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- -- [ Blackhole Alpha Release v5.0 RESCRIPTED ]
- -- Integrated constraint-based gravity for even smoother simulations
- local blackHole = script.Parent -- Reference
- -------------------------------------------------------
- -- | CONTROL PANEL | -- (See Documentation for info) --
- -------------------------------------------------------
- -- {GRAVITY} -- {G}
- local gravity = 100 -- Base gravitational constant
- local alignSpeed = 5 -- How quickly the AlignPosition responds
- local forceCap = 4000 -- Maximum force (constraint cap) Note that math.huge means infinity (for realistic gravity, higher cap = higher accuracy)
- local range = 500 -- Effective range of gravitational pull
- local centerOfMassBased = false -- Toggle force application at center of mass
- local realisticGravity = false -- Toggle inverse square law (closer objects have greater gravity)
- local realGravDamping = 32 -- Factor to control gravity when `realisticGravity` is on (higher = faster)
- local microGravity = false -- Disable workspace gravity
- local gravityEngine = "linear1" -- Choose the gravity engine ("linear1", "linear2", "line", "vector", "align", "bodyvelocity", "bodyforce")
- local gravitationMode = "universal" -- "selective" (only tagged objects) vs "universal" (everything)
- local attractionTag = "attractable" -- Tag required if `gravitationMode` is selective
- -- {ABSORPTION} -- {A}
- local absorption = true -- Absorb objects on contact
- local growth = true -- Blackhole grows when absorbing objects
- local growthDamping = 0.01 -- Damping factor for growth
- local fading = true -- Fade objects out before absorption
- local fadeDuration = 1 -- Time (in seconds) to fade out
- local anchoring = true -- Anchor objects when fading
- local colorShift = true -- Change color of objects as they fade
- local color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0) -- Target color for shifting (red by default)
- local rocheFactor = 2 -- Multiple of blackHole’s size at which non-gravity joints are removed (0 disables)
- local merging = true -- Allow blackholes to merge
- local lensing = true -- Gravitational lensing effect
- local lensingFactor = 2.5 -- Multiplier for the lensing effect’s radius
- local lensingStrength = 100 -- Strength of lensing effect (don’t set too high)
- local cameraDistortion = true -- Camera FOV distortion when within range
- local distortThreshold = 1 -- Percentage of range for FOV distortion threshold
- local blackHoleSound = true -- Toggle blackhole sound
- local distortSound = false -- Toggle pitch distortion when blackholes are near
- local toggleGlint = true -- Turn the Glint effect on or off
- local glintSizeMultiplier = 0.1 -- Base multiplier for the glint effect
- -- {DEBUGGING} --
- local logging = true -- Toggle logging output (note that not all errors are taken into account, just most)
- local logSettings = true -- Log detailed settings
- ------------------------
- -- | CORE MECHANICS | --
- ------------------------
- local camera = workspace.Camera -- For camera distortion effects
- local defaultFOV = camera.FieldOfView
- -- Track previous size for proportional updates
- local previousSize = blackHole.Size.X
- -- Table to keep track of active constraints and attachments
- local activeGravity = {}
- local blackHoleAttachment ="Attachment")
- blackHoleAttachment.Parent = blackHole
- -- Convert string inputs to lowercase for consistency
- gravityEngine = gravityEngine:lower()
- gravitationMode = gravitationMode:lower()
- -- Helper: Clamp distance to a minimum value to avoid division by zero
- local function clampDistance(dist)
- local minDist = 1
- return math.max(dist, minDist)
- end
- -- The master formula for modern gravities *insert angel chorus*
- local masterFormula = function(object)
- local distance = (blackHole.Position - object.Position).Magnitude
- local effDist = clampDistance(distance)
- if realGravDamping < 0 then
- realGravDamping = 1 -- Prevent division by 0
- end
- -- Compute the gravitational force using Newtonian physics with conversion
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local computedForce = (gravity * blackHole:GetMass() * object:GetMass()) / ((effDist / realGravDamping) ^ 2) -- ONLY APPLIES TO REALISTIC GRAVITY!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Clamp the force to forceCap so that it never exceeds this maximum
- return math.min(computedForce, forceCap)
- end
- -- The legacy master formula for bodyforce and bodyvelocity
- local legacyMasterFormula = function(object)
- local direction = blackHole.Position - object.Position
- local dist = clampDistance(direction.Magnitude)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local forceMag = (gravity * blackHole.Size.X * object.Size.X) / (dist ^ 2)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- For BodyVelocity, if the object is too close to the blackHole, we nullify the force.
