my_array_[size_];
- }
- else
- {
- throw std::underflow_error("stack is empty");
- }
- }
- private:
- T size_ = 0;
- std::array<T, N> my_array_;
- };
- =======================================================================================================================================
- main.cpp
- #include "log_duration.h"
- #include "my_assert.h"
- #include "stack_vector.h"
- #include <iostream>
- #include <random>
- #include <stdexcept>
- using namespace std;
- void TestConstruction() {
- StackVector<int, 10> v;
- assert(v.Size() == 0u);
- assert(v.Capacity() == 10u);
- StackVector<int, 8> u(5);
- assert(u.Size() == 5u);
- assert(u.Capacity() == 8u);
- try {
- StackVector<int, 10> u(50);
- cout << "Expect invalid_argument for too large size"s << endl;
- assert(false);
- }
- catch (invalid_argument&) {
- }
- catch (...) {
- cout << "Expect invalid_argument for too large size"s << endl;
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- void TestPushBack() {
- StackVector<int, 5> v;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < v.Capacity(); ++i) {
- v.PushBack(i);
- }
- try {
- v.PushBack(0);
- cout << "Expect overflow_error for PushBack in full vector"s << endl;
- assert(false);
- }
- catch (overflow_error&) {
- }
- catch (...) {
- cout << "Unexpected exception for PushBack in full vector"s << endl;
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- void TestPopBack() {
- StackVector<int, 5> v;
- for (size_t i = 1; i <= v.Capacity(); ++i) {
- v.PushBack(i);
- }
- for (int i = v.Size(); i > 0; --i) {
- assert(v.PopBack() == i);
- }
- try {
- v.PopBack();
- cout << "Expect underflow_error for PopBack from empty vector"s << endl;
- assert(false);
- }
- catch (underflow_error&) {
- }
- catch (...) {
- cout << "Unexpected exception for PopBack from empty vector"s << endl;
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- int main() {
- TestConstruction();
- TestPushBack();
- TestPopBack();
- cerr << "Running benchmark..."s << endl;
- const size_t max_size = 2500;
- default_random_engine re;
- uniform_int_distribution<int> value_gen(1, max_size);
- vector<vector<int>> test_data(50000);
- for (auto& cur_vec : test_data) {
- cur_vec.resize(value_gen(re));
- for (int& x : cur_vec) {
- x = value_gen(re);
- }
- }
- {
- LOG_DURATION("vector w/o reserve");
- for (auto& cur_vec : test_data) {
- vector<int> v;
- for (int x : cur_vec) {
- v.push_back(x);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- LOG_DURATION("vector with reserve");
- for (auto& cur_vec : test_data) {
- vector<int> v;
- v.reserve(cur_vec.size());
- for (int x : cur_vec) {
- v.push_back(x);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- LOG_DURATION("StackVector");
- for (auto& cur_vec : test_data) {
- StackVector<int, max_size> v;
- for (int x : cur_vec) {
- v.PushBack(x);
- }
- }
- }
- cerr << "Done"s << endl;
- }
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