
evil eye murders

Sep 22nd, 2022
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  1. She smiled, more with her eyes than her mouth. "See you in a while, Harry." Murphy got out of the car. She checked her watch and sighed. "T minus two hours and counting down."
  2. I blinked at her. "Whoa."
  3. Murphy gave me a skeptical glance. "What?"
  4. "Whoa," I said again. Thoughts were congealing in my brain, and I raked through my memory to see if the facts fit the idea. "Countdown. Son of a bitch."
  5. "What are you talking about?"
  6. "Do you have the police reports on the two women who died in California?"
  7. Murphy lifted an eyebrow, but said, "In my car. Hang on a second." She jogged a couple of spaces down to her car. I heard her pop open the trunk and slam it again. She reappeared with a thick manila folder and passed it to me.
  8. I found the reports inside and scanned over them in rising excitement. "Here it is," I said, jabbing a finger at the report. "I know how they're doing it. Damn, I should have guessed this sooner."
  9. "How they're doing what?" Murphy asked.
  10. "The Evil Eye," I said, the words hurrying together as I grew more excited. "The malocchio. The curse that's hitting Genosa's people. It's on a timer."
  11. She tilted her head. "It's automated?"
  12. "No, no," I said, waving my hands. "It's on a schedule. Both women who died were killed in the morning, a little bit before ten o'clock." I closed my eyes, trying to picture the reports Genosa had given me. "Right... nine forty-seven and nine forty-eight. They died at the same time."
  13. "That's not the same time, Harry."
  14. I waved a hand, impatient. "They are. I'll bet you anything. The recorded time gets written down by officers on the scene in their report, and who would worry about a minute either way?"
  15. "Why is it significant?" Murphy said.
  16. "Because the two curses that have struck here in Chicago arrived at eleven forty-seven in the morning, and damned close to that last night. Add two hours to the deaths in California to account for the difference in time zones. The curse was sent at the same time. Thirteen minutes before noon or midnight." I followed the logic chain forward from that one fact. "Hell's bells," I breathed.
  17. "I'm not going to ask you to explain every time you pause, Harry, because you know damned well I don't have a clue about what you're saying or what it means."
  18. "It means that the killer isn't doing the curse on his own," I said. "I mean, there's no reason to do it that way, unless it's because you don't have a choice. The killer is using ritual magic. They've got a sponsor."
  21. Blood Rites Chapter 23, Page 190-191
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