- if dist < blackHole.Size.X / 2 then
- forceMag = 0
- end
- return {
- distance = dist,
- direction = direction.Unit,
- force = forceMag,
- }
- end
- local whiteHoleMode = false -- secret event hehe
- -- Function to apply gravity to an object using the selected gravity engine
- local function ApplyGravity(object)
- if activeGravity[object] then return end
- local objectAttachment ="Attachment")
- objectAttachment.Parent = object
- local distance = (blackHole.Position - object.Position).Magnitude
- local effDist = clampDistance(distance)
- if gravityEngine == "linear1" or gravityEngine == "1.1" or gravityEngine == "linear2" or gravityEngine == "1.2" then
- local linearVel ="LinearVelocity")
- linearVel.Attachment0 = objectAttachment
- linearVel.RelativeTo = Enum.ActuatorRelativeTo.World
- linearVel.MaxForce = forceCap
- -- Whitehole mode oh my goodness gracious
- if gravity < 0 then
- whiteHoleMode = true
- end
- if gravityEngine == "linear1" or gravityEngine == "1.1" then
- linearVel.VelocityConstraintMode = Enum.VelocityConstraintMode.Line
- local lineDir = (blackHole.Position - object.Position).Unit
- linearVel.LineDirection = lineDir
- linearVel.LineVelocity = gravity
- elseif gravityEngine == "linear2" or gravityEngine == "1.2" then
- linearVel.VelocityConstraintMode = Enum.VelocityConstraintMode.Vector
- local dist = (blackHole.Position - object.Position).Unit
- if realisticGravity then
- linearVel.VectorVelocity = dist * masterFormula(object)
- else
- local newVelocityMag = (distance > 0) and (gravity / distance) or 0
- linearVel.VectorVelocity = (blackHole.Position - object.Position).Unit * newVelocityMag * gravity
- end
- end
- linearVel.Parent = object
- activeGravity[object] = { constraint = linearVel, attachment = objectAttachment }
- -- LineForce-based gravity
- elseif gravityEngine == "line" or gravityEngine == "2" then
- local lineForce ="LineForce")
- lineForce.Attachment0 = objectAttachment
- lineForce.Attachment1 = blackHoleAttachment
- lineForce.ApplyAtCenterOfMass = centerOfMassBased
- lineForce.MaxForce = forceCap
- if gravity < 0 then
- -- Swap attachments to reverse the force direction
- lineForce.MaxForce = -forceCap
- whiteHoleMode = true
- end
- if realisticGravity then
- lineForce.Magnitude = masterFormula(object)
- else
- lineForce.Magnitude = gravity
- end
- lineForce.Parent = object
- activeGravity[object] = { constraint = lineForce, attachment = objectAttachment }
- -- VectorForce-based gravity
- elseif gravityEngine == "vector" or gravityEngine == "3" then
- local vectorForce ="VectorForce")
- vectorForce.Attachment0 = objectAttachment
- vectorForce.RelativeTo = Enum.ActuatorRelativeTo.Attachment1
- -- Whitehole mode
- if gravity < 0 then
- whiteHoleMode = true
- end
- if realisticGravity then
- local direction = (blackHole.Position - object.Position).Unit
- vectorForce.Force = direction * masterFormula(object)
- else
- vectorForce.Force = (blackHole.Position - object.Position).Unit * gravity
- end
- vectorForce.ApplyAtCenterOfMass = centerOfMassBased
- vectorForce.Parent = object
- activeGravity[object] = { constraint = vectorForce, attachment = objectAttachment }
- -- AlignPosition-based gravity
- elseif gravityEngine == "align" or gravityEngine == "4" then
- local alignPos ="AlignPosition")
- alignPos.Attachment0 = objectAttachment
- alignPos.Attachment1 = blackHoleAttachment
- alignPos.MaxForce = forceCap
- alignPos.MaxVelocity = forceCap
- alignPos.Responsiveness = alignSpeed
- alignPos.ApplyAtCenterOfMass = centerOfMassBased
- alignPos.Parent = object
- activeGravity[object] = { constraint = alignPos, attachment = objectAttachment }
- -- Legacy BodyVelocity-based gravity (does not support models)
- -- The maths are untouched and are exactly identical to v4.0+
- elseif gravityEngine == "bodyvelocity" or gravityEngine == "speed" or gravityEngine == "5" then
- local legacy = legacyMasterFormula(object)
- if legacy.force == 0 then
- return
- end
