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- local chats = {}
- -- File path for saving chats
- filePath = "chats.txt"
- userFilePath = "users.txt"
- adminu = "username"
- adminp = "password"
- local function getFirstWord(str)
- local firstWord = str:match("^(%S+)")
- return firstWord
- end
- function twoInputStrip(str)
- first, second = str:match("(%S+)%s+(%S+)")
- return first, second
- end
- function threeInputStrip(str)
- first, second, third = str:match("(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)")
- return first, second, third
- end
- function fourInputStrip(str)
- local first, second, third, fourth = str:match("(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(.*)")
- return first, second, third, fourth
- end
- local function cutSpaces(str)
- local substrings = {}
- for substring in str:gmatch("%S+") do
- table.insert(substrings, substring)
- end
- return substrings
- end
- -- Function to save chats to a file
- local function saveChats()
- local file =, "w")
- file.write(textutils.serialize(chats))
- file.close()
- print("Chats saved.")
- end
- -- Function to print the first key of each sub-array
- local function getChannelIds()
- chatnames = {}
- for _, subArray in ipairs(chats) do
- for chatname, _ in pairs(subArray) do
- print(chatname)
- table.insert(chatnames, chatname)
- break -- Only print the first key
- end
- end
- return chatnames
- end
- -- Function to save chats to a file
- local function addUser(user, userID)
- local file =, "a")
- file.writeLine(user .. " " .. userID)
- file.close()
- print("Users saved.")
- end
- -- Function to save chats to a file
- local function removeUser(user, userID)
- success = false
- if fs.exists(userFilePath) then
- local file =, "r")
- local line = file.readLine()
- while line do
- print(line)
- name = twoInputStrip(line)
- if name == user then
- success = true
- else
- table.insert(newfile, line)
- end
- line = file.readLine()
- end
- file.close()
- file =, "w")
- for _, line in pairs(newfile) do
- file.writeLine(line)
- end
- file.close()
- end
- return success
- end
- local function findUser(user)
- if fs.exists(userFilePath) then
- local file =, "r")
- if file then
- line = file.readLine()
- while line do
- local name, nid = twoInputStrip(line)
- if name ~= nil and name == user then
- file.close()
- return nid
- end
- line = file.readLine()
- end
- file.close()
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function checkChat(chat, ruser)
- users = cutSpaces(chat[1])
- for _, user in pairs(users) do
- if user == ruser then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function getUsersChats(chats, newruser)
- userchats = {}
- newid = findUser(newruser)
- if newid == nil then
- return "no"
- end
- for chatname, array in pairs(chats) do
- if checkChat(chats[chatname], newruser) then
- table.insert(userchats, chatname)
- end
- end
- if userchats == nil then
- return "none"
- else
- return userchats
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function ping(chatID)
- users = cutSpaces(chats[chatID][1])
- for _, user in pairs(users) do
- userid = findUser(user)
- if userid ~= nil then
- rednet.send(tonumber(userid), "update")
- end
- end
- end
- -- Function to load chats from a file
- local function loadChats()
- if fs.exists(filePath) then
- local file =, "r")
- local content = file.readAll()
- chats = textutils.unserialize(content) or {}
- file.close()
- print("Chats loaded.")
- return chats
- else
- print("No saved chats found.")
- return nil
- end
- end
- -- Function to handle creating a new chat
- local function handleCreateChat(chatID, username)
- if not chats[chatID] and username ~= nil then
- chats[chatID] = {username .. " "}
- print("Chat " .. chatID .. " created.")
- saveChats()
- return "true"
- else
- print("Chat " .. chatID .. " already exists.")
- return "exists"
- end
- end
- -- Function to save chats to a file
- local function handleAddUser(user, chatID)
- if chats[chatID] then
- chats[chatID][1] = chats[chatID][1] .. user .. " "
- local wfile =, "w")
- wfile.write(textutils.serialize(chats))
- wfile.close()
- return "true"
- end
- return nil
- end
- -- Function to save chats to a file
- local function handleRemoveUser(username, ruser, chatID)
- print(chats[chatID][1])
- owner = getFirstWord(chats[chatID][1])
- if owner ~= nil and owner == username then
- if chats[chatID] then
- users = cutSpaces(chats[chatID][1])
- for _, user in pairs(users) do
- if user == ruser then
- chats[chatID][1] = chats[chatID][1]:gsub("%f[%a]" .. user .. "%f[%A]%s*", "")
- local wfile =, "w")
- wfile.write(textutils.serialize(chats))
- wfile.close()
- return "true"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- -- Function to handle deleting a chat
- local function handleDeleteChat(chatID, username)
- if chats[chatID] then
- owner = getFirstWord(chats[chatID][1])
- if owner ~= nil and owner == username then
- chats[chatID] = nil
- print("Chat " .. chatID .. " deleted.")
- saveChats()
- return "true"
- end
- return "denied"
- else
- print("Chat " .. chatID .. " does not exist.")
- return nil
- end
- end
- -- Function to handle incoming messages
- local function handleIncomingMessage(chatID, username, text)
- if not chats[chatID] then
- print("Chat " .. chatID .. " does not exist.")
- return nil
- end
- table.insert(chats[chatID], username .. ": " .. text)
- print("Message in chat " .. chatID .. " from " .. username .. ": " .. text)
- saveChats()
- return "true"
- end
- -- Function to print all messages in a chat
- local function printChatMessages(chatID)
- if not chats[chatID] then
- print("Chat " .. chatID .. " does not exist.")
