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it unlocks many cool features!
- rem This is made by Nick, basically it's an average Atari game
- rem Create the title screen
- opening
- playfield:
- .X..X.XXX.XXX.X...X...XXX.XX....
- .X.X...X...X..X...X...X...X.X...
- .XX....X...X..X...X...XX..XX....
- .X.X...X...X..X...X...X...X.X...
- ................................
- ..........XXX...XXX.............
- ..........X.X...X...............
- ..........XXX....XX.............
- ..........X...X.XXX.X...........
- end
- rem Loop the screen until the spacebar is pressed
- title
- COLUBK = $60
- COLUPF = 212
- drawscreen
- if joy0fire || joy1fire then goto skiptitle
- goto title
- rem This function displays after the title is skipped
- skiptitle
- rem Colors
- COLUPF = 0
- COLUBK = 212
- rem Player location
- player0x = 50 : player0y = 50
- player1x = 20 : player1y = 20
- rem Score setting and color
- score = 100 : scorecolor = 1
- rem Missle size and location
- missile0height=1:missile0y=255
- NUSIZ0 = 2
- rem Create a variable to keep up with lives
- a = 10
- rem Create the playfield
- playfield:
- X..............................X
- X..............................X
- X..............................X
- X..............................X
- X..............................X
- X..............................X
- X..............................X
- X..............................X
- X..............................X
- X..............................X
- end
- rem This main function is what loops constantly
- main
- rem This is the animation function
- animate
- rem This frame variable slows down the animation
- v = v + 1
- rem This code animates the sprites
- if v = 7 && w = 0 then ax
- if v = 7 && w = 1 then bx
- if v = 7 && w = 2 then cx
- if v = 7 && w = 3 then dx
- goto nextstep
- rem These four sprites are different stages of the animation
- ax
- v = 0
- w = 1
- player1:
- %00001000
- %01101000
- %00101000
- %01010000
- %01011110
- %01110000
- %00011000
- %00011000
- end
- goto nextstep
- bx
- v = 0
- w = 2
- player1:
- %00100000
- %01110000
- %00101000
- %01010000
- %01011110
- %01110000
- %00011000
- %00011000
- end
- goto nextstep
- cx
- v = 0
- w = 3
- player1:
- %00011000
- %00011000
- %00101000
- %01010000
- %01011110
- %01110000
- %00011000
- %00011000
- end
- goto nextstep
- dx
- v = 0
- w = 0
- player1:
- %00100000
- %01110000
- %00101000
- %01010000
- %01011110
- %01110000
- %00011000
- %00011000
- end
- goto nextstep
- rem Create acorn sprite
- nextstep
- player0:
- %00111100
- %01011010
- %00100100
- %00111100
- %00011000
- %00011000
- %00010000
- %00010000
- end
- rem check to see if a missile has already been fired
- checkfire
- if missile0y>240 then goto skip
- missile0y = missile0y - 2 : goto draw
- rem if a missile hasn't been fired, then fire missile
- skip
- if joy0fire then missile0y=player0y-2:missile0x=player0x+4
- rem Draw output to screen
- draw
- drawscreen
- rem Fix player wraparound bug
- if player0x < 8 then player0x = 8
- if player0x > 150 then player0x = 150
- if player0y < 8 then player0y = 8
- if player0y > 84 then player0y = 84
- rem Have player 1 chase player 2
- if player1y < player0y then player1y = player1y + 1
- if player1y > player0y then player1y = player1y - 1
- if player1x < player0x then player1x = player1x + 1
- if player1x > player0x then player1x = player1x - 1
- player1x = player1x : player1y = player1y
- rem Detect missile collision with guard
- if collision(missile0,player1) then score=score+1:player1x=rand/2:player1y=0:missile0y=255:goto pointsound
- rem Detect guard collision with the you
- if collision(player0,player1) then score=score-1:player1x=rand/2:player1y=0:missile0y=255:a=a-1:goto deadsound
- rem joystick movements
- if joy0up then player0y = player0y-1 : goto skipmove
- if joy0down then player0y = player0y+1 : goto skipmove
- if joy0left then player0x = player0x-1 : goto skipmove
- if joy0right then player0x = player0x +1 : goto skipmove
- rem refresh the screen
- skipmove
- goto main
- rem Play point sound
- pointsound
- AUDV0 = 3 : AUDC0 = 1 : AUDF0 = 49
- p = p + 1
- drawscreen
- if p < 2 then pointsound
- p = 0
- AUDV0 = 0 : AUDC0 = 0 : AUDF0 = 0
- goto main
- rem Play dead sound
- deadsound
- AUDV1 = 10
- AUDC1 = 7
- AUDF1 = 12
- p = p + 1
- drawscreen
- if p < 10 then deadsound
- p = 0
- AUDV1 = 0 : AUDC1 = 0 : AUDF1 = 0
- if a = 0 then goto opening
- goto main
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