

Mar 16th, 2025
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Lua 37.48 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 03-16-25_15-15-40-520 - Logging Started
  2. 03-16-25_15-15-40-647 - 25mm NATO is NOT enabled for client prediction
  3. 03-16-25_15-15-40-662 - 25mm NATO is NOT enabled for client prediction
  4. 03-16-25_15-15-40-662 - 25mm NATO does not qualify for fixed weapon client reload verification
  5. 03-16-25_15-15-40-664 - 25mm NATO is NOT enabled for client prediction
  6. 03-16-25_15-15-40-664 - 25mm NATO does not qualify for fixed weapon client reload verification
  7. 03-16-25_15-15-40-666 - 25mm NATO is NOT enabled for client prediction
  8. 03-16-25_15-15-40-673 - 200mm Missile is NOT enabled for client prediction
  9. 03-16-25_15-15-40-675 - 200mm Missile is NOT enabled for client prediction
  10. 03-16-25_15-15-40-685 - 200mm Missile is NOT enabled for client prediction
  11. 03-16-25_15-15-40-689 - 200mm Missile is NOT enabled for client prediction
  12. 03-16-25_15-15-40-691 - MR-50A is NOT enabled for client prediction
  13. 03-16-25_15-15-40-691 - 5.56x45mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  14. 03-16-25_15-15-40-693 - Autocannon Shell is NOT enabled for client prediction
  15. 03-16-25_15-15-40-693 - Autocannon Shell does not qualify for fixed weapon client reload verification
  16. 03-16-25_15-15-40-694 - Autocannon Shell is NOT enabled for client prediction
  17. 03-16-25_15-15-40-696 - Assault Cannon Shell is NOT enabled for client prediction
  18. 03-16-25_15-15-40-701 - Assault Cannon Shell is NOT enabled for client prediction
  19. 03-16-25_15-15-40-705 - Artillery Shell is NOT enabled for client prediction
  20. 03-16-25_15-15-40-715 - SpotLight is NOT enabled for client prediction
  21. 03-16-25_15-15-40-717 - SpotLight is NOT enabled for client prediction
  22. 03-16-25_15-15-40-718 - 25mm NATO is NOT enabled for client prediction
  23. 03-16-25_15-15-40-720 - 25mm NATO is NOT enabled for client prediction
  24. 03-16-25_15-15-40-763 - TorpedoMk1_Type1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  25. 03-16-25_15-15-40-766 - TorpedoMk1AmmoBoosted is NOT enabled for client prediction
  26. 03-16-25_15-15-40-767 - fragment_M1 has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  27. 03-16-25_15-15-40-767 - fragment_M1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  28. 03-16-25_15-15-40-786 - Accurate is NOT enabled for client prediction
  29. 03-16-25_15-15-40-787 - Saturation is NOT enabled for client prediction
  30. 03-16-25_15-15-40-787 - fragment_M8 has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  31. 03-16-25_15-15-40-787 - fragment_M8 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  32. 03-16-25_15-15-40-797 - SwarmMissile50mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  33. 03-16-25_15-15-40-798 - SwarmMissile50mm_firstStage is NOT enabled for client prediction
  34. 03-16-25_15-15-40-810 - DestroyerMissileMk1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  35. 03-16-25_15-15-40-810 - fragment_M2 has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  36. 03-16-25_15-15-40-810 - fragment_M2 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  37. 03-16-25_15-15-40-813 - HE355mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  38. 03-16-25_15-15-40-813 - HEShell355mmAmmo_shrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  39. 03-16-25_15-15-40-815 - HE381mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  40. 03-16-25_15-15-40-815 - HEShell381mmAmmo_shrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  41. 03-16-25_15-15-40-817 - HE381mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  42. 03-16-25_15-15-40-817 - HEShell381mmAmmo_shrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  43. 03-16-25_15-15-40-819 - HE406mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  44. 03-16-25_15-15-40-819 - AP406Ammo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  45. 03-16-25_15-15-40-819 - HEShell406mmAmmo_shrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  46. 03-16-25_15-15-40-819 - APShell406mmAmmo_second is NOT enabled for client prediction
