

Aug 1st, 2018
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  1. if game:GetService("RunService"):IsClient()then error("Please run as a server script. Use h/ instead of hl/.")end;print("FE Compatibility: by WaverlyCole");InternalData = {}
  2. do
  3. script.Parent = owner.Character
  4. local Event ="RemoteEvent");Event.Name = "UserInput"
  5. local function NewFakeEvent()
  6. local Bind ="BindableEvent")
  7. local Fake;Fake = {Connections = {},
  8. fakeEvent=true;
  9. Connect=function(self,Func)
  10. Bind.Event:connect(Func)
  11. self.Connections[Bind] = true
  12. return setmetatable({Connected = true},{
  13. __index = function (self,Index)
  14. if Index:lower() == "disconnect" then
  15. return function() Fake.Connections[Bind] = false;self.Connected = false end
  16. end
  17. return Fake[Index]
  18. end;
  19. __tostring = function() return "Connection" end;
  20. })
  21. end}
  22. Fake.connect = Fake.Connect;return Fake;
  23. end
  24. local Mouse = {Target=nil,,KeyUp=NewFakeEvent(),KeyDown=NewFakeEvent(),Button1Up=NewFakeEvent(),Button1Down=NewFakeEvent()}
  25. local UserInputService = {InputBegan=NewFakeEvent(),InputEnded=NewFakeEvent()}
  26. local ContextActionService = {Actions={},BindAction = function(self,actionName,Func,touch,...)
  27. self.Actions[actionName] = Func and {Name=actionName,Function=Func,Keys={...}} or nil
  28. end};ContextActionService.UnBindAction = ContextActionService.BindAction
  29. local function TriggerEvent(self,Event,...)
  30. local Trigger = Mouse[Event]
  31. if Trigger and Trigger.fakeEvent and Trigger.Connections then
  32. for Connection,Active in pairs(Trigger.Connections) do if Active then Connection:Fire(...) end end
  33. end
  34. end
  35. Mouse.TrigEvent = TriggerEvent;UserInputService.TrigEvent = TriggerEvent
  36. Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(FiredBy,Input)
  37. if FiredBy.Name ~= owner.Name then return end
  38. if Input.MouseEvent then
  39. Mouse.Target = Input.Target;Mouse.Hit = Input.Hit
  40. else
  41. local Begin = Input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin
  42. if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return Mouse:TrigEvent(Begin and "Button1Down" or "Button1Up") end
  43. for _,Action in pairs(ContextActionService.Actions) do
  44. for _,Key in pairs(Action.Keys) do if Key==Input.KeyCode then Action.Function(Action.Name,Input.UserInputState,Input) end end
  45. end
  46. Mouse:TrigEvent(Begin and "KeyDown" or "KeyUp",Input.KeyCode.Name:lower())
  47. UserInputService:TrigEvent(Begin and "InputBegan" or "InputEnded",Input,false)
  48. end
  49. end)
  50. InternalData["Mouse"] = Mouse;InternalData["ContextActionService"] = ContextActionService;InternalData["UserInputService"] = UserInputService
  51. Event.Parent = NLS([[
  52. local Player = owner;local Event = script:WaitForChild("UserInput");local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService");local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
  53. local Input = function(Input,gameProcessedEvent)
  54. if gameProcessedEvent then return end
  55. Event:FireServer({KeyCode=Input.KeyCode,UserInputType=Input.UserInputType,UserInputState=Input.UserInputState})
  56. end
  57. UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(Input);UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(Input)
  58. local Hit,Target
  59. while wait(1/30) do
  60. if Hit ~= Mouse.Hit or Target ~= Mouse.Target then
  61. Hit,Target = Mouse.Hit,Mouse.Target;Event:FireServer({["MouseEvent"]=true,["Target"]=Target,["Hit"]=Hit})
  62. end
  63. end
  64. ]],owner.Character)
  65. end
  66. RealGame = game;game = setmetatable({},{
  67. __index = function (self,Index)
  68. local Sandbox = function (Thing)
  69. if Thing:IsA("Player") then
  70. local RealPlayer = Thing
  71. return setmetatable({},{
  72. __index = function (self,Index)
  73. local Type = type(RealPlayer[Index])
  74. if Type == "function" then
  75. if Index:lower() == "getmouse" or Index:lower() == "mouse" then
  76. return function (self)return InternalData["Mouse"] end
  77. end
  78. return function (self,...)return RealPlayer[Index](RealPlayer,...) end
  79. end
  80. return RealPlayer[Index]
  81. end;
  82. __tostring = function(self) return RealPlayer.Name end
  83. })
  84. end
  85. end
  86. if RealGame[Index] then
  87. local Type = type(RealGame[Index])
  88. if Type == "function" then
  89. if Index:lower() == "getservice" or Index:lower() == "service" then
  90. return function (self,Service)
  91. local FakeServices = {
  92. ["players"] = function()
  93. return setmetatable({},{
  94. __index = function (self2,Index2)
  95. local RealService = RealGame:GetService(Service)
  96. local Type2 = type(Index2)
  97. if Type2 == "function" then
  98. return function (self,...) return RealService[Index2](RealService,...)end
  99. else
  100. if Index2:lower() == "localplayer" then return Sandbox(owner) end
  101. return RealService[Index2]
  102. end
  103. end;
  104. __tostring = function(self) return RealGame:GetService(Service).Name end
  105. })
  106. end;
  107. ["contextactionservice"] = function() return InternalData["ContextActionService"] end;
  108. ["userinputservice"] = function() return InternalData["UserInputService"] end;
  109. ["runservice"] = function()
  110. return setmetatable({},{
  111. __index = function(self2,Index2)
  112. local RealService = RealGame:GetService(Service)
  113. local Type2 = type(Index2)
  114. if Type2 == "function" then
  115. return function (self,...) return RealService[Index2](RealService,...) end
  116. else
  117. local RunServices = {
  118. ["bindtorenderstep"] = function() return function (self,Name,Priority,Function) return RealGame:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(Function) end end;
  119. ["renderstepped"] = function() return RealService["Stepped"] end
  120. }
  121. if RunServices[Index2:lower()] then return RunServices[Index2:lower()]() end
  122. return RealService[Index2]
  123. end
  124. end
  125. })
  126. end
  127. }
  128. if FakeServices[Service:lower()] then return FakeServices[Service:lower()]() end
  129. return RealGame:GetService(Service)
  130. end
  131. end
  132. return function (self,...) return RealGame[Index](RealGame,...) end
  133. else
  134. if game:GetService(Index) then return game:GetService(Index) end
  135. return RealGame[Index]
  136. end
  137. end
  138. return nil
  139. end
  140. });Game = game;owner = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer;script ="Script");print("Complete! Running...")
  142. --//Paste script below this line.
