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- module LSA(
- output [7:0]m1, //motor1 PIN_D3
- output [7:0]m2, //motor2 PIN_C3
- input [11:0]s1, //12-bit output of ch. 5 (parallel)
- input [11:0]s2, //12-bit output of ch. 6 (parallel)
- input [11:0]s3, //12-bit output of ch. 7 (parallel)
- input clk_50, //50 MHz clock
- input reset,
- output Led1, //Led used to indicate position of bot i.e. node or line
- output Led2,
- output Led3,
- output HL1, // to control uart
- output [2:0] id
- );
- reg signed[7:0]error = 0;
- reg signed[7:0]difference = 0;
- reg signed[7:0]correction = 0;
- reg signed[7:0]cumulative_error = 0;
- reg signed[7:0]preverror = 0;
- reg [3:0]nodecount = -4'd1; //No. of nodes bot has traversed, initially set to -1
- //reg [3:0]flag=0;
- reg flag = 0;
- reg [6:0]k, l, adj, near, parnode;
- reg [11:0] dist [0:36];
- reg [6:0] parent [0:36];
- reg visited[0:36];
- reg [6:0] length=0; // length of path
- reg [6:0] sp[0:36]; // Store path
- reg [1:0] p_dc[0:36]; //Stores The turns
- reg led1=0;
- reg led2=0;
- reg led3=0;
- parameter V = 37;
- reg [7:0] i,j;
- reg [11:0] cost [0:36][0:36];
- reg [11:0] cost2 [0:36][0:36];
- // Function to find out the shortest distance
- function automatic [6:0]minNode;
- input [6:0]a;
- reg [6:0]minValue = 999;
- reg [6:0]minNode1 = 0;
- begin
- for (k = 0; k < V; k=k+1)
- begin
- if (dist[k] < minValue && visited[k] == 0)
- begin
- minValue = dist[k];
- minNode1 = k;
- //$display("Enter min");
- end
- end
- minNode = minNode1;
- //$display("Function Called %6d", minNode1);
- end
- endfunction
- //
- //Storing Values of the cost matrix
- initial begin
- for(i=0;i<V;i=i+1)
- begin
- for(j=0;j<V;j=j+1) begin
- if(i==j) begin
- cost2[i][j] = 0;
- cost[i][j] = 0;
- end
- else begin
- cost2[i][j] = 999;
- cost[i][j] = 999;
- end
- end
- end
- cost2[0][1] = 3;
- cost2[0][2] = 2;
- cost2[0][8] = 1;
- cost2[1][0] = 4;
- cost2[2][0] = 1;
- cost2[2][3] = 2;
- cost2[2][4] = 3;
- cost2[3][2] = 1;
- cost2[3][6] = 3;
- cost2[3][17] = 2;
- cost2[4][2] = 4;
- cost2[4][5] = 2;
- cost2[4][11] = 3;
- cost2[5][4] = 1;
- cost2[6][3] = 4;
- cost2[6][7] = 2;
- cost2[6][14] = 3;
- cost2[7][6] = 1;
- cost2[8][0] = 4;
- cost2[8][10] = 2;
- cost2[8][33] = 3;
- cost2[9][10] = 3;
- cost2[10][8] = 1;
- cost2[10][9] = 4;
- cost2[10][11] = 2;
- cost2[11][4] = 4;
- cost2[11][10] = 1;
- cost2[11][12] = 2;
- cost2[11][18] = 3;
- cost2[12][11] = 1; //M
- cost2[12][13] = 4;
- cost2[12][14] = 2;
- cost2[12][23] = 3;
- cost2[13][12] = 3;
- cost2[14][6] = 4; //O
- cost2[14][12] = 1;
- cost2[14][15] = 2;
- cost2[15][14] = 1;
- cost2[15][16] = 4;
- cost2[15][17] = 2;
- cost2[16][15] = 3; //Q
- cost2[17][15] = 1;
- cost2[17][3] = 4;
- cost2[17][26] = 3;
- cost2[18][19] = 2;
- cost2[18][11] = 4;
- cost2[18][21] = 3; //S
- cost2[19][18] = 1;
- cost2[20][21] = 2; //U
- cost2[21][20] = 1;
- cost2[21][22] = 2;
- cost2[21][28] = 3;
- cost2[21][18] = 4;
- cost2[22][21] = 1; //W
- cost2[23][24] = 2;
- cost2[23][12] = 4;
- cost2[23][34] = 3;
- cost2[24][22] = 1;
- cost2[25][26] = 2; //Z
- cost2[26][25] = 1;
- cost2[26][17] = 4;
- cost2[26][34] = 3; //AA