- object.Velocity = object.Velocity + (legacy.direction * legacy.force)
- -- Whitehole mode
- if gravity < 0 then
- whiteHoleMode = true
- end
- -- Legacy BodyForce-based gravity (supports models)
- elseif gravityEngine == "bodyforce" or gravityEngine == "force" or gravityEngine == "6" then
- local legacy = legacyMasterFormula(object)
- local force = legacy.direction * legacy.force
- local bodyForce = object:FindFirstChild("BlackHoleBodyForce", true)
- if not bodyForce then
- bodyForce ="BodyForce")
- bodyForce.Name = "BlackHoleBodyForce"
- bodyForce.Force = force
- bodyForce.Parent = object
- else
- bodyForce.Force = force
- end
- -- Whitehole mode
- if gravity < 0 then
- whiteHoleMode = true
- end
- end
- end
- -- Remove gravity constraints from an object
- local function RemoveGravity(object)
- local data = activeGravity[object]
- if data then
- data.constraint:Destroy()
- data.attachment:Destroy()
- activeGravity[object] = nil
- end
- end
- -- Function to grow the black hole when it absorbs an object
- local function GrowBlackHole(object)
- if growth and object:IsA("BasePart") then
- local avgSize = (object.Size.X + object.Size.Y + object.Size.Z) / 3
- local growthFactor = (1 / avgSize) * growthDamping
- blackHole.Size = blackHole.Size +, growthFactor, growthFactor)
- range = range + growthFactor
- gravity = gravity + growthFactor
- if gravity < 0 then gravity = gravity - growthFactor end
- blackHole:FindFirstChild("BlackholeSound", true).RollOffMinDistance = range
- end
- end
- -- Function to absorb (and remove) an object
- local function AbsorbObject(object)
- if growth then
- GrowBlackHole(object)
- end
- RemoveGravity(object)
- object:Destroy()
- end
- local CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
- -- Event listener for absorption on contact
- if absorption then
- blackHole.Touched:Connect(function(hit)
- if hit:IsA("BasePart") and hit ~= blackHole then
- -- Merging logic for blackholes
- if merging and CollectionService:HasTag(hit, "Blackholev5") then
- local otherBlackHole = hit
- local currentSize = blackHole.Size.X
- local otherSize = otherBlackHole.Size.X
- if currentSize < otherSize then
- local newSize = otherSize + currentSize
- otherBlackHole.Size =, newSize, newSize)
- if otherBlackHole:FindFirstChild("FX") and otherBlackHole:FindFirstChild("BlackholeSound", true) then
- otherBlackHole:FindFirstChild("BlackholeSound", true).RollOffMaxDistance = otherBlackHole:FindFirstChild("BlackholeSound", true).RollOffMaxDistance + currentSize
- end
- blackHole:Destroy()
- elseif currentSize > otherSize then
- local newSize = currentSize + otherSize
- blackHole.Size =, newSize, newSize)
- if blackHole:FindFirstChild("FX") and blackHole:FindFirstChild("BlackholeSound", true) then
- otherBlackHole:FindFirstChild("BlackholeSound", true).RollOffMaxDistance = otherBlackHole:FindFirstChild("BlackholeSound", true).RollOffMaxDistance + otherSize
- end
- otherBlackHole:Destroy()
- else
- local newSize = currentSize * 2
- blackHole.Size =, newSize, newSize)
- if blackHole:FindFirstChild("FX") and blackHole:FindFirstChild("BlackholeSound", true) then
- otherBlackHole:FindFirstChild("BlackholeSound", true).RollOffMaxDistance = otherBlackHole:FindFirstChild("BlackholeSound", true).RollOffMaxDistance * 2
- end
- otherBlackHole:Destroy()
- end
- return
- end
- -- Normal absorption for non-blackhole objects
- if not hit.Anchored then
- if absorption then
- if fading then
- hit.Anchored = anchoring
- hit.CanCollide = false
- local startTransparency = hit.Transparency
- local initialColor = hit.Color
- local elapsed = 0
- local heartbeat = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat
- local connection
- connection = heartbeat:Connect(function(delta)
- elapsed = elapsed + delta
- local progress = math.min(elapsed / fadeDuration, 1)
- hit.Transparency = startTransparency + (1 - startTransparency) * progress
- if colorShift then
- hit.Color = initialColor:Lerp(color, progress)
- end
- if progress >= 1 then