  47. 03-16-25_15-15-40-837 - HDTAmmo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  48. 03-16-25_15-15-40-837 - HDTAmmo_shrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  49. 03-16-25_15-15-40-840 - CoilGunAmmo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  50. 03-16-25_15-15-40-840 - CoilGunAmmo_VFX1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  51. 03-16-25_15-15-40-840 - CoilGunAmmo_VFX2 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  52. 03-16-25_15-15-40-840 - CoilGunAmmo_VFX3 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  53. 03-16-25_15-15-40-842 - ABShell40mmAmmo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  54. 03-16-25_15-15-40-842 - ABShell40mmShrap is NOT enabled for client prediction
  55. 03-16-25_15-15-40-842 - ABShell40mmShrap has large largeCollisionSize: 10 meters
  56. 03-16-25_15-15-40-843 - WolfSlug40mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  57. 03-16-25_15-15-40-845 - TelionGatlingAmmo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  58. 03-16-25_15-15-40-847 - HEShell460mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  59. 03-16-25_15-15-40-847 - HEShell460mm_shrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  60. 03-16-25_15-15-40-853 - HEShell330mmAmmo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  61. 03-16-25_15-15-40-853 - HEShell330mmAmmo_second is NOT enabled for client prediction
  62. 03-16-25_15-15-40-853 - HEShell330mmAmmo_shrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  63. 03-16-25_15-15-40-856 - HEShell420mm_shrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  64. 03-16-25_15-15-40-858 - HEShell420mm_shrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  65. 03-16-25_15-15-40-862 - HE280mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  66. 03-16-25_15-15-40-862 - HEShell280mmAmmo_shrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  67. 03-16-25_15-15-40-865 - CoilSlug125mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  68. 03-16-25_15-15-40-865 - CoilGunAmmo_VFX1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  69. 03-16-25_15-15-40-865 - CoilGunAmmo_VFX2 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  70. 03-16-25_15-15-40-865 - CoilGunAmmo_VFX3 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  71. 03-16-25_15-15-40-868 - HunterMissile150mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  72. 03-16-25_15-15-40-876 - HunterMissile150mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  73. 03-16-25_15-15-40-876 - fragment_M18 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  74. 03-16-25_15-15-40-879 - NATO 40mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  75. 03-16-25_15-15-40-880 - NATO 40mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  76. 03-16-25_15-15-40-881 - NATO 40mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  77. 03-16-25_15-15-40-885 - HEShell330mmAmmo_shrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  78. 03-16-25_15-15-40-887 - HE100mmAmmo_shrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  79. 03-16-25_15-15-40-890 - R75ammo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  80. 03-16-25_15-15-40-890 - railgunShrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  81. 03-16-25_15-15-40-890 - RailFXshots has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  82. 03-16-25_15-15-40-891 - RailFXshots is NOT enabled for client prediction
  83. 03-16-25_15-15-40-891 - RailFXshots2 has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  84. 03-16-25_15-15-40-891 - RailFXshots2 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  85. 03-16-25_15-15-40-894 - railgunShrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  86. 03-16-25_15-15-40-894 - RailFXshots has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  87. 03-16-25_15-15-40-894 - RailFXshots2 has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  88. 03-16-25_15-15-40-898 - railgunShrapnel2 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  89. 03-16-25_15-15-40-898 - RailFXshot has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  90. 03-16-25_15-15-40-898 - RailFXshot2 has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  91. 03-16-25_15-15-40-904 - R150ammo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  92. 03-16-25_15-15-40-904 - railgunShrapnel2 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  93. 03-16-25_15-15-40-904 - RailFXshot has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  94. 03-16-25_15-15-40-904 - RailFXshot is NOT enabled for client prediction
