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- local function clr()
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- end
- local function continue()
- local w,h = term.getSize()
- term.setCursorPos(1,h)
- write("Press Enter to continue")
- read()
- clr()
- end
- clr()
- print("This installer will guide you through building and installation process. Press Enter to continue with installation. Alternatively, enter 'skip' to skip building process. If any confusion occurs, DM u/Bright-Historian-216. Make sure you have stable internet connection.")
- if read()~="skip" then
- clr()
- local part1 = "Part I. Construction\n\n"
- print(part1.."You will require:\n19-20 wired modems\nSome networking cables\n17 chests\nAny redstone input (button will do)\nOne printer, duh\n3 hoppers\n12 advanced monitors")
- continue()
- print(part1.."To fill the chests you will also need dyes of each color (except white obviously) and paper.")
- continue()
- print(part1.."Put the redstone input on the front side of the computer. If you're using a button, you can put it on a block in front of the computer.\nOn the top, place 6 adv. monitors in 3x4 shape.")
- continue()
- print(part1.."Put the printer on any side of the computer (wired modem should also work). On the top and one side of the printer put hoppers and attach them with wired modems (You should be able to attach both at once! However in this case, be very careful with which hopper is hopper_0 and which one is hopper_1). On the bottom, put a hopper leading into a chest. Connect the chest with a modem.")
- continue()
- print(part1.."Now, put a wired modem and a chest on top of it. This will be the paper chest.")
- continue()
- print(part1.."The most difficult part is attaching a lot of chests with dyes. All dyes must be in the same order as they are in the creative tab for printer to work properly. If you're in survival, enter 'dye' into your REI/JEI/NEI/whatever UI and it should be the same order. Place 15 modems and put chests on top (Make sure they aren't double chests!). Connect the modems in the dye order (for example if you're starting with minecraft:chest_6, it will be orange dye, and minecraft:chest_7 will be magenta). ")
- continue()
- print(part1.."Make sure all modems are enabled and you have memorised the needed ids for the next step.")
- continue()
- end
- local correct_setup = false
- local setup = {}
- repeat
- print("Part II. Calibration\n\nNow that we're set up with hardware, we can start with software.\nWhen this setup asks for an ID, input the number in the 'minecraft:whatever_(number)'. If you forgot, double right-click to get the ID again.")
- print("What is the ID of the hopper placed on top of the printer? If you used a single modem for both hoppers, you can break one to see the individual IDs.")
- setup.printer_paper = tonumber(read())
- print("What is the ID of the hopper placed on the side of the printer?")
- setup.printer_ink = tonumber(read())
- print("What is the ID of the chest placed below the printer?")
- setup.printer_output = tonumber(read())
- print("What is the ID of the chest containing paper?")
- setup.chest_paper = tonumber(read())
- print("What is the ID of the first chest containing dyes? (It should contain orange dye)")
- setup.chests_ink_start = tonumber(read())-1
- print("Check that minecraft:chest_"..(setup.chests_ink_start+15).." contains black dye. Enter 'yes' if yes, and 'no' if not.")
- if read()=="yes" then correct_setup = true end
- for k,v in pairs(setup) do
- if v==nil then
- correct_setup = false
- print("Uh oh! Field "..k.." has an invalid input. I will restart the whole Part II hehehehehehe")
- end
- end
- continue()
- until correct_setup
- print("Part III. Installation\n\nThis part is fully automatic! Download shouldn't take long.")
-"mkdir /printer")
- local f ="/printer/data.lua","w")
- f.write(textutils.serialise(setup))
- f.close()
-"pastebin get nVJeCrjf /printer/printer_cl.lua")
-"pastebin get R1BMi5FC /printer/start_printer.lua")
-"pastebin get rABMbFn9 /printer/rspaint.lua")
- print("Seems to be finished. Navigate to /printer/ and run 'start_printer <filename, should end with .nfp>' to start.")
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