- connection:Disconnect()
- AbsorbObject(hit)
- end
- end)
- else
- AbsorbObject(hit)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- if microGravity then
- workspace.Gravity = 0
- end
- -- Blackhole sound setup
- if blackHoleSound then
- blackHole:FindFirstChild("BlackholeSound", true).Playing = true
- blackHole:FindFirstChild("BlackholeSound", true).RollOffMaxDistance = range
- end
- -- Glint VFX
- if toggleGlint then
- blackHole:FindFirstChild("Glint", true).Enabled = true
- else
- blackHole:FindFirstChild("Glint", true).Enabled = false
- end
- -- Whitehole mode (if negative gravity/growth damping)
- if gravity < 0 and (gravityEngine == "linear1" or gravityEngine == "linear2" or gravityEngine == "1.1" or gravityEngine == "1.2" or gravityEngine == "line" or
- gravityEngine == "2" or gravityEngine == "vector" or gravityEngine == "3" or gravityEngine == "bodyvelocity" or gravityEngine == "5" or gravityEngine == "bodyforce" or
- gravityEngine == "6") then
- local pureWhite = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
- blackHole:FindFirstChild("EventHorizon", true).FillColor = pureWhite
- blackHole:FindFirstChild("EventHorizon", true).OutlineColor = pureWhite
- blackHole:FindFirstChild("Glint", true).Color =
- blackHole:FindFirstChild("AccretionLight", true).Color = pureWhite
- absorption = false
- cameraDistortion = false
- distortSound = false
- whiteHoleMode = true
- end
- -- Lensing effect setup
- if lensing then
- local lensingPart = blackHole.Parent:FindFirstChild("Lensing", true)
- if lensingPart then
- if gravity < 0 then
- lensingPart.Size =, 0, 0)
- else
- lensingPart.Size = blackHole.Size * lensingFactor
- lensingPart.Transparency = lensingStrength
- if lensingPart.Transparency < 15 then
- lensingPart.Lensing.Adornee = lensingPart.LensingAttachment
- else
- lensingPart.Lensing.Adornee = lensingPart
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Main update loop
- game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function()
- -- Apply or remove gravity for parts in the workspace
- for _, object in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
- if object:IsA("BasePart") and object ~= blackHole and not object.Anchored then
- local distance = (blackHole.Position - object.Position).Magnitude
- local hasTag = CollectionService:HasTag(object, attractionTag)
- if (gravitationMode == "selective" and hasTag and distance <= range) or (gravitationMode == "universal" and distance <= range and not CollectionService:HasTag(object, "BHcosmetic")) then
- ApplyGravity(object)
- else
- RemoveGravity(object)
- end
- elseif activeGravity[object] then
- RemoveGravity(object)
- end
- end
- -- Update active gravity constraints so they always point toward the black hole
- for object, data in pairs(activeGravity) do
- local distance = (blackHole.Position - object.Position).Magnitude
- if object:IsDescendantOf(workspace) and distance <= range then
- local newDir = (blackHole.Position - object.Position).Unit
- local effDist = clampDistance(distance)
- if data.constraint:IsA("VectorForce") then
- if realisticGravity then
- data.constraint.Force = newDir * masterFormula(object)
- else
- data.constraint.Force = newDir * gravity
- end
- elseif data.constraint:IsA("LinearVelocity") then
- if data.constraint.VelocityConstraintMode == Enum.VelocityConstraintMode.Line then
- data.constraint.LineDirection = newDir
- if realisticGravity then
- data.constraint.LineVelocity = masterFormula(object)
- else
- data.constraint.LineVelocity = gravity
- end
- else
- local newVelocityMag = masterFormula(object) or 0
- data.constraint.VectorVelocity = newDir * newVelocityMag
- end
- elseif data.constraint:IsA("LineForce") then
- if realisticGravity then
- data.constraint.Magnitude = masterFormula(object)
- else
- data.constraint.Magnitude = gravity
- end
- elseif data.constraint:IsA("BodyVelocity") then
- local direction = blackHole.Position - object.Position
- local dist = clampDistance(direction.Magnitude)
