
Sword lol

Feb 21st, 2015
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  1. --[[Jarredbcvs' 3DMG script, Credit to ephriam1090 for the wounderful idea, also credit to
  2.     some other person for the the meta tables. If Your reading this eather your in the credits
  3.     or your someone like Particie and Stole the script. Anyway, DO NOT CLAIM THE SCRIPT whoever you
  4.     are.
  5.     ]]
  6. local prnt = Instance.new("Camera")
  7. for i = 1, 100 do
  8. prnt = Instance.new("Camera", prnt)
  9. end
  10. script.Parent = prnt
  11. lp=game.Players.LocalPlayer
  12. print('Welcome, '..lp.Name)
  13. pl=lp.Character pl.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=30
  14. tol=Instance.new("HopperBin",lp.Backpack)
  15. tol.Name="3DMG"
  16. for _,v in pairs(pl:GetChildren()) do if v.ClassName=="CharacterMesh" then v:remove() end end
  17. for _,v in pairs(pl:GetChildren()) do if v.ClassName=="Hat" then v:remove() end end
  18. for _,v in pairs(pl:GetChildren()) do if v.ClassName=="Shirt" or v.ClassName=="Pants" or v.ClassName=="ShirtGraphic" then v:remove() end end
  19. shirt=Instance.new("Shirt", pl)
  20. pants=Instance.new("Pants", pl)
  21. shirt.ShirtTemplate="http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=117999568"
  22. pants.PantsTemplate="http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=117998236"
  23. mouse = lp:GetMouse()
  24. local bp = Instance.new("BodyPosition",pl.Torso)
  25. local bg = Instance.new("BodyGyro",pl.Torso)
  26. local bgdest = Vector3.new()
  27. local pfvalue = Instance.new("BoolValue",pl)
  28. local gas = nil
  29. local numqe = 0
  30. local numq = 0
  31. local nume = 0
  32. local nums = 0
  33. local weightless = nil
  34. bg.maxTorque = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
  35. bp.maxForce = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
  36. bp.P = 1500
  37. humanoid = pl:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
  38. torso = pl:findFirstChild("Torso")
  39. head = pl.Head
  40. ra = pl:findFirstChild("Right Arm")
  41. la = pl:findFirstChild("Left Arm")
  42. rl = pl:findFirstChild("Right Leg")
  43. ll = pl:findFirstChild("Left Leg")
  44. rs = torso:findFirstChild("Right Shoulder")
  45. ls = torso:findFirstChild("Left Shoulder")
  46. rh = torso:findFirstChild("Right Hip")
  47. lh = torso:findFirstChild("Left Hip")
  48. neck = torso:findFirstChild("Neck")
  49. rj = pl:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"):findFirstChild("RootJoint")
  50. anim = pl:findFirstChild("Animate")
  51. rootpart = pl:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  52. camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
  53. Part = function(x,y,z,color,tr,cc,an,parent)
  54. local p = Instance.new('Part',parent or Weapon)
  55. p.formFactor = 'Custom'
  56. p.Size = Vector3.new(x,y,z)
  57. p.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(color)
  58. p.CanCollide = cc
  59. p.Transparency = tr
  60. p.Anchored = an
  61. p.TopSurface,p.BottomSurface = 0,0
  62. return p end
  63. Weld = function(p0,p1,x,y,z,rx,ry,rz,par)
  64. p0.Position = p1.Position
  65. local w = Instance.new('Motor',par or p0)
  66. w.Part0 = p0
  67. w.Part1 = p1
  68. w.C1 = CFrame.new(x,y,z)*CFrame.Angles(rx,ry,rz)
  69. return w end
  70. Mesh = function(par,num,x,y,z)
  71. local msh = _
  72. if num == 1 then msh = Instance.new("CylinderMesh",par)
  73. elseif num == 2 then msh = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",par) msh.MeshType = 3
  74. elseif num == 3 then msh = Instance.new("BlockMesh",par)
  75. elseif num == 4 then msh = Instance.new("SpecialMesh", par) msh.MeshId='http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=1185246'
  76. elseif num == 5 then msh = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",par) msh.MeshType = 'Wedge'
  77. elseif type(num) == 'string' then msh = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",par) msh.MeshId = num
  78. end