- cost2[27][28] = 2;
- cost2[28][27] = 1;
- cost2[28][21] = 4;
- cost2[28][29] = 2;
- cost2[28][31] = 3;
- cost2[29][28] = 1; //AD
- cost2[30][31] = 2;
- cost2[31][30] = 1; //AF
- cost2[31][28] = 4;
- cost2[31][32] = 2;
- cost2[31][33] = 3;
- cost2[32][31] = 1; //AG
- cost2[33][31] = 4;
- cost2[33][8] = 1;
- cost2[33][34] = 2;
- cost2[34][35] = 2;
- cost2[34][23] = 4;
- cost2[34][33] = 1;
- cost2[35][36] = 4;
- cost2[35][26] = 2;
- cost2[35][34] = 1;
- cost2[36][35] = 3;
- end
- initial begin
- /*for(i=0;i<V;i=i+1)
- begin
- for(j=0;j<V;j=j+1) begin
- if(i==j) begin
- //cost2[i][j] = 0;
- cost[i][j] = 0;
- end
- else begin
- //cost2[i][j] = 999;
- cost[i][j] = 999;
- end
- end
- end */
- cost[0][1] = 100; //A
- cost[0][2] = 15;
- cost[0][8] = 15;
- cost[1][0] = 100; //B
- cost[2][0] = 15; //C
- cost[2][3] = 3;
- cost[2][4] = 15;
- cost[3][2] = 3; //D
- cost[3][6] = 2;
- cost[3][17] = 4;
- cost[4][2] = 15; //E
- cost[4][5] = 100;
- cost[4][11] = 15;
- cost[5][4] = 100; //F
- cost[6][3] = 2; //G
- cost[6][7] = 100;
- cost[6][14] = 3;
- cost[7][6] = 100; //H
- cost[8][0] = 15; //I
- cost[8][10] = 15;
- cost[8][33] = 15;
- cost[9][10] = 100; //J
- cost[10][8] = 2; //K
- cost[10][9] = 100;
- cost[10][11] = 1;
- cost[11][4] = 15; //L
- cost[11][10] = 1;
- cost[11][12] = 3;
- cost[11][18] = 1;
- cost[12][11] = 3; //M
- cost[12][13] = 100;
- cost[12][14] = 1;
- cost[12][23] = 2;
- cost[13][12] = 100; //N
- cost[14][6] = 3; //O
- cost[14][12] = 1;
- cost[14][15] = 2;
- cost[15][14] = 2; //P
- cost[15][16] = 100;
- cost[15][17] = 1;
- cost[16][15] = 100; //Q
- cost[17][15] = 1; //R
- cost[17][3] = 4;
- cost[17][26] = 2;
- cost[18][19] = 100; //S
- cost[18][11] = 1;
- cost[18][21] = 1;
- cost[19][18] = 100; //T
- cost[20][21] = 100; //U
- cost[21][20] = 100; //V
- cost[21][22] = 100;
- cost[21][28] = 1;
- cost[21][18] = 1;
- cost[22][21] = 100; //W
- cost[23][24] = 100; //X
- cost[23][12] = 2;
- cost[23][34] = 3;
- cost[24][23] = 100; //Y
- cost[25][26] = 100; //Z
- cost[26][25] = 100; //AA
- cost[26][17] = 2;
- cost[26][34] = 4;
- cost[27][28] = 100; //AB
- cost[28][27] = 100; //AC
- cost[28][21] = 1;
- cost[28][29] = 100;
- cost[28][31] = 1;
- cost[29][28] = 100; //AD
- cost[30][31] = 100; //AE
- cost[31][30] = 100; //AF
- cost[31][28] = 1;
- cost[31][32] = 100;
- cost[31][33] = 1;
- cost[32][31] = 100; //AG
- cost[33][31] = 1; //AH
- cost[33][8] = 15;
- cost[33][34] = 3;
- cost[34][35] = 2; //AI
- cost[34][23] = 3;
- cost[34][33] = 3;
- cost[35][36] = 100; //AJ
- cost[35][26] = 4;
- cost[35][34] = 2;
- cost[36][35] = 100; //AK
- end
- reg [7:0]odc =50; //optimum duty cycle
- reg [7:0]mo1 = 50; // pwm to motor1, initially set to 50
- reg [7:0]mo2 = 50; // pwm to motor2, initially set to 50
- reg [7:0]ml1 = 50; // pwm to motor1 when it is on line
- reg [7:0]ml2 = 50; // pwm to motor2 when it is on line
- reg [7:0]mn1 = 50; // pwm to motor1 when it is on node
- reg [7:0]mn2 = 50; // pwm to motor2 when it is on node
- reg [11:0]thr = 2000; //Condition to differentiate between white and black surface
- reg [7:0]r_COUNT = 0; //counter
- reg clk_1 = 0; //1 MHz Clock
