
#OccupyPortland TwitBot Configuration Default

Nov 19th, 2011
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  1. ; .NET Framework 3.0 Win32/Win64 11/18/2011 (all twitter information and setup is based off this date
  2. ; Twitter design may have changed since then causing the instructions to be invalid.
  4. ;Before we setup the application You should read what everything does.
  6. ; To Get Started:
  7. ; Twitter consumerkey is the key assigned by twitter to the user for their application you need your
  8. ; username and password to twitter and the internet.
  9. ; 1. Login to
  10. ; 2. Click "Create an app"
  11. ; 3. Fill in the Name, Description, Website with anything you like. (Read Only)
  12. ; 4. Agree to the terms of service.
  13. ; 5. Enter Your Consumer key and Consumer secret key into the configuration below. (see line 14,15)
  15. ; Now that we've completed 50% of the process of making this bot work we need to get the User Oauth Tokens
  16. ; from twitter. Inorder to do this you have to click "Create my access token" the ncopy the Access token and
  17. ; access secret token to the configuration (see lines 21, 22)
  19. ; To Finalize the core setup process you need to fill in the IRC information in the IRC section. This sadly
  20. ; will only support 1 channel because I am lazy. Fill in the IRC network address, IRC Port, IRC channel, IRC Nickname
  21. ; and everything else can be left blank.
  23. ; Twitter Update Rate: is how often TwitBot should check for updates this is measured in seconds and the Twitter API will
  24. ; not allow you to send tweets more than 350 time per hour so that means you cannot go below 11 seconds.
  26. ; Twitter Keywords: This feature will only allow tweets with certian keywords to be sent into IRC. For example your IRC channel
  27. ; is for lets say Occupy Portland and you're following all the news agency outlits and you dont want have off topic tweets like
  28. ; the car crash on I-5 vs. the protest then you can enable keywords so only tweets with one of these keywords can be sent to IRC.
  30. ; Tweets_Get: This will tell the bot where to get the tweets from. Do you want to get the tweets from only your friends or do you
  31. ; only want tweets you make Going into the IRC channels.
  32. ;
  33. ; 1. Hometimeline: This will tell the bot you want all the tweets from your home page of twitter to be sent to the IRC Bot.
  34. ; 2. FriendsTimeline: This will tell the bot that you want all the twets from your friends only to be sent to the IRC Bot.
  35. ; 3. Usertimeline: This will tell the bot that you want all he tweets from YOU only and to be sent to the IRC Bot.
  36. ; 4. PublicTimeline: I actually dont know what this does. Not a big fan of twitter.
  38. ; TweetColor: This will be the IRC color of the tweets being sent into the IRC in X,X Format.
  40. ; Highlight Keywords: This will be keywords that cause the bot to highlight it into IRC. So for example your channels
  41. ; is about the fire dept and you want to display only tweets about fires a diferent color than any other tweet these
  42. ; would be the keywords. So for the fire dept one it would be things like "burning,fire,explosion"... etc.
  44. ; HighLight Color: This is the color you want the highlight keywords once they're triggered and must be in IRC colors.
  46. ; Hourly Limit: How many tweets is the bot allowed to send to the IRC channel per hour
  48. ; If you dont know what any of those IRC settings are below dont touch them. If you dont know what all of those IRC
  49. ; settings are. Don't use this program. If you dont know what twitter or IRC is why did you waste your time reading this.
  54. [Twitter]
  56. ; Twitter Login Oauth ( add new application
  57. Twitter_consumerkey = ""
  58. Twitter_consumersecretkey = ""
  59. Twitter_User_Token = ""
  60. Twitter_User_SecretToken = ""
  62. ; Twitter Setings
  63. Twitter_Update_rate = "12" ;(seconds) This can not go under 11 seconds else twitter wil reject it.
  64. Twitter_Keywords = "" ; Do not use spaces in between. Seperate with comma or leave blank to disable
  65. Twitter_Tweets_Get = "hometimeline" ; Options HomeTimeline, FriendsTimeline, PublicTimeline, UserTimeline
  66. Twitter_TweetColor = "" ; IRC colors X, X or leave blank to disable
  67. Twitter_Highlight_keywords = "" ; Leave blank to disable.
  68. Twitter_Highlight_color = "" ; IRC Colors X,X or leave blank to disable
  69. Twitter_Hourly_Limit = "100" ; Do not send more than... tweets per hour or leave blank to disable.
  71. ; EOF Twitter
  73. [IRC]
  75. ; IRC Network, Channel (Only 1 channel supported so far)
  76. IRC_NETWORK = ""
  77. IRC_PORT = "6667"
  78. IRC_CHANNEL = "#TwitBot"
  79. IRC_CHANNEL_PASSWORD = "" ; Leave Blank To Disable
  80. IRC_NICKNAME = "NewsBOT"
  82. ; Login Information (Oper)
  84. IRC_Oper_Username = "" ; Leave Blank To Disable
  85. IRC_Oper_Password = "" ; Leave Blank To Disable
  87. ; Login Information (Standard User)
  89. IRC_NickServ_Password = "" ; Leave Blank To Disable
  91. ; Restart If..
  92. IRC_Restart_On_Error = "1" ; 1 Enable 0 Disable Blank Disable
  93. IRC_Restart_On_Disconnection = "1" ; 1 Enable 0 Disable Blank Disable
  94. IRC_Reloin_On_kick = "1" ; 1 Enable 0 Disable Blank Disable
  96. ; EOF IRC
  98. ; EOF
  100. ; Written By: Brandan Tyler Lasley using TwitterVB 2 & Meebey Smart IRC 4 Net
  101. ; Http://
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