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- /*
- *Team Id: SM#2349
- *Author List: (Premraj,Siddesh,Viraj,Siddharth)
- *Filename: LSA
- *Theme: Soil Monitoring Bot
- *Input: (s1, s2, s3, clk_1, reset, Clr)
- *Output: (Led1, Led2, Led3, HL1, id, EM, Clr_en, Clr_r)
- */
- module LSA(
- output [7:0]m1, //motor1 PIN_D3
- output [7:0]m1b,
- output [7:0]m2, //motor2 PIN_C3
- output [7:0]m2b,
- input s1, //12-bit output of ch. 5 (parallel)
- input s2, //12-bit output of ch. 6 (parallel)
- input s3, //12-bit output of ch. 7 (parallel)
- input clk_1, //50 MHz clock
- input reset,
- input [6:0]Clr,
- output Led1, //Led used to indicate position of bot i.e. node or line
- output Led2,
- output Led3,
- output HL1, // to control uart
- output [6:0] id,
- output EM,
- output Clr_en,
- output [1:0]Clr_r
- );
- reg signed[7:0]error = 0;
- reg signed[7:0]difference = 0;
- reg signed[7:0]correction = 0;
- reg signed[7:0]cumulative_error = 0;
- reg signed[7:0]preverror = 0;
- reg [4:0]nodecount = -5'd1; //No. of nodes bot has traversed, initially set to -1
- reg flag = 0;
- reg led1=0;
- reg led2=0;
- reg led3=0;
- reg [7:0]odc =56; //optimum duty cycle
- reg [7:0]mo1 = 50; // pwm to motor1, initially set to 50
- reg [7:0]mo1r= 0;
- reg [7:0]mo2 = 50; // pwm to motor2, initially set to 50
- reg [7:0]mo2r= 0;
- reg [7:0]ml1 = 50; // pwm to motor1 when it is on line
- reg [7:0]ml1r=0;
- reg [7:0]ml2 = 50; // pwm to motor2 when it is on line
- reg [7:0]ml2r=0;
- reg [7:0]mn1 = 50; // pwm to motor1 when it is on node
- reg [7:0]mn1r= 0;
- reg [7:0]mn2 = 50; // pwm to motor2 when it is on node
- reg [7:0]mn2r= 0;
- reg [6:0] id1 =0; //to control uart
- reg hl=0;
- reg n=0;
- reg u=0;
- reg en=0;
- reg [1:0]state = 0; //0: arena, 1: pick, 2:place
- reg [1:0]path_no = 0; //no. of path
- reg [1:0]path[3:0][11:0];
- reg [4:0]path_len[3:0]; //length of each path
- reg [1:0]clrPath[8:0][9:0]; //enter 9 S paths in sequence RGB
- reg [4:0]clrPathlen[8:0]; //enter 9 S paths length in sequence RGB
- reg [1:0]DepPath[8:0][12:0];
- reg [4:0]DepPath_len[8:0];
- reg [1:0]clr_reset=0;
- reg clr_en = 1; //disable clr detection
- reg clr_en1 = 1; //disable clr detection
- reg [1:0]clrsN=0;
- reg [2:0]clrs[0:2];
- reg [4:0]dest[2:0];
- reg [1:0]rcount=3; //count no. of red color patches
- reg [1:0]gcount=0; //count no. of green color patches
- reg [1:0]bcount=0; //count no. of blue color patches
- reg flag2=0;
- reg flag3=0;
- reg flag4=0;
- reg endflag = 0;
- reg done = 0;
- reg [20:0]delay=0;
- //Arena
- function automatic uart;
- input [6:0]p;
- begin
- hl = 0;
- id1 = p;
- hl = 1;
- hl = 0;
- uart = 1;
- end
- endfunction
- function automatic pwm; //Cases for pwm
- input [1:0]n;
- begin
- case(n)
- 0:begin //Straight
- mn1 = 56;
- mn1r=0;
- mn2 = 56;