  79. msh.Scale = Vector3.new(x,y,z)
  80. return msh end
  81. wPart = function(x,y,z,color,tr,cc,an,parent)
  82. local wp = Instance.new('WedgePart',parent or Weapon)
  83. wp.formFactor = 'Custom'
  84. wp.Size = Vector3.new(x,y,z)
  85. wp.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(color)
  86. wp.CanCollide = cc
  87. wp.Transparency = tr
  88. wp.Anchored = an
  89. wp.TopSurface,wp.BottomSurface = 0,0
  90. return wp end
  91. hair= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Dark orange',0,false,false,pl)
  92. hairm=Mesh(hair,'http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=16627529',1.05,1.05,1.05)
  93. hairw= Weld(hair,pl.Head,0,.5,0,0,0,0,pl)
  95. function onClicked(mouse)
  96. if (not vDebounce) then
  97. vDebounce = true
  98. anime=Instance.new("Model",wep)
  99. hit1= Part(1,1,3,'',1,false,false,anime)
  100. hit1w= Weld(hit1,s1,0,0,0,0,0,0,anime)
  101. hit2= Part(1,1,3,'',1,false,false,anime)
  102. hit2w= Weld(hit2,s2,0,0,0,0,0,0,anime)
  103. function touch(hit)
  104. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
  105. hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health=hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health-math.random(3,10)
  106. local teller=Instance.new("Model",hit.Parent) teller.Name='-'..math.random(3,10)
  107. hum= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,true,teller)hum.Name='Head' dm=Mesh(hum,3,0,0,0)
  108. hum.CFrame=hit.Parent.Head.CFrame*CFrame.new(math.random(-3,3),math.random(-3,3),math.random(-3,3))
  109. hu=Instance.new("Humanoid",teller) hu.MaxHealth=0
  110. game.Debris:AddItem(teller,1)
  111. end
  112. end
  113. hit1.Touched:connect(touch)
  114. hit2.Touched:connect(touch)
  115. bas = Part(1,1,1,'',1,false,false,anime)
  116. bas:BreakJoints()
  117. bas2 = Part(1,1,1,'',1,false,false,anime)
  118. bas2:BreakJoints()
  119. fakel1 = Instance.new("Weld",anime)
  120. fakel1.Part0 = pl.Torso
  121. fakel1.Part1 = bas
  122. fakel2 = Instance.new("Weld",anime)
  123. fakel2.Part0 = pl.Torso
  124. fakel2.Part1 = bas2
  125. coroutine.wrap(function()
  126. for angle = 0, 45, 9 do
  127. fakel1.C0 = CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(angle*2), math.rad(angle/2), math.rad(0))
  128. fakel2.C0 = CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(angle*2), math.rad(-angle/2), math.rad(0))
  129. wait()
  130. end end)()
  131. welditbro1 = Instance.new("Weld", anime)
  132. welditbro1.C0 = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0)
  133. welditbro1.Part0 = pl['Right Arm']
  134. welditbro1.Part1 = bas
  135. welditbro2 = Instance.new("Weld", anime)
  136. welditbro2.C0 = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0)
  137. welditbro2.Part0 = pl['Left Arm']
  138. welditbro2.Part1 = bas2
  139. wait(.2)
  140. anime:remove()
  141. vDebounce = false
  142. end
  143. end
  150. tol.Selected:connect(function(mouse)
  151. mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() onClicked(mouse) end)
  152. wep=Instance.new("Model",pl)
  153. --~Right 3dmg~--
  154. dmgb= Part(.5,.75,3,'Pastel brown',0,false,false,wep)
  155. dmgw= Weld(dmgb,pl['Right Leg'],.75,.25,.5,0,0,0,wep)
  156. dmg= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  157. dm=Mesh(dmg,1,2.5,12.5,2.5)
  158. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb,0,.5,0,math.pi/2,0,0,wep)
  159. dmg= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  160. dm=Mesh(dmg,4,.7,.7,.7)
  161. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb,0,.5,-1.25,math.pi/2,0,0,wep)
  162. dmg= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  163. dm=Mesh(dmg,1,1,1.5,1)
  164. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb,0,.5,-1.5,math.pi/2,0,0,wep)
  165. dmg= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  166. dm=Mesh(dmg,1,1,1.5,1)
  167. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb,0,.5,-1.7,math.pi/2,0,math.pi/2,wep)
  168. dmg= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  169. dm=Mesh(dmg,1,.3,3,.3)
