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- class StinkyController extends ScriptedController;
- var FtgGame FtgGame;
- var byte TeamIndex; // is set by FtgGame
- var StinkyClot StinkyClot;
- var array<Actor> MoveTargets;
- var array<KFAmmoPickup> AmmoCandidates;
- var transient KFAmmoPickup CurrentAmmoCandidate;
- var int AmmoSpawnCount, MaxAmmoSpawnCount;
- var transient int AmmoSpawned;
- var float AmmoPPPM; // Ammo spawned Per Player Per Minute
- var transient float LastAmmoSpawnTime;
- var transient Actor LastAlternatePathTarget;
- var transient NavigationPoint LastAlternatePathPoint;
- var transient Actor OldMoveTarget;
- var transient Actor TeleportTarget;
- var transient int TeleportAttempts;
- var transient int ActionMoves;
- var int MoveAttempts;
- var float GuardianReachTime; // max time to reach the guardian. Gets extended if Stinky cannot see the guardian;
- var transient float GuardianReachDeadline;
- var int GuardianVisibilityChecks;
- var localized string BlameStr;
- function PostBeginPlay()
- {
- FtgGame = FtgGame(Level.Game);
- AmmoCandidates = FtgGame.StinkyAmmoPickups;
- LastAmmoSpawnTime = Level.TimeSeconds;
- super.PostBeginPlay();
- }
- function Possess(Pawn aPawn)
- {
- super.Possess(aPawn);
- StinkyClot = StinkyClot(Pawn);
- if ( StinkyClot != none && FtgGame != none) {
- FtgGame.StinkyControllerReady(self);
- }
- }
- function TakeControlOf(Pawn aPawn) {}
- function int GetActionCount()
- {
- return MoveTargets.length;
- }
- function Actor GetActionStart()
- {
- if ( ActionNum > 0 && ActionNum - 1 < MoveTargets.length )
- return MoveTargets[ActionNum - 1];
- return none;
- }
- function Actor GetActionTarget()
- {
- if ( ActionNum < MoveTargets.length )
- return MoveTargets[ActionNum];
- return none;
- }
- function Actor GetMoveTarget()
- {
- local Actor result;
- result = GetActionTarget();
- if ( result != none && result == LastAlternatePathTarget && LastAlternatePathPoint != none )
- result = LastAlternatePathPoint; // target unreachable -> reroute to closest nav. point
- return result;
- }
- function Stuck()
- {
- local NavigationPoint N;
- local string s;
- if ( Target == none ) {
- warn("No Target");
- return;
- }
- if ( LastAlternatePathTarget == Target && LastAlternatePathPoint != none ) {
- // make sure we don't use this navigation point anymore
- FtgGame.InvalidatePathTarget(LastAlternatePathPoint);
- }
- s = "Unreachable actor " $ GetItemName(string(Target)) $ " @ (" $ Target.Location $ ")";
- N = FtgGame.FindClosestPathNode(Target);
- if ( N == none ) {
- log(s $ " => abort",;
- }
- else {
- log(s $ " => rerouting to " $ N,;
- MoveTarget = FindPathToward(N, false);
- }
- LastAlternatePathTarget = Target;
- LastAlternatePathPoint = N;
- }
- function CompleteAction()
- {
- FtgGame.StinkyControllerCompeledAction(self, ActionNum++);
- }
- function TakeActor(Actor A)
- {
- A.SetBase(Pawn);
- Pawn.AttachToBone(A, StinkyClot.GrabBone);
- }
- function int CalcSpeed()
- {
- return StinkyClot.OriginalGroundSpeed;
- }
- function AdjustSpeed()
- {
- local int spd;
- if (StinkyClot == none || StinkyClot.Health <= 0)
- return;
- spd = CalcSpeed();
- // if (spd != int(StinkyClot.GroundSpeed)) {
- // log("Stinky Speed " $ int(StinkyClot.GroundSpeed) $ " => " $ spd,;