- mn2r=0;
- end
- 1:begin //Left
- mn1 = 0;
- mn1r=40;
- mn2 = 54;
- mn2r=0;
- end
- 2:begin //Right
- mn1 = 56;
- mn1r=0;
- mn2 = 0;
- mn2r=40;
- end
- 3:begin //U-Turn
- mn1=0;
- mn1r=odc;
- mn2=odc;
- mn2r=0;
- end
- endcase
- pwm = 1;
- end
- endfunction
- always @(posedge clk_1) begin //for delay
- if(clr_en1==0)
- begin
- delay<=delay+1;
- if(delay==300000)
- begin
- clr_en<=0;
- end
- end else
- begin
- delay<=0;
- end
- if(done == 0)
- begin
- state <=0; //Path Traversal
- path[0][0] <= 0;
- path[0][1] <= 0;
- path[0][2] <= 0;
- path[0][3] <= 0;
- path[0][4] <= 2;
- path[0][5] <= 0;
- path[0][6] <= 1;
- path[0][7] <= 0;
- path[0][8] <= 1;
- path[0][9] <= 0;
- path[0][10] <= 0;
- path[1][0] <= 2;
- path[1][1] <= 0;
- path[1][2] <= 0;
- path[1][3] <= 0;
- path[1][4] <= 1;
- path[1][5] <= 0;
- path[1][6] <= 0;
- path[1][7] <= 1;
- path[1][8] <= 0;
- path[1][9] <= 2;
- path[1][10] <= 2;
- path[2][0] <= 1;
- path[2][1] <= 0;
- path[2][2] <= 1;
- path[2][3] <= 1;
- path[2][4] <= 0;
- path[2][5] <= 1;
- path[2][6] <= 0;
- path[2][7] <= 0;
- path[3][0] <= 1;
- path[3][1] <= 1;
- path[3][2] <= 0;
- path[3][3] <= 1;
- path[3][4] <= 0;
- path[3][5] <= 1;
- path[3][6] <= 0;
- path[3][7] <= 2;
- path[3][8] <= 2;
- path[3][9] <= 0;
- path[3][10] <= 0;
- path_len[0] <= 10; //Path traversal storage length
- path_len[1] <= 10;
- path_len[2] <= 7;
- path_len[3] <= 10;
- clrPath[0][0] <= 0; //Warehouse path traversal
- clrPath[0][1] <= 1;
- clrPath[0][2] <= 3;
- clrPath[0][3] <= 2;
- clrPath[0][4] <= 0;
- clrPath[1][0] <= 0;
- clrPath[1][1] <= 2;
- clrPath[1][2] <= 2;
- clrPath[1][3] <= 2;
- clrPath[1][4] <= 3;
- clrPath[1][5] <= 2;
- clrPath[1][6] <= 0;
- clrPath[1][7] <= 0;
- clrPath[1][8] <= 0;
- clrPath[2][0] <= 3;
- clrPath[2][1] <= 3;
- clrPath[2][2] <= 3;
- clrPath[2][3] <= 3;
- clrPath[2][4] <= 3;
- clrPath[2][5] <= 3;
- clrPath[2][6] <= 3;
- clrPath[2][7] <= 3;
- clrPath[3][0] <= 0;
- clrPath[3][1] <= 2;
- clrPath[3][2] <= 3;
- clrPath[3][3] <= 1;
- clrPath[3][4] <= 0;
- clrPath[4][0] <= 0;
- clrPath[4][1] <= 0;
- clrPath[4][2] <= 0;
- clrPath[4][3] <= 2;
- clrPath[4][4] <= 3;
- clrPath[4][5] <= 1;
- clrPath[4][6] <= 0;
- clrPath[4][7] <= 0;
- clrPath[4][8] <= 0;
- clrPath[5][0] <= 3;
- clrPath[5][1] <= 3;
- clrPath[5][2] <= 3;
- clrPath[5][3] <= 3;
- clrPath[5][4] <= 3;
- clrPath[6][0] <= 0;
- clrPath[6][1] <= 0;
- clrPath[6][2] <= 1;
- clrPath[6][3] <= 3;
- clrPath[6][4] <= 2;
- clrPath[6][5] <= 0;
- clrPath[6][6] <= 0;
- clrPathlen[0] <= 4;
- clrPathlen[1] <= 8;
- clrPathlen[2] <= 7;
- clrPathlen[3] <= 4;
- clrPathlen[4] <= 8;
- clrPathlen[5] <= 4;
- clrPathlen[6] <= 6;
- clrPathlen[7] <= 0;
- clrPathlen[8] <= 0;
- DepPath [0][0] <= 2; //Box deposition path traversal
- DepPath [0][1] <= 0;
- DepPath [0][2] <= 1;
