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- --[[
- -- [Blackhole v5 Alpha Release Documentation/Manual RESCRIPTED] Mar 16, 2025 --
- [UPDATE!] Complete revamp of the entire code. Though this isnt a full full release, just a demo. This model no longer uses the old template of v5 and v4 lite
- The most complicated blackhole model in Roblox. a lot of controls that does something with each other, but uses simple maths.
- If you have complaints with the blackhole, please leave a comment on the model page. and please, dont go nerdy on me, I barely know general and special relativities.
- Self-explanatory components are not included cuz i expect you to know how they work
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- -- I PHYSICAL --
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- IMPORTANT: Note that the blackhole is a MeshPart, resize the blackhole by holding `alt` to preserve proportions!
- If you want to use a regular sphere, copy and paste every child of the blackhole onto the new sphere.
- Can also be a cube, or custom MeshParts, but gravitational attraction is still spherical.
- `toggleMicroGravity` (quickly disable gravity) can be turned off or on if you dont want to go into the game settings manually.
- Change blackhole properties like `EventHorizon` (pitch black effect), color, transparency, mass, custom physical properties and more to your liking.
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- -- II GRAVITY --
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- Blackhole v5 Alpha runs on various constraint gravities: LinearVelocity, LineForce, VectorForce, & AlignPosition.
- The old BodyVelocity and BodyForce-based gravities are preserved as legacy, but in my descretion, you may still use them.
- `gravity` is the base strength of the blackhole's overall gravity. setting it to negatives will push objects away.
- Gravity can be chosen using "1.1", "1.2", "2", "3", & "4" but you can also choose "linear1", "linear2", "line", "vector", & "align" with `gravityEngine`.
- Legacy gravities can be chosen with "5", "6" or "force", "speed", or "bodyforce", "bodyvelocity".
- `gravitationMode` can be chosen between "universal" to attract every object and "selective" to only attract objects with the `attractionTag` ("attractable").
- Setting `gravity` to a negative value will trigger something cool, trust
- `alignSpeed` is an alternate to gravity when using AlignPosition. higher number means faster speeds.
- `range` is the area in studs where objects are pulled in, anything outside that is not affected. default is 500 studs.
- `forceCap` sets the maximum force/velocities on objects while moving within range, higher caps mean laggier simulations. default is 2000.
- `centerOfMassBased` applies constraint gravities at the center of masses of objects. it already does this, but this is for when the mass DOES change.
- `realisticGravity` uses inverse square law. basically the closer objects are, the stronger the gravity. its recommended you use BodyVelocity!
- `realGravDamping` dampens gravity when `realisticGravity` is enabled. higher values means faster gravity, lower means slower (cannot be 0)
- `microGravity` directly disables workspace gravity for better simulations. though you can do this via settings.
- If you want more freedom with the gravity, you can use BodyVelocity or BodyForce as its purely mathematical. break it if you want. i dare you, i double dare you.
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- Objects are absorbed only when `absorption` is enabled, else everything within Absoription does not apply:
- `growth` allows the blackhole to grow by absorbing objects, including other blackholes (v5+ only) while `growthDamping` sets the speed the blackhole can grow at.
- `merging` allows blackholes to combine into bigger blackholes. though this may not work every time, so keep in mind that there will be bugs.
- You can also set `growthDamping` to a negative to shrink the blackhole.
- `fading` allows objects to slowly fade out of existence, where `fadeDuration` will set how long objects will take to full fade out. fading also synergizes with
- `colorShift` where the objects will shift to a color picked with RGB `color` and objects will shift to that color as its fading within `fadingDuration`.
- `rocheFactor` is the range (in multiples of the blackhole's size) where objects' joints are removed including: Welds, Motors, Hinges, Ropes, and Springs.
- This does not affect constraint gravities.
- Things to note: setting `fadeDuration` too high will cause performance issues, as well as larger `rocheFactors` if you have any models with joints nearby.
- Also note that having too many blackholes will start to cause lag as they're calculating tons of calculations even for one.
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- Special effects set the blackhole's appearance when running the simulation ONLY.
- `lensing` allows "gravitational lensing" to occur, bending light around the blackhole with a radius `lensingFactor` multiplies to the blackhole's size.
- `lensingStrength` will set the intensity of the gravitational lensing; lower for less warping. do not set it too high or it will break the effect!
- The value of `lensingFactor` becomes insignificant below 15, so it automatically sets it to 1 because it also means the least warping, which is none.
- `cameraDistortion` allows the FOV (only for editor/server mode) to be warped within range - closer means higher FOVs, furthest is default FOV.