- // }
- StinkyClot.GroundSpeed = spd;
- StinkyClot.WaterSpeed = spd;
- StinkyClot.AirSpeed = spd;
- StinkyClot.HiddenGroundSpeed = spd;
- }
- function bool CanSpeedAdjust()
- {
- return false;
- }
- function float PlayCompleteAnimation()
- {
- if( Pawn.Physics==PHYS_Falling )
- {
- Pawn.SetPhysics(PHYS_Walking);
- }
- Pawn.SetAnimAction('KnockDown'); // dunno why but the next anim doesn't work without this
- Pawn.SetAnimAction(StinkyClot.CompleteAnim);
- Pawn.Acceleration = vect(0, 0, 0);
- Pawn.Velocity.X = 0;
- Pawn.Velocity.Y = 0;
- Return 0.8;
- }
- function float AfterCompleteCooldown()
- {
- return 2.0;
- }
- function WhatToDoNext()
- {
- log("Stuck at state " $ GetStateName(),;
- }
- function DoAdditionalActions()
- {
- }
- state LatentDeath
- {
- Begin:
- sleep(2.0);
- if ( Pawn != none ) {
- Pawn.Suicide();
- }
- }
- state Moving extends Scripting
- {
- ignores Timer;
- function AbortScript()
- {
- if ( StinkyClot != none ) {
- StinkyClot.Suicide();
- }
- LeaveScripting();
- }
- function SetMoveTarget()
- {
- Focus = ScriptedFocus;
- Target = GetMoveTarget();
- if ( Target == None ) {
- Pawn.Suicide();
- //GotoState('Broken');
- return;
- }
- if ( Focus == None )
- Focus = Target;
- MoveTarget = Target;
- TeleportTarget = none;
- if ( MoveTarget != none && !ActorReachable(MoveTarget) ) {
- MoveTarget = FindPathToward(MoveTarget, false);
- if ( MoveTarget == none && ActionMoves == 0 ) {
- // this could be a dead end, like badly placed ammo box or base guardian
- // teleport one step back and try again
- log("No path to " $ GetItemName(string(Target)),;
- TeleportTarget = StinkyClot.MoveHistory[1];
- ActionMoves++;
- if ( TeleportTarget != none )
- return;
- }
- if ( MoveTarget == none || (MoveTarget == OldMoveTarget && --MoveAttempts <= 0) ) {
- log("Stuck @ (" $ Pawn.Location $ ") while navigating to " $ GetItemName(string(MoveTarget))
- $ " / " $ GetItemName(string(Target)),;
- StinkyClot.LogPath();
- switch (TeleportAttempts) {
- case 0:
- if ( CurrentPath != none && CurrentPath.End != none ) {
- TeleportTarget = CurrentPath.End;
- break;
- }
- // else fallthrough
- case 1:
- if ( NextRoutePath != none && NextRoutePath.End != none ) {
- TeleportTarget = NextRoutePath.End;
- break;
- }
- // else fallthrough
- default:
- Stuck();
- }
- if ( TeleportTarget != none )
- return;
- }
- }
- if ( MoveTarget == None ) {
- AbortScript();
- return;
- }
- if ( Focus == Target )
- Focus = MoveTarget;
- if ( OldMoveTarget != MoveTarget ) {
- ActionMoves++;
- StinkyClot.OnMoveTarget(MoveTarget);
- OldMoveTarget = MoveTarget;
- MoveAttempts = default.MoveAttempts;
- }
- // Level.GetLocalPlayerController().ClientMessage("Moving to " $ GetItemName(string(MoveTarget)) $ " / " $ GetItemName(string(Target)), 'log');
- }
- function CompleteAction()
- {
- global.CompleteAction();
- }
- Begin:
- Pawn.SetMovementPhysics();
- WaitForLanding();
- KeepMoving:
- if ( StinkyClot.TeleportPhase != StinkyClot.TELEPORT_NONE ) {
- // wait for teleportation to finish
- sleep(1.0);
- Goto('Begin');
- }
- DoAdditionalActions();
- SetMoveTarget();
- Teleporting:
- if ( TeleportTarget != none ) {
- StinkyClot.TeleportToActor(TeleportTarget);
- TeleportTarget = none;
- TeleportAttempts++;
- Goto('KeepMoving');
- }