  143. Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  144. Character = Player.Character
  145. PlayerGui = Player.PlayerGui
  146. Backpack = Player.Backpack
  147. Torso = Character.Torso
  148. Head = Character.Head
  149. Humanoid = Character.Humanoid
  150. LeftArm = Character["Left Arm"]
  151. LeftLeg = Character["Left Leg"]
  152. RightArm = Character["Right Arm"]
  153. RightLeg = Character["Right Leg"]
  154. LS = Torso["Left Shoulder"]
  155. LH = Torso["Left Hip"]
  156. RS = Torso["Right Shoulder"]
  157. RH = Torso["Right Hip"]
  158. Face = Head.face
  159. Neck = Torso.Neck
  160. it =
  161. attacktype = 1
  162. attacktype2 = 1
  163. vt =
  164. cf =
  165. cn =
  166. euler = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ
  167. angles = CFrame.Angles
  168. necko = cf(0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  169. necko2 = cf(0, -0.5, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  170. LHC0 = cf(-1, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  171. LHC1 = cf(-0.5, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  172. RHC0 = cf(1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  173. RHC1 = cf(0.5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  174. RootPart = Character.HumanoidRootPart
  175. RootJoint = RootPart.RootJoint
  176. RootCF = euler(-1.57, 0, 3.14)
  177. attack = false
  178. attackdebounce = false
  179. trispeed = 0.2
  180. attackmode = "none"
  181. local idle = 0
  182. local Anim = "Idle"
  183. stance = false
  184. local ff = 2
  185. noleg = false
  186. evadecooldown = false
  187. Humanoid.Animator.Parent = nil
  188. equip = false
  189. Face.Texture = ""
  190. attackspeed = 0.14
  191. df = false
  192. Swing = 1
  193. local sine = 0
  194. local change = 1
  195. local val = 0
  196. magic = false
  197. cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
  198. deb = game:GetService("Debris")
  199. RbxUtility = LoadLibrary("RbxUtility")
  200. Create = RbxUtility.Create
  201. local handee ="Part")
  202. handee.Parent = Character
  203. handee.Size =, 0.2, 0.2)
  204. handee.Archivable = true
  205. handee.Transparency = 1
  206. ---handee.CanCollide = false
  207. handee.BrickColor ="Cyan")
  208. handee.Material = "Neon"
  209. local handeeweld ="Weld")
  210. handeeweld.Parent = handee
  211. handeeweld.Part0 = RightArm
  212. handeeweld.Part1 = handee
  213. handeeweld.C1 =, 0.96, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0))
  214. handeeweld.Part0 = RightArm
  215. function newWeld(wp0, wp1, wc0x, wc0y, wc0z)
  216. local wld ="Weld", wp1)
  217. wld.Part0 = wp0
  218. wld.Part1 = wp1
  219. wld.C0 =, wc0y, wc0z)
  220. end
  221. function weld(model)
  222. local parts, last = {}, nil
  223. local function scan(parent)
  224. for _, v in pairs(parent:GetChildren()) do
  225. if v:IsA("BasePart") then
  226. if last then
  227. local w ="Weld")
  228. w.Name = ("%s_Weld"):format(v.Name)
  229. w.Part0, w.Part1 = last, v
  230. w.C0 = last.CFrame:inverse()
  231. w.C1 = v.CFrame:inverse()
  232. w.Parent = last
  233. end
  234. last = v
  235. table.insert(parts, v)
  236. end
  237. scan(v)
  238. end
  239. end
  240. scan(model)
  241. for _, v in pairs(parts) do
  242. v.Anchored = false
  243. v.Locked = true
  244. v.BackSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  245. v.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  246. v.FrontSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  247. v.LeftSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  248. v.RightSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  249. v.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines
  250. v.CustomPhysicalProperties =, 0, 0)
  251. end
  252. end
  253. for i, v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
  254. if v:IsA("Accoutrement") then
  255. v:Destroy()
  256. elseif v:IsA("Part") then
  257. v.Transparency = 0
  258. end
  259. end
  261. music ="Sound", Torso)
  262. music.Volume = 1
  263. music.TimePosition = 0
  264. music.Pitch = 1
  265. music.SoundId = "rbxassetid://1466277933"
  266. music.Looped = true
  267. music:Play()
  268. function so(id, par, vol, pit)
  269. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  270. local sou ="Sound", par or workspace)
  271. sou.Volume = vol
  272. sou.Pitch = pit or 1
  273. sou.SoundId = id
  274. swait()
  275. sou:play()
  276. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(sou, 8)
  277. end))
  278. end
  279. RSH, LSH = nil, nil
  280. RW, LW ="Weld"),"Weld")
  281. RW.Name = "Right Shoulder"
  282. LW.Name = "Left Shoulder"
  283. LH = Torso["Left Hip"]
  284. RH = Torso["Right Hip"]
  285. TorsoColor = Torso.BrickColor
  286. function NoOutline(Part)
  287. Part.TopSurface, Part.BottomSurface, Part.LeftSurface, Part.RightSurface, Part.FrontSurface, Part.BackSurface = 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
  288. end
  289. player = Player
  290. ch = Character
  291. RSH = ch.Torso["Right Shoulder"]
  292. LSH = ch.Torso["Left Shoulder"]
  293. RSH.Parent = nil
  294. LSH.Parent = nil
  295. RW.Name = "Right Shoulder"
  296. RW.Part0 = ch.Torso
  297. RW.C0 = cf(1.5, 0.5, 0)
  298. RW.C1 = cf(0, 0.5, 0)
  299. RW.Part1 = ch["Right Arm"]
  300. RW.Parent = ch.Torso
  301. LW.Name = "Left Shoulder"
  302. LW.Part0 = ch.Torso
  303. LW.C0 = cf(-1.5, 0.5, 0)
  304. LW.C1 = cf(0, 0.5, 0)
  305. LW.Part1 = ch["Left Arm"]
  306. LW.Parent = ch.Torso
  307. function newWeld(wp0, wp1, wc0x, wc0y, wc0z)
  308. local wld ="Weld", wp1)
  309. wld.Part0 = wp0
  310. wld.Part1 = wp1
  311. wld.C0 =, wc0y, wc0z)
  312. end
  313. newWeld(RootPart, Torso, 0, -1, 0)
  314. Torso.Weld.C1 =, -1, 0)
  315. newWeld(Torso, LeftLeg, -0.5, -1, 0)
  316. LeftLeg.Weld.C1 =, 1, 0)
  317. newWeld(Torso, RightLeg, 0.5, -1, 0)
  318. RightLeg.Weld.C1 =, 1, 0)
  319. Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  320. Character = Player.Character
  321. mouse = Player:GetMouse()
  322. m ="Model", Character)
  324. local weldBetween = function(a, b)
  325. local weldd ="ManualWeld")
  326. weldd.Part0 = a
  327. weldd.Part1 = b
  328. weldd.C0 =
  329. weldd.C1 = b.CFrame:inverse() * a.CFrame
  330. weldd.Parent = a
  331. return weldd
  332. end
  333. ArtificialHB ="BindableEvent", script)
  334. ArtificialHB.Name = "Heartbeat"
  335. script:WaitForChild("Heartbeat")
  336. frame = 0.016666666666666666
  337. tf = 0
  338. allowframeloss = false
  339. tossremainder = false
  340. lastframe = tick()
  341. script.Heartbeat:Fire()
  342. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function(s, p)
  343. tf = tf + s
  344. if tf >= frame then
  345. if allowframeloss then
  346. script.Heartbeat:Fire()
  347. lastframe = tick()
  348. else
  349. for i = 1, math.floor(tf / frame) do
  350. script.Heartbeat:Fire()
  351. end
  352. lastframe = tick()
  353. end
  354. if tossremainder then
  355. tf = 0
  356. else
  357. tf = tf - frame * math.floor(tf / frame)
  358. end
  359. end
  360. end)
  361. function swait(num)
  362. if num == 0 or num == nil then
  363. ArtificialHB.Event:wait()
  364. else
  365. for i = 0, num do
  366. ArtificialHB.Event:wait()
  367. end
  368. end
  369. end
  370. function RemoveOutlines(part)
  371. part.TopSurface, part.BottomSurface, part.LeftSurface, part.RightSurface, part.FrontSurface, part.BackSurface = 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
  372. end
  373. CFuncs = {
  374. Part = {
  375. Create = function(Parent, Material, Reflectance, Transparency, BColor, Name, Size)
  376. local Part = Create("Part")({
  377. Parent = Parent,
  378. Reflectance = Reflectance,
  379. Transparency = Transparency,
  380. CanCollide = false,
  381. Locked = true,
  382. BrickColor =,
  383. Name = Name,
  384. Size = Size,
  385. Material = Material
  386. })
  387. RemoveOutlines(Part)
  388. return Part
  389. end
  390. },
  391. Mesh = {
  392. Create = function(Mesh, Part, MeshType, MeshId, OffSet, Scale)
  393. local Msh = Create(Mesh)({
  394. Parent = Part,
  395. Offset = OffSet,
  396. Scale = Scale
  397. })
  398. if Mesh == "SpecialMesh" then
  399. Msh.MeshType = MeshType
  400. Msh.MeshId = MeshId
  401. end
  402. return Msh
  403. end
  404. },
  405. Mesh = {
  406. Create = function(Mesh, Part, MeshType, MeshId, OffSet, Scale)
  407. local Msh = Create(Mesh)({
  408. Parent = Part,
  409. Offset = OffSet,
  410. Scale = Scale
  411. })
  412. if Mesh == "SpecialMesh" then
  413. Msh.MeshType = MeshType
  414. Msh.MeshId = MeshId
  415. end
  416. return Msh
  417. end
  418. },
  419. Weld = {
  420. Create = function(Parent, Part0, Part1, C0, C1)
  421. local Weld = Create("Weld")({
  422. Parent = Parent,
  423. Part0 = Part0,
  424. Part1 = Part1,
  425. C0 = C0,
  426. C1 = C1
  427. })
  428. return Weld
  429. end
  430. },
  431. Sound = {
  432. Create = function(id, par, vol, pit)
  433. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  434. local S = Create("Sound")({
  435. Volume = vol,
  436. Pitch = pit or 1,
  437. SoundId = id,
  438. Parent = par or workspace
  439. })
