
prj.tcl (LSIC lab)

Nov 19th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. project_new LSIC_lab_dpopescu -overwrite
  3. set_global_assignment -name FAMILY MAX10
  4. set_global_assignment -name DEVICE 10M50DAF484C7G
  6. set_global_assignment -name BDF_FILE example1.bdf
  7. set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE MainSystem.v
  8. set_global_assignment -name SDC_FILE example1.sdc
  10. set_global_assignment -name TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY MainSystem
  11. set_location_assignment -to clk PIN_AH10
  13. set_location_assignment PIN_C10 -to switch_pause ; # Slide Switch[0]
  14. set_location_assignment PIN_A7 -to btn_start ; # PUSH BUTTON[1]
  15. set_location_assignment PIN_B8 -to rst ;# PUSH BUTTON[0]
  16. set_location_assignment PIN_P11 -to clk ;
  18. # Output pins for Seven Segment Digit 0
  19. set_location_assignment PIN_C14 -to hex0[0] ;# Segment 0
  20. set_location_assignment PIN_E15 -to hex0[1] ;# Segment 1
  21. set_location_assignment PIN_C15 -to hex0[2] ;# Segment 2
  22. set_location_assignment PIN_C16 -to hex0[3] ;# Segment 3
  23. set_location_assignment PIN_E16 -to hex0[4] ;# Segment 4
  24. set_location_assignment PIN_D17 -to hex0[5] ;# Segment 5
  25. set_location_assignment PIN_C17 -to hex0[6] ;# Segment 6
  27. # Output pins for Seven Segment Digit 1
  28. set_location_assignment PIN_C18 -to hex1[0] ;# Segment 0
  29. set_location_assignment PIN_D18 -to hex1[1] ;# Segment 1
  30. set_location_assignment PIN_E18 -to hex1[2] ;# Segment 2
  31. set_location_assignment PIN_B16 -to hex1[3] ;# Segment 3
  32. set_location_assignment PIN_A17 -to hex1[4] ;# Segment 4
  33. set_location_assignment PIN_A18 -to hex1[5] ;# Segment 5
  34. set_location_assignment PIN_B17 -to hex1[6] ;# Segment 6
  36. # Output pins for Seven Segment Digit 2
  37. set_location_assignment PIN_B20 -to hex2[0] ;# Segment 0
  38. set_location_assignment PIN_A20 -to hex2[1] ;# Segment 1
  39. set_location_assignment PIN_B19 -to hex2[2] ;# Segment 2
  40. set_location_assignment PIN_A21 -to hex2[3] ;# Segment 3
  41. set_location_assignment PIN_B21 -to hex2[4] ;# Segment 4
  42. set_location_assignment PIN_C22 -to hex2[5] ;# Segment 5
  43. set_location_assignment PIN_B22 -to hex2[6] ;# Segment 6
  45. # Output pins for Seven Segment Digit 3
  46. set_location_assignment PIN_F21 -to hex3[0] ;# Segment 0
  47. set_location_assignment PIN_E22 -to hex3[1] ;# Segment 1
  48. set_location_assignment PIN_E21 -to hex3[2] ;# Segment 2
  49. set_location_assignment PIN_C19 -to hex3[3] ;# Segment 3
  50. set_location_assignment PIN_C20 -to hex3[4] ;# Segment 4
  51. set_location_assignment PIN_D19 -to hex3[5] ;# Segment 5
  52. set_location_assignment PIN_E17 -to hex3[6] ;# Segment 6
  54. # Output pins for Seven Segment Digit 4
  55. set_location_assignment PIN_F18 -to hex4[0] ;# Segment 0
  56. set_location_assignment PIN_E20 -to hex4[1] ;# Segment 1
  57. set_location_assignment PIN_E19 -to hex4[2] ;# Segment 2
  58. set_location_assignment PIN_J18 -to hex4[3] ;# Segment 3
  59. set_location_assignment PIN_H19 -to hex4[4] ;# Segment 4
  60. set_location_assignment PIN_F19 -to hex4[5] ;# Segment 5
  61. set_location_assignment PIN_F20 -to hex4[6] ;# Segment 6
  63. # Output pins for Seven Segment Digit 5
  64. set_location_assignment PIN_J20 -to hex5[0] ;# Segment 0
  65. set_location_assignment PIN_K20 -to hex5[1] ;# Segment 1
  66. set_location_assignment PIN_L18 -to hex5[2] ;# Segment 2
  67. set_location_assignment PIN_N18 -to hex5[3] ;# Segment 3
  68. set_location_assignment PIN_M20 -to hex5[4] ;# Segment 4
  69. set_location_assignment PIN_N19 -to hex5[5] ;# Segment 5
  70. set_location_assignment PIN_N20 -to hex5[6] ;# Segment 6
  71. load_package flow
  72. execute_flow -compile
  74. project_close
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