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- #include <GyverOLED.h>
- GyverOLED<SSH1106_128x64> oled;
- float x = 0.2f;
- float x2 = 0.2f;
- int VRx = A0;
- int VRy = A1;
- int SW = 2;
- int VRx2 = A2;
- int VRy2 = A3;
- int SW2 = 4;
- int mapX = 0;
- int mapX2 = 0;
- int SW_state = 0;
- int freq = 1000;
- int SelectedButton = 1;
- int Scene = 4;
- int titlePos = 140;
- int enemyYPos = 32;
- int playerYPos = 32;
- int player2YPos = 32;
- int XDir = 64;
- int YDir = 32;
- bool isGoingRight = true;
- bool isGoingUp = false;
- void setup() {
- pinMode(VRx, INPUT);
- pinMode(VRy, INPUT);
- pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(SW, INPUT_PULLUP);
- Serial.begin(9600);
- oled.init();
- oled.clear();
- oled.update();
- }
- void loop() {
- oled.home();
- //Scenes
- while(Scene == 0){
- Scene0();
- }
- while(Scene == 1) {
- Scene1();
- }
- while(Scene == 2) {
- Scene2();
- }
- while(Scene == 3) {
- Scene3();
- }
- while(Scene == 4)
- {
- Scene4();
- }
- while(Scene == 5) {
- Scene5();
- }
- while(Scene == 6) {
- Scene6();
- }
- while(Scene == 7) {
- Scene7();
- }
- while(Scene == 8) {
- Scene8();
- }
- }
- void EnemyPaddle(){
- oled.line(127, enemyYPos, 127, enemyYPos - 10);
- oled.line(127, enemyYPos, 127, enemyYPos + 10);
- oled.line(126, enemyYPos, 126, enemyYPos - 10);
- oled.line(126, enemyYPos, 126, enemyYPos + 10);
- oled.line(125, enemyYPos, 125, enemyYPos - 10);
- oled.line(125, enemyYPos, 125, enemyYPos + 10);
- }
- void PlayerPaddle(){
- oled.line(0, playerYPos, 0, playerYPos - 10);
- oled.line(0, playerYPos, 0, playerYPos + 10);
- oled.line(1, playerYPos, 1, playerYPos - 10);
- oled.line(1, playerYPos, 1, playerYPos + 10);
- oled.line(2, playerYPos, 2, playerYPos - 10);
- oled.line(2, playerYPos, 2, playerYPos + 10);
- }
- void Player2Paddle(){
- oled.line(127, player2YPos, 127, player2YPos - 10);
- oled.line(127, player2YPos, 127, player2YPos + 10);
- oled.line(126, player2YPos, 126, player2YPos - 10);
- oled.line(126, player2YPos, 126, player2YPos + 10);
- oled.line(125, player2YPos, 125, player2YPos - 10);
- oled.line(125, player2YPos, 125, player2YPos + 10);
- }
- void MiddleLine(){
- oled.line(64, 0, 64, 4);
- oled.line(63, 0, 63, 4);
- oled.line(64, 8, 64, 12);
- oled.line(63, 8, 63, 12);
- oled.line(64, 16, 64, 20);
- oled.line(63, 16, 63, 20);
- oled.line(64, 24, 64, 28);
- oled.line(63, 24, 63, 28);
- oled.line(64, 32, 64, 36);
- oled.line(63, 32, 63, 36);
- oled.line(64, 40, 64, 44);
- oled.line(63, 40, 63, 44);
- oled.line(64, 48, 64, 52);
- oled.line(63, 48, 63, 52);
- oled.line(64, 56, 64, 60);
- oled.line(63, 56, 63, 60);
- }
- //Main Menu
- void Scene0(){
- x = analogRead(VRx);
- mapX = map(x, 0, 1023, -512, 512);
- SW_state = digitalRead(SW);
- if(mapX < -460)
- {
- SelectedButton = 1;
- tone(3, freq, 100);