- reg [2:0] id1 =0; //to control uart
- reg hl;
- always @(posedge clk_50) begin //Scaling down of 50MHz clock to 1 MHz
- if(reset == 0)
- begin
- r_COUNT <= 0;
- end
- if (r_COUNT == 49 )begin //Check if count reaches 49
- r_COUNT <= 0; //Reset counter if it reaches 49
- end else begin
- r_COUNT <= r_COUNT + 1; //increment counter by 1 till 49
- end
- clk_1 <= (r_COUNT < 25);
- end
- reg [6:0] start1 = 33;
- reg [6:0] end1 = 3;
- reg [6:0] s6 = 22;
- reg [6:0] dzn1 =7;
- //dijkstra function
- function automatic dijkstra;
- input [6:0] start;
- input [6:0] enda;
- begin
- $display("Enter dijkstra");
- for (i = 0; i < V; i=i+1)
- begin
- dist[i] = 999;
- parent[i] = i;
- visited[i] = 0;
- sp[i] = 0;
- p_dc[i] = -1;
- end
- dist[start] = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < V; i=i+1)
- begin
- near = minNode(1);
- visited[near] = 1;
- for (adj = 0; adj < V; adj=adj+1)
- begin
- if (cost[near][adj] != 0 && dist[adj] > dist[near] + cost[near][adj])
- begin
- dist[adj] = dist[near] + cost[near][adj];
- parent[adj] = near;
- end
- end
- end
- parnode = parent[enda];
- sp[length] = enda;
- for(i=0;i<V;i=i+1)
- begin
- if(parnode != start) begin
- length = length + 1;
- sp[length] = parnode;
- $display(" <- %6d ", sp[length]);
- parnode = parent[parnode];
- end
- end
- length= length + 1;
- sp[length] = start;
- //$display("%6d", length);
- //direction
- i=0;
- for(j=35;j>0;j=j-1) begin
- //$display("%6d", sp[j]);
- if(j<length && j>0) begin
- $display("%6d", sp[j]);
- if(((cost2[sp[j]][sp[j+1]]==1) && (cost2[sp[j]][sp[j-1]] == 2)) || ((cost2[sp[j]][sp[j+1]]==2) && (cost2[sp[j]][sp[j-1]] == 1)) || ((cost2[sp[j]][sp[j+1]]==4) && (cost2[sp[j]][sp[j-1]] == 3)) || ((cost2[sp[j]][sp[j+1]]==3) &&(cost2[sp[j]][sp[j-1]] == 4)))
- begin $display("Straight");
- p_dc[i]=0;
- $display("%6d",p_dc[i]);
- i=i+1;
- end
- if(((cost2[sp[j]][sp[j+1]]==1) && (cost2[sp[j]][sp[j-1]] == 3)) || ((cost2[sp[j]][sp[j+1]]==3) && (cost2[sp[j]][sp[j-1]] == 2)) || ((cost2[sp[j]][sp[j+1]]==2) && (cost2[sp[j]][sp[j-1]] == 4)) || ((cost2[sp[j]][sp[j+1]]==4) && (cost2[sp[j]][sp[j-1]] == 1)))
- begin $display("Left");
- p_dc[i]=1;
- $display("%6d",p_dc[i]);
- i=i+1;
- end
- if(((cost2[sp[j]][sp[j+1]]==1) && (cost2[sp[j]][sp[j-1]] == 4)) || ((cost2[sp[j]][sp[j+1]]==4) && (cost2[sp[j]][sp[j-1]] == 2)) || ((cost2[sp[j]][sp[j+1]]==2) && (cost2[sp[j]][sp[j-1]] == 3)) || ((cost2[sp[j]][sp[j+1]]==3) && (cost2[sp[j]][sp[j-1]] == 1)))
- begin $display("Right");
- p_dc[i]=2;
- $display("%6d",p_dc[i]);
- i=i+1;
- end
- end
- end
- dijkstra = 1;
- end
- endfunction
- //
- reg flag_dijkstra = 0;
- reg [6:0] count_dijkstra =-1;
- always @(posedge clk_1) begin
- //Call dijkstra
- if(flag_dijkstra == 0) begin
- flag_dijkstra = dijkstra(start1, 3);
- end
- // Line Following
- if(reset == 0)
- begin
- nodecount =-4'd1 ; //Initially node count set to -1
- end
- led1 <= (s1>thr); //Led lights up when s1 has a greater value than 2000
- led2 <= (s2>thr); //Led lights up when s2 has a greater value than 2000
- led3 <= (s3>thr); //Led lights up when s3 has a greater value than 2000
