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- -- VHDL project: VHDL code for traffic light controller
- library IEEE;
- use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
- -- Traffic ligh system for a intersection between highway and farm way
- -- There is a sensor on the farm way side, when there are vehicles,
- -- Traffic light turns to YELLOW, then GREEN to let the vehicles cross the highway
- -- Otherwise, always green light on Highway and Red light on farm way
- entity traffic_light_controller is
- port ( sensor : in STD_LOGIC; -- Sensor
- clk : in STD_LOGIC; -- clock
- rst_n: in STD_LOGIC; -- reset active low
- light_highway : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0); -- light outputs of high way
- light_farm: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0)-- light outputs of farm way
- );
- end traffic_light_controller;
- architecture traffic_light of traffic_light_controller is
- signal counter_1s: std_logic_vector(27 downto 0):= x"0000000";
- signal delay_count:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):= x"0";
- signal delay_10s, delay_3s_F,delay_3s_H, RED_LIGHT_ENABLE, YELLOW_LIGHT1_ENABLE,YELLOW_LIGHT2_ENABLE: std_logic:='0';
- signal clk_1s_enable: std_logic; -- 1s clock enable
- -- HGRE_FRED : Highway green and farm red
- -- HYEL_FRED : Highway yellow and farm red
- -- HRED_FGRE : Highway red and farm green
- -- HRED_FYEL : Highway red and farm yellow
- signal current_state, next_state: FSM_States;
- begin
- -- next state FSM sequential logic
- process(clk,rst_n)
- begin
- if(rst_n='0') then
- current_state <= HGRE_FRED;
- elsif(rising_edge(clk)) then
- current_state <= next_state;
- end if;
- end process;
- -- FSM combinational logic
- process(current_state,sensor,delay_3s_F,delay_3s_H,delay_10s)
- begin
- case current_state is
- when HGRE_FRED => -- When Green light on Highway and Red light on Farm way
- RED_LIGHT_ENABLE <= '0';-- disable RED light delay counting
- YELLOW_LIGHT1_ENABLE <= '0';-- disable YELLOW light Highway delay counting
- YELLOW_LIGHT2_ENABLE <= '0';-- disable YELLOW light Farmway delay counting
- light_highway <= "001"; -- Green light on Highway
- light_farm <= "100"; -- Red light on Farm way
- if(sensor = '1') then -- if vehicle is detected on farm way by sensors
- next_state <= HYEL_FRED;
- -- High way turns to Yellow light
- else
- next_state <= HGRE_FRED;
- -- Otherwise, remains GREEN ON highway and RED on Farm way
- end if;
- when HYEL_FRED => -- When Yellow light on Highway and Red light on Farm way
- light_highway <= "010";-- Yellow light on Highway
- light_farm <= "100";-- Red light on Farm way
- RED_LIGHT_ENABLE <= '0';-- disable RED light delay counting
- YELLOW_LIGHT1_ENABLE <= '1';-- enable YELLOW light Highway delay counting
- YELLOW_LIGHT2_ENABLE <= '0';-- disable YELLOW light Farmway delay counting
- if(delay_3s_H='1') then
- -- if Yellow light delay counts to 3s,
- -- turn Highway to RED,
- -- Farm way to green light
- next_state <= HRED_FGRE;
- else
- next_state <= HYEL_FRED;
- -- Remains Yellow on highway and Red on Farm way
- -- if Yellow light not yet in 3s
- end if;
- when HRED_FGRE =>
- light_highway <= "100";-- RED light on Highway
- light_farm <= "001";-- GREEN light on Farm way
- RED_LIGHT_ENABLE <= '1';-- enable RED light delay counting
- YELLOW_LIGHT1_ENABLE <= '0';-- disable YELLOW light Highway delay counting
- YELLOW_LIGHT2_ENABLE <= '0';-- disable YELLOW light Farmway delay counting
- if(delay_10s='1') then
- -- if RED light on highway is 10s, Farm way turns to Yellow
- next_state <= HRED_FYEL;
- else
- next_state <= HRED_FGRE;
- -- Remains if delay counts for RED light on highway not enough 10s
- end if;
- when HRED_FYEL =>
- light_highway <= "100";-- RED light on Highway
- light_farm <= "010";-- Yellow light on Farm way
- RED_LIGHT_ENABLE <= '0'; -- disable RED light delay counting
- YELLOW_LIGHT1_ENABLE <= '0';-- disable YELLOW light Highway delay counting
- YELLOW_LIGHT2_ENABLE <= '1';-- enable YELLOW light Farmway delay counting
- if(delay_3s_F='1') then
- -- if delay for Yellow light is 3s,
- -- turn highway to GREEN light
- -- Farm way to RED Light
- next_state <= HGRE_FRED;
- else
- next_state <= HRED_FYEL;
- -- if not enough 3s, remain the same state
- end if;
- when others => next_state <= HGRE_FRED; -- Green on highway, red on farm way
- end case;
- end process;
- -- Delay counts for Yellow and RED light
- process(clk)
- begin
- if(rising_edge(clk)) then
- if(clk_1s_enable='1') then
- delay_count <= delay_count + x"1";
- if((delay_count = x"9") and RED_LIGHT_ENABLE ='1') then
- delay_10s <= '1';
- delay_3s_H <= '0';
- delay_3s_F <= '0';
- delay_count <= x"0";
- elsif((delay_count = x"2") and YELLOW_LIGHT1_ENABLE= '1') then
- delay_10s <= '0';
- delay_3s_H <= '1';
- delay_3s_F <= '0';
- delay_count <= x"0";
- elsif((delay_count = x"2") and YELLOW_LIGHT2_ENABLE= '1') then
- delay_10s <= '0';
- delay_3s_H <= '0';
- delay_3s_F <= '1';
- delay_count <= x"0";
- else
- delay_10s <= '0';
- delay_3s_H <= '0';
- delay_3s_F <= '0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- -- create delay 1s
- process(clk)
- begin
- if(rising_edge(clk)) then
- counter_1s <= counter_1s + x"0000001";
- if(counter_1s >= x"0000003") then -- x"0004" is for simulation
- -- change to x"2FAF080" for 50 MHz clock running real FPGA
- counter_1s <= x"0000000";
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- clk_1s_enable <= '1' when counter_1s = x"0003" else '0'; -- x"0002" is for simulation
- -- x"2FAF080" for 50Mhz clock on FPGA
- end traffic_light;
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