- }
- if(mapX > 460)
- {
- SelectedButton = 2;
- tone(3, freq, 100);
- }
- oled.clear();
- oled.setCursor(titlePos, 1);
- titlePos-=4;
- oled.setScale(1);
- oled.print("Im-Pong-Sibble Arduino");
- oled.setCursor(50, 3);
- oled.print("Play");
- oled.setCursor(45, 5);
- oled.print("Credits");
- oled.setScale(2);
- if(SelectedButton == 1)
- {
- oled.roundRect(24, 20, 104, 34, OLED_STROKE);
- oled.roundRect(30, 37, 98, 51, OLED_STROKE);
- }
- if(SelectedButton == 2)
- {
- oled.roundRect(30, 20, 98, 34, OLED_STROKE);
- oled.roundRect(24, 37, 104, 51, OLED_STROKE);
- }
- oled.update();
- if(SW_state == 0 && SelectedButton == 1)
- {
- delay(500);
- Scene = 5;
- tone(3, freq, 100);
- }
- if(SW_state == 0 && SelectedButton == 2)
- {
- delay(500);
- Scene = 2;
- tone(3, freq, 100);
- }
- if(titlePos < -140)
- {
- titlePos = 140;
- }
- }
- //Singleplayer
- void Scene1(){
- oled.clear();
- MiddleLine();
- PlayerPaddle();
- EnemyPaddle();
-, YDir, 2);
- oled.update();
- if(isGoingRight && isGoingUp) {
- XDir+=3;
- YDir-=3;
- }
- if(!isGoingRight && isGoingUp) {
- XDir-=3;
- YDir-=3;
- }
- if(isGoingRight && !isGoingUp) {
- XDir+=3;
- YDir+=3;
- }
- if(!isGoingRight && !isGoingUp) {
- XDir-=3;
- YDir+=3;
- }
- if(XDir >= 119)
- {
- isGoingRight = false;
- tone(3, freq, 100);
- }
- if(YDir == 5)
- {
- isGoingUp = false;
- tone(3, freq, 100);
- }
- if(YDir == 59)
- {
- isGoingUp = true;
- tone(3, freq, 100);
- }
- enemyYPos = YDir;
- if(XDir <= 9 && XDir >= 7 && XDir != 5)
- {
- if(YDir == playerYPos || YDir == playerYPos + 1 || YDir == playerYPos + 2 || YDir == playerYPos + 3 || YDir == playerYPos + 4 || YDir == playerYPos + 5 || YDir == playerYPos + 6 || YDir == playerYPos + 7 || YDir == playerYPos || YDir == playerYPos + 8 || YDir == playerYPos + 9 || YDir == playerYPos - 1 || YDir == playerYPos - 2 || YDir == playerYPos - 3 || YDir == playerYPos - 4 || YDir == playerYPos - 5 || YDir == playerYPos - 6 || YDir == playerYPos - 7 || YDir == playerYPos || YDir == playerYPos - 8 || YDir == playerYPos - 9)
- {
- isGoingRight = true;
- tone(3, freq, 100);
- }
- }
- if(XDir < 0)
- {
- Scene = 3;
- }
- x = analogRead(VRx);
- mapX = map(x, 0, 1023, -512, 512);
- if(mapX < -460)
- {
- playerYPos-=3;
- }
- if(mapX > 460)
- {
- playerYPos+=3;
- }
- if(playerYPos < 10)
- {
- playerYPos = 10;
- }
- if(playerYPos > 54)
- {
- playerYPos = 54;
- }
- }
- //Credits
- void Scene2(){
- oled.clear();
- oled.setScale(2);
- oled.setCursor(0, 0);
- oled.print("Credits");
- oled.setCursor(0, 3);
- oled.setScale(1);
- oled.print("Daradici Andras");
- oled.setCursor(0, 4);
- oled.setScale(1);
- oled.print("- Coding");
- oled.setCursor(0, 5);
- oled.setScale(1);
- oled.print("Press down joystick");
- oled.setCursor(0, 6);
- oled.setScale(1);
- oled.print("to go back to");