- error = (s1>thr) - (s3>thr); //Relative error between sensors s1 and s3: values range from -1 to 1 P
- cumulative_error <= cumulative_error + error; //Adds up the error to give a cumulative error I
- if (cumulative_error > 10) //Condition to reset the value of cumulative error to 10 if it crosses 10
- begin
- cumulative_error <= 10;
- end
- if (cumulative_error < -10) //Condition to reset the value of cumulative error to -10 if it crosses -10
- begin
- cumulative_error <= -10;
- end
- if (s1<thr && s2>thr && s3<thr) //Cumulative error resets to zero when the bot is on line i.e WBW
- begin
- cumulative_error <= 0;
- hl=0;
- end
- difference <= error-preverror; //forms the differential part D
- correction <= ((10*error) + cumulative_error + (2*difference)); // kp = 10, ki = 1, kd =2
- preverror <= error; // Stores value of current error to previous error so that it can be used in next loop cycle
- ml1 <= odc - correction; // PID tuning for motor 1
- ml2 <= odc + correction; // PID tuning for motor 2
- if (ml1>70) //Resetting value of ml1 to 70 if it crosses 70
- begin
- ml1 <= 70;
- end
- if (ml2>70) //Resetting value of ml2 to 70 if it crosses 70
- begin
- ml2 <= 70;
- end
- if (ml1<30) //Resetting value of ml1 to 30 if it becomes less than 30
- begin
- ml1 <= 30;
- end
- if (ml2<30) //Resetting value of ml2 to 30 if it becomes less than 30
- begin
- ml2 <= 30;
- end
- if (s1 < thr && s2 > thr && s3 < thr) //ready for next node, flag resets to zero on line : WBW
- begin
- flag <= 0;
- end
- /*else begin
- flag <= 1;
- end*/
- // Only detect node once.
- if (s1>thr && s2>thr && s3>thr && flag == 0 && flag_dijkstra==1) //detect node
- begin
- hl = 1;
- id1 = 4;
- flag <= 1;
- //$display("%7d " ,i);
- //nodecount = p_dc[i];
- count_dijkstra = count_dijkstra+1;
- $display("%6d, %6d, %6d",p_dc[0], count_dijkstra, p_dc[count_dijkstra]);
- if(count_dijkstra==(length-1)) begin
- start1 = end1;
- if(sp[0] == end1) begin
- end1=s6;
- end
- if(sp[0] == s6) begin
- end1=dzn1;
- end
- flag_dijkstra = 0;
- end
- if(p_dc[count_dijkstra] == 0)
- begin
- //$display("straight");
- mn1 <= odc;
- mn2 <= odc;
- end
- if(p_dc[count_dijkstra] == 1)
- begin
- //$display("left");
- mn1 <= 5;
- mn2 <= 60;
- end
- if(p_dc[count_dijkstra] == 2)
- begin
- //$display("right");
- mn1 <= 60;
- mn2 <= 5;
- end
- end
- /*if(flag == 1) //Detection of node and applying pwm accordingly
- begin
- if(p_dc[i] == 0)
- begin
- $display("straight");
- mn1 <= odc;
- mn2 <= odc;
- end
- if(p_dc[i] == 1)
- begin
- $display("left");
- mn1 <= 5;
- mn2 <= 60;
- end
- if(p_dc[i] == 2)
- begin
- $display("right");
- mn1 <= 60;
- mn2 <= 5;
- end
- end*/
- if(flag == 0) //assigning values of ml1 and ml2 (line condition) to mo1 and mo2 respectively
- begin
- mo1 <= ml1;
- mo2 <= ml2;
- end else
- begin //assigning values of mn1 and mn2 (node condition) to mo1 and mo2 respectively
- mo1 <= mn1;
- mo2 <= mn2;
- end
- end
- assign Led1 = led1;
- assign Led2 = led2;
- assign Led3 = led3;
- assign id = id1;
- assign HL1 = hl;
- assign m1 = mo1;
- assign m2 = mo2;
- endmodule
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