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- struct two_sat {
- int n;
- vector<vector<int>> g, gr;
- vector<int> comp, topological_order, answer;
- vector<bool> vis;
- two_sat() {}
- two_sat(int _n) { init(_n); }
- void init(int _n) {
- n = _n;
- g.assign(2 * n, vector<int>());
- gr.assign(2 * n, vector<int>());
- comp.resize(2 * n);
- vis.resize(2 * n);
- answer.resize(2 * n);
- }
- void add_edge(int u, int v) {
- g[u].push_back(v);
- gr[v].push_back(u);
- }
- // At least one of them is true
- void add_clause_or(int i, bool f, int j, bool g) {
- add_edge(i + (f ? n : 0), j + (g ? 0 : n));
- add_edge(j + (g ? n : 0), i + (f ? 0 : n));
- }
- // Only one of them is true
- void add_clause_xor(int i, bool f, int j, bool g) {
- add_clause_or(i, f, j, g);
- add_clause_or(i, !f, j, !g);
- }
- // Both of them have the same value
- void add_clause_and(int i, bool f, int j, bool g) {
- add_clause_xor(i, !f, j, g);
- }
- void dfs(int u) {
- vis[u] = true;
- for (const auto& v : g[u])
- if (!vis[v]) dfs(v);
- topological_order.push_back(u);
- }
- void scc(int u, int id) {
- vis[u] = true;
- comp[u] = id;
- for (const auto& v : gr[u])
- if (!vis[v]) scc(v, id);
- }
- bool satisfiable() {
- fill(vis.begin(), vis.end(), false);
- for (int i = 0; i < 2 * n; i++)
- if (!vis[i]) dfs(i);
- fill(vis.begin(), vis.end(), false);
- reverse(topological_order.begin(), topological_order.end());
- int id = 0;
- for (const auto& v : topological_order)
- if (!vis[v]) scc(v, id++);
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- if (comp[i] == comp[i + n]) return false;
- answer[i] = (comp[i] > comp[i + n] ? 1 : 0);
- }
- return true;
- }
- };
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