- oled.setCursor(0, 7);
- oled.setScale(1);
- oled.print("the menu.");
- oled.update();
- Serial.println(Scene);
- SW_state = digitalRead(SW);
- if(SW_state == 0)
- {
- delay(500);
- tone(3, freq, 100);
- Scene = 0;
- }
- }
- //Game Over
- void Scene3(){
- XDir = 64;
- YDir = 32;
- playerYPos = 32;
- player2YPos = 32;
- isGoingRight = true;
- isGoingUp = true;
- int freq2;
- for(int i = 5; i > 0; i--)
- {
- freq2 = i * 100;
- oled.clear();
- oled.setScale(2);
- oled.setCursor(2, 0);
- oled.print(" You lost!");
- oled.setScale(3);
- oled.setCursor(56, 4);
- oled.print(i);
- oled.update();
- tone(3, freq2, 100);
- delay(1000);
- }
- freq2 = 1000;
- tone(3, freq2, 100);
- Scene = 0;
- }
- //Intro
- void Scene4(){
- oled.clear();
- oled.setScale(1);
- oled.update();
- for(int i = -80; i < 30; i+=10)
- {
- oled.clear();
- oled.setCursor(i, 1);
- oled.print("Andrewstudios");
- oled.update();
- delay(10);
- }
- for(int i = 130; i >= 40; i-=10)
- {
- oled.setCursor(i, 2);
- oled.print("presents ");
- oled.update();
- delay(10);
- }
- for(int i = 130; i >= 20; i-=10)
- {
- oled.setCursor(i, 3);
- oled.print("Im-Pong-Sibble ");
- oled.update();
- delay(10);
- }
- delay(3000);
- int freq2 = 1500;
- tone(3, freq2, 100);
- Scene = 0;
- }
- //Mode select
- void Scene5(){
- oled.clear();
- oled.setScale(1);
- x = analogRead(VRx);
- mapX = map(x, 0, 1023, -512, 512);
- SW_state = digitalRead(SW);
- if(mapX < -460)
- {
- SelectedButton = 1;
- tone(3, freq, 100);
- }
- if(mapX > 460)
- {
- SelectedButton = 2;
- tone(3, freq, 100);
- }
- oled.setCursor(30, 1);
- oled.print("Mode select");
- oled.setCursor(30, 3);
- oled.print("Single Player");
- oled.setCursor(35, 5);
- oled.print("Two Player");
- oled.setScale(2);
- if(SelectedButton == 1)
- {
- oled.roundRect(10, 20, 118, 34, OLED_STROKE);
- oled.roundRect(18, 37, 110, 51, OLED_STROKE);
- }
- if(SelectedButton == 2)
- {
- oled.roundRect(18, 20, 110, 34, OLED_STROKE);
- oled.roundRect(10, 37, 118, 51, OLED_STROKE);
- }
- int freq3 = 1300;
- if(SW_state == 0 && SelectedButton == 1)
- {
- Scene = 1;
- tone(3, freq3, 100);
- }
- if(SW_state == 0 && SelectedButton == 2)
- {
- Scene = 6;
- tone(3, freq3, 100);
- }
- oled.update();
- }
- //Two player
- void Scene6(){
- oled.clear();
- MiddleLine();
- PlayerPaddle();
- Player2Paddle();
-, YDir, 2);
- oled.update();
- if(isGoingRight && isGoingUp) {
- XDir+=3;
- YDir-=3;
- }
- if(!isGoingRight && isGoingUp) {
- XDir-=3;
- YDir-=3;
- }
- if(isGoingRight && !isGoingUp) {
- XDir+=3;
- YDir+=3;
- }
- if(!isGoingRight && !isGoingUp) {
- XDir-=3;
- YDir+=3;
- }
- if(YDir == 5)
- {
- isGoingUp = false;
- tone(3, freq, 100);
- }
- if(YDir == 59)
- {
- isGoingUp = true;
- tone(3, freq, 100);
- }
- if(XDir <= 9 && XDir >= 7 && XDir != 5)
- {