  95. 03-16-25_15-15-40-904 - RailFXshot2 has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  96. 03-16-25_15-15-40-904 - RailFXshot2 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  97. 03-16-25_15-15-40-904 - railgunShrapnel2B is NOT enabled for client prediction
  98. 03-16-25_15-15-40-908 - railgunShrapnel3 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  99. 03-16-25_15-15-40-908 - RailFXshotl has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  100. 03-16-25_15-15-40-908 - RailFXshotl2 has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  101. 03-16-25_15-15-40-913 - R250ammo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  102. 03-16-25_15-15-40-913 - railgunShrapnel3 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  103. 03-16-25_15-15-40-913 - RailFXshotl has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  104. 03-16-25_15-15-40-913 - RailFXshotl is NOT enabled for client prediction
  105. 03-16-25_15-15-40-913 - RailFXshotl2 has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  106. 03-16-25_15-15-40-913 - RailFXshotl2 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  107. 03-16-25_15-15-40-916 - R250ammo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  108. 03-16-25_15-15-40-916 - railgunShrapnel3 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  109. 03-16-25_15-15-40-916 - RailFXshotl has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  110. 03-16-25_15-15-40-916 - RailFXshotl is NOT enabled for client prediction
  111. 03-16-25_15-15-40-916 - RailFXshotl2 has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  112. 03-16-25_15-15-40-916 - RailFXshotl2 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  113. 03-16-25_15-15-40-918 - R250ammo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  114. 03-16-25_15-15-40-918 - railgunShrapnel3 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  115. 03-16-25_15-15-40-918 - RailFXshotl has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  116. 03-16-25_15-15-40-918 - RailFXshotl is NOT enabled for client prediction
  117. 03-16-25_15-15-40-918 - RailFXshotl2 has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  118. 03-16-25_15-15-40-918 - RailFXshotl2 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  119. 03-16-25_15-15-40-921 - R250ammo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  120. 03-16-25_15-15-40-921 - railgunShrapnel3 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  121. 03-16-25_15-15-40-921 - RailFXshotl has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  122. 03-16-25_15-15-40-921 - RailFXshotl is NOT enabled for client prediction
  123. 03-16-25_15-15-40-921 - RailFXshotl2 has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  124. 03-16-25_15-15-40-921 - RailFXshotl2 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  125. 03-16-25_15-15-40-925 - AMSLaser is NOT enabled for client prediction
  126. 03-16-25_15-15-40-930 - 30mmAmmoT is NOT enabled for client prediction
  127. 03-16-25_15-15-40-930 - 30mmAmmoAP is NOT enabled for client prediction
  128. 03-16-25_15-15-40-930 - 30mmAmmoHE is NOT enabled for client prediction
  129. 03-16-25_15-15-40-930 - 30mmDUAmmo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  130. 03-16-25_15-15-40-930 - 30mmAmmoDU is NOT enabled for client prediction
  131. 03-16-25_15-15-40-930 - 30mmCRAMAmmo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  132. 03-16-25_15-15-40-931 - 30mmCRAMAmmoS is NOT enabled for client prediction
  133. 03-16-25_15-15-40-931 - 30mmAmmoTR is NOT enabled for client prediction
  134. 03-16-25_15-15-40-937 - 30mmAmmoTT is NOT enabled for client prediction
  135. 03-16-25_15-15-40-937 - 30mmAmmoAP is NOT enabled for client prediction
  136. 03-16-25_15-15-40-937 - 30mmAmmoHE is NOT enabled for client prediction
  137. 03-16-25_15-15-40-937 - 30mmDUAmmoT is NOT enabled for client prediction
  138. 03-16-25_15-15-40-937 - 30mmAmmoDU is NOT enabled for client prediction
  139. 03-16-25_15-15-40-938 - 30mmCRAMAmmo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  140. 03-16-25_15-15-40-938 - 30mmCRAMAmmoS is NOT enabled for client prediction