  170. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb,-.4,.5,-1.5,math.pi/2,0,math.pi/3,wep)
  171. dmg= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  172. dm=Mesh(dmg,1,.3,3,.3)
  173. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb,-.65,.75,-1.15,math.pi/5,0,0,wep)
  174. dmg= Part(.75,1.25,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  175. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb,0,.125,0,0,0,0,wep)
  176. dmg= Part(.75,1.25,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  177. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb,0,.125,-1,0,0,0,wep)
  178. dmg= Part(.75,1.25,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  179. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb,0,.125,1,0,0,0,wep)
  180. dmg= Part(.1,.3,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  181. dm=Mesh(dmg,3,.5,.75,.5)
  182. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb,-.125,.13,-1.5,0,0,0,wep)
  183. dmg= Part(.1,.3,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  184. dm=Mesh(dmg,3,.5,.75,.5)
  185. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb,0,.13,-1.5,0,0,0,wep)
  186. dmg= Part(.1,.3,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  187. dm=Mesh(dmg,3,.5,.75,.5)
  188. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb,.125,.13,-1.5,0,0,0,wep)
  189. dmg= Part(.1,.3,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  190. dm=Mesh(dmg,3,.5,.75,.5)
  191. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb,-.125,-.125,-1.5,0,0,0,wep)
  192. dmg= Part(.1,.3,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  193. dm=Mesh(dmg,3,.5,.75,.5)
  194. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb,0,-.125,-1.5,0,0,0,wep)
  195. dmg= Part(.1,.3,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  196. dm=Mesh(dmg,3,.5,.75,.5)
  197. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb,.125,-.125,-1.5,0,0,0,wep)
  199. --~Left 3dmg~--
  200. dmgb2= Part(.5,.75,3,'Pastel brown',0,false,false,wep)
  201. dmg2w= Weld(dmgb2,pl['Left Leg'],-.75,.25,.5,0,0,0,wep)
  202. dmg= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  203. dm=Mesh(dmg,1,2.5,12.5,2.5)
  204. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb2,0,.5,0,math.pi/2,0,0,wep)
  205. dmg= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  206. dm=Mesh(dmg,4,.7,.7,.7)
  207. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb2,0,.5,-1.25,math.pi/2,0,0,wep)
  208. dmg= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  209. dm=Mesh(dmg,1,1,1.5,1)
  210. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb2,0,.5,-1.5,math.pi/2,0,0,wep)
  211. dmg= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  212. dm=Mesh(dmg,1,1,1.5,1)
  213. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb2,0,.5,-1.7,math.pi/2,0,math.pi/2,wep)
  214. dmg= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  215. dm=Mesh(dmg,1,.3,3,.3)
  216. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb2,.4,.5,-1.5,math.pi/2,0,-math.pi/3,wep)
  217. dmg= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  218. dm=Mesh(dmg,1,.3,3,.3)
  219. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb2,.65,.75,-1.15,math.pi/5,0,0,wep)
  220. dmg= Part(.75,1.25,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  221. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb2,0,.125,0,0,0,0,wep)
  222. dmg= Part(.75,1.25,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  223. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb2,0,.125,-1,0,0,0,wep)
  224. dmg= Part(.75,1.25,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  225. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb2,0,.125,1,0,0,0,wep)
  226. dmg= Part(.1,.3,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  227. dm=Mesh(dmg,3,.5,.75,.5)
  228. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb2,-.125,.13,-1.5,0,0,0,wep)
  229. dmg= Part(.1,.3,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  230. dm=Mesh(dmg,3,.5,.75,.5)