  440. wait()
  441. S:play()
  442. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(S, 6)
  443. end))
  444. end
  445. },
  446. ParticleEmitter = {
  447. Create = function(Parent, Color1, Color2, LightEmission, Size, Texture, Transparency, ZOffset, Accel, Drag, LockedToPart, VelocityInheritance, EmissionDirection, Enabled, LifeTime, Rate, Rotation, RotSpeed, Speed, VelocitySpread)
  448. local fp = Create("ParticleEmitter")({
  449. Parent = Parent,
  450. Color =, Color2),
  451. LightEmission = LightEmission,
  452. Size = Size,
  453. Texture = Texture,
  454. Transparency = Transparency,
  455. ZOffset = ZOffset,
  456. Acceleration = Accel,
  457. Drag = Drag,
  458. LockedToPart = LockedToPart,
  459. VelocityInheritance = VelocityInheritance,
  460. EmissionDirection = EmissionDirection,
  461. Enabled = Enabled,
  462. Lifetime = LifeTime,
  463. Rate = Rate,
  464. Rotation = Rotation,
  465. RotSpeed = RotSpeed,
  466. Speed = Speed,
  467. VelocitySpread = VelocitySpread
  468. })
  469. return fp
  470. end
  471. },
  472. CreateTemplate = {}
  473. }
  474. EffectModel = Create("Model")({Parent = Character, Name = "Effects"})
  475. Effects = {
  476. Block = {
  477. Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay, Type)
  478. local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect",
  479. prt.Anchored = true
  480. prt.CFrame = cframe
  481. local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("BlockMesh", prt, "", "",, 0, 0),, y1, z1))
  482. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 2)
  483. if Type == 1 or Type == nil then
  484. table.insert(Effects, {
  485. prt,
  486. "Block1",
  487. delay,
  488. x3,
  489. y3,
  490. z3,
  491. msh
  492. })
  493. elseif Type == 2 then
  494. table.insert(Effects, {
  495. prt,
  496. "Block2",
  497. delay,
  498. x3,
  499. y3,
  500. z3,
  501. msh
  502. })
  503. end
  504. end
  505. },
  506. Cylinder = {
  507. Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay)
  508. local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect",
  509. prt.Anchored = true
  510. prt.CFrame = cframe
  511. local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("CylinderMesh", prt, "", "",, 0, 0),, y1, z1))
  512. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  513. table.insert(Effects, {
  514. prt,
  515. "Cylinder",
  516. delay,
  517. x3,
  518. y3,
  519. z3,
  520. msh
  521. })
  522. end
  523. },
  524. Head = {
  525. Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay)
  526. local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect",
  527. prt.Anchored = true
  528. prt.CFrame = cframe
  529. local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("SpecialMesh", prt, "Head", "nil",, 0, 0),, y1, z1))
  530. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  531. table.insert(Effects, {
  532. prt,
  533. "Cylinder",
  534. delay,
  535. x3,
  536. y3,
  537. z3,
  538. msh
  539. })
  540. end
  541. },
  542. Sphere = {
  543. Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay)
  544. local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect",
  545. prt.Anchored = true
  546. prt.CFrame = cframe
  547. local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("SpecialMesh", prt, "Sphere", "",, 0, 0),, y1, z1))
  548. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  549. table.insert(Effects, {
  550. prt,
  551. "Cylinder",
  552. delay,
  553. x3,
  554. y3,
  555. z3,
  556. msh
  557. })
  558. end
  559. },
  560. Elect = {
  561. Create = function(cff, x, y, z)
  562. local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "Neon", 0, 0,"Lime green"), "Part",, 1, 1))
  563. prt.Anchored = true
  564. prt.CFrame = cff *, x), math.random(-y, y), math.random(-z, z))
  565. prt.CFrame =
  566. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 2)
  567. local xval = math.random() / 2
  568. local yval = math.random() / 2
  569. local zval = math.random() / 2
  570. local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("BlockMesh", prt, "", "",, 0, 0),, yval, zval))
  571. table.insert(Effects, {
  572. prt,
  573. "Elec",
  574. 0.1,
  575. x,
  576. y,
  577. z,
  578. xval,
  579. yval,
  580. zval
  581. })
  582. end
  583. },
  584. Ring = {
  585. Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay)
  586. local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect",
  587. prt.Anchored = true
  588. prt.CFrame = cframe
  589. local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("SpecialMesh", prt, "FileMesh", "rbxassetid://3270017",, 0, 0),, y1, z1))
  590. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  591. table.insert(Effects, {
  592. prt,
  593. "Cylinder",
  594. delay,
  595. x3,
  596. y3,
  597. z3,
  598. msh
  599. })
  600. end
  601. },
  602. Wave = {
  603. Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay)
  604. local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect",
  605. prt.Anchored = true
  606. prt.CFrame = cframe
  607. local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("SpecialMesh", prt, "FileMesh", "rbxassetid://20329976",, 0, 0),, y1, z1))
  608. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  609. table.insert(Effects, {
  610. prt,
  611. "Cylinder",
  612. delay,
  613. x3,
  614. y3,
  615. z3,
  616. msh
  617. })
  618. end
  619. },
  620. Break = {
  621. Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1)
  622. local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect",, 0.5, 0.5))
  623. prt.Anchored = true
  624. prt.CFrame = cframe * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50))
  625. local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("SpecialMesh", prt, "Sphere", "",, 0, 0),, y1, z1))
  626. local num = math.random(10, 50) / 1000
  627. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  628. table.insert(Effects, {
  629. prt,
  630. "Shatter",
  631. num,
  632. prt.CFrame,
  633. math.random() - math.random(),
  634. 0,
  635. math.random(50, 100) / 100
  636. })
  637. end
  638. },
  639. Fire = {
  640. Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, delay)
  641. local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect",
  642. prt.Anchored = true
  643. prt.CFrame = cframe
  644. msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("BlockMesh", prt, "", "",, 0, 0),, y1, z1))
  645. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  646. table.insert(Effects, {
  647. prt,
  648. "Fire",
  649. delay,
  650. 1,
  651. 1,
  652. 1,
  653. msh
  654. })
  655. end
  656. },
  657. FireWave = {
  658. Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1)
  659. local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "Neon", 0, 1, brickcolor, "Effect",
  660. prt.Anchored = true
  661. prt.CFrame = cframe
  662. msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("BlockMesh", prt, "", "",, 0, 0),, y1, z1))
  663. local d = Create("Decal")({
  664. Parent = prt,
  665. Texture = "rbxassetid://26356434",
  666. Face = "Top"
  667. })
  668. local d = Create("Decal")({
  669. Parent = prt,
  670. Texture = "rbxassetid://26356434",
  671. Face = "Bottom"
  672. })
  673. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  674. table.insert(Effects, {
  675. prt,
  676. "FireWave",
  677. 1,
  678. 30,
  679. math.random(400, 600) / 100,
  680. msh
  681. })
  682. end
  683. },
  684. Lightning = {
  685. Create = function(p0, p1, tym, ofs, col, th, tra, last)
  686. local magz = (p0 - p1).magnitude
  687. local curpos = p0
  688. local trz = {
  689. -ofs,
  690. ofs
  691. }
  692. for i = 1, tym do
  693. local li = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "Neon", 0, tra or 0.4, col, "Ref",, th, magz / tym))
  694. local ofz =[math.random(1, 2)], trz[math.random(1, 2)], trz[math.random(1, 2)])
  695. local trolpos =, p1) *, 0, magz / tym).p + ofz
  696. li.Material = "Neon"
  697. if tym == i then
  698. local magz2 = (curpos - p1).magnitude
  699. li.Size =, th, magz2)
  700. li.CFrame =, p1) *, 0, -magz2 / 2)
  701. table.insert(Effects, {
  702. li,
  703. "Disappear",
  704. last
  705. })
  706. else
  707. li.CFrame =, trolpos) *, 0, magz / tym / 2)
  708. curpos = li.CFrame *, 0, magz / tym / 2).p
  709. game.Debris:AddItem(li, 10)
  710. table.insert(Effects, {
  711. li,
  712. "Disappear",
  713. last
  714. })
  715. end
  716. end
  717. end
  718. },
  719. EffectTemplate = {}
  720. }
  721. function New(Object, Parent, Name, Data)
  722. local Object =
  723. for Index, Value in pairs(Data or {}) do
  724. Object[Index] = Value
  725. end
  726. Object.Parent = Parent
  727. Object.Name = Name
  728. return Object
  729. end
  730. function clerp(a, b, t)
  731. local qa = {
  732. QuaternionFromCFrame(a)
  733. }
  734. local qb = {
  735. QuaternionFromCFrame(b)
  736. }
  737. local ax, ay, az = a.x, a.y, a.z
  738. local bx, by, bz = b.x, b.y, b.z
  739. local _t = 1 - t
  740. return QuaternionToCFrame(_t * ax + t * bx, _t * ay + t * by, _t * az + t * bz, QuaternionSlerp(qa, qb, t))
  741. end
  742. function QuaternionFromCFrame(cf)
