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- /*
- Since our does not have alternative themes and having only bright white colors can be super blinding (it was to me) and exhausting for the eyes when it's dark, I decided to cook up a way for any forum member to get access to a Dark Mode - and a possibility to customize it as we all like completely different things and I know many will not like the main accent colors that I like.
- So I wrote all this up to change the existing forum colors and in a way where you can change the "--custom-<yada_yada>" RGB color values and most of the site will change along.
- Feel free to experiment and adjust the colors to your liking or change specific elements to whatever you like. I just wanted to give our community prolonged eyesight and comfort. :D
- I also tried commenting/describing most things I've changed so it's somewhat easier to decypher what is what as it took a while to track most things, if you want to change more than just my "--custom-" values - so the "--theme-" ones - you'll need to tinker for a while as some don't explain well what they're used for or where you'd find those.
- To use all of this, add the Stylebot extension to your browser (available to Chrome/Firefox/Edge at the moment
- and when on the EUC Forum page, click the icon and "Open Stylebot", then paste all of this in.
- Original topic with more information and instructions at
- Brought to you by yours truly, Phonoman.
- */
- :root {
- /* EASY-MODE */
- /* You can edit all changed colors in bulk here. */
- /* Just google "RGB color picker" to experiment with colors more easily. */
- --custom-dark_1: 0, 0, 0;
- --custom-dark_2: 11, 11, 11;
- --custom-dark_3: 35, 35, 35;
- --custom-most_fonts: 200, 200, 200;
- /* If primary accents (most titles/headings, some elements) feel too bright, you can try replacing with a darker version - 0, 89, 79 */
- --custom-primary_accents: 5, 150, 150;
- --custom-secondary_accents: 69, 110, 110;
- --custom-third_accents: 5, 105, 105;
- --custom-post_background: 21, 21, 21;
- --custom-small_details: 5, 70, 70;
- --custom-search_bar: 5, 50, 50;
- --custom-pager_background: 14, 14, 14;
- /* Set this to opposite of what you want as it will be inverted for colors to contrast correctly - so to have max black panel set this to max white. */
- --custom-text_editor_panel: 255, 255, 255;
- /* ADVANCED */
- /* Majority of overriden forum colors. */
- --theme-text_color: var(--custom-most_fonts);
- --theme-section_title: var(--custom-dark_1);
- --theme-text_dark: var(--custom-most_fonts);
- --theme-area_background: var(--custom-dark_2);
- --theme-page_background: var(--custom-dark_2);
- --theme-area_background_reset: var(--custom-post_background);
- --theme-area_background_light: var(--custom-dark_3);
- --theme-main_nav: var(--custom-dark_1);
- --theme-main_nav_tab: var(--custom-dark_3);
- --theme-main_nav_tab_font: var(--custom-most_fonts);
- --theme-light_button: var(--custom-small_details);
- --theme-light_button_font: var(--custom-most_fonts);
- --theme-very_light_button: var(--custom-third_accents);
- --theme-very_light_button_font: var(--custom-most_fonts);
- --theme-primary_button: var(--custom-third_accents);
- --theme-important_button: var(--custom-third_accents);
- --theme-active_input_border: var(--custom-third_accents);
- --theme-widget_title_bar: var(--custom-dark_2);
- --theme-widget_title_font: var(--custom-most_fonts);
- --theme-tab_background: var(--custom-dark_3);
- --theme-section_title_font: var(--custom-most_fonts);
- --theme-header: var(--custom-dark_2);
- --theme-header_text: var(--custom-most_fonts);
- --theme-comment_count: var(--custom-most_fonts);
- --theme-item_status: var(--custom-third_accents);
- --theme-notification_bubble: var(--custom-primary_accents);
- --theme-tag: var(--custom-secondary_accents);
- --theme-tag_font: var(--custom-most_fonts);
- --theme-item_status: var(--custom-primary_accents);
- --theme-mentions: var(--custom-primary_accents);