  231. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb2,0,.13,-1.5,0,0,0,wep)
  232. dmg= Part(.1,.3,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  233. dm=Mesh(dmg,3,.5,.75,.5)
  234. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb2,.125,.13,-1.5,0,0,0,wep)
  235. dmg= Part(.1,.3,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  236. dm=Mesh(dmg,3,.5,.75,.5)
  237. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb2,-.125,-.125,-1.5,0,0,0,wep)
  238. dmg= Part(.1,.3,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  239. dm=Mesh(dmg,3,.5,.75,.5)
  240. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb2,0,-.125,-1.5,0,0,0,wep)
  241. dmg= Part(.1,.3,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  242. dm=Mesh(dmg,3,.5,.75,.5)
  243. dmgw= Weld(dmg,dmgb2,.125,-.125,-1.5,0,0,0,wep)
  244. --belt
  245. bbas= Part(2.1,.1,1.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  246. bbasw= Weld(bbas,pl.Torso,0,-.8,0,0,0,0,wep)
  247. b=Part(.4,.5,.2,'Pastel brown',0,false,false,wep)
  248. bw= Weld(b,bbas,.5,0,-.5,0,0,0,wep)
  249. b=Part(.4,.5,.2,'Pastel brown',0,false,false,wep)
  250. bw= Weld(b,bbas,0,0,-.5,0,0,0,wep)
  251. b=Part(.4,.5,.2,'Pastel brown',0,false,false,wep)
  252. bw= Weld(b,bbas,-.5,0,-.5,0,0,0,wep)
  253. b=Part(.1,.1,.1,'Black',0,false,false,wep)
  254. bm= Mesh(b,'http://www.roblox.com/Asset/?id=10207677',.2,.05,.2)
  255. bw= Weld(b,bbas,-.5,0,.5,math.pi/3,0,math.pi/3,wep)
  256. b=Part(.1,.1,.1,'Black',0,false,false,wep)
  257. bm= Mesh(b,'http://www.roblox.com/Asset/?id=10207677',.2,.05,.2)
  258. bw= Weld(b,bbas,0,0,.5,math.pi/3,0,-math.pi/3,wep)
  259. b=Part(.3,.1,.5,'',0,false,false,wep)
  260. bw= Weld(b,bbas,-.25,0,1,math.pi/5,0,0,wep)
  261. b=Part(.2,.3,.5,'Dark stone grey',0,false,false,wep)
  262. bw= Weld(b,bbas,-.25,0,1,math.pi/5,0,0,wep)
  263. --Right sword
  264. sb= Part(.21,.2,1.01,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  265. sbw= Weld(sb,pl['Right Arm'],0,-1,0,0,0,0,wep)
  266. s= Part(.2,.2,1.3,'',0,false,false,wep)
  267. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.1,-.15,0,0,0,wep)
  268. s= wPart(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  269. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.01,-.55,-math.pi/3.5+4.9,0,0,wep)
  270. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  271. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.2,-.7,0,0,0,wep)
  272. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  273. me=Mesh(s,3,1,.25,5)
  274. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.4,-.25,math.pi/8,0,0,wep)
  275. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  276. me=Mesh(s,3,.5,1,.5)
  277. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.3,-.15,0,0,0,wep)
  278. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  279. me=Mesh(s,3,.5,1,.5)
  280. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.3,0,0,0,0,wep)
  281. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  282. me=Mesh(s,3,.5,1,.5)
  283. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.3,.15,0,0,0,wep)
  284. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  285. me=Mesh(s,3,.5,.5,2)
  286. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.35,0,0,0,0,wep)
  287. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  288. me=Mesh(s,3,.5,1.1,.75)
  289. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.15,-.75,0,0,0,wep)
  290. s1= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  291. me=Mesh(s1,3,.25,.7,20)
  292. sw= Weld(s1,sb,0,-.15,-2.5,0,0,0,wep)
  293. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  294. me=Mesh(s,5,.25,.75,.75)
  295. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.15,-4.57,0,0,0,wep)
  296. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  297. me=Mesh(s,3,.26,1,.26)
  298. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.15,-2.5,math.pi/4,0,0,wep)