- DepPath [0][3] <= 1;
- DepPath [0][4] <= 3;
- DepPath [0][5] <= 2;
- DepPath [0][6] <= 2;
- DepPath [0][7] <= 0;
- DepPath [0][8] <= 0;
- //for DZP2
- DepPath [1][0] <= 2;
- DepPath [1][1] <= 1;
- DepPath [1][2] <= 3;
- DepPath [1][3] <= 2;
- DepPath [1][4] <= 0;
- //for DZM1
- DepPath [2][0] <= 1;
- DepPath [2][1] <= 1;
- DepPath [2][2] <= 2;
- DepPath [2][3] <= 3;
- DepPath [2][4] <= 1;
- DepPath [2][5] <= 2;
- DepPath [2][6] <= 1;
- //for DZM2
- DepPath [3][0] <= 1;
- DepPath [3][1] <= 1;
- DepPath [3][2] <= 0;
- DepPath [3][3] <= 2;
- DepPath [3][4] <= 2;
- DepPath [3][5] <= 3;
- DepPath [3][6] <= 1;
- DepPath [3][7] <= 1;
- DepPath [3][8] <= 0;
- DepPath [3][9] <= 2;
- DepPath [3][10] <= 1;
- //for DZM3
- DepPath [4][0] <= 1;
- DepPath [4][1] <= 0;
- DepPath [4][2] <= 0;
- DepPath [4][3] <= 0;
- DepPath [4][4] <= 1;
- DepPath [4][5] <= 1;
- DepPath [4][6] <= 3;
- DepPath [4][7] <= 2;
- DepPath [4][8] <= 2;
- DepPath [4][9] <= 0;
- DepPath [4][10] <= 0;
- DepPath [4][11] <= 0;
- DepPath [4][12] <= 1;
- //for DZV2
- DepPath [5][0] <= 1;
- DepPath [5][1] <= 2;
- DepPath [5][2] <= 3;
- DepPath [5][3] <= 1;
- DepPath [5][4] <= 1;
- //for DZV1
- DepPath [6][0] <= 0;
- DepPath [6][1] <= 1;
- DepPath [6][2] <= 3;
- DepPath [6][3] <= 1;
- //for DZN1
- DepPath [7][0] <= 1;
- DepPath [7][1] <= 0;
- DepPath [7][2] <= 2;
- DepPath [7][3] <= 1;
- DepPath [7][4] <= 3;
- DepPath [7][5] <= 2;
- DepPath [7][6] <= 1;
- DepPath [7][7] <= 0;
- DepPath [7][8] <= 2;//end
- //for DZN2
- DepPath [8][0] <= 1;
- DepPath [8][1] <= 0;
- DepPath [8][2] <= 0;
- DepPath [8][3] <= 2;
- DepPath [8][4] <= 3;
- DepPath [8][5] <= 1;
- DepPath [8][6] <= 0;
- DepPath [8][7] <= 0;
- DepPath [8][8] <= 2;//end
- DepPath_len [0] <= 8;
- DepPath_len [1] <= 4;
- DepPath_len [2] <= 6;
- DepPath_len [3] <= 10;
- DepPath_len [4] <= 12;
- DepPath_len [5] <= 4;
- DepPath_len [6] <= 3;
- DepPath_len [7] <= 8;
- DepPath_len [8] <= 8;
- done <= 1;
- end
- led1 <= (s1); //Led lights up when s1 has a greater value than 2000
- led2 <= (s2); //Led lights up when s2 has a greater value than 2000
- led3 <= (s3); //Led lights up when s3 has a greater value than 2000
- error <= (s1) - (s3); //Relative error between sensors s1 and s3: values range from -1 to 1 P
- cumulative_error <= cumulative_error + error; //Adds up the error to give a cumulative error I
- if (cumulative_error > 10) //Condition to reset the value of cumulative error to 10 if it crosses 10
- begin
- cumulative_error <= 10;
- end
- if (cumulative_error < -10) //Condition to reset the value of cumulative error to -10 if it crosses -10
- begin
- cumulative_error <= -10;
- end
- if ((s1==0) && s2 && (s3==0)) //Cumulative error resets to zero when the bot is on line i.e WBW
- begin
- cumulative_error <= 0;
- hl =0;
