- or go back to the newest paste.
1 | -- Dodajemy tę linijkę na koniec zmiennych na początku kodu | |
2 | local UX = ReplicatedStorage.UserExperience | |
3 | -- Dalszy kod aż do funkcji | |
4 | local function destroyDrop(drop) | |
5 | task.spawn(function() | |
6 | local oldParent = drop.Parent | |
7 | drop.Parent = despawnedDrops | |
8 | -- Nowy kod | |
9 | if drop.Name == "BigChest" then | |
10 | local counter = UX.Counter | |
11 | local text = counter.CounterDisplay.CounterFrame.CounterText | |
12 | local spawnTime = 10 | |
13 | counter.Position = drop:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("MeshPart").Position | |
14 | counter.Parent = oldParent | |
15 | for zegar = 0, spawnTime do | |
16 | local timer = spawnTime - zegar | |
17 | local minutes = math.floor(timer/60) | |
18 | local seconds = timer%60 | |
19 | if minutes >= 10 then | |
20 | if seconds >= 10 then | |
21 | - | text.Text = "Skrzynia pojawi się za " .. minutes ..":".. seconds |
21 | + | text.Text = "The chest will respawn in " .. minutes ..":".. seconds |
22 | else | |
23 | - | text.Text = "Skrzynia pojawi się za " .. minutes .. ":0" .. seconds |
23 | + | text.Text = "The chest will respawn in " .. minutes .. ":0" .. seconds |
24 | end | |
25 | else | |
26 | if seconds >= 10 then | |
27 | - | text.Text = "Skrzynia pojawi się za 0" .. minutes .. ":" .. seconds |
27 | + | text.Text = "The chest will respawn in 0" .. minutes .. ":" .. seconds |
28 | else | |
29 | - | text.Text = "Skrzynia pojawi się za 0" .. minutes .. ":0" .. seconds |
29 | + | text.Text = "The chest will respawn in 0" .. minutes .. ":0" .. seconds |
30 | end | |
31 | end | |
32 | wait(1) | |
33 | end | |
34 | counter.Parent = UX | |
35 | else | |
36 | wait(4) -- Przeniesione z linijki niżej | |
37 | end | |
38 | -- Koniec nowego kodu | |
39 | drop.CurrentPoints.Value = drop.MaxPoints.Value | |
40 | drop.Parent = oldParent | |
41 | end) | |
42 | - | end |
42 | + | end |