  141. 03-16-25_15-15-40-938 - 30mmAmmoTR is NOT enabled for client prediction
  142. 03-16-25_15-15-40-951 - LV203mmammo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  143. 03-16-25_15-15-40-952 - MV203mmammo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  144. 03-16-25_15-15-40-952 - HV203mmammo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  145. 03-16-25_15-15-40-952 - H203mmammoShrap is NOT enabled for client prediction
  146. 03-16-25_15-15-40-953 - H203ShrapBase is NOT enabled for client prediction
  147. 03-16-25_15-15-40-953 - HVF203mmammo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  148. 03-16-25_15-15-40-957 - Flak100mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  149. 03-16-25_15-15-40-957 - C100mmShrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  150. 03-16-25_15-15-40-957 - C100mmShrapnelbase is NOT enabled for client prediction
  151. 03-16-25_15-15-40-957 - HE100mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  152. 03-16-25_15-15-40-962 - Flak200mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  153. 03-16-25_15-15-40-962 - C200mmShrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  154. 03-16-25_15-15-40-962 - C200mmShrapnelbase is NOT enabled for client prediction
  155. 03-16-25_15-15-40-962 - HE203mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  156. 03-16-25_15-15-40-963 - AP203mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  157. 03-16-25_15-15-40-963 - C200mmAPHEShrapbase is NOT enabled for client prediction
  158. 03-16-25_15-15-40-963 - C200mmPDAOE is NOT enabled for client prediction
  159. 03-16-25_15-15-40-969 - C300AP is NOT enabled for client prediction
  160. 03-16-25_15-15-40-969 - C300mmShrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  161. 03-16-25_15-15-40-969 - C300HE is NOT enabled for client prediction
  162. 03-16-25_15-15-40-970 - C300G is NOT enabled for client prediction
  163. 03-16-25_15-15-40-970 - C300GSecond is NOT enabled for client prediction
  164. 03-16-25_15-15-40-970 - C300mmAPHEShrapbase is NOT enabled for client prediction
  165. 03-16-25_15-15-40-971 - C300mmHEShrapbase is NOT enabled for client prediction
  166. 03-16-25_15-15-40-983 - C400AP is NOT enabled for client prediction
  167. 03-16-25_15-15-40-984 - C400mmShrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  168. 03-16-25_15-15-40-984 - C400HE is NOT enabled for client prediction
  169. 03-16-25_15-15-40-984 - C400Cluster is NOT enabled for client prediction
  170. 03-16-25_15-15-40-985 - C400mmAPHEShrapbase is NOT enabled for client prediction
  171. 03-16-25_15-15-40-985 - C400CSecond is NOT enabled for client prediction
  172. 03-16-25_15-15-40-985 - C400mmHEShrapbase is NOT enabled for client prediction
  173. 03-16-25_15-15-40-990 - 30mmAmmoT is NOT enabled for client prediction
  174. 03-16-25_15-15-40-990 - 30mmAmmoAP is NOT enabled for client prediction
  175. 03-16-25_15-15-40-990 - 30mmAmmoHE is NOT enabled for client prediction
  176. 03-16-25_15-15-40-990 - 30mmDUAmmo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  177. 03-16-25_15-15-40-990 - 30mmAmmoDU is NOT enabled for client prediction
  178. 03-16-25_15-15-40-990 - 30mmCRAMAmmo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  179. 03-16-25_15-15-40-991 - 30mmCRAMAmmoS is NOT enabled for client prediction
  180. 03-16-25_15-15-40-991 - 30mmAmmoTR is NOT enabled for client prediction
  181. 03-16-25_15-15-40-994 - 30mmAmmoT is NOT enabled for client prediction
  182. 03-16-25_15-15-40-995 - 30mmAmmoAP is NOT enabled for client prediction
  183. 03-16-25_15-15-40-995 - 30mmAmmoHE is NOT enabled for client prediction
  184. 03-16-25_15-15-40-995 - 30mmDUAmmo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  185. 03-16-25_15-15-40-995 - 30mmAmmoDU is NOT enabled for client prediction
  186. 03-16-25_15-15-40-995 - 30mmCRAMAmmo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  187. 03-16-25_15-15-40-995 - 30mmCRAMAmmoS is NOT enabled for client prediction
  188. 03-16-25_15-15-40-995 - 30mmAmmoTR is NOT enabled for client prediction
  189. 03-16-25_15-15-41-004 - C500AP is NOT enabled for client prediction
  190. 03-16-25_15-15-41-004 - C500mmShrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  191. 03-16-25_15-15-41-005 - C500HE is NOT enabled for client prediction