- if(YDir == playerYPos || YDir == playerYPos + 1 || YDir == playerYPos + 2 || YDir == playerYPos + 3 || YDir == playerYPos + 4 || YDir == playerYPos + 5 || YDir == playerYPos + 6 || YDir == playerYPos + 7 || YDir == playerYPos || YDir == playerYPos + 8 || YDir == playerYPos + 9 || YDir == playerYPos - 1 || YDir == playerYPos - 2 || YDir == playerYPos - 3 || YDir == playerYPos - 4 || YDir == playerYPos - 5 || YDir == playerYPos - 6 || YDir == playerYPos - 7 || YDir == playerYPos || YDir == playerYPos - 8 || YDir == playerYPos - 9)
- {
- isGoingRight = true;
- tone(3, freq, 100);
- }
- }
- if(XDir <= 123 && XDir >= 121 && XDir != 130)
- {
- if(YDir == player2YPos || YDir == player2YPos + 1 || YDir == player2YPos + 2 || YDir == player2YPos + 3 || YDir == player2YPos + 4 || YDir == player2YPos + 5 || YDir == player2YPos + 6 || YDir == player2YPos + 7 || YDir == player2YPos || YDir == player2YPos + 8 || YDir == player2YPos + 9 || YDir == player2YPos - 1 || YDir == player2YPos - 2 || YDir == player2YPos - 3 || YDir == player2YPos - 4 || YDir == player2YPos - 5 || YDir == player2YPos - 6 || YDir == player2YPos - 7 || YDir == player2YPos || YDir == player2YPos - 8 || YDir == player2YPos - 9)
- {
- isGoingRight = false;
- tone(3, freq, 100);
- }
- }
- if(XDir < 3)
- {
- Scene = 7;
- }
- if(XDir > 130)
- {
- Scene = 8;
- }
- x = analogRead(VRx);
- x2 = analogRead(VRx2);
- mapX = map(x, 0, 1023, -512, 512);
- mapX2 = map(x2, 0, 1023, -512, 512);
- if(mapX < -460)
- {
- playerYPos-=3;
- }
- if(mapX > 460)
- {
- playerYPos+=3;
- }
- if(mapX2 < -460)
- {
- player2YPos-=3;
- }
- if(mapX2 > 460)
- {
- player2YPos+=3;
- }
- if(playerYPos < 10)
- {
- playerYPos = 10;
- }
- if(playerYPos > 54)
- {
- playerYPos = 54;
- }
- if(player2YPos < 10)
- {
- player2YPos = 10;
- }
- if(player2YPos > 54)
- {
- player2YPos = 54;
- }
- }
- //Player 2 win
- void Scene7(){
- XDir = 64;
- YDir = 32;
- playerYPos = 32;
- player2YPos = 32;
- isGoingRight = true;
- isGoingUp = true;
- int freq2;
- for(int i = 5; i > 0; i--)
- {
- freq2 = i * 100;
- oled.clear();
- oled.setScale(1);
- oled.setCursor(5, 0);
- oled.print("Player 2 win!");
- oled.setScale(3);
- oled.setCursor(56, 4);
- oled.print(i);
- oled.update();
- tone(3, freq2, 100);
- delay(1000);
- }
- freq2 = 1000;
- tone(3, freq2, 100);
- Scene = 0;
- }
- //Player 1 win
- void Scene8(){
- XDir = 64;
- YDir = 32;
- playerYPos = 32;
- player2YPos = 32;
- isGoingRight = true;
- isGoingUp = true;
- int freq2;
- for(int i = 5; i > 0; i--)
- {
- freq2 = i * 100;
- oled.clear();
- oled.setScale(1);
- oled.setCursor(5, 0);
- oled.print("Player 1 win!");
- oled.setScale(3);
- oled.setCursor(56, 4);
- oled.print(i);
- oled.update();
- tone(3, freq2, 100);
- delay(1000);
- }
- freq2 = 1000;
- tone(3, freq2, 100);
- Scene = 0;
- }
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