  299. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  300. me=Mesh(s,3,.26,1,.26)
  301. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.15,-3,math.pi/4,0,0,wep)
  302. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  303. me=Mesh(s,3,.26,1,.26)
  304. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.15,-3.5,math.pi/4,0,0,wep)
  305. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  306. me=Mesh(s,3,.26,1,.26)
  307. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.15,-4,math.pi/4,0,0,wep)
  308. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  309. me=Mesh(s,3,.26,1,.26)
  310. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.15,-2,math.pi/4,0,0,wep)
  311. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  312. me=Mesh(s,3,.26,1,.26)
  313. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.15,-1.5,math.pi/4,0,0,wep)
  314. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  315. me=Mesh(s,3,.26,1,.26)
  316. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.15,-1,math.pi/4,0,0,wep)
  318. --left sword
  319. sb= Part(.21,.2,1.01,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  320. sbw= Weld(sb,pl['Left Arm'],0,-1,0,0,0,0,wep)
  321. s= Part(.2,.2,1.3,'',0,false,false,wep)
  322. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.1,-.15,0,0,0,wep)
  323. s= wPart(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  324. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.01,-.55,-math.pi/3.5+4.9,0,0,wep)
  325. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  326. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.2,-.7,0,0,0,wep)
  327. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  328. me=Mesh(s,3,1,.25,5)
  329. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.4,-.25,math.pi/8,0,0,wep)
  330. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  331. me=Mesh(s,3,.5,1,.5)
  332. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.3,-.15,0,0,0,wep)
  333. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  334. me=Mesh(s,3,.5,1,.5)
  335. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.3,0,0,0,0,wep)
  336. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  337. me=Mesh(s,3,.5,1,.5)
  338. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.3,.15,0,0,0,wep)
  339. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  340. me=Mesh(s,3,.5,.5,2)
  341. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.35,0,0,0,0,wep)
  342. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  343. me=Mesh(s,3,.5,1.1,.75)
  344. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.15,-.75,0,0,0,wep)
  345. s2= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  346. me=Mesh(s2,3,.25,.7,20)
  347. sw= Weld(s2,sb,0,-.15,-2.5,0,0,0,wep)
  348. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'',0,false,false,wep)
  349. me=Mesh(s,5,.25,.75,.75)
  350. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.15,-4.57,0,0,0,wep)
  351. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  352. me=Mesh(s,3,.26,1,.26)
  353. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.15,-2.5,math.pi/4,0,0,wep)
  354. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  355. me=Mesh(s,3,.26,1,.26)
  356. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.15,-3,math.pi/4,0,0,wep)
  357. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  358. me=Mesh(s,3,.26,1,.26)
  359. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.15,-3.5,math.pi/4,0,0,wep)
  360. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  361. me=Mesh(s,3,.26,1,.26)
  362. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.15,-4,math.pi/4,0,0,wep)
  363. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  364. me=Mesh(s,3,.26,1,.26)
  365. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.15,-2,math.pi/4,0,0,wep)
  366. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  367. me=Mesh(s,3,.26,1,.26)
  368. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.15,-1.5,math.pi/4,0,0,wep)
  369. s= Part(.1,.1,.1,'Really black',0,false,false,wep)