- id1 = 0;
- end
- difference <= error-preverror; //forms the differential part D
- correction <= ((10*error) + cumulative_error + (2*difference)); // kp = 10, ki = 1, kd =2
- preverror <= error; // Stores value of current error to previous error so that it can be used in next loop cycle
- ml1 <= odc - correction + 2; // PID tuning for motor 1
- ml2 <= odc + correction; // PID tuning for motor 2
- if (ml1>70) //Resetting value of ml1 to 70 if it crosses 70
- begin
- ml1 <= 70;
- end
- if (ml2>70) //Resetting value of ml2 to 70 if it crosses 70
- begin
- ml2 <= 70;
- end
- if (ml1<30) //Resetting value of ml1 to 30 if it becomes less than 30
- begin
- ml1 <= 30;
- end
- if (ml2<30) //Resetting value of ml2 to 30 if it becomes less than 30
- begin
- ml2 <= 30;
- end
- if ((s1==0) && s2 && (s3==0)) //ready for next node, flag resets to zero on line : WBW
- begin
- flag <= 0;
- ml1r <= 0;
- ml2r <= 0;
- end
- if (s1 && s2 && s3 && flag == 0) //detect node
- begin
- id1 = 4;
- hl = 1;
- nodecount <= nodecount + 1;
- flag <= 1; //node
- flag2 <= 1; //clr lock
- clr_en <= 1; //color enable 1 disable
- end
- if(flag == 1) //if node
- begin
- if(state==0) //is arena?
- begin
- n<=pwm(path[path_no][nodecount]); //follow arena
- end else
- if((state==1)) //is pick?
- begin
- if(flag4==1)
- begin
- if((clrs[clrsN][0]==1)&&(clrs[clrsN][1]==0)) //PWM for color red for node 0
- begin
- n<=pwm(clrPath[0+rcount][nodecount]);
- end else if((clrs[clrsN][0]==0)&&(clrs[clrsN][1]==1)) //PWM for color Green for node 0
- begin
- n<=pwm(clrPath[3+gcount][nodecount]);
- end else if((clrs[clrsN][0]==1)&&(clrs[clrsN][1]==1)) //PWM for color Blue for node 0
- begin
- n<=pwm(clrPath[6+bcount][nodecount]);
- end
- end
- if(nodecount==0) //is pick?
- begin
- if((clrs[clrsN][0]==1)&&(clrs[clrsN][1]==0)) //PWM for color red
- begin
- n<=pwm(clrPath[0+rcount][nodecount]);
- flag4 <= 1;
- end else if((clrs[clrsN][0]==0)&&(clrs[clrsN][1]==1)) //PWM for color blue
- begin
- n<=pwm(clrPath[3+gcount][nodecount]);
- flag4 <= 1;
- end else if((clrs[clrsN][0]==1)&&(clrs[clrsN][1]==1)) ////PWM for color green
- begin
- n<=pwm(clrPath[6+bcount][nodecount]);
- flag4 <= 1;
- end
- end
- if ((clrs[clrsN][0]==1)&&(clrs[clrsN][1]==0)&&(rcount==0) && (nodecount== 2 )) //UART and Electromagnet enabling at color patches
- begin
- en<=1;
- u <= uart(58);
- end else if((clrs[clrsN][0]==1)&&(clrs[clrsN][1]==0)&&(rcount==1) && (nodecount ==4 ))
- begin
- en<=1;
- u <= uart(22);
- end else if((clrs[clrsN][0]==1)&&(clrs[clrsN][1]==0)&&(rcount==2) && (nodecount ==4 ))
- begin
- en<=1;
- end else if((clrs[clrsN][0]==0)&&(clrs[clrsN][1]==1)&&(gcount==0) && (nodecount ==2 ))
- begin
- en<=1;
- u <= uart(36);
- end else if((clrs[clrsN][0]==0)&&(clrs[clrsN][1]==1)&&(gcount==1) && (nodecount ==3 ))