  743. local mx, my, mz, m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22 = cf:components()
  744. local trace = m00 + m11 + m22
  745. if trace > 0 then
  746. local s = math.sqrt(1 + trace)
  747. local recip = 0.5 / s
  748. return (m21 - m12) * recip, (m02 - m20) * recip, (m10 - m01) * recip, s * 0.5
  749. else
  750. local i = 0
  751. if m00 < m11 then
  752. i = 1
  753. end
  754. if m22 > (i == 0 and m00 or m11) then
  755. i = 2
  756. end
  757. if i == 0 then
  758. local s = math.sqrt(m00 - m11 - m22 + 1)
  759. local recip = 0.5 / s
  760. return 0.5 * s, (m10 + m01) * recip, (m20 + m02) * recip, (m21 - m12) * recip
  761. elseif i == 1 then
  762. local s = math.sqrt(m11 - m22 - m00 + 1)
  763. local recip = 0.5 / s
  764. return (m01 + m10) * recip, 0.5 * s, (m21 + m12) * recip, (m02 - m20) * recip
  765. elseif i == 2 then
  766. local s = math.sqrt(m22 - m00 - m11 + 1)
  767. local recip = 0.5 / s
  768. return (m02 + m20) * recip, (m12 + m21) * recip, 0.5 * s, (m10 - m01) * recip
  769. end
  770. end
  771. end
  772. function QuaternionToCFrame(px, py, pz, x, y, z, w)
  773. local xs, ys, zs = x + x, y + y, z + z
  774. local wx, wy, wz = w * xs, w * ys, w * zs
  775. local xx = x * xs
  776. local xy = x * ys
  777. local xz = x * zs
  778. local yy = y * ys
  779. local yz = y * zs
  780. local zz = z * zs
  781. return, py, pz, 1 - (yy + zz), xy - wz, xz + wy, xy + wz, 1 - (xx + zz), yz - wx, xz - wy, yz + wx, 1 - (xx + yy))
  782. end
  783. function QuaternionSlerp(a, b, t)
  784. local cosTheta = a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2] + a[3] * b[3] + a[4] * b[4]
  785. local startInterp, finishInterp
  786. if cosTheta >= 1.0E-4 then
  787. if 1 - cosTheta > 1.0E-4 then
  788. local theta = math.acos(cosTheta)
  789. local invSinTheta = 1 / math.sin(theta)
  790. startInterp = math.sin((1 - t) * theta) * invSinTheta
  791. finishInterp = math.sin(t * theta) * invSinTheta
  792. else
  793. startInterp = 1 - t
  794. finishInterp = t
  795. end
  796. elseif 1 + cosTheta > 1.0E-4 then
  797. local theta = math.acos(-cosTheta)
  798. local invSinTheta = 1 / math.sin(theta)
  799. startInterp = math.sin((t - 1) * theta) * invSinTheta
  800. finishInterp = math.sin(t * theta) * invSinTheta
  801. else
  802. startInterp = t - 1
  803. finishInterp = t
  804. end
  805. return a[1] * startInterp + b[1] * finishInterp, a[2] * startInterp + b[2] * finishInterp, a[3] * startInterp + b[3] * finishInterp, a[4] * startInterp + b[4] * finishInterp
  806. end
  807. function weld5(part0, part1, c0, c1)
  808. weeld ="Weld", part0)
  809. weeld.Part0 = part0
  810. weeld.Part1 = part1
  811. weeld.C0 = c0
  812. weeld.C1 = c1
  813. return weeld
  814. end
  815. function rayCast(Pos, Dir, Max, Ignore)
  816. return game:service("Workspace"):FindPartOnRay(, Dir.unit * (Max or 999.999)), Ignore)
  817. end
  818. function Damagefunc(hit, minim, maxim, knockback, Type, Property, Delay, KnockbackType, decreaseblock)
  819. if hit.Parent == nil then
  820. return
  821. end
  822. h = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  823. for _, v in pairs(hit.Parent:children()) do
  824. if v:IsA("Humanoid") then
  825. h = v
  826. end
  827. end
  828. if hit.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
  829. h = hit.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  830. end
  831. if hit.Parent.className == "Hat" then
  832. hit = hit.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild("Head")
  833. end
  834. if h ~= nil and hit.Parent.Name ~= Character.Name and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
  835. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("DebounceHit") ~= nil and hit.Parent.DebounceHit.Value == true then
  836. return
  837. end
  838. c ="ObjectValue")
  839. c.Name = "creator"
  840. c.Value = game:service("Players").LocalPlayer
  841. c.Parent = h
  842. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(c, 0.5)
  843. Damage = math.random(minim, maxim)
  844. blocked = false
  845. block = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Block")
  846. if block ~= nil then
  847. print(block.className)
  848. if block.className == "NumberValue" and block.Value > 0 then
  849. blocked = true
  850. if decreaseblock == nil then
  851. block.Value = block.Value - 1
  852. end
  853. end
  854. if block.className == "IntValue" and block.Value > 0 then
  855. blocked = true
  856. if decreaseblock ~= nil then
  857. block.Value = block.Value - 1
  858. end
  859. end
  860. end
  861. if blocked == false then
  862. h.Health = h.Health - Damage
  863. showDamage(hit.Parent, Damage, 0.5,"White"))
  864. else
  865. h.Health = h.Health - Damage / 2
  866. showDamage(hit.Parent, Damage / 2, 0.5,"Bright blue"))
  867. end
  868. h.Health = h.Health - Damage
  869. if Type == "Knockdown" then
  870. hum = hit.Parent.Humanoid
  871. hum.PlatformStand = true
  872. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(HHumanoid)
  873. swait(5)
  874. HHumanoid.PlatformStand = false
  875. end), hum)
  876. local angle = (hit.Position - (Property.Position +, 0, 0))).unit
  877. local bodvol ="BodyVelocity")
  878. bodvol.velocity = angle * knockback
  879. bodvol.P = 5000
  880. bodvol.maxForce =, 8000, 8000)
  881. bodvol.Parent = hit
  882. rl ="BodyAngularVelocity")
  883. rl.P = 30000
  884. rl.maxTorque =, 10, 10) * 5000
  885. rl.angularvelocity =, 10), math.random(2, 4), math.random(-10, 10))
  886. rl.Parent = hit
  887. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bodvol, 0.5)
  888. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(rl, 0.5)
  889. elseif Type == "Normal" then
  890. vp ="BodyVelocity")
  891. vp.P = 500
  892. vp.maxForce =, 0, math.huge)
  893. if KnockbackType == 1 then
  894. vp.velocity = Property.CFrame.lookVector * knockback + Property.Velocity / 1.05
  895. elseif KnockbackType == 2 then
  896. vp.velocity = Property.CFrame.lookVector * knockback
  897. end
  898. if knockback > 0 then
  899. vp.Parent = hit.Parent.Torso
  900. end
  901. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(vp, 0.5)
  902. elseif Type == "Up" then
  903. local bodyVelocity ="BodyVelocity")
  904. bodyVelocity.velocity = vt(0, 4, 0)
  905. bodyVelocity.P = 1000
  906. bodyVelocity.maxForce =, 1000000000, 1000000000)
  907. bodyVelocity.Parent = hit
  908. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bodyVelocity, 1)
  909. rl ="BodyAngularVelocity")
  910. rl.P = 3000
  911. rl.maxTorque =, 500000, 500000) * 50000000000000
  912. rl.angularvelocity =, 20), math.random(-20, 20), math.random(-20, 20))
  913. rl.Parent = hit
  914. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(rl, 0.5)
  915. elseif Type == "Slam" then
  916. local bodyVelocity2 ="BodyVelocity")
  917. bodyVelocity2.velocity = vt(0, 4, 0)
  918. bodyVelocity2.P = 1000
  919. bodyVelocity2.maxForce =, 1000000000, 1000000000)
  920. bodyVelocity2.Parent = hit
  921. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bodyVelocity2, 1)
  922. rl2 ="BodyAngularVelocity")
  923. rl2.P = 3000
  924. rl2.maxTorque =, 500000, 500000) * 50000000000000
  925. rl2.angularvelocity =, 20), math.random(-20, 20), math.random(-20, 20))
  926. rl2.Parent = hit
  927. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(rl2, 0.5)
  928. elseif Type == "Snare" then
  929. bp ="BodyPosition")
  930. bp.P = 2000
  931. bp.D = 100
  932. bp.maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
  933. bp.position = hit.Parent.Torso.Position
  934. bp.Parent = hit.Parent.Torso
  935. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bp, 1)
  936. elseif Type == "Target" and Targetting == false then
  937. ZTarget = hit.Parent.Torso
  938. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part)
  939. so("", Part, 1, 1.5)
  940. swait(5)
  941. so("", Part, 1, 1.5)
  942. end), ZTarget)
  943. TargHum = ZTarget.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
  944. targetgui ="BillboardGui")
  945. targetgui.Parent = ZTarget
  946. targetgui.Size =, 100, 10, 100)
  947. targ ="ImageLabel")
  948. targ.Parent = targetgui
  949. targ.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  950. targ.Image = "rbxassetid://4834067"
  951. targ.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  952. cam.CameraType = "Scriptable"
  953. cam.CoordinateFrame =, ZTarget.Position)
  954. dir =, 0, cam.CoordinateFrame.lookVector.z)
  955. workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame =, ZTarget.Position)
  956. Targetting = true
  957. RocketTarget = ZTarget
  958. for i = 1, Property do
  959. if 0 < Humanoid.Health and Character.Parent ~= nil and 0 < TargHum.Health and TargHum.Parent ~= nil and Targetting == true then
  960. swait()
  961. end
  962. cam.CoordinateFrame =, ZTarget.Position)
  963. dir =, 0, cam.CoordinateFrame.lookVector.z)
  964. cam.CoordinateFrame =, ZTarget.Position) * cf(0, 5, 10) * euler(-0.3, 0, 0)
  965. end
  966. Targetting = false
  967. RocketTarget = nil
  968. targetgui.Parent = nil
  969. cam.CameraType = "Custom"
  970. end
  971. debounce ="BoolValue")