- return nil
- end
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- for _, line in ipairs(chats[chatID]) do
- print(line)
- end
- return "true"
- end
- local function messageRequests()
- -- Main server loop
- while true do
- id, message = rednet.receive()
- command = twoInputStrip(message)
- if command == "create" then
- command, chatid, username = threeInputStrip(message)
- newid = findUser(username)
- if newid == nil then
- addUser(username, id)
- elseif newid ~= id then
- removeUser(username, newid)
- addUser(username, id)
- end
- success = handleCreateChat(chatid, username)
- rednet.send(id, success)
- elseif command == "add" then
- success = nil
- command, chatid, username, nusername = fourInputStrip(message)
- if findUser(nusername) == nil then
- print("User does not Exist")
- end
- print(handleAddUser(nusername, chatid))
- rednet.send(id, success)
- elseif command == "remove" then
- command, chatid, username, ruser = fourInputStrip(message)
- success = handleRemoveUser(username, ruser, chatid)
- rednet.send(id, success)
- elseif command == "delete" then
- command, chatid, username, dusername = fourInputStrip(message)
- success = handleDeleteChat(chatid, dusername)
- rednet.send(id, success)
- elseif command == "send" then
- command, chatid, username, text = fourInputStrip(message)
- success = handleIncomingMessage(chatid, username, text)
- if success == "true" then
- ping(chatid)
- end
- rednet.send(id, success)
- elseif command == "retrieve" then
- command, chatid, ruser = threeInputStrip(message)
- if chats[chatid] then
- rsuccess = false
- users = cutSpaces(chats[chatid][1])
- for _, user in pairs(users) do
- if user == ruser then
- rednet.send(id, chats[chatid])
- rsuccess = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not rsuccess then
- rednet.send(id, "false")
- end
- else
- rednet.send(id, nil)
- end
- elseif command == "find" then
- command, user = twoInputStrip(message)
- rednet.send(id, findUser(user))
- elseif command == "chats" then
- command, user = twoInputStrip(message)
- rednet.send(id, getUsersChats(chats, user))
- end
- end
- end
- local function displayOptions()
- print("1. Display ChatID's")
- print("2. Display Chat")
- print("3. Display Users")
- print("4. Add User to Chat")
- print("5. Remove User to Chat")
- print("6. Get User's Chats")
- print("7. Exit to Login")
- print("8. Exit to OS")
- end
- local function userSwitch(choice, chats)
- if choice == 1 then
- print("\n")
- for idname, array in pairs(chats) do
- print(idname)
- end
- read()
- return 1
- elseif choice == 2 then
- print("Input Chat ID")
- newid = read()
- scrollPosition = 1
- maxLines = 15
- local startIndex = math.max(1, scrollPosition)
- local endIndex = math.min(#chats[newid], scrollPosition + maxLines - 1)
- while true do
- term.clear()
- -- Display the database content after the instruction
- for i = startIndex, endIndex do
- print(chats[newid][i])
- end
- local event, key = os.pullEvent("key")
- if key == keys.up then
- scrollPosition = math.max(1, scrollPosition - 1)
- elseif key == keys.down then
- scrollPosition = math.min(#chats[newid] - maxLines + 1, scrollPosition + 1)
- elseif key == keys.backspace then
- break -- Exit loop on backspace key press
- end
- startIndex = math.max(1, scrollPosition)
- endIndex = math.min(#chats[newid], scrollPosition + maxLines - 1)
- end
- return 2
- elseif choice == 3 then
- if fs.exists(userFilePath) then
- local file =, "r")
- local line = file.readLine()
- while line do
- print(line)
- line = file.readLine()
- end
- end
- read()
- return 3
- elseif choice == 4 then
- print("User to Add")
- nusername = read()
- print("Chat ID: ")
- chatid = read()
- print(handleAddUser(nusername, chatid))
- read()
- return 4
- elseif choice == 5 then
- print("User to Remove")
- ruser = read()
- print("Chat ID: ")
- chatid = read()
- handleRemoveUser(getFirstWord(chats[chatid][1]), ruser, chatid)
- read()
- return 5
- elseif choice == 6 then
- print("Enter Username: ")
- newruser = read()
- chatnames = getUsersChats(chats, newruser)
- if chatnames == "no" then
- print("No User Found")
- read()
- elseif chatnames == "none" then
- print("No Chat's Found")
- read()
- else
- for _, chatname in pairs(chatnames) do
- print(chatname)
- end
- read()
- end
- return 6
- elseif choice == 7 then
- term.clear()
- return 7
- elseif choice == 8 then
- term.clear()
- return 8
- else
- print("Incorrect Input")
- return -1
- end
- end
- local function login(chats)
- while true do
- print("Enter Username: ")
- u = read()
- print("Enter Password: ")
- p = read('*')
- if u == adminu and p == adminp then
- while true do
- displayOptions()
- result = tonumber(read())
- userSwitch(result, chats)
- if result == 7 or result == 8 then
- break
- end
- end
- if result == 8 then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- loadChats()
- parallel.waitForAny(
- function() messageRequests() end,
- function() login(chats) end
- )
- There is an issue with one username on two ips, look into it (easy boring fix is one username per ip)
- Also implement correct error handling sent to message Client
- I believe that a new function and server message called login that simply changes the ip of a user. However a logout feature would probably be needed as well as a change in the general function of user saving.
- Nothing is protected, ID is only used to send messages to everyone in the text group
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