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Nov 2nd, 2024
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  1. --recorder
  2. local v0 = string.char
  3. local v1 = string.byte
  4. local v2 = string.sub
  5. local v3 = bit32 or bit
  6. local v4 = v3.bxor
  7. local v5 = table.concat
  8. local v6 = table.insert
  9. local function v7(v23, v24)
  10. local v25 = {}
  11. for v43 = 1, #v23 do
  12. v6(v25, v0(v4(v1(v2(v23, v43, v43 + 1)), v1(v2(v24, 1 + (v43 % #v24), 1 + (v43 % #v24) + 1))) % 256))
  13. end
  14. return v5(v25)
  15. end
  16. repeat
  17. task.wait()
  18. until game:IsLoaded()
  19. for v26 = 1, 1 + 1 do
  20. print("\t\t --->\tmade by devix7\t<---")
  21. warn("\t\t --->\tmade by devix7\t<---")
  22. end
  23. local v8 = false
  24. local v9 =
  25. (v8 and
  26. v7(
  27. "\217\215\207\53\188\244\136\79\136\145\149\116\176\227\137\70\137\141\138\117\182\225\158\71\136\154",
  28. "\126\177\163\187\69\134\219\167"
  29. )) or
  30. v7(
  31. "\43\217\62\213\239\121\130\101\215\253\52\131\45\204\232\43\216\40\208\239\38\223\41\202\242\55\200\36\209\178\32\194\39\138\216\6\251\3\253\171\108\245\120\199\243\55\250\0\208\234\123\222\62\203\218\17\195\0\241\216\4\220\37\212\232\17\227\114\194\212\55\249\14\253\207\55\223\43\209\179\46\204\57\209\249\49",
  32. "\156\67\173\74\165"
  33. )
  34. local v10 = v7("\101\249\30", "\38\84\215\41\118\220\70")
  35. local v11 = loadstring(game:HttpGet(v9 .. v7("\31\4\39\3\237\30\26\55\19", "\158\48\118\66\114")))()
  36. local v12, v13, v14 = v11()
  37. if (tostring(v13) ~= tostring(v10)) then
  38. local v44 = 0
  39. while true do
  40. if (1 == v44) then
  41. return false
  42. end
  43. if ((0 - 0) == v44) then
  44. warn(
  45. v7(
  46. "\158\55\21\118\127\164\232\191\100\3\53\97\172\235\191\100\6\51\97\182\242\164\42\81",
  47. "\155\203\68\112\86\19\197"
  48. ),
  49. v7("\117\222\36\245\80\108\165\235\82\210\38\236\69\124\164", "\152\38\189\86\156\32\24\133"),
  50. "\n\t\t\tMade by DEVIX7"
  51. )
  52. warn(
  53. v7("\223\66\181\84\249\89\179\6\202", "\38\156\55\199") .. v10,
  54. v7("\132\124\111\60\83\66", "\35\200\29\28\72\115\20\154") .. v13
  55. )
  56. v44 = 1
  57. end
  58. end
  59. end
  60. if ((getgenv().StratName == false) or (getgenv().StratName == nil)) then
  61. local v45 = 0
  62. while true do
  63. if (v45 == 0) then
  64. print(
  65. v7(
  66. "\44\172\216\209\138\108\48\28\185\208\202\129\56\116\10\171\195\222\153\108\58\24\178\212",
  67. "\84\121\223\177\191\237\76"
  68. )
  69. )
  70. getgenv().StratName =
  71. v7("\169\83\202\175\40\84\53\197\132\69\221\178\59\68", "\161\219\54\169\192\90\48\80") .. os.clock()
  72. break
  73. end
  74. end
  75. end
  76. if ((getgenv().MapName == false) or (getgenv().MapName == nil)) then
  77. local v46 = 0 - 0
  78. while true do
  79. if (v46 == (1384 - (746 + 638))) then
  80. local v55 = 0 + 0
  81. while true do
  82. if (v55 == (0 - 0)) then
  83. print(
  84. v7(
  85. "\96\76\16\48\93\2\13\36\89\2\14\36\68\71\64\44\71\2\0\34\76\86\7\32\71\84\72\108\7\111\1\53\103\67\13\32\73",
  86. "\69\41\34\96"
  87. )
  88. )
  89. return false
  90. end
  91. end
  92. end
  93. end
  94. end
  95. local v15 = tostring(getgenv().StratName)
  96. local v16 = {}
  97. for v27, v28 in pairs(
  98. game:GetService(v7("\140\207\214\19\7\57\175", "\75\220\163\183\106\98")).LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Interface.BottomBar.TowersBar:GetChildren(
  100. )
  101. ) do
  102. if
  103. ((v28.Name == v7("\55\147\172\37\208\6\150\138\46\214\23\174", "\185\98\218\235\87")) or
  104. (v28.Name == v7("\255\51\48\227\204\158\206\49\55\234\223\190\206", "\202\171\92\71\134\190")))
  105. then
  106. print(v7("\7\142\13", "\232\73\161\76"))
  107. else
  108. local v47 = 0
  109. while true do
  110. if (v47 == (341 - (218 + 123))) then
  111. table.insert(v16, '"' .. tostring(v28.Name) .. '"')
  112. print(v28.Name)
  113. break
  114. end
  115. end
  116. end
  117. end
  118. getgenv().Loadout = table.concat(v16, v7("\247\153", "\126\219\185\34\61"))
  119. local v18 =
  120. v7("\65\131", "\135\108\174\62\18\30\23\147") ..