  972. debounce.Name = "DebounceHit"
  973. debounce.Parent = hit.Parent
  974. debounce.Value = true
  975. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(debounce, Delay)
  976. c ="ObjectValue")
  977. c.Name = "creator"
  978. c.Value = Player
  979. c.Parent = h
  980. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(c, 0.5)
  981. CRIT = false
  982. hitDeb = true
  983. AttackPos = 6
  984. end
  985. end
  986. function showDamage(Char, Dealt, du, Color)
  987. m ="Model")
  988. m.Name = tostring(Dealt)
  989. h ="Humanoid")
  990. h.Health = 0
  991. h.MaxHealth = 0
  992. h.Parent = m
  993. c ="Part")
  994. c.Transparency = 0
  995. c.BrickColor = Color
  996. c.Name = "Head"
  997. c.TopSurface = 0
  998. c.Material = "Neon"
  999. c.BrickColor ="Toothpaste")
  1000. c.BottomSurface = 0
  1001. c.formFactor = "Plate"
  1002. c.Size =, 0.4, 1)
  1003. ms ="CylinderMesh")
  1004. ms.Scale =, 0.8, 0.8)
  1005. if CRIT == true then
  1006. ms.Scale =, 1.25, 1)
  1007. end
  1008. ms.Parent = c
  1009. c.Reflectance = 0
  1010."BodyGyro").Parent = c
  1011. c.Parent = m
  1012. if Char:findFirstChild("Head") ~= nil then
  1013. c.CFrame = +, 1.5, 0))
  1014. elseif Char.Parent:findFirstChild("Head") ~= nil then
  1015. c.CFrame = +, 1.5, 0))
  1016. end
  1017. f ="BodyPosition")
  1018. f.P = 2000
  1019. f.D = 100
  1020. f.maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
  1021. f.position = c.Position +, 3, 0)
  1022. f.Parent = c
  1023. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(m, 0.5 + du)
  1024. c.CanCollide = false
  1025. m.Parent = workspace
  1026. c.CanCollide = false
  1027. end
  1028. function CreatePart(FormFactor, Parent, Material, Reflectance, Transparency, BColor, Name, Size)
  1029. local Part = Create("Part")({
  1030. formFactor = FormFactor,
  1031. Parent = Parent,
  1032. Reflectance = Reflectance,
  1033. Transparency = Transparency,
  1034. CanCollide = false,
  1035. Locked = true,
  1036. BrickColor =,
  1037. Name = Name,
  1038. Size = Size,
  1039. Material = Material
  1040. })
  1041. RemoveOutlines(Part)
  1042. return Part
  1043. end
  1044. function CreateMesh(Mesh, Part, MeshType, MeshId, OffSet, Scale)
  1045. local Msh = Create(Mesh)({
  1046. Parent = Part,
  1047. Offset = OffSet,
  1048. Scale = Scale
  1049. })
  1050. if Mesh == "SpecialMesh" then
  1051. Msh.MeshType = MeshType
  1052. Msh.MeshId = MeshId
  1053. end
  1054. return Msh
  1055. end
  1056. function CreateWeld(Parent, Part0, Part1, C0, C1)
  1057. local Weld = Create("Weld")({
  1058. Parent = Parent,
  1059. Part0 = Part0,
  1060. Part1 = Part1,
  1061. C0 = C0,
  1062. C1 = C1
  1063. })
  1064. return Weld
  1065. end
  1066. function attackone()
  1067. attack = true
  1068. for i = 0, 2, attackspeed + 0.16 do
  1069. swait()
  1070. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1071. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)), 0.2)
  1072. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(90)), 0.2)
  1073. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, -0.3 * i) * angles(math.rad(60 * i), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20 * i)), 0.2)
  1074. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(3), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1075. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-40), math.rad(4)), 0.2)
  1076. end
  1077. so("", LeftArm, 1, 1)
  1078. RootPart.Velocity = RootPart.CFrame.lookVector * 34
  1079. con5 = Humanoid.Touched:connect(function(hit)
  1080. if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and attackdebounce == false then
  1081. attackdebounce = true
  1082. Damagefunc(hit, 5, 8, math.random(5, 8), "Normal", RootPart, 0, 1)
  1083. so("", LeftArm, 1, 1)
  1084. wait(0.2)
  1085. attackdebounce = false
  1086. end
  1087. end)
  1088. for i = 0, 1, attackspeed do
  1089. swait()
  1090. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)), 0.4)
  1091. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(60)), 0.4)
  1092. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(30)), 0.4)
  1093. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, -0.3) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(-40 * i), math.rad(-90)), 0.4)
  1094. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(3), math.rad(-4)), 0.3)
  1095. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-3), math.rad(0)), 0.3)
  1096. end
  1097. attack = false
  1098. con5:Disconnect()
  1099. end
  1100. function attacktwo()
  1101. attack = true
  1102. for i = 0, 2, 0.15 do
  1103. swait()
  1104. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1105. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(30)), 0.2)
  1106. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, -0.3 * i) * angles(math.rad(60 * i), math.rad(0), math.rad(20 * i)), 0.2)
  1107. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(90 - 40 * i), math.rad(0), math.rad(-90 + 40 * i)), 0.2)
  1108. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(40), math.rad(4)), 0.2)
  1109. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-3), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1110. end
  1111. so("", RightArm, 1, 1)
  1112. RootPart.Velocity = RootPart.CFrame.lookVector * 45
  1113. con5 = Humanoid.Touched:connect(function(hit)
  1114. if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and attackdebounce == false then
  1115. attackdebounce = true
  1116. Damagefunc(hit, 6, 17, math.random(5, 12), "Normal", RootPart, 0, 1)
  1117. so("", RightArm, 1, 1)
  1118. wait(0.3)
  1119. attackdebounce = false
  1120. end
  1121. end)
  1122. for i = 0, 1, 0.07 do
  1123. swait()
  1124. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-40), math.rad(90 * i), math.rad(0)), 0.6)
  1125. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(15), math.rad(-70)), 0.4)
  1126. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(80), math.rad(0), math.rad(-50)), 0.7)
  1127. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-40), math.rad(0), math.rad(50)), 0.4)
  1128. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-40), math.rad(20), math.rad(0)), 0.3)
  1129. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(-40), math.rad(20)), 0.3)
  1130. end
  1131. con5:Disconnect()
  1132. attack = false
  1133. end
  1134. function attackthree()
  1135. attack = true
  1136. noleg = true
  1137. for i = 0, 2.3, 0.16 do
  1138. swait()
  1139. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1.15, 2.5) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-27), math.rad(0 - 50 * i), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1140. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(-24), math.rad(-8), math.rad(43)), 0.2)
  1141. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-60), math.rad(0), math.rad(60)), 0.2)
  1142. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, -0.3) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(50)), 0.2)
  1143. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -0.72, -0.4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(17), math.rad(0), math.rad(-16)), 0.2)
  1144. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1.15, 0.3) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-77), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1145. end
  1146. con5 = Humanoid.Touched:connect(function(hit)
  1147. if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and attackdebounce == false then
  1148. attackdebounce = true
  1149. Damagefunc(hit, 6, 12, math.random(5, 8), "Normal", RootPart, 0, 1)
  1150. so("", LeftLeg, 1, 1)
  1151. wait(0.17)
  1152. attackdebounce = false
  1153. end
  1154. end)
  1155. so("", LeftLeg, 1, 1.34)
  1156. so("", RightLeg, 1, 1.34)
  1157. for i = 0, 3.17, 0.11 do
  1158. swait()
  1159. RootPart.Velocity = RootPart.CFrame.lookVector * 45
  1160. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -0.7, -0.9) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(16 + 40 * i), math.rad(0 + 111 * i), math.rad(32 + 20 * i)), 0.1)
  1161. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(23), math.rad(0), math.rad(-10)), 0.16)
  1162. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.35, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(-70)), 0.16)
  1163. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0.2) * angles(math.rad(-70), math.rad(0), math.rad(-40)), 0.16)
  1164. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -0.95, 0.34) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-32), math.rad(32), math.rad(-40)), 0.17)
  1165. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -0.75, -0.43) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(76), math.rad(38), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1166. end
  1167. for i = 0, 1, attackspeed do
  1168. swait()
  1169. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, -0.4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-8), math.rad(-30), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1170. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(30)), 0.1)