- TeleportAttempts = 0;
- AdjustSpeed();
- // MayShootTarget();
- if ( MoveTarget != None && MoveTarget != Pawn ) {
- MoveToward(MoveTarget, Focus,,,Pawn.bIsWalking);
- if ( !Pawn.ReachedDestination(GetMoveTarget()) ) {
- Goto('KeepMoving');
- }
- ActionMoves = 0;
- MoveTarget = none;
- // make sure the Stinky Clot won't teleport at this phase
- StinkyClot.StuckCounter = 0;
- StinkyClot.NextStuckTestTime = Level.TimeSeconds + 5;
- }
- Completing:
- sleep(PlayCompleteAnimation());
- CompleteAction();
- sleep(AfterCompleteCooldown());
- WhatToDoNext();
- }
- state MoveToGuardian extends Moving
- {
- function BeginState()
- {
- super.BeginState();
- SetTimer(60, false);
- GuardianReachDeadline = 0;
- GuardianVisibilityChecks = GuardianReachTime;
- }
- function EndState()
- {
- super.EndState();
- SetTimer(GuardianReachTime, false);
- }
- function Timer()
- {
- if (GuardianReachDeadline == 0) {
- if (GuardianVisibilityChecks <= 0 || LineOfSightTo(Target)) {
- GuardianReachDeadline = Level.TimeSeconds + GuardianReachTime;
- SetTimer(GuardianReachTime + 0.1, false);
- log(FtgGame.ScrnBalanceMut.GameTimeStr() $ " Base Deadline in " $ GuardianReachTime,;
- }
- else {
- // wait for the line of sight
- SetTimer(1, false);
- --GuardianVisibilityChecks;
- }
- }
- else if (Level.TimeSeconds < GuardianReachDeadline) {
- SetTimer(GuardianReachDeadline - Level.TimeSeconds + 0.1, false);
- }
- else {
- log(FtgGame.ScrnBalanceMut.GameTimeStr() $ " Base Deadline reached",;
- SetTimer(GuardianReachTime, false); // shouldn't trigger
- // FtgBaseGuardian(Target).BlameBaseSetter(BlameStr);
- TeleportTarget = GetMoveTarget();
- GotoState(, 'Teleporting');
- }
- }
- function Stuck()
- {
- global.Stuck();
- if ( MoveTarget == none && LastAlternatePathPoint != none && TeleportAttempts < 3 ) {
- // Most-likely spawned in glitch spot due to map level design
- // teleport next to guardian
- TeleportTarget = LastAlternatePathPoint;
- }
- // else if ( FtgBaseGuardian(Target) != none ) {
- // FtgBaseGuardian(Target).BlameBaseSetter(BlameStr);
- // }
- }
- function int CalcSpeed()
- {
- if ( FtgGame.bWaveBossInProgress )
- return StinkyClot.MaxBoostSpeed;
- return min( Pawn.GroundSpeed + 2, StinkyClot.MaxBoostSpeed ) ; // each call move faster and faster
- }
- }
- state MoveToShop extends Moving
- {
- function AbortScript()
- {
- if ( ActionNum < MoveTargets.length-1 )
- CompleteAction();
- else
- super.AbortScript();
- }
- function Actor GetMoveTarget()
- {
- if ( ActionNum < MoveTargets.length-1 && FtgGame.TotalMaxMonsters <= 0
- && FtgGame.NumMonsters <= 16 + rand(16) )
- {
- ActionNum = MoveTargets.length-1; // end of the wave -> move directly to the last target
- }
- return global.GetMoveTarget();
- }
- function Stuck()
- {
- if ( KFAmmoPickup(Target) != none ) {
- AbortScript();
- }
- else {
- global.Stuck();
- }
- }
- function DoAdditionalActions()
- {
- local KFAmmoPickup ammo;
- local int i;
- if ( FtgGame.TSCGRI.MaxMonsters < 16 )
- return; // no ammo spawning during end of the game
- for ( i = AmmoCandidates.length - 1; i >= 0; --i ) {
- ammo = AmmoCandidates[i];
- if ( abs(Pawn.Location.Z - ammo.Location.Z) < 100
- && VSizeSquared(Pawn.Location - ammo.Location) < 1000000 // 20m
- && Pawn.FastTrace(Pawn.Location, ammo.Location) )
