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- #chrono.h
- =======================================================================================================================================
- #pragma once
- #include <iostream>
- namespace chrono {
- enum class Month {
- jan = 1, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec
- };
- class Date {
- public:
- class Invalid {
- Invalid() = default;
- };
- Date(int y, Month m, int d);
- Date();
- int day() const { return d; }
- Month month() const { return m; }
- int year() const { return y; }
- void add_day(int n);
- void add_month(int n);
- void add_year(int n);
- private:
- int y;
- Month m;
- int d;
- };
- bool is_date(int y, Month m, int d);
- bool leapyear(int y);
- bool operator==(const Date& a, const Date& b);
- bool operator!=(const Date& a, const Date& b);
- std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Date& d);
- std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Date& dd);
- }
- =======================================================================================================================================
- #chrono.cpp
- =======================================================================================================================================
- #include "chrono.h"
- namespace chrono {
- Date::Date(int yy, Month mm, int dd) : y(yy), m(mm), d(dd) {
- if (!is_date(yy, mm, dd)) throw Invalid{};
- }
- const Date& default_date() {
- static Date dd{ 2001, Month::jan, 1 };
- return dd;
- }
- Date::Date() : y{ default_date().year() }, m(default_date().month()), d{ default_date().day() } {
- }
- void Date::add_day(int n) {
- d+=n;
- }
- void Date::add_month(int n) {
- }
- void Date::add_year(int n) {
- if (m == Month::feb && d == 29 && !leapyear(y + n)) {
- m = Month::mar;
- d = 1;
- }
- y += n;
- }
- bool is_date(int y, Month m, int d) {
- if (d <= 0)
- return false;
- if (m < Month::jan || Month::dec < m) return false;
- int days_in_month = 31;
- switch (m) {
- case Month::feb:
- days_in_month = (leapyear(y)) ? 29 : 28;
- break;
- case Month::apr: case Month::jun: case Month::sep: case Month::nov:
- days_in_month = 30;
- break;
- }
- if (days_in_month < d) return false;
- return true;
- }
- bool leapyear(int y) {
- if((y % 4 == 0 && y % 100 != 0) || y % 400 == 0) {
- return true;
- }
- else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- bool operator==(const Date& a, const Date& b) {
- return a.year() == b.year()
- && a.month() == b.month()
- && ==;
- }
- bool operator!=(const Date& a, const Date& b) {
- return !(a == b);
- }
- std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Date& d){
- return os << '(' << d.year()
- << ", " << static_cast<int>(d.month())
- << ", " << << ')';
- }
- std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Date& dd){
- int y, m, d;
- char ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4;
- is >> ch1 >> y >> ch2 >> m >> ch3 >> d >> ch4;
- if (!is) return is;
- if (ch1 != '(' || ch2 != ',' || ch3 != ',' || ch4 != ')') {
- is.clear(std::ios_base::failbit);
- return is;
- }
- dd = Date(y, Month(m), d);
- return is;
- }
- enum class Day {
- sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday
- };
- /*void day_of_week(const Date& d) {
- }
- void next_Sunday(const Date& d) {
- }
- void next_weekday(const Date& d) {
- }*/
- } //chrono
- =======================================================================================================================================
- #main.cpp
- =======================================================================================================================================
- #include <iostream>
- #include "chrono.h"
- int main() {
- chrono::Date today{ 1963, chrono::Month::may, 32 };
- chrono::Date tomorrow = today;
- tomorrow.add_day(1);
- std::cout << today << " " << tomorrow;
- }
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