  192. 03-16-25_15-15-41-005 - C500Casaba is NOT enabled for client prediction
  193. 03-16-25_15-15-41-005 - C500NSecond is NOT enabled for client prediction
  194. 03-16-25_15-15-41-006 - C500mmAPHEShrapbase is NOT enabled for client prediction
  195. 03-16-25_15-15-41-006 - C500Effect is NOT enabled for client prediction
  196. 03-16-25_15-15-41-006 - C500CasabaP is NOT enabled for client prediction
  197. 03-16-25_15-15-41-006 - C500mmHEShrapbase is NOT enabled for client prediction
  198. 03-16-25_15-15-41-006 - C500Chain is NOT enabled for client prediction
  199. 03-16-25_15-15-41-006 - C500EMP is NOT enabled for client prediction
  200. 03-16-25_15-15-41-006 - C500EMPBase is NOT enabled for client prediction
  201. 03-16-25_15-15-41-008 - 30mmAmmoT is NOT enabled for client prediction
  202. 03-16-25_15-15-41-008 - 30mmAmmoAP is NOT enabled for client prediction
  203. 03-16-25_15-15-41-008 - 30mmAmmoHE is NOT enabled for client prediction
  204. 03-16-25_15-15-41-009 - 30mmAmmoT is NOT enabled for client prediction
  205. 03-16-25_15-15-41-009 - 30mmAmmoAP is NOT enabled for client prediction
  206. 03-16-25_15-15-41-009 - 30mmAmmoHE is NOT enabled for client prediction
  207. 03-16-25_15-15-41-030 - PlFXshots has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  208. 03-16-25_15-15-41-030 - PlFXshots2 has a magazine capacity of zero, Girax error detected!  Check your magazine sbc entry for a <capacity> tag or ammo for EnergyMagazineSize
  209. 03-16-25_15-15-41-035 - 30mmAmmoT is NOT enabled for client prediction
  210. 03-16-25_15-15-41-035 - 30mmAmmoAP is NOT enabled for client prediction
  211. 03-16-25_15-15-41-035 - 30mmAmmoHE is NOT enabled for client prediction
  212. 03-16-25_15-15-41-035 - 30mmDUAmmo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  213. 03-16-25_15-15-41-036 - 30mmAmmoDU is NOT enabled for client prediction
  214. 03-16-25_15-15-41-036 - 30mmCRAMAmmo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  215. 03-16-25_15-15-41-036 - 30mmCRAMAmmoS is NOT enabled for client prediction
  216. 03-16-25_15-15-41-036 - 30mmAmmoTR is NOT enabled for client prediction
  217. 03-16-25_15-15-41-040 - Flak200mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  218. 03-16-25_15-15-41-040 - C200mmShrapnel is NOT enabled for client prediction
  219. 03-16-25_15-15-41-040 - C200mmShrapnelbase is NOT enabled for client prediction
  220. 03-16-25_15-15-41-041 - HE203mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  221. 03-16-25_15-15-41-041 - AP203mm is NOT enabled for client prediction
  222. 03-16-25_15-15-41-042 - C200mmAPHEShrapbase is NOT enabled for client prediction
  223. 03-16-25_15-15-41-042 - C200mmPDAOE is NOT enabled for client prediction
  224. 03-16-25_15-15-41-045 - LV203mmammo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  225. 03-16-25_15-15-41-046 - MV203mmammo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  226. 03-16-25_15-15-41-046 - HV203mmammo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  227. 03-16-25_15-15-41-046 - H203mmammoShrap is NOT enabled for client prediction
  228. 03-16-25_15-15-41-046 - H203ShrapBase is NOT enabled for client prediction
  229. 03-16-25_15-15-41-047 - HVF203mmammo is NOT enabled for client prediction
  230. 03-16-25_15-15-41-064 - OPC Odin S1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  231. 03-16-25_15-15-41-065 - OPC Loki S1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  232. 03-16-25_15-15-41-066 - OPC Thor S1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  233. 03-16-25_15-15-41-071 - OPC Odin S1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  234. 03-16-25_15-15-41-072 - OPC Loki S1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  235. 03-16-25_15-15-41-072 - OPC Thor S1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  236. 03-16-25_15-15-41-074 - TER302 Plasma is NOT enabled for client prediction
  237. 03-16-25_15-15-41-075 - TER302 Plasma is NOT enabled for client prediction
  238. 03-16-25_15-15-41-077 - TEC401 Plasma is NOT enabled for client prediction
  239. 03-16-25_15-15-41-078 - TEC401 Plasma is NOT enabled for client prediction
  240. 03-16-25_15-15-41-080 - TER102 Plasma is NOT enabled for client prediction