  1171. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.35, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(-70)), 0.16)
  1172. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)), 0.1)
  1173. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(3), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1174. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1.03, 0.3) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-13), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1175. end
  1176. noleg = false
  1177. attack = false
  1178. con5:Disconnect()
  1179. end
  1180. function Fdash()
  1181. evadecooldown = true
  1182. attack = true
  1183. so("", Character, 2.5, 1)
  1184. Effects.Block.Create("Navy blue"), RootPart.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 33.6, 33.6, 33.6, 0.05)
  1185. Effects.Block.Create("White"), RootPart.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 33.4, 33.4, 33.4, 0.04)
  1186. Effects.Block.Create("Navy blue"), RootPart.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 36.6, 36.6, 36.6, 0.05)
  1187. Effects.Block.Create("Deep blue"), RootPart.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 36.4, 36.4, 36.4, 0.05)
  1188. Effects.Ring.Create("New Yeller"), Torso.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 7.6, 7.6, 7.6, 0.025)
  1189. Effects.Ring.Create("Deep blue"), Torso.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 8.6, 8.6, 8.6, 0.03)
  1190. Effects.Ring.Create("White"), Torso.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 9.6, 9.6, 9.6, 0.04)
  1191. Effects.Ring.Create("Navy blue"), Torso.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 10.6, 10.6, 10.6, 0.05)
  1192. for i = 0, 2, 0.064 do
  1193. swait()
  1194. RootPart.Velocity = RootPart.CFrame.lookVector * 145
  1195. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, -4.8) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0 + 213.8 * i), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1196. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1197. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-30), math.rad(0), math.rad(70)), 0.2)
  1198. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-30), math.rad(0), math.rad(-70)), 0.2)
  1199. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1200. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1201. end
  1202. attack = false
  1203. wait(0.13)
  1204. evadecooldown = false
  1205. end
  1206. function Adash()
  1207. evadecooldown = true
  1208. attack = true
  1209. so("", Character, 2.5, 1)
  1210. Effects.Block.Create("Navy blue"), LeftLeg.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 33.6, 33.6, 33.6, 0.05)
  1211. Effects.Block.Create("White"), RightLeg.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 33.4, 33.4, 33.4, 0.04)
  1212. Effects.Block.Create("Navy blue"), LeftLeg.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 36.6, 36.6, 36.6, 0.05)
  1213. Effects.Block.Create("Deep blue"), RightLeg.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 36.4, 36.4, 36.4, 0.05)
  1214. Torso.Velocity = RootPart.Velocity + vt(0, 19.4, 0)
  1215. for i = 0, 2, 0.064 do
  1216. swait()
  1217. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, 8, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0 + 213.8 * i), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1218. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1219. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-30), math.rad(0), math.rad(70)), 0.2)
  1220. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-30), math.rad(0), math.rad(-70)), 0.2)
  1221. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1222. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1223. end
  1224. attack = false
  1225. wait(0.13)
  1226. evadecooldown = false
  1227. end
  1228. function Ldash()
  1229. evadecooldown = true
  1230. attack = true
  1231. so("", Torso, 2.5, 1)
  1232. for i = 0, 2, 0.064 do
  1233. swait()
  1234. RootPart.Velocity = RootPart.CFrame.rightVector * -75
  1235. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(32)), 0.2)
  1236. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-9), math.rad(-14)), 0.2)
  1237. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(77), math.rad(0), math.rad(70)), 0.2)
  1238. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, -0.55) * angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(0), math.rad(70)), 0.2)
  1239. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(12)), 0.2)
  1240. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(8)), 0.2)
  1241. end
  1242. attack = false
  1243. wait(0.13)
  1244. evadecooldown = false
  1245. end
  1246. function Rdash()
  1247. evadecooldown = true
  1248. attack = true
  1249. so("", Torso, 2.5, 1)
  1250. for i = 0, 2, 0.064 do
  1251. swait()
  1252. RootPart.Velocity = RootPart.CFrame.rightVector * 75
  1253. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-32)), 0.2)
  1254. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(9), math.rad(14)), 0.2)
  1255. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, -0.55) * angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(0), math.rad(-70)), 0.2)
  1256. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(77), math.rad(0), math.rad(-70)), 0.2)
  1257. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-8)), 0.2)
  1258. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-12)), 0.2)
  1259. end
  1260. attack = false
  1261. wait(0.13)
  1262. evadecooldown = false
  1263. end
  1264. function Bdash()
  1265. evadecooldown = true
  1266. attack = true
  1267. for i = 0, 8.4, 0.21 do
  1268. swait()
  1269. RootPart.Velocity = RootPart.CFrame.lookVector * -90
  1270. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -0.79, 2.5) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 100 * i), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1271. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1272. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(180), math.rad(-60), math.rad(40)), 0.2)
  1273. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(180), math.rad(60), math.rad(-40)), 0.2)
  1274. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1275. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1276. end
  1277. attack = false
  1278. wait(0.9)
  1279. evadecooldown = false
  1280. end
  1281. function bullets()
  1282. local X ="Part", Workspace)
  1283. local O ="ObjectValue", X)
  1284. O.Name = "creator"
  1285. X.Locked = true
  1286. X.Name = "Shell"
  1287. X.Anchored = false
  1288. X.CanCollide = false
  1289. X.Transparency = 0.24
  1290. X.Reflectance = 0
  1291. X.BottomSurface = 0
  1292. X.TopSurface = 0
  1293. X.Shape = 0
  1294. local V ="ObjectValue", X)
  1295. V.Value = Character
  1296. V.Name = "creator"
  1297. X.BrickColor ="Cyan")
  1298. X.Size =, 2, 2)
  1299. X.Material = "Neon"
  1300. local Z ="SpecialMesh", X)
  1301. Z.MeshType = "Sphere"
  1302. Z.Scale =, 0.2, 0.7) +, 0.7), math.random(0, 0.7), math.random(0, 0.7))
  1303. X.CFrame = handee.CFrame *, -5, -1) +, 76), math.random(5, 10), math.random(-44, 44))
  1304. local bv ="BodyVelocity", X)
  1305. bv.maxForce =, 99999, 99999)
  1306. X.CFrame =, mouse.Hit.p)
  1307. bv.velocity = X.CFrame.lookVector * 445
  1308. so("", X, 1, 1)
  1309. local X2 ="Part", Workspace)
  1310. local O2 ="ObjectValue", X2)
  1311. O2.Name = "creator"
  1312. X2.Locked = true
  1313. X2.Name = "Shell"
  1314. X2.Anchored = false
  1315. X2.CanCollide = false
  1316. X2.Transparency = 0.24
  1317. X2.Reflectance = 0
  1318. X2.BottomSurface = 0
  1319. X2.TopSurface = 0
  1320. X2.Shape = 0
  1321. local V2 ="ObjectValue", X2)
  1322. V2.Value = Character
  1323. V2.Name = "creator"
  1324. X2.BrickColor ="New Yeller")
  1325. X2.Size =, 2, 2)
  1326. X2.Material = "Neon"
  1327. local Z2 ="SpecialMesh", X2)
  1328. Z2.MeshType = "Sphere"
  1329. Z2.Scale =, 0.2, 0.7) +, 0.7), math.random(0, 0.7), math.random(0, 0.7))
  1330. X2.CFrame = handee.CFrame *, -5, -1) +, 76), math.random(5, 10), math.random(-44, 44))
  1331. local bv2 ="BodyVelocity", X2)
  1332. bv2.maxForce =, 99999, 99999)
  1333. X2.CFrame =, mouse.Hit.p)
  1334. bv2.velocity = X2.CFrame.lookVector * 345
  1335. so("", X2, 1, 1)
  1336. local X3 ="Part", Workspace)
  1337. local O3 ="ObjectValue", X3)
  1338. O3.Name = "creator"
  1339. X3.Locked = true
  1340. X3.Name = "Shell"
  1341. X3.Anchored = false
  1342. X3.CanCollide = false
  1343. X3.Transparency = 0.24
  1344. X3.Reflectance = 0
  1345. X3.BottomSurface = 0
  1346. X3.TopSurface = 0
  1347. X3.Shape = 0
  1348. local V3 ="ObjectValue", X3)
  1349. V3.Value = Character
  1350. V3.Name = "creator"
  1351. X3.BrickColor ="White")
  1352. X3.Size =, 2, 2)
  1353. X3.Material = "Neon"
  1354. local Z3 ="SpecialMesh", X3)
  1355. Z3.MeshType = "Sphere"
  1356. Z3.Scale =, 0.2, 0.7) +, 0.7), math.random(0, 0.7), math.random(0, 0.7))
  1357. X3.CFrame = handee.CFrame *, -5, -1) +, 76), math.random(5, 10), math.random(-44, 44))
  1358. local bv3 ="BodyVelocity", X3)
  1359. bv3.maxForce =, 99999, 99999)