- local forceMag = (gravity * blackHole.Size.X * object.Size.X) / (dist ^ 2)
- data.constraint.Velocity = object.Velocity + (direction.Unit * forceMag)
- end
- end
- end
- -- Remove non-gravity constraints/joints from objects within the Roche radius
- local rocheRadius = rocheFactor * blackHole.Size.X
- if rocheRadius >= blackHole.Size.X then
- for _, object in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
- if object:IsA("BasePart") and object ~= blackHole then
- local dist = (blackHole.Position - object.Position).Magnitude
- if dist <= rocheRadius and not CollectionService:HasTag(object, "BHcosmetic") then
- for _, child in pairs(object:GetChildren()) do
- if child:IsA("Constraint") then
- if not (activeGravity[object] and activeGravity[object].constraint == child) then
- local cname = child.ClassName
- if cname ~= "LinearVelocity" and cname ~= "LineForce" and cname ~= "VectorForce" and cname ~= "AlignPosition" then
- child:Destroy()
- end
- end
- elseif child:IsA("JointInstance") then
- child:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Camera distortion effect
- if cameraDistortion and camera then
- local camPos = camera.CFrame.Position
- local distance = (blackHole.Position - camPos).Magnitude
- local newFOV
- if distance >= range then
- newFOV = defaultFOV
- elseif distance <= range * (distortThreshold / 100) then
- newFOV = 120
- else
- local t = (range - distance) / (range - distortThreshold)
- newFOV = defaultFOV + t * (120 - defaultFOV)
- end
- camera.FieldOfView = newFOV
- end
- -- Sound pitch distortion effect for nearby blackholes
- if distortSound then
- local closestDist = math.huge
- for _, bh in pairs(CollectionService:GetTagged("Blackholev5")) do
- if bh ~= blackHole and bh:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
- local d = (blackHole.Position - bh.Position).Magnitude
- if d < closestDist then
- closestDist = d
- end
- end
- end
- local newPitch = 1
- if closestDist < math.huge then
- if closestDist <= range / 2 then
- newPitch = 1 - (closestDist / range)
- else
- newPitch = 1
- end
- end
- local pitchEffect = blackHole:FindFirstChild("BlackholeSound", true).PitchDistortion
- if pitchEffect then
- pitchEffect.Octave = newPitch
- end
- end
- -- Update Glint emitter, range, sound, and lensing based on blackHole size changes
- local currentSize = blackHole.Size.X
- if currentSize ~= previousSize then
- local scaleFactor = currentSize / previousSize
- local fx = blackHole:FindFirstChild("FX")
- if fx then
- local glint = fx:FindFirstChild("Glint")
- if glint then
- local sizeSequence = glint.Size
- if sizeSequence and #sizeSequence.Keypoints > 0 then
- local baseSize = sizeSequence.Keypoints[1].Value
- local newSize = baseSize * scaleFactor
- glint.Size =
- end
- end
- if lensing then
- local lensingPart = blackHole.Parent:FindFirstChild("Lensing", true)
- if lensingPart then
- if gravity < 0 then
- lensingPart.Size =, 0, 0)
- else
- lensingPart.Size = blackHole.Size * lensingFactor
- end
- end
- end
- end
- range = range * scaleFactor
- blackHole:FindFirstChild("BlackholeSound", true).RollOffMaxDistance = range
- previousSize = currentSize
- end
- end)
- -- Logging and error handling. Its all on me, dont worry
- if logging then
- local gE = gravityEngine
- local gM = gravitationMode
- local aT = attractionTag
- print("{-- | Blackhole v5 Alpha Logger | --}")
- if gE == "linear1" or gE == "1.1" or gE == "linear2" or gE == "1.2" then
- print("{BHv5: Running LinearVelocity gravity")
- elseif gE == "line" or gE == "2" then
- print("{BHv5: Running LineForce gravity")
- elseif gE == "vector" or gE == "3" then
- print("{BHv5: Running VectorForce gravity")
- elseif gE == "align" or gE == "4" then
- print("{BHv5: Running AlignPosition gravity")
- elseif gE == "bodyvelocity" or gE == "speed" or gE == "5" then
- print("{BHv5: Running LEGACY BodyVelocity gravity")
- print("{ BodyVelocity is unstable but accurate. It does NOT support models!")