  241. 03-16-25_15-15-41-081 - TER102 Plasma is NOT enabled for client prediction
  242. 03-16-25_15-15-41-083 - TER102 Plasma is NOT enabled for client prediction
  243. 03-16-25_15-15-41-084 - TER102 Plasma is NOT enabled for client prediction
  244. 03-16-25_15-15-41-096 - OPC Ares S2 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  245. 03-16-25_15-15-41-098 - OPC Zeus S2 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  246. 03-16-25_15-15-41-125 - OPC S0 Mars is NOT enabled for client prediction
  247. 03-16-25_15-15-41-138 - OPC Odin S1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  248. 03-16-25_15-15-41-139 - OPC Loki S1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  249. 03-16-25_15-15-41-139 - OPC Thor S1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  250. 03-16-25_15-15-41-143 - OPC Odin S1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  251. 03-16-25_15-15-41-144 - OPC Loki S1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  252. 03-16-25_15-15-41-144 - OPC Thor S1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  253. 03-16-25_15-15-41-147 - OPC Odin S1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  254. 03-16-25_15-15-41-148 - OPC Loki S1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  255. 03-16-25_15-15-41-148 - OPC Thor S1 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  256. 03-16-25_15-15-41-160 - OPC Morrigan S3 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  257. 03-16-25_15-15-41-165 - OPC Morrigan S3 is NOT enabled for client prediction
  258. 03-16-25_15-15-41-166 - TEC201 Plasma is NOT enabled for client prediction
  259. 03-16-25_15-15-41-168 - TEC201 Plasma is NOT enabled for client prediction
  260. 03-16-25_15-15-41-169 - TEC401 Plasma is NOT enabled for client prediction
  261. 03-16-25_15-15-41-170 - TEC401 Plasma is NOT enabled for client prediction
  262. 03-16-25_15-15-41-192 - OPC S0 Mars is NOT enabled for client prediction
  263. 03-16-25_15-15-41-196 - OPC S0 Mars is NOT enabled for client prediction
  264. 03-16-25_15-15-41-211 - OPC S0 Mars is NOT enabled for client prediction
  265. 03-16-25_15-15-41-228 - F/TBG BMG Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  266. 03-16-25_15-15-41-230 - F/TBG BMG Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  267. 03-16-25_15-15-41-231 - F/TBR APBC-T Chaingun Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  268. 03-16-25_15-15-41-231 - F/TBR HE-T Chaingun Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  269. 03-16-25_15-15-41-233 - F/TBR APBC-T Chaingun Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  270. 03-16-25_15-15-41-233 - F/TBR HE-T Chaingun Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  271. 03-16-25_15-15-41-236 - TBC101 Shell is NOT enabled for client prediction
  272. 03-16-25_15-15-41-237 - TBC101 Enhanced Shell is NOT enabled for client prediction
  273. 03-16-25_15-15-41-239 - TBC101 Shell is NOT enabled for client prediction
  274. 03-16-25_15-15-41-239 - TBC101 Enhanced Shell is NOT enabled for client prediction
  275. 03-16-25_15-15-41-241 - TBC101 Shell is NOT enabled for client prediction
  276. 03-16-25_15-15-41-241 - TBC101 Enhanced Shell is NOT enabled for client prediction
  277. 03-16-25_15-15-41-243 - TBC101 Shell is NOT enabled for client prediction
  278. 03-16-25_15-15-41-244 - TBC101 Enhanced Shell is NOT enabled for client prediction
  279. 03-16-25_15-15-41-247 - TBC202 Shell is NOT enabled for client prediction
  280. 03-16-25_15-15-41-247 - TBC202 Enchanced Shell is NOT enabled for client prediction
  281. 03-16-25_15-15-41-249 - TBC202 Shell is NOT enabled for client prediction
  282. 03-16-25_15-15-41-249 - TBC202 Enchanced Shell is NOT enabled for client prediction