  1360. X3.CFrame =, mouse.Hit.p)
  1361. bv3.velocity = X3.CFrame.lookVector * 545
  1362. so("", X3, 1, 1)
  1363. local con5 = X.Touched:connect(function(hit)
  1364. Effects.Sphere.Create("Toothpaste"), X.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 37.6, 37.6, 37.6, 0.07)
  1365. X:Destroy()
  1366. so("", Workspace, 0.5, 1)
  1367. if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and hit.Name ~= "X2" or hit.Name ~= "X3" then
  1368. Damagefunc(hit, 9, 16, math.random(4, 6), "Knockdown", RootPart, 0.2, 1)
  1369. Effects.Sphere.Create("Toothpaste"), X.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 37.6, 37.6, 37.6, 0.07)
  1370. so("", Workspace, 0.5, 1)
  1371. X:Destroy()
  1372. end
  1373. end)
  1374. local con5 = X2.Touched:connect(function(hit)
  1375. Effects.Sphere.Create("New Yeller"), X2.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 37.6, 37.6, 37.6, 0.07)
  1376. X2:Destroy()
  1377. so("", Workspace, 0.5, 1)
  1378. if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and hit.Name ~= "X" or hit.Name ~= "X3" then
  1379. Damagefunc(hit, 9, 16, math.random(4, 6), "Knockdown", RootPart, 0.2, 1)
  1380. Effects.Sphere.Create("New Yeller"), X2.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 37.6, 37.6, 37.6, 0.07)
  1381. so("", Workspace, 0.5, 1)
  1382. X2:Destroy()
  1383. end
  1384. end)
  1385. local con5 = X3.Touched:connect(function(hit)
  1386. Effects.Sphere.Create("White"), X3.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 37.6, 37.6, 37.6, 0.07)
  1387. X3:Destroy()
  1388. so("", Workspace, 0.5, 1)
  1389. if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and hit.Name ~= "X2" or hit.Name ~= "X" then
  1390. Damagefunc(hit, 9, 16, math.random(4, 6), "Knockdown", RootPart, 0.2, 1)
  1391. Effects.Sphere.Create("White"), X3.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 37.6, 37.6, 37.6, 0.07)
  1392. so("", Workspace, 0.5, 1)
  1393. X3:Destroy()
  1394. end
  1395. end)
  1396. end
  1397. function Fkickcombo()
  1398. attack = true
  1399. for i = 0, 2.3, 0.16 do
  1400. swait()
  1401. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1.15, 2.5) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-27), math.rad(0 - 50 * i), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1402. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(-24), math.rad(-8), math.rad(43)), 0.2)
  1403. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-60), math.rad(0), math.rad(60)), 0.2)
  1404. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, -0.3) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(50)), 0.2)
  1405. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -0.72, -0.4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(17), math.rad(0), math.rad(-16)), 0.2)
  1406. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1.15, 0.3) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-77), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1407. end
  1408. con5 = Humanoid.Touched:connect(function(hit)
  1409. if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and attackdebounce == false then
  1410. attackdebounce = true
  1411. Damagefunc(hit, 17, 26, math.random(2, 3), "Normal", RootPart, 0, 1)
  1412. so("", RightLeg, 2, 1)
  1413. wait(0.14)
  1414. attackdebounce = false
  1415. end
  1416. end)
  1417. so("", Torso, 1, 1.9)
  1418. noleg = true
  1419. for i = 0, 3.3, 0.11 do
  1420. swait()
  1421. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, 2.4, -0.8) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(13 - 22 * i), math.rad(0 + 130 * i), math.rad(80 - 15 * i)), 0.15)
  1422. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(13), math.rad(-17), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1423. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, -0.7) * angles(math.rad(80), math.rad(0), math.rad(-70)), 0.15)
  1424. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)), 0.15)
  1425. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1.03, 0.4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-54 - 3 * i), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1426. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, -0.7) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(60 + 3 * i), math.rad(10), math.rad(-4)), 0.15)
  1427. end
  1428. attack = false
  1429. noleg = false
  1430. con5:disconnect()
  1431. end
  1432. function Magicform()
  1433. df = true
  1434. attack = true
  1435. music.TimePosition = 0
  1436. music.SoundId = "rbxassetid://1228696343"
  1437. swait(1)
  1438. for i = 0, 4, 0.1 do
  1439. swait()
  1440. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-30), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1441. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(24), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1442. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, -0.35) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(-70)), 0.2)
  1443. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, -0.35) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(70)), 0.2)
  1444. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(-4), math.rad(3)), 0.2)
  1445. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(4), math.rad(-3)), 0.2)
  1446. end
  1447. so("", Head, 6, 1)
  1448. Effects.Sphere.Create("Toothpaste"), Torso.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 37.6, 37.6, 37.6, 0.07)
  1449. Part56.BrickColor ="Cyan")
  1450. Part156.BrickColor ="Cyan")
  1451. for i = 0, 4, 0.1 do
  1452. swait()
  1453. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1454. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(-54), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1455. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-60), math.rad(0), math.rad(70)), 0.2)
  1456. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-60), math.rad(0), math.rad(-70)), 0.2)
  1457. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-30), math.rad(4), math.rad(-3)), 0.2)
  1458. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-30), math.rad(-4), math.rad(3)), 0.2)
  1459. end
  1460. attack = false
  1461. end
  1462. function Magicrevert()
  1463. df = false
  1464. attack = true
  1465. music.TimePosition = 0
  1466. music.SoundId = "rbxassetid://1343241846"
  1467. swait(1)
  1468. for i = 0, 4, 0.1 do
  1469. swait()
  1470. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-30), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1471. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(24), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1472. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, -0.35) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(-70)), 0.2)
  1473. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, -0.35) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(70)), 0.2)
  1474. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(-4), math.rad(3)), 0.2)
  1475. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(4), math.rad(-3)), 0.2)
  1476. end
  1477. so("", Head, 6, 1)
  1478. Effects.Sphere.Create("New Yeller"), Torso.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 37.6, 37.6, 37.6, 0.07)
  1479. Part56.BrickColor ="New Yeller")
  1480. Part156.BrickColor ="New Yeller")
  1481. for i = 0, 4, 0.1 do
  1482. swait()
  1483. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1484. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(-54), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1485. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-60), math.rad(0), math.rad(70)), 0.2)
  1486. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-60), math.rad(0), math.rad(-70)), 0.2)
  1487. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-30), math.rad(4), math.rad(-3)), 0.2)
  1488. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-30), math.rad(-4), math.rad(3)), 0.2)
  1489. end
  1490. attack = false
  1491. end
  1492. function Sphere1()
  1493. magic = true
  1494. while magic == true do
  1495. do
  1496. local thing ="BodyGyro", RootPart)
  1497. thing.D = 30
  1498. thing.P = 3000
  1499. thing.MaxTorque = vt(math.huge, math.huge, 0)
  1500. thing.CFrame =, mouse.Hit.p)
  1501. attack = true
  1502. Effects.Block.Create("Navy blue"), handee.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 3.6, 3.6, 3.6, 0.07)
  1503. for i = 0, 1.6, 0.22 do
  1504. swait()
  1505. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-14), math.rad(-60), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1506. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(70)), 0.2)
  1507. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(90)), 0.2)
  1508. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(60), math.rad(0), math.rad(-90)), 0.2)
  1509. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1.06, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-8), math.rad(27), math.rad(-12)), 0.2)
  1510. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(2), math.rad(-24), math.rad(7)), 0.2)
  1511. end
  1512. local X ="Part", Workspace)