- {
- AmmoCandidates.remove(i, 1);
- if ( ammo.bSleeping ) {
- CurrentAmmoCandidate = ammo;
- GotoState( 'MoveToAmmo', 'Begin' ); // go for ammo
- } // else ammo is already spawned
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- function int CalcSpeed()
- {
- local TSCBaseGuardian gnome;
- gnome = FtgGame.TeamBases[TeamIndex];
- if (FtgGame.TotalMaxMonsters <= 0 && !FtgGame.bWaveBossInProgress) {
- if ( FtgGame.NumMonsters < 10 )
- return StinkyClot.MaxBoostSpeed;
- else if (gnome.SameTeamCounter < gnome.default.SameTeamCounter)
- return StinkyClot.OutOfBaseSpeed; // slowdown when nobody at the base to give team a chance to reach the base
- else
- return 2.0 * StinkyClot.OriginalGroundSpeed;
- }
- else if (gnome.SameTeamCounter < gnome.default.SameTeamCounter)
- return StinkyClot.OutOfBaseSpeed; // slowdown when nobody at the base to give team a chance to reach the base
- else if (FtgGame.TotalMaxMonsters < 50 && !FtgGame.bWaveBossInProgress)
- return StinkyClot.OriginalGroundSpeed * (2.0 - FtgGame.TotalMaxMonsters/50.0);
- else
- return StinkyClot.OriginalGroundSpeed;
- }
- function CompleteAction()
- {
- AmmoCandidates = FtgGame.StinkyAmmoPickups; // allow respawing ammo boxes
- global.CompleteAction();
- }
- }
- state MoveToAmmo extends Moving
- {
- function BeginState()
- {
- super.BeginState();
- SetTimer(30, false);
- AmmoSpawned = 0;
- AmmoSpawnCount = default.AmmoSpawnCount;
- if (AmmoPPPM < 1.1 * default.AmmoPPPM) {
- // extra ammo box per 3 players
- AmmoSpawnCount += FtgGame.AliveTeamPlayerCount[TeamIndex] / 3;
- // If AmmoPPPM drastically drops, spawn more ammo even in 1-2 player games
- AmmoSpawnCount = max(AmmoSpawnCount, 1.5 * default.AmmoPPPM / AmmoPPPM);
- AmmoSpawnCount = min(AmmoSpawnCount, MaxAmmoSpawnCount);
- }
- }
- function EndState()
- {
- super.EndState();
- SetTimer(0, false);
- }
- function Timer()
- {
- AbortScript();
- }
- function Actor GetMoveTarget()
- {
- return CurrentAmmoCandidate;
- }
- function AbortScript()
- {
- // if can't reach ammo box, then just exit the state intead of aborting the entire script
- CurrentAmmoCandidate = none;
- WhatToDoNext();
- }
- function Stuck()
- {
- AbortScript();
- }
- function CompleteAction()
- {
- local float dt;
- CurrentAmmoCandidate.GotoState('Pickup');
- if (++AmmoSpawned >= AmmoSpawnCount) {
- dt = Level.TimeSeconds - LastAmmoSpawnTime;
- class'ScrnFunctions'.static.lpf(AmmoPPPM,
- AmmoSpawned * 60.0 / dt / fmax(1.0, FtgGame.AliveTeamPlayerCount[TeamIndex]),
- dt, 60.0);
- class'ScrnFunctions'.static.dbg(self, "Sinky Spawned " $ AmmoSpawned " ammo in " $ dt
- $ "s. AmmoPPPM="$AmmoPPPM);
- LastAmmoSpawnTime = Level.TimeSeconds;
- WhatToDoNext();
- }
- }
- function WhatToDoNext()
- {
- if (AmmoSpawnCount <= 0 || CurrentAmmoCandidate == none || CurrentAmmoCandidate.IsInState('Pickup')) {
- // get back to the mision
- CurrentAmmoCandidate = none;
- GotoState('MoveToShop', 'Begin');
- }
- else {
- // spawn ammo once again
- GotoState(, 'Completing');
- }
- }
- }
- defaultproperties
- {
- GuardianReachTime=45
- MoveAttempts=5
- TeamIndex=1
- BlameStr="%p blamed for setting the base in a glitch spot!"
- AmmoSpawnCount=1
- MaxAmmoSpawnCount=5
- AmmoPPPM=1.0
- }
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