  283. 03-16-25_15-15-41-251 - FBC101 APFSDS Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  284. 03-16-25_15-15-41-252 - FBC101 HESH Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  285. 03-16-25_15-15-41-254 - FBC101 APFSDS Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  286. 03-16-25_15-15-41-254 - FBC101 HESH Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  287. 03-16-25_15-15-41-273 - F/TBG BMG Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  288. 03-16-25_15-15-41-276 - F/TBG BMG Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  289. 03-16-25_15-15-41-277 - F/TBG BMG Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  290. 03-16-25_15-15-41-278 - F/TBG BMG Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  291. 03-16-25_15-15-41-280 - F/TBR APBC-T Chaingun Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  292. 03-16-25_15-15-41-280 - F/TBR HE-T Chaingun Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  293. 03-16-25_15-15-41-282 - F/TBR APBC-T Chaingun Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  294. 03-16-25_15-15-41-282 - F/TBR HE-T Chaingun Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  295. 03-16-25_15-15-41-284 - F/TBR APBC-T Chaingun Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  296. 03-16-25_15-15-41-284 - F/TBR HE-T Chaingun Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  297. 03-16-25_15-15-41-285 - F/TBR APBC-T Chaingun Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  298. 03-16-25_15-15-41-286 - F/TBR HE-T Chaingun Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  299. 03-16-25_15-15-41-287 - Energy is NOT enabled for client prediction
  300. 03-16-25_15-15-41-288 - Energy is NOT enabled for client prediction
  301. 03-16-25_15-15-41-290 - Energy is NOT enabled for client prediction
  302. 03-16-25_15-15-41-291 - Energy is NOT enabled for client prediction
  303. 03-16-25_15-15-41-293 - Energy is NOT enabled for client prediction
  304. 03-16-25_15-15-41-294 - Energy is NOT enabled for client prediction
  305. 03-16-25_15-15-41-295 - Energy is NOT enabled for client prediction
  306. 03-16-25_15-15-41-296 - Energy is NOT enabled for client prediction
  307. 03-16-25_15-15-41-298 - Energy is NOT enabled for client prediction
  308. 03-16-25_15-15-41-299 - Energy is NOT enabled for client prediction
  309. 03-16-25_15-15-41-300 - Energy is NOT enabled for client prediction
  310. 03-16-25_15-15-41-302 - Energy is NOT enabled for client prediction
  311. 03-16-25_15-15-41-305 - TBC404 Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  312. 03-16-25_15-15-41-307 - TBC404 Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  313. 03-16-25_15-15-41-310 - TBR202 Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  314. 03-16-25_15-15-41-312 - TBR202 Round is NOT enabled for client prediction
  315. 03-16-25_15-16-00-471 - Server enforcement received
  316. 03-16-25_15-16-00-473 - WC Version: 29
  317. 03-16-25_15-16-04-806 - FBC101_S - FBC101 S Kladenets - Animation modifies core subparts, performance impact
  318. 03-16-25_15-16-04-807 - FBG101_S - FBG101 S Nehte - Animation modifies core subparts, performance impact
  319. 03-16-25_15-16-04-831 - [TBG101_S] - type:Animation - part[TBG101_S_Barrel] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  320. 03-16-25_15-16-08-518 - [TBC102_S] - type:Animation - part[TBC102_S_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  321. 03-16-25_15-16-13-341 - FEC401_L - FEC401 L Luin Celtchar - Animation modifies core subparts, performance impact
  322. 03-16-25_15-16-13-349 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  323. 03-16-25_15-16-13-349 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  324. 03-16-25_15-16-13-349 - [TBC404C_L] - type:Animation - part[TBC404_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  325. 03-16-25_15-16-13-349 - [TBR202C_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR202_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  326. 03-16-25_15-16-13-349 - [TER302C_L] - type:Animation - part[TER302_L_Barrel_Part1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  327. 03-16-25_15-16-13-349 - [TBR102C_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  328. 03-16-25_15-16-13-349 - [TBR102C_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  329. 03-16-25_15-16-13-349 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  330. 03-16-25_15-16-15-349 - [TER302_L] - type:Animation - part[TER302_L_Barrel_Part1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  331. 03-16-25_15-16-15-349 - [TER102_L] - type:Animation - part[TER102_S_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  332. 03-16-25_15-16-15-350 - [TER102_L] - type:Animation - part[TER102_S_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  333. 03-16-25_15-16-17-198 - FBR101_S - FBR101 S Gleipnir - Animation modifies core subparts, performance impact