- `distortThreshold` sets the minimum range for FOV to reach the maximum (120) in percentages. default is 1 for 1% the blackhole's size
- `blackHoleSound` toggles the blackhole's sound using the rainbow periastron blackhole sound. this sound is only heard within range.
- `distortSound` is a feature that changes the pitch whenever its around other v5+ blackholes. this feature is still beta.
- `glintSizeMultiplier` is the factor of propotionality for the `Glint` ParticleEmitter within `FX`. if you want to change it, go ahead. but it will unsync its size.
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- Automatically disables other BH scripts to prevent conflicts.
- For `Constraint-based gravity`: `gravitationalStrength` = `gravitationalConstant`, `absorption`, `toggleMicroGravity`, `constraintMode` = `gravityEngine`, and
- `detectionRange` = `rangeFactor` are the same as their main script counterparts EXCEPT:
- `dampingFactor` is the elasticity of constraints, 0 means no bouncy and 1 is bouncy. `damping` is reversed in logic.
- `innerEventHorizon` is similar to `infinityHandler` but the range is in studs in which constraints stop applying forces. more on `infinityHandler` next section.
- `visibleConstraints` simply allows you to see active constraints on objects for testing. this does not affect performance.
- `centerOfMassBased` sets if forces are applied at the center of MASS. force attachments are placed at the center of GEOMETRY.
- `forceCap` sets the maximum force for objects when using linear and realistic LineForce. this prevents infinite speed at singularity.
- `cameraDistortion` is a toggleable parameter that allows the camera to warp for realism (Warning! May be nausea-inducing. This only works with Run)
- `distortThreshold` is the factor (x100 for percentage) of `detectionRange` where the maximum FOV is achieved (min: 70 [default], max: 120 [absolute])
- `alignSpeed` adjusts how fast objects will act to align or race toward the blackhole; small for smooth, high for fast.
- `blackHoleSound` toggles the ambient sound the blackhole will make with a range exact to `detectionRange` to indicate whether you are in the range or not.
- `gravitationMode` toggles between universal and selective gravitation for specifc objects. requires tags in desired objects with the same value as `attractionTag`
- `attractionTag` is the specific id for the blackhole to pick out and apply gravity while leaving anything without the tag alone.
- Constraint modes:
- `spring` or `1` - pretty self-explanatory, uses elasticity to reel in objects, causing them to get jiggy with it.
- `rope` or `2` - just like spring, but with less jiggy, but both can have their jiggy-ness controlled with `dampingFactor`.
- `line` or `3` - a "constraint", but a force like BodyForce. this version may replace bodyforce-based gravity entirely, but I'll still keep the legacy mode.
- `vector` or `4` - similar to lineforces, but uses xyz distribution to apply gravity. generally how bodyforce-based gravity works.
- `linear1` or `5.1` - line-based linear velocity. the old velocity-based gravity and mat replace it, but it can also be accessed. THIS HAS MODEL SUPPORT! RAAAAAH
- `linear2` or `5.2` - vector-based linear velocity. does not support orbits and boring in my opinion.
- `align` or `6` - simple & efficient homing-based constraint that does not simulate orbits, rather useful for clusters of objects.
- Experimentals will continue to be a part of the blackhole for newer features before firectly integrating them into the main script
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- If you know how to code, you can edit the script to your liking.
- You can modify the master formula: (gravity * blackHole:GetMass() * object:GetMass()) / ((effDist / realGravDamping) ^ 2)
- Context, this is the Newtonian formula for gravity, tweaked to match robloxian environments. original formula is G(m1)(m2)/r^2
- Also works with [something].Size.X or, an average of Size.XYZ dimensions
- This is just here in case i need it or found a fix
- -- Disable other gravitational scripts to avoid conflicts
- local scriptConflict = false
- if script.Enabled then
- if not blackHole["Constraint-based_grav"] then blackHole["Constraint-based_grav"].Enabled = false scriptConflict = true end
- if not script.v5A_Deprecated then script.v5A_Deprecated.Enabled = false scriptConflict = true end
- end
- `gravitationMode` and `attractionTag` are relatively easy to use if you know how tags work. why did I make it advanced? I wanted to make cool demoes.
- Modifying the minimum FOV:
- ...
- if distance >= detectionRange then
- newFOV = 70 -- Default FOV, but feel free to change it
- elseif distance <= detectionRange * distortThreshold then
- newFOV = 120 -- Maximum FOV, roblox does not allow higher
- else
- local t = (detectionRange - distance) / (detectionRange - distortThreshold)
- newFOV = 70 + t * (120 - 70)
- end
- ]]
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