- begin
- en<=1;
- end else if((clrs[clrsN][0]==0)&&(clrs[clrsN][1]==1)&&(gcount==2) && (nodecount ==2 ))
- begin
- en<=1;
- end else if((clrs[clrsN][0]==1)&&(clrs[clrsN][1]==1)&&(bcount==0) && (nodecount ==3 ))
- begin
- en<=1;
- u<= uart(8);
- end
- end else if((state==2)&&(nodecount<13))
- begin
- n<=pwm(DepPath[dest[clrsN]][nodecount]);
- if(dest[clrsN]==0 && nodecount == 4 ) //Enabling electromagnet at deposition nodes
- begin
- en<=0;
- clr_reset <= 1;
- end else if(dest[clrsN]==1 && nodecount ==2 )
- begin
- en<=0;
- clr_reset <= 1;
- u<= uart(37);
- end else if(dest[clrsN]==2 && nodecount ==3 )
- begin
- en<=0;
- clr_reset <= 1;
- end else if(dest[clrsN]==3 && nodecount ==5 )
- begin
- en<=0;
- clr_reset <= 1;
- end else if(dest[clrsN]==4 && nodecount ==6 )
- begin
- en<=0;
- clr_reset <= 1;
- u<= uart(59);
- end else if(dest[clrsN]==5 && nodecount ==2 )
- begin
- en<=0;
- clr_reset <= 1;
- end else if(dest[clrsN]==6 && nodecount ==2 )
- begin
- en<=0;
- clr_reset <= 1;
- u<= uart(23);
- end else if(dest[clrsN]==7 && nodecount ==4 )
- begin
- en<=0;
- clr_reset <= 1;
- u<= uart(9);
- end else if(dest[clrsN]==8 && nodecount ==4 )
- begin
- odc <=58;
- en<=0;
- clr_reset <= 1;
- end
- else
- begin
- clr_reset <= 0;
- end
- end
- end
- if(flag == 0) //assigning values of ml1 and ml2 (line condition) to mo1 and mo2 respectively
- begin
- if(state==0)
- begin
- if((path_no ==0) && (nodecount ==5) ) //enable clr module at patch1
- begin
- clr_en1 <= 0;
- if((Clr != 0)&&(flag2==1))
- begin
- clrsN <= clrsN +1;
- clrs[clrsN+1] <= Clr[2:0];
- dest[clrsN+1] <= 1;
- flag2 <= 0;
- end
- end else if((path_no ==0) && (nodecount ==7) ) //enable clr module only at patches
- begin
- clr_en1 <= 0;
- if((Clr != 0)&&(flag2==1))
- begin
- clrsN <= clrsN +1;
- clrs[clrsN+1] <= Clr[2:0];
- dest[clrsN+1] <= 0;
- flag2 <= 0;
- end
- end else if(path_no ==1 && nodecount ==5 ) //enable clr module only at patches
- begin
- clr_en1 <= 0;
- if((Clr != 0)&&(flag2==1))
- begin
- clrsN <= clrsN +1;
- clrs[clrsN+1] <= Clr[2:0];
- dest[clrsN+1] <= 4;
- flag2 <= 0;
- end
- end else if(path_no ==1 && nodecount ==6 ) //enable clr module only at patches
- begin
- clr_en1 <= 0;
- if((Clr != 0)&&(flag2==1))
- begin
- clrsN <= clrsN +1;
- clrs[clrsN+1] <= Clr[2:0];
- dest[clrsN+1] <= 3;
- flag2 <= 0;
- end
- end else if(path_no ==1 && nodecount ==7 ) //enable clr module only at patches
- begin
- clr_en1 <= 0;
- if((Clr != 0)&&(flag2==1))
- begin
- clrsN <= clrsN +1;
- clrs[clrsN+1] <= Clr[2:0];
- dest[clrsN+1] <= 2;
- flag2 <= 0;
- end
- end else if(path_no ==2 && nodecount ==1 ) //enable clr module only at patches
- begin
- clr_en1 <= 0;
- if((Clr != 0)&&(flag2==1))
- begin
- clrsN <= clrsN +1;
- clrs[clrsN+1] <= Clr[2:0];
- dest[clrsN+1] <= 6;