  334. 03-16-25_15-16-20-759 - [C203mmSingleTurret] - type:Animation - part[C203SRecoil] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  335. 03-16-25_15-16-21-581 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  336. 03-16-25_15-16-21-581 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  337. 03-16-25_15-16-21-581 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  338. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  339. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  340. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  341. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  342. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  343. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  344. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  345. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  346. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  347. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  348. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  349. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TER102_L] - type:Animation - part[TER102_S_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  350. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TER102_L] - type:Animation - part[TER102_S_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  351. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TER102_L] - type:Animation - part[TER102_S_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  352. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TER102_L] - type:Animation - part[TER102_S_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  353. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TER102_L] - type:Animation - part[TER102_S_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  354. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TER102_L] - type:Animation - part[TER102_S_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  355. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TER102_L] - type:Animation - part[TER102_S_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  356. 03-16-25_15-16-21-582 - [TER102_L] - type:Animation - part[TER102_S_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  357. 03-16-25_15-23-00-575 - FBG101C_S - FBG101 S Nehte - Animation modifies core subparts, performance impact
  358. 03-16-25_15-23-00-575 - Railgunx75f - 75mm Railgun - Animation modifies core subparts, performance impact
  359. 03-16-25_15-23-00-577 - [TER102C_S] - type:Animation - part[TER102_S_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  360. 03-16-25_15-23-12-467 - [TBG101_S] - type:Animation - part[TBG101_S_Barrel] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  361. 03-16-25_15-23-13-982 - [TER302_L] - type:Animation - part[TER302_L_Barrel_Part1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  362. 03-16-25_15-23-13-982 - [TER102_L] - type:Animation - part[TER102_S_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  363. 03-16-25_15-23-13-982 - [TER102_L] - type:Animation - part[TER102_S_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  364. 03-16-25_15-23-15-458 - [TBC102_S] - type:Animation - part[TBC102_S_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  365. 03-16-25_15-23-16-803 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  366. 03-16-25_15-23-16-803 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  367. 03-16-25_15-23-16-804 - [TBC404C_L] - type:Animation - part[TBC404_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  368. 03-16-25_15-23-16-804 - [TER302C_L] - type:Animation - part[TER302_L_Barrel_Part1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  369. 03-16-25_15-23-16-804 - [TBR102C_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  370. 03-16-25_15-23-16-804 - [TBR102C_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  371. 03-16-25_15-23-16-804 - [TBR102_L] - type:Animation - part[TBR102_L_Barrel1] is forcing NeedsWorld on all subparts, this is due to custom child parts on vanilla turret subparts, this will greatly increase cpu usage for this weapon
  372. 03-16-25_15-28-31-281 - Logging stopped.
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