- --theme-link_button: var(--custom-primary_accents);
- --theme-featured: var(--custom-primary_accents);
- --theme-button_bar: var(--custom-pager_background);
- /* Featured/pinned topics star symbol background */
- --positive-light: rgb(var(--custom-most_fonts));
- /* Border shadow for most elements */
- --box--boxShadow: 0px 2px 4px -1px rgba(var(--custom-secondary_accents), 0.3);
- }
- /* Users */
- a.ipsType_break {
- color: rgb(var(--custom-primary_accents));
- }
- /* Searchbar */
- #elSearch{
- background: rgb(var(--custom-search_bar));
- color: rgb(var(--custom-most_fonts));
- }
- /* Logo */
- #elLogo img {
- background: url("") top right no-repeat;
- height: 0;
- width: 0;
- padding: 150px 400px 0 0; /* Insert actual image size (height width 0 0) */
- }
- /* CKEditor restore message */
- div[data-role~="autoSaveRestoreMessage"] {
- background: rgb(var(--custom-third_accents))
- }
- /* CKEditor panel */
- .cke_reset_all {
- background-color: rgb(var(--custom-text_editor_panel));
- filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg);
- }
- /* Main forum sections */
- div h4 a {
- color: rgb(var(--custom-primary_accents));
- }
- /* Sidebar titles */
- .ipsDataItem_title {
- color: rgb(var(--custom-primary_accents));
- }
- /* Main forum section last thread title */
- li.ipsDataItem_lastPoster__title a {
- color: rgb(var(--custom-primary_accents));
- }
- /* Users in the same post */
- .ipsLiveActivity {
- background: rgb(var(--custom-small_details));
- color: rgb(var(--custom-most_fonts));
- }
- /* Start new topic button */
- a.ipsButton.ipsButton_link.ipsButton_medium.ipsButton_fullWidth {
- border-color: rgb(var(--custom-secondary_accents));
- color: rgb(var(--custom-secondary_accents));
- }
- /* Comment history button */
- aside > ul > li.ipsMargin_top > ul > li > a {
- color: rgb(var(--custom-primary_accents));
- }
- /* Few links when creating a post */
- a.ipsCursor_pointer {
- color: rgb(var(--custom-primary_accents));
- }
- /* Breadcrumbs */
- .ipsBreadcrumb a {
- color: rgb(var(--custom-secondary_accents));
- }
- /* Leaderboard topic titles */
- #ipsTabs_elTabBar_elTableaderboard_panel > section > div h2 a {
- color: rgb(var(--custom-primary_accents));
- }
- /* Grid view forum section titles */
- div.ipsForumGrid h3 a {
- color: rgb(var(--custom-primary_accents));
- }
- /* Self profile post titles */
- #elProfileActivityOverview h2 a {
- color: rgb(var(--custom-primary_accents));
- }
- /* Self profile bar */
- #elProfileStats {
- background-color: rgb(var(--custom-dark_1));
- }
- /* Notification view all link */
- div.ipsMenu_footerBar a {
- color: rgb(var(--custom-primary_accents));
- }
- /* Recently browsing user at frontpage */
- div[data-controller~="core.front.core.onlineUsersWidget"] a {
- color: rgb(var(--custom-primary_accents));
- }
- /* All activity listing post titles */
- div.ipsPhotoPanel > div > h2 > span > a {
- color: rgb(var(--custom-primary_accents));
- }
- /* Profile currently doing what in forum */
- #elProfileInfoColumn > div span.ipsDataItem_main.ipsType_break a {
- color: rgb(var(--custom-primary_accents));
- }
- /* /online user activity links */
- #ipsLayout_mainArea > div.ipsBox > div > ol > li > div > div > p.ipsType_reset.ipsTruncate.ipsTruncate_line.ipsType_break > a {
- color: rgb(var(--custom-third_accents));
- }
- /* Scrollbar settings below */
- body::-webkit-scrollbar {
- width: 12px;
- }
- /* Scrollbar background color */
- body::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
- background: rgb(var(--custom-dark_3));
- }
- /* Scrollbar main piece */
- body::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
- background-color: rgb(var(--custom-third_accents));
- border-radius: 20px;
- border: 2px solid black;
- }
- is a text storage site. It was created on September 3, 2002 by Paul Dixon, and reached 1 million active pastes (excluding spam and expired pastes) eight years later, in 2010. is a popular source of .onion links that lead to the dark web.
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