
Generate QLab OSC Cues

Feb 22nd, 2022
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  1. tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.4"
  2.     set workspaceTitle to q number of front document as string
  3.     try
  4.         display dialog "Set cue prefix: " default answer "AV" with title "Set Prefix" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button "OK" cancel button "Cancel"
  5.         set theResponse to text returned of result
  6.         repeat with theCue in (selected of front workspace as list)
  7.             set theCueNumber to the q number of theCue
  8.             if theCueNumber is not "" then
  9.                 if first word of theCueNumber is equal to theCueNumber then
  10.                     set theCueName to the q display name of theCue
  11.                     make front workspace type "Network"
  12.                     set newCue to last item of (selected of front workspace as list)
  13.                     set custom message of newCue to "/workspace/" & workspaceTitle & "/cue/" & theCueNumber & "/go"
  14.                     set q name of newCue to theResponse & theCueNumber & ": " & theCueName
  15.                     set q color of newCue to "green"
  16.                 else
  17.                     my creationError("Cue number should not include spaces", theCue)
  18.                 end if
  19.             else
  20.                 my creationError("Cue does not have a number", theCue)
  21.             end if
  22.         end repeat
  23.     end try
  24. end tell
  25. on creationError(errorMessage, theCue)
  26.     tell application id "com.figure53.QLab.4"
  27.         make front workspace type "Goto"
  28.         set newCue to last item of (selected of front workspace as list)
  29.         set cue target of newCue to theCue
  30.         set q name of newCue to errorMessage & (q name of theCue)
  31.         set flagged of newCue to true
  32.         set q color of newCue to "red"
  33.     end tell
  34. end creationError
  • Emilia24
    1 year
    # text 0.28 KB | 0 0
    1. OSC cues allow QLab to send messages using the Open Sound Control protocol; a flexible, extensible, network-based messaging system designed as a sort of successor to MIDI. When an OSC cue is selected, two tabs will appear in the Inspector: Basics. Settings.
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