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- integer CHANNEL = -1;
- //vector base_initial_pos;
- vector cur_base_pos;
- rotation base_initial_rot;
- rotation cur_base_rot;
- vector object_initial_pos=<-1,-1,-1>;
- rotation object_initial_rot;
- list parsecmd(string msg)
- {
- return llParseStringKeepNulls(msg,["|"],["|"]);
- }
- rotate_around_point()
- {
- vector center = cur_base_pos;
- llOwnerSay("base pos: "+(string)cur_base_pos+ " center "+(string)center);
- vector point = object_initial_pos;
- // divide current rotation by the initial_rotation
- // gives the actual rotation made
- rotation diffrot = cur_base_rot / base_initial_rot;
- llOwnerSay("cur_base_pos: "+(string)cur_base_pos+"object_initial_pos: "+(string)point+" rot:"+(string)cur_base_rot+" base_initial_rot:"+(string)base_initial_rot+" diffrot:"+(string)diffrot);
- // get actual rotation in radians
- vector eulero = llRot2Euler(diffrot);
- float theta = eulero.z;
- vector object_pos = llGetPos();
- // according to
- llOwnerSay("Rotating by "+(string)(theta));
- // 1) first we need to get transform such that center is the center of coordinate
- float sin = llSin(theta);
- float cos = llCos(theta);
- // translate point back to origin:
- float px = point.x - center.x;
- float py = point.y - center.y;
- llOwnerSay("px: "+(string)px+" py: "+(string)py+" sin: "+(string)sin+" cos: "+(string)cos);
- // rotate point this is the core of rotation
- float xnew = px * cos - py * sin;
- float ynew = px * sin + py * cos;
- // translate point back:
- float nx = xnew + center.x;
- float ny = ynew + center.y;
- vector newpos = <nx,ny,point.z>;
- llOwnerSay("would change pos to "+(string)newpos);
- //llOwnerSay("rotated by "+(string)(theta*RAD_TO_DEG)+" degrees ");
- llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( LINK_THIS, [
- PRIM_POSITION, newpos,
- PRIM_ROTATION, object_initial_rot*diffrot]);
- }
- default
- {
- state_entry()
- {
- llListen(CHANNEL,"","","");
- }
- listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg)
- {
- if(object_initial_pos==<-1,-1,-1>)
- {
- llOwnerSay("MUST reset the base before touching!");
- return;
- }
- list result=parsecmd(msg);
- //llOwnerSay(llList2CSV(result));
- string cmd = llList2String(result,0);
- cur_base_pos = (vector)llList2String(result,1);
- //llOwnerSay("cur_base_pos: "+(string)cur_base_pos);
- cur_base_rot = (rotation)llList2String(result,2);
- if(cmd=="RESET")
- {
- llOwnerSay("Reset");
- base_initial_rot = cur_base_rot;
- //base_initial_pos = pos;
- object_initial_pos = llGetPos();
- object_initial_rot = llGetRot();
- }
- if(cmd=="ROTATED")
- {
- rotate_around_point();
- }
- }
- }
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