
BWR - Changelog 18/07/24

Jul 18th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Baby Face's Blaster
  2. + Decreased damage to build Boost to 150 (was 200)
  3. The increase was felt to be a bit too harsh to build up boost with how quickly it can be lost, thus it was reduced back down.
  5. Candy Cane
  6. + Removed overheal penalty
  7. - -75% health from non-dropped packs on wearer
  8. The overheal penalty was oddly a buff for your Medic and like the healer penalty was not felt without a Medic on your team. This penalty will instead now reinforce the lack of healing outside of getting kills and picking up your packs.
  10. Cow Mangler
  11. + Removed clip size penalty
  12. + New Charge system, where charged shots can be activated prematurely with M1
  13. + At 33% charge your blast deals afterburn, at 66% +75% projectile speed, at 100% your blast deals mini-crits
  14. - Gradually lose speed as you charge, down to -66% at 100%
  15. - Added -20% projectile speed
  16. The charge system was revamped to allow for more aggressive use with less slowdown and with the ability to cancel the charge. Additionally the faster projectile speed can allow it to be more threatening. This is counterbalanced with an initially slower speed making it worse at longer ranges without charge.
  18. Disciplinary Action
  19. + Reduced rocket jump vulnerability to +25% (was +40%)
  20. The vulnerability felt especially too punishing, thus it was reduced a great deal to allow at least 2 jumps comfortably.
  22. Thermal Thruster
  23. - Reverted 50% knockback vulnerability
  24. This downside was returned to make for easier counterplay to the pyro jumping around.
  26. Neon Annhiliator
  27. ~ Replaced sparking effect while Phlogistinator is equipped to prevent MMMPH drain
  28. Eureka Effect
  29. + Teleporting to spawn no longer forces respawn delay when providing resupply
  30. QOL fixes to improve consistency with the weapons.
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