  121. v10 ..
  122. '\nlocal api = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()\napi:loadout({' ..
  123. getgenv().Loadout .. '})\napi:map("' .. getgenv().MapName .. '")\n'
  124. writefile(v15 .. v7("\248\253\50\223", "\167\214\137\74\171\120\206\83"), v18)
  125. print(
  126. v7("\134\241\54\88\184\165\146\176\54\88\238\174\147\167", "\199\235\144\82\61\152"),
  127. v7("\60\36\156\8\40\36\157\14\53\86\143", "\75\103\118\217") ..
  128. v10 .. v7("\250\20\66\17\186\17\213\80\121\26\190\94\212\64\113\6\173\80\137\26", "\126\167\52\16\116\217")
  129. )
  130. print(v7("\251\58\50\129\160\89\242\201\35\37\192\233\89", "\156\168\78\64\224\212\121") .. v15)
  131. print(v7("\42\239\181\142\9\239\168\203\71\179\229", "\174\103\142\197") .. getgenv().MapName)
  132. local v19 = ""
  133. local v20 = tick()
  134. local function v21()
  135. local v29 = 1581 - (1535 + 46)
  136. local v30
  137. local v31
  138. local v32
  139. local v33
  140. local v34
  141. local v35
  142. local v36
  143. local v37
  144. local v38
  145. while true do
  146. if (v29 == (0 + 0)) then
  147. v30 =
  148. game:GetService(v7("\102\36\94\33\32\76\235", "\152\54\72\63\88\69\62")).LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Interface.GameInfoBar.Wave.WaveText.Text
  149. v31 =
  150. game:GetService(v7("\228\200\239\69\209\214\253", "\60\180\164\142")).LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Interface.GameInfoBar.TimeLeft.TimeLeftText.Text
  151. v29 = 1 + 0
  152. end
  153. if (v29 == 2) then
  154. v34, v35 = tonumber(v33[1]), tonumber(v33[562 - (306 + 254)])
  155. v36 = tonumber(v32[2])
  156. v29 = 1 + 2
  157. end
  158. if (v29 == (5 - 2)) then
  159. v37 = tick()
  160. v38 = nil
  161. v29 = 1471 - (899 + 568)
  162. end
  163. if (4 == v29) then
  164. if (v19 == v31) then
  165. v38 = v37 - v20
  166. else
  167. local v56 = 0 + 0
  168. while true do
  169. if ((0 - 0) == v56) then
  170. v38 = 603 - (268 + 335)
  171. v20 = v37
  172. v56 = 291 - (60 + 230)
  173. end
  174. if (v56 == (573 - (426 + 146))) then
  175. v19 = v31
  176. break
  177. end
  178. end
  179. end
  180. return v36, v31, v38
  181. end
  182. if (v29 == 1) then
  183. local v50 = 0 + 0
  184. local v51
  185. while true do
  186. if (v50 == (1456 - (282 + 1174))) then
  187. v51 = 811 - (569 + 242)
  188. while true do
  189. if (v51 == (2 - 1)) then
  190. v29 = 1 + 1
  191. break
  192. end
  193. if (v51 == 0) then
  194. local v57 = 1024 - (706 + 318)
  195. while true do
  196. if ((1252 - (721 + 530)) == v57) then
  197. v51 = 1272 - (945 + 326)
  198. break
  199. end
  200. if (v57 == (0 - 0)) then
  201. v32 = string.split(v30, " ")
  202. v33 = string.split(v31, ":")
  203. v57 = 1
  204. end
  205. end
  206. end
  207. end
  208. break
  209. end
  210. end
  211. end
  212. end
  213. end
  214. local v22
  215. v22 =
  216. hookmetamethod(
  217. game,
  218. v7("\103\97\11\40\42\232\17\89\82\9", "\114\56\62\101\73\71\141"),
  219. function(v39, ...)