  370. me=Mesh(s,3,.26,1,.26)
  371. sw= Weld(s,sb,0,-.15,-1,math.pi/4,0,0,wep)
  372. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  373. if key == "q" and not q and mouse.Target then
  374. if (mouse.Hit.p - pl.Torso.Position).magnitude < 200 then
  375. pfvalue.Value = true
  376. a = mouse.Hit.p
  377. q = Instance.new("SelectionPointLasso",pl)
  378. q.Color = BrickColor.new("Really black")
  379. q.Point = mouse.Hit.p
  380. q.Humanoid = pl.Humanoid
  381. if pl.Torso:FindFirstChild("Smoke") then
  382. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(pl.Torso.Smoke,0)end
  383. if not weightless then
  384. weightless = Instance.new("BodyPosition",pl.Head)
  385. weightless.maxForce = Vector3.new(0,10000,0)
  386. weightless.position = Vector3.new(0,1000,0)
  387. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  388. local current = weightless wait(0.25)
  389. if current == weightless then
  390. weightless.maxForce = Vector3.new(0,5000,0)end
  391. end))end end
  392. elseif key == "e" and not e and mouse.Target then
  393. if (mouse.Hit.p - pl.Torso.Position).magnitude < 200 then
  394. pfvalue.Value = true
  395. b = mouse.Hit.p
  396. e = Instance.new("SelectionPointLasso",pl)
  397. e.Color = BrickColor.new("Really black")
  398. e.Point = mouse.Hit.p
  399. e.Humanoid = pl.Humanoid
  400. if pl.Torso:FindFirstChild("Smoke") then
  401. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(pl.Torso.Smoke,0)end
  402. if not weightless then
  403. weightless = Instance.new("BodyPosition",pl.Head)
  404. weightless.maxForce = Vector3.new(0,10000,0)
  405. weightless.position = Vector3.new(0,1000,0)
  406. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  407. local current = weightless wait(0.25)
  408. if current == weightless then
  409. weightless.maxForce = Vector3.new(0,5000,0)end
  410. end))end end
  411. elseif key == "f" and (q or e) then
  412. if q then
  413. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(q,0)end
  414. if e then
  415. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(e,0)end
  416. q,e = nil, nil
  417. bgdest = pl.Torso.Position + (pl.Torso.CFrame.lookVector * 125)
  418. gas = Instance.new("Smoke",pl.Torso)
  419. gas.Size = 0.1
  420. gas.Opacity = 0.25
  421. if not weightless then
  422. weightless = Instance.new("BodyPosition",pl.Head)
  423. weightless.maxForce = Vector3.new(0,10000,0)
  424. weightless.position = Vector3.new(0,1000,0)
  425. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  426. local current = weightless wait(0.25)
  427. if current == weightless then
  428. weightless.maxForce = Vector3.new(0,5000,0)end
  429. end))end end end)
  430. mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key)
  431. if key == "q" and q then
  432. if not e then
  433. pfvalue.Value = false end
  434. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(q,0)
  435. q = nil a = nil if weightless then
  436. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(weightless,0)
  437. weightless = nil end
  438. elseif key == "e" and e then
  439. if not q then
  440. pfvalue.Value = false end
  441. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(e,0)
  442. e = nil b = nil if weightless then
  443. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(weightless,0)
  444. weightless = nil end end end)
  445. pfvalue.Changed:connect(function()
  446. if pfvalue.Value == false then
  447. pl.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
  448. pl["Left Leg"].CanCollide = false
  449. pl["Right Leg"].CanCollide = false
  450. pl["Left Arm"].CanCollide = false
  451. pl["Right Arm"].CanCollide = false
  452. else
  453. pl.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  454. pl["Left Leg"].CanCollide = true
  455. pl["Right Leg"].CanCollide = true
  456. pl["Left Arm"].CanCollide = false
  457.  pl["Right Arm"].CanCollide = false
  458. end end)function grapple()wait()
  459. local pos = pl.Torso.Position
  460. if q and e then