- print("{ Consider this when running it")
- elseif gE == "bodyforce" or gE == "force" or gE == "6" then
- print("{BHv5: Running LEGACY BodyForce gravity")
- print("{ BodyVelocity is stable but inaccurate. This supports models")
- print("{ Consider this when running it.")
- else
- warn("{BHv5: Unrecognised gravity engine: '" .. tostring(gE) .. "'")
- warn("{ Switching to default gravity")
- gravityEngine = "1.1"
- end
- if gM == "universal" or gM == "selective" then
- print("{BHv5: Set to " .. tostring(gM:upper()) .. " gravitation")
- else
- warn("{BHv5: Unrecognised mode: '" .. tostring(gM) .. "'")
- warn("{ Setting to default gravitation mode")
- gravitationMode = "universal"
- end
- print("{BHv5: Current attraction tag is '" .. tostring(aT) .. "'")
- --if scriptConflict then warn("{BHv5: Blackhole assets modified, please revert changes or disable them to prevent conflicts") end
- if logSettings then
- print("{v5 Settings}")
- print("{G Current gravity is " .. tostring(gravity))
- if whiteHoleMode == true then warn("{G Blackhole has negative gravity! (whitehole mode)") blackHole.Parent:FindFirstChild("Lensing", true).Size =, 0, 0) end
- if range < 0 then warn("{G Range cannot be less than 0! Please enter a positive integer") else print("{G Initial range is " .. tostring(range)) end
- if gE == "align" or gE == "4" then
- print("{G Aligning speed is " .. tostring(alignSpeed))
- end
- if realisticGravity then print("{G Realistic gravity is Enabled") else
- print("{G Realistic gravity is Disabled")
- end
- if realGravDamping < 0 then warn("{G Realistic Gravity Damping cannot be less than zero! (set to 1)") end
- if microGravity then print("{G Workspace gravity is Disabled") else
- print("{G Workspace gravity is Enabled")
- end
- if absorption then print("{A Absorption is Enabled") else
- print("{A Absorption is Disabled")
- end
- if growth then print("{A The blackhole can grow with a damping of " .. tostring(growthDamping)) else
- print("{A The Blackhole cannot grow")
- end
- local sT = " seconds"
- if fadeDuration == 1 then sT = " second" else sT = " seconds" end
- if fading then
- print("{A Absorbed objects can fade out for " .. tostring(fadeDuration) .. sT)
- if colorShift then print("{A Objects shift in color when fading") else
- print("{A Objects do not shift in color when fading")
- end
- else
- print("{A Absorbed objects do not fade out, therefore it cannot shift in color")
- end
- if anchoring then print("{A Objects freeze when fading") else
- print("{A Objects do not freeze when fading")
- end
- print("{A Fragmentation occurs at " .. tostring(rocheFactor) .. "x the blackhole's radius")
- if merging then print("{A Blackholes can merge") else
- print("{A Blackholes cannot merge")
- end
- if lensing then print("{S Light is bent within " .. tostring(lensingFactor) .. "x the blackhole's radius with an intensity of " .. tostring(lensingStrength)) else
- print("{S Light is not bent around the blackhole")
- end
- if cameraDistortion then print("{S FOV is alterable within range until " .. tostring(distortThreshold) .. "% of it (in editor/server mode)") else
- print("{S FOV is not altered within range")
- end
- if blackHoleSound then print("{S The blackhole has sound") else
- print("{S The blackhole does not have sound")
- end
- if distortSound then print("{S The blackhole sound is alterable within range [BETA]") else
- print("{S The blackhole sound is not alterable")
- end
- if toggleGlint then print("{S Glint visual effects are Enabled") else print("{S Glint visual effects are Disabled") end
- print("{S The blackhole's glint is proportional with a factor of " .. tostring(glintSizeMultiplier))
- else
- print("{BHv5: Settings report is disabled")
- end
- print("{Programming by zaragosa126}")
- end
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