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- #pragma kernel CSMain
- struct Ray
- {
- float3 origin;
- float3 direction;
- };
- RWTexture2D<float4> Result;
- Texture2D<float4> Source;
- float maxDst;
- float minStepSize;
- StructuredBuffer<double> power;
- StructuredBuffer<double> spread;
- StructuredBuffer<double> scale;
- int maxIterations;
- float3 lightDir;
- float4x4 _CameraToWorld;
- float4x4 _CameraInverseProjection;
- double length(double3 f)
- {
- return sqrt(f.x*f.x + f.y*f.y + f.z*f.z);
- }
- double dot(double3 f1, double3 f2)
- {
- return f1.x * f2.x + f1.y * f2.y + f1.z * f2.z;
- }
- // Mandelbulb distance estimation:
- //
- double2 DstAndIterations(double3 position) {
- position *= scale[0];
- double3 z = position * spread[0];
- double dr = 1.0;
- double r = 0.0;
- int iterations = 0;
- double powe = power[0];
- for (int i = 0; i < maxIterations ; i++) {
- iterations = i;
- r = length(z);
- if (r>2) {
- break;
- }
- // convert to polar coordinates
- double theta = acos(z.z/r);
- double phi = atan2(z.y,z.x);
- dr = pow( r, powe-1.0)*powe*dr + 1.0;
- // scale and rotate the point
- double zr = pow( r,powe) ;
- theta = theta*powe;
- phi = phi*powe;
- // convert back to cartesian coordinates
- z = zr*float3(sin(theta)*cos(phi), sin(phi)*sin(theta), cos(theta));
- z+=position;
- }
- double dst = 0.5*log(r)*r/dr;
- return float2(iterations,dst*1);
- }
- Ray CreateCameraRay(float2 uv) {
- float3 origin = mul(_CameraToWorld, float4(0,0,0,1)).xyz;
- float3 direction = mul(_CameraInverseProjection, float4(uv,0,1)).xyz;
- direction = mul(_CameraToWorld, float4(direction,0)).xyz;
- direction = normalize(direction);
- Ray ray;
- ray.origin = origin;
- ray.direction = direction;
- return ray;
- }
- float3 CalculateNormal(float3 pos)
- {
- const float eps = 0.001;
- float3 f1 = float3(
- DstAndIterations(pos + float3(eps, 0.0, 0.0)).y,
- DstAndIterations(pos + float3(0.0, eps, 0.0)).y,
- DstAndIterations(pos + float3(0.0, 0.0, eps)).y
- );
- float3 f2 = float3(
- DstAndIterations(pos - float3(eps, 0.0, 0.0)).y,
- DstAndIterations(pos - float3(0.0, eps, 0.0)).y,
- DstAndIterations(pos - float3(0.0, 0.0, eps)).y
- );
- return normalize(f1 - f2);
- }
- [numthreads(8,8,1)]
- void CSMain (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
- {
- uint width,height;
- Result.GetDimensions(width, height);
- Result[id.xy] = Source[id.xy];
- float2 uv = id.xy / float2(width,height) * 2 - 1;
- Ray ray = CreateCameraRay(uv);
- float rayDst = 0;
- while(rayDst < maxDst)
- {
- float2 data = DstAndIterations(ray.origin);
- ray.origin += ray.direction * data.y;
- rayDst += data.y;
- if(data.y < minStepSize)
- {
- float3 normal = CalculateNormal(ray.origin);
- float brightness = dot(normal, lightDir);
- Result[id.xy] = float4(brightness, brightness, brightness, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
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