  461. local tab = {a.x,a.y,a.z,b.x,b.y,b.z}
  462. local x = {}numqe = numqe + 1 local num = numqe
  463. for i = 1,3 do table.insert(x,(tab[i] + tab[i+3])/2)end
  464. bp.position = Vector3.new(unpack(x))bp.D = 10
  465. bp.maxForce = Vector3.new(4500 * (math.abs(pos.x-bgdest.x)/200) + 3000,4500 * (math.abs(pos.y-bgdest.y)/200) + 3000,4500 * (math.abs(pos.z-bgdest.z)/200) + 3000)
  466. wait(1)if num == numqe then
  467. bp.D = 0 end elseif q then
  468. numq = numq + 1 local num = numq
  469. bp.position = a bp.D = 10
  470. bp.maxForce = Vector3.new(4000 * (math.abs(pos.x-bgdest.x)/200) + 3000,4500 * (math.abs(pos.y-bgdest.y)/200) + 3000,4500 * (math.abs(pos.z-bgdest.z)/200) + 3000)
  471. bgdest = a bg.maxTorque = Vector3.new(5000,5000,5000)wait(1)
  472. if num == numq then bp.D = 0 end
  473. elseif e then nume = nume + 1 local num = nume
  474. bp.position = b bp.D = 10
  475. bp.maxForce = Vector3.new(4000 * (math.abs(pos.x-bgdest.x)/200) + 3000,4500 * (math.abs(pos.y-bgdest.y)/200) + 3000,4500 * (math.abs(pos.z-bgdest.z)/200) + 3000)
  476. bgdest = b bg.maxTorque = Vector3.new(5000,5000,5000) wait(1)
  477. if num == nume then bp.D = 0 end
  478. elseif pl.Torso:FindFirstChild("Smoke") then
  479. nums = nums + 1 num = nums bp.position = bgdest bp.D = 10
  480. bp.maxForce = Vector3.new(4000 * (math.abs(pos.x-bgdest.x)/200) + 2000,4500 * (math.abs(pos.y-bgdest.y)/200) + 2000,4500 * (math.abs(pos.z-bgdest.z)/200) + 2000)
  481. bg.maxTorque = Vector3.new(6000,6000,6000)
  482. wait(1) if num == nums then bp.D = 0 end else
  483. bp.maxForce = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
  484. bg.maxTorque = Vector3.new(0,0,0)end end
  485. mouse.KeyDown:connect(grapple)
  486. mouse.KeyUp:connect(grapple)
  487. coroutine.wrap(function() while wait() do
  488. bg.cframe = CFrame.new(pl.Torso.Position,bgdest)
  489. end end)()
  490. if anim then
  491. anim:Destroy()
  492. end
  494. local rm = Instance.new("Motor", torso)
  495. rm.C0 = CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5, 0)
  496. rm.C1 = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0)
  497. rm.Part0 = torso
  498. rm.Part1 = ra
  499. local lm = Instance.new("Motor", torso)
  500. lm.C0 = CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5, 0)
  501. lm.C1 = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0)
  502. lm.Part0 = torso
  503. lm.Part1 = la
  505. local rlegm = Instance.new("Motor", torso)
  506. rlegm.C0 = CFrame.new(0.5, -1, 0)
  507. rlegm.C1 = CFrame.new(0, 1, 0)
  508. rlegm.Part0 = torso
  509. rlegm.Part1 = rl
  510. local llegm = Instance.new("Motor", torso)
  511. llegm.C0 = CFrame.new(-0.5, -1, 0)
  512. llegm.C1 = CFrame.new(0, 1, 0)
  513. llegm.Part0 = torso
  514. llegm.Part1 = ll
  516. rsc0 = rm.C0
  517. lsc0 = lm.C0
  518. llc0 = llegm.C0
  519. rlc0 = rlegm.C0
  520. neckc0 = neck.C0
  521. rootc0 = rj.C0
  523. local count = 0
  524. local countspeed = 1
  525. coroutine.wrap(function()
  526. while wait() do
  527. if anim==true then break end
  528. count = (count % 100) + countspeed
  529. angle = math.pi * math.sin(math.pi*2/100*count)
  530. if Vector3.new(torso.Velocity.x, 0, torso.Velocity.z).magnitude < 2 then
  531. countspeed = 1
  532. --Idle anim
  533. rlegm.C0 = rlc0 * CFrame.Angles(angle*.025, 0, 0)
  534. llegm.C0 = llc0 * CFrame.Angles(-angle*.025, 0, 0)
  535. rm.C0 = rsc0 * CFrame.Angles(0, angle*.05, angle*.05)
  536. lm.C0 = lsc0 * CFrame.Angles(0, -angle*.05, -angle*.05)
  537. elseif Vector3.new(torso.Velocity.x, 0, torso.Velocity.z).magnitude > 2 then
  538. countspeed = 7
  539. --Walk anim
  540. rlegm.C0 = rlc0 * CFrame.Angles(angle*0.25, 0, angle*0.015)
  541. llegm.C0 = llc0 * CFrame.Angles(-angle*0.25, 0, angle*0.015)
  542. rm.C0 = rsc0 * CFrame.Angles(-angle*0.25, angle*.05, angle*0.080)
  543. lm.C0 = lsc0 * CFrame.Angles(angle*0.25, -angle*.05, angle*0.080)
  544. end end end)()
  545. end)
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