  220. local v40 = 0 + 0
  221. local v41
  222. local v42
  223. while true do
  224. if (v40 == 1) then
  225. local v52 = 0
  226. while true do
  227. if (v52 == (700 - (271 + 429))) then
  228. if
  229. ((v42 == v7("\145\231\205\203\179\236\232\193\170\255\222\214", "\164\216\137\187")) or
  230. (v42 == v7("\244\239\35\183\149\251\25\196\227\35", "\107\178\134\81\210\198\158")))
  231. then
  232. task.spawn(
  233. function()
  234. local v58 = v39.Name
  235. local v59 = {}
  236. for v65, v66 in pairs(v41) do
  237. if (type(v66) == v7("\43\26\144\207\164\63", "\202\88\110\226\166")) then
  238. v59[v65] = '"' .. v66 .. '"'
  239. elseif (typeof(v66) == v7("\245\10\129\227\197\209\92", "\170\163\111\226\151")) then
  240. v59[v65] =
  241. '"' ..
  242. string.format(
  243. v7("\84\54\254\125\72\123\108\23", "\73\113\80\210\88\46\87"),
  244. v66.X,
  245. v66.Y,
  246. v66.Z
  247. ) ..
  248. '"'
  249. else
  250. v59[v65] = tostring(v66)
  251. end
  252. end
  253. for v67 = 1, #v41 do
  254. if not v59[v67] then
  255. v59[v67] = "'nil'"
  256. end
  257. end
  258. local v60, v61, v62 = v21()
  259. local v63 = string.format(v7("\196\98\159\20", "\135\225\76\173\114"), v62)
  260. local v64 = ""
  261. if
  262. (v58 ==
  263. v7("\42\225\185\179\169\137\168\13\232\170", "\199\122\141\216\208\204\221"))
  264. then
  265. v64 =
  266. string.format(
  267. 'api:place(%d,"%s",%.2f,%s)\n',
  268. v60,
  269. v61,
  270. v63,
  271. table.concat(v59, v7("\225\157", "\150\205\189\112\144\24"))
  272. )
  273. elseif
  274. (v58 ==
  275. v7(
  276. "\1\141\185\74\13\139\4\28\49\157\137\67\16\141\50\17\54\144",
  277. "\112\69\228\223\44\100\232\113"
  278. ))
  279. then
  280. v64 =
  281. string.format(
  282. "api:diff(%s)\n",
  283. table.concat(v59, v7("\152\95", "\230\180\127\103\179\214\28"))
  284. )
  285. elseif
  286. (v58 ==
  287. v7(
  288. "\185\21\91\71\240\68\204\131\4\91\73\241\85",
  289. "\128\236\101\63\38\132\33"
  290. ))
  291. then
  292. v64 =
  293. string.format(
  294. 'api:loadout(%d,"%s",%.2f,%s)\n',
  295. v60,
  296. v61,
  297. v63,
  298. table.concat(v59, v7("\224\233", "\175\204\201\113\36\214\139"))
  299. )
  300. elseif (v58 == v7("\116\201\57\208\48\72\219\48\206", "\100\39\172\85\188")) then
  301. v64 =
  302. string.format(
  303. 'api:sell(%d,"%s",%.2f,%s)\n',
  304. v60,
  305. v61,
  306. v63,
  307. table.concat(v59, v7("\225\56", "\83\205\24\217\224"))
  308. )
  309. elseif
  310. (v58 ==
  311. v7(
  312. "\210\202\218\56\244\240\221\58\244\196\201\56\212\192\220\40\227\214\217",
  313. "\93\134\165\173"
  314. ))
  315. then
  316. v64 =
  317. string.format(
  318. 'api:update(%d,"%s",%.2f,%s)\n',
  319. v60,
  320. v61,
  321. v63,
  322. table.concat(v59, v7("\242\178", "\30\222\146\161\162\90\174\210"))
  323. )
  324. elseif
  325. (v58 ==
  326. v7("\198\70\113\4\226\75\65\31\224\92\105\62\252\94\117", "\106\133\46\16"))
  327. then
  328. v64 =