- flag2 <= 0;
- end
- end else if(path_no ==2 && nodecount ==6 ) //enable clr module only at patches
- begin
- clr_en1 <= 0;
- if((Clr != 0)&&(flag2==1))
- begin
- clrsN <= clrsN +1;
- clrs[clrsN+1] <= Clr[2:0];
- dest[clrsN+1] <= 5;
- flag2 <= 0;
- end
- end else if(path_no ==3 && nodecount == 4) //enable clr module only at patches
- begin
- clr_en1 <= 0;
- if((Clr != 0)&&(flag2==1))
- begin
- clrsN <= clrsN +1;
- clrs[clrsN+1] <= Clr[2:0];
- dest[clrsN+1] <= 8;
- flag2 <= 0;
- end
- end else if(path_no ==3 && nodecount ==6) //enable clr module only at patches
- begin
- clr_en1 <= 0;
- if((Clr != 0)&&(flag2==1))
- begin
- clrsN <= clrsN +1;
- clrs[clrsN+1] <= Clr[2:0];
- dest[clrsN+1] <= 7;
- flag2 <= 0;
- end
- end else
- begin
- clr_en <= 1;
- clr_en1 <=1;
- end
- end else
- begin
- clr_en <= 1;
- clr_en1 <= 1;
- end
- if((state==0)&&(nodecount == (path_len[path_no]-1))) //if about to reach end of path
- begin
- if(clrsN != 0) //detected color?
- begin
- state <= 1; //go to pick
- end else if(clrsN == 0)
- begin
- nodecount <= -5'd1; //reset nodecount
- path_no <= path_no + 1; //change path
- end
- end
- if(state==1) //Transition of states for Path(Traversal,Pick,Drop)
- begin
- if((nodecount == path_len[path_no])&&(flag3==0))
- begin
- nodecount <= -5'd1;
- flag3<=1;
- end
- if((clrs[clrsN][0]==1)&&(clrs[clrsN][1]==0))
- begin
- if(nodecount == clrPathlen[0+rcount])
- begin
- nodecount <= -5'd1;
- state <= 2;
- flag4 <= 0;
- end
- end else if((clrs[clrsN][0]==0)&&(clrs[clrsN][1]==1))
- begin
- if(nodecount == clrPathlen[3+gcount])
- begin
- nodecount <= -5'd1;
- state <= 2;
- flag4 <= 0;
- end
- end else if((clrs[clrsN][0]==1)&&(clrs[clrsN][1]==1))
- begin
- if(nodecount == clrPathlen[6+bcount])
- begin
- nodecount <= -5'd1;
- state <= 2;
- flag4 <= 0;
- end
- end
- end else if(state==2)
- begin
- if(nodecount==DepPath_len[dest[clrsN]])
- begin
- nodecount<=0;
- state<=0;
- path_no<=path_no+1;
- clrsN<= 0;
- clrs[0]<=0;
- clrs[1]<=0;
- clrs[2]<=0;
- flag3<=0;
- rcount <= rcount+1;
- end
- if((dest[clrsN]==7)&&(nodecount==DepPath_len[dest[clrsN]]))
- begin
- endflag<=1;
- end
- end
- mo1 <= ml1;
- mo1r<= ml1r;
- mo2 <= ml2;
- mo2r<= ml2r;
- end else
- begin //assigning values of mn1 and mn2 (node condition) to mo1 and mo2 respectively
- mo1 <= mn1;
- mo1r<= mn1r;
- mo2 <= mn2;
- mo2r<= mn2r;
- end
- if(endflag==1)
- begin
- clr_reset <= 3;
- mo1 <= 0;
- mo1r<= 0;
- mo2 <= 0;
- mo2r<= 0;
- end
- end
- assign Led1 = led1;
- assign Led2 = led2;
- assign Led3 = led3;
- assign id = id1;
- assign HL1 = hl;
- assign m1 = mo1;
- assign m1b= mo1r;
- assign m2 = mo2;
- assign m2b= mo2r;
- assign EM = en;
- assign Clr_en = clr_en;
- assign Clr_r = clr_reset;
- endmodule
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