  1513. local O ="ObjectValue", X)
  1514. O.Name = "creator"
  1515. X.Locked = true
  1516. X.Name = "Shell"
  1517. X.Anchored = false
  1518. X.CanCollide = false
  1519. X.Transparency = 0.24
  1520. X.Reflectance = 0
  1521. X.BottomSurface = 0
  1522. X.TopSurface = 0
  1523. X.Shape = 0
  1524. local V ="ObjectValue", X)
  1525. V.Value = char
  1526. V.Name = "creator"
  1527. X.BrickColor ="Cyan")
  1528. X.Size =, 2, 2)
  1529. X.Material = "Neon"
  1530. local Z ="SpecialMesh", X)
  1531. Z.MeshType = "Sphere"
  1532. Z.Scale =, 1.5, 2)
  1533. X.CFrame = handee.CFrame *, -5, -1)
  1534. local bv ="BodyVelocity", X)
  1535. bv.maxForce =, 99999, 99999)
  1536. X.CFrame =, mouse.Hit.p)
  1537. bv.velocity = X.CFrame.lookVector * 245
  1538. RootPart.Velocity = RootPart.CFrame.lookVector * -43
  1539. Torso.Velocity = RootPart.Velocity + vt(0, 3.4, 0)
  1540. game:service("Debris"):AddItem(X, 9)
  1541. local con5 = X.Touched:connect(function(hit)
  1542. Effects.Sphere.Create("Toothpaste"), X.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 37.6, 37.6, 37.6, 0.07)
  1543. X:Destroy()
  1544. so("", Workspace, 0.5, 1)
  1545. if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and attackdebounce == false then
  1546. attackdebounce = true
  1547. Damagefunc(hit, 9, 16, math.random(4, 6), "Knockdown", RootPart, 0.2, 1)
  1548. Effects.Sphere.Create("Toothpaste"), X.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 37.6, 37.6, 37.6, 0.07)
  1549. so("", Workspace, 0.5, 1)
  1550. X:Destroy()
  1551. wait()
  1552. attackdebounce = false
  1553. end
  1554. end)
  1555. Effects.Block.Create("Navy blue"), handee.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 3.6, 3.6, 3.6, 0.07)
  1556. for i = 0, 2.86, 0.22 do
  1557. swait()
  1558. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(10), math.rad(40), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1559. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(6), math.rad(0), math.rad(-50)), 0.2)
  1560. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, -0.65) * angles(math.rad(80), math.rad(0), math.rad(-70)), 0.2)
  1561. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-30), math.rad(0), math.rad(-40)), 0.2)
  1562. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-16), math.rad(4), math.rad(11)), 0.2)
  1563. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(16), math.rad(-4), math.rad(13)), 0.2)
  1564. end
  1565. thing:Destroy()
  1566. attack = false
  1567. end
  1568. end
  1569. end
  1570. function Sphere2()
  1571. attack = true
  1572. local thing ="BodyGyro", RootPart)
  1573. thing.D = 30
  1574. thing.P = 3000
  1575. thing.MaxTorque = vt(math.huge, math.huge, 0)
  1576. Effects.Block.Create("Navy blue"), handee.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 3.6, 3.6, 3.6, 0.07)
  1577. for i = 0, 2.86, 0.22 do
  1578. swait()
  1579. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(10), math.rad(40), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1580. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(6), math.rad(0), math.rad(-50)), 0.2)
  1581. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, -0.65) * angles(math.rad(80), math.rad(0), math.rad(-70)), 0.2)
  1582. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-30), math.rad(0), math.rad(-40)), 0.2)
  1583. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-16), math.rad(4), math.rad(11)), 0.2)
  1584. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(16), math.rad(-4), math.rad(13)), 0.2)
  1585. end
  1586. for i = 1, 215 do
  1587. thing.CFrame =, mouse.Hit.p)
  1588. bullets()
  1589. swait()
  1590. bullets()
  1591. bullets()
  1592. wait(0.2)
  1593. bullets()
  1594. bullets()
  1595. RootPart.Velocity = RootPart.CFrame.lookVector * -23
  1596. end
  1597. thing:Destroy()
  1598. attack = false
  1599. end
  1600. function laser()
  1601. local thing ="BodyGyro", RootPart)
  1602. thing.D = 0
  1603. thing.P = 7000
  1604. thing.MaxTorque = vt(math.huge, math.huge, 0)
  1605. thing.CFrame =, mouse.Hit.p)
  1606. attack = true
  1607. so("", RightArm, 1, 1)
  1608. for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do
  1609. swait()
  1610. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1611. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-80)), 0.2)
  1612. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(90)), 0.2)
  1613. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)), 0.2)
  1614. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-25), math.rad(-66), math.rad(-25)), 0.1)
  1615. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-83), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1616. end
  1617. local ray =, (mouse.Hit.p - handee.CFrame.p).unit * 700)
  1618. local part, position = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray, player.Character, false, true)
  1619. local beam ="Part", workspace)
  1620. beam.BrickColor ="Navy blue")
  1621. beam.FormFactor = "Custom"
  1622. beam.Material = "Neon"
  1623. beam.Transparency = 0
  1624. beam.Anchored = true
  1625. beam.Locked = true
  1626. beam.CanCollide = false
  1627. local beam1 ="Part", workspace)
  1628. beam1.BrickColor ="Navy blue")
  1629. beam1.FormFactor = "Custom"
  1630. beam1.Material = "Neon"
  1631. beam1.Transparency = 0
  1632. beam1.Anchored = false
  1633. beam1.Locked = true
  1634. beam1.CanCollide = false
  1635. local distance = (handee.CFrame.p - position).magnitude
  1636. beam.Size =, 1.71, distance)
  1637. beam1.Size =, 2.71, distance)
  1638. beam.CFrame =, position) *, 0, -distance / 2)
  1639. beam1.CFrame =, position) *, 0, -distance / 2)
  1640. local Z ="SpecialMesh", beam)
  1641. Z.MeshType = "Sphere"
  1642. local Z1 ="SpecialMesh", beam1)
  1643. Z1.MeshType = "Sphere"
  1644. local bv ="BodyVelocity", beam1)
  1645. bv.maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
  1646. beam1.CFrame =, mouse.Hit.p)
  1647. bv.velocity = beam1.CFrame.lookVector * 350
  1648. so("", RightArm, 6, 1)
  1649. Torso.Anchored = true
  1650. Effects.Ring.Create("Navy blue"), RootPart.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 18.6, 18.6, 18.6, 0.02)
  1651. Effects.Block.Create("Navy blue"), handee.CFrame, 2, 2, 2, 3.6, 3.6, 3.6, 0.03)
  1652. if part then
  1653. local humanoid = part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  1654. humanoid = humanoid or part.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  1655. if humanoid and part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and attackdebounce == false then
  1656. attackdebounce = true
  1657. Damagefunc(part, 1, 9, math.random(1, 2), "Knockdown", RootPart, 0.2, 1)
  1658. swait()
  1659. attackdebounce = false
  1660. end
  1661. end
  1662. for i = 0, 3.8, 0.1 do
  1663. swait()
  1664. beam.Size = beam.Size +, 3.71, 0)
  1665. beam1.Size = beam1.Size +, 7.71, 0)
  1666. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1667. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-80)), 0.2)
  1668. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(90 + 7 * math.cos(sine / 1.6) / 2), math.rad(0), math.rad(90)), 0.2)
  1669. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)), 0.2)
  1670. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-25), math.rad(-66), math.rad(-25)), 0.1)
  1671. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-83), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1672. end
  1673. for i = 0, 3.8, 0.1 do
  1674. swait()
  1675. beam.Size = beam.Size -, 6.71, 0)
  1676. beam1.Size = beam1.Size -, 9.71, 0)
  1677. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1678. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-80)), 0.2)
  1679. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(90 + 7 * math.cos(sine / 1.6) / 2), math.rad(0), math.rad(90)), 0.2)
  1680. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)), 0.2)
  1681. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-25), math.rad(-66), math.rad(-25)), 0.1)
  1682. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-83), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1683. end
  1684. Torso.Anchored = false
  1685. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(beam, 0.1)
  1686. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(beam1, 0.1)
  1687. attack = false
  1688. thing:Destroy()
  1689. end
  1690. mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  1691. if attack == false and attacktype == 1 and df == false then
  1692. attacktype = 2
  1693. attackone()
  1694. elseif attack == false and attacktype == 2 and df == false then
  1695. attacktype = 3
  1696. attacktwo()
  1697. elseif attack == false and attacktype == 3 and df == false then
  1698. attacktype = 1
  1699. attackthree()
  1700. elseif attack == false and attacktype == 4 and df == false then
  1701. attacktype = 1
  1702. attackfour()
  1703. elseif attack == false and attacktype2 == 1 and df == true then
  1704. attacktype = 1
  1705. Sphere1()
  1706. end
  1707. end)
  1708. mouse.Button1Up:connect(function()
  1709. if attack == true and df == true then
  1710. magic