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- 'use strict'
- const Game = new Phaser.Game(1500, 1200, Phaser.AUTO, 'game-canvas', { preload, create, update })
- let mycar;
- let keys;
- let speed = 50;
- function preload() {
- Game.stage.backgroundColor = "#681526";
- Game.load.image('mycar', "images/bmw.png");
- keys = Game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
- }
- function create() {
- mycar = Game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'mycar');
- mycar.x = 1000;
- mycar.y = 20;
- mycar.height = 100;
- mycar.width = 200;
- }
- function update() {
- if (keys.right.isDown){
- mycar.x += speed;
- }
- else if (keys.left.isDown){
- mycar.x -= speed;
- }
- else if (keys.up.isDown){
- mycar.y -= speed;
- }
- else if (keys.down.isDown){
- mycar.y += speed;
- }
- }
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