  329. string.format(
  330. 'api:targettype(%d,"%s",%.2f,%s)\n',
  331. v60,
  332. v61,
  333. v63,
  334. table.concat(v59, v7("\20\96", "\32\56\64\19\156\58"))
  335. )
  336. elseif
  337. (v58 ==
  338. v7(
  339. "\110\199\242\83\72\199\147\95\233\231\95\86\251\148\67\250\224\71\79\247\147\78",
  340. "\224\58\168\133\54\58\146"
  341. ))
  342. then
  343. v64 =
  344. string.format(
  345. 'api:useability(%d,"%s",%.2f,%s)\n',
  346. v60,
  347. v61,
  348. v63,
  349. table.concat(v59, v7("\21\22", "\107\57\54\43\157\21\230\231"))
  350. )
  351. elseif
  352. (v58 ==
  353. v7(
  354. "\233\142\5\244\171\219\202\207\191\30\226\188\206",
  355. "\175\187\235\113\149\217\188"
  356. ))
  357. then
  358. v64 =
  359. string.format(
  360. 'api:retarget(%d,"%s",%.2f,%s)\n',
  361. v60,
  362. v61,
  363. v63,
  364. table.concat(v59, v7("\112\239", "\24\92\207\225\44\131\25"))
  365. )
  366. elseif
  367. (v58 ==
  368. v7(
  369. "\120\216\177\92\44\124\93\214\142\67\15\120\104\210\171\88",
  370. "\29\43\179\216\44\123"
  371. ))
  372. then
  373. v64 =
  374. string.format(
  375. 'api:skip(%d,"%s",%.2f,%s)\n',
  376. v60,
  377. v61,
  378. v63,
  379. table.concat(v59, v7("\241\153", "\44\221\185\64"))
  380. )
  381. elseif
  382. (v58 ==
  383. v7(
  384. "\51\226\89\74\118\18\243\125\76\118\49\232\95\90\97\52\247",
  385. "\19\97\135\40\63"
  386. ))
  387. then
  388. v64 =
  389. string.format(
  390. 'api:usepowerup(%d,"%s",%.2f,%s)\n',
  391. v60,
  392. v61,
  393. v63,
  394. table.concat(v59, v7("\226\28", "\81\206\60\83\91\79"))
  395. )
  396. else
  397. v64 = nil
  398. end
  399. print(v64)
  400. if v64 then
  401. local v68 = 0 + 0
  402. while true do
  403. if ((1500 - (1408 + 92)) == v68) then
  404. appendfile(
  405. v15 .. v7("\0\191\200\102", "\196\46\203\176\18\79\163\45"),
  406. v64
  407. )
  408. print(
  409. v7(
  410. "\131\16\91\61\11\201\203\157\16\62\40",
  411. "\143\216\66\30\126\68\155"
  412. ) ..
  413. v10 ..
  414. v7(
  415. "\151\136\63\206\198\172\197\229\175\204\77\234\198\183\222\238\164\146\77",
  416. "\129\202\168\109\171\165\195\183"
  417. ) ..
  418. v58
  419. )
  420. break
  421. end
  422. end
  423. else
  424. print(
  425. v7("\25\106\18\251\241\38\194\7\106\119\238", "\134\66\56\87\184\190\116") ..
  426. v10 ..
  427. v7(
  428. "\1\113\58\176\16\251\49\48\56\113\40\184\13\226\46\59\102\113",
  429. "\85\92\81\105\219\121\139\65"
  430. ) ..
  431. v58
  432. )
  433. end
  434. end
  435. )
  436. end
  437. return v22(v39, ...)
  438. end
  439. end
  440. end
  441. if (v40 == (1086 - (461 + 625))) then
  442. local v53 = 1288 - (993 + 295)
  443. while true do
  444. if (v53 == 1) then
  445. v40 = 1
  446. break
  447. end
  448. if (v53 == 0) then
  449. v41 = {...}
  450. v42 = getnamecallmethod()
  451. v53 = 1
  452. end
  453. end
  454. end
  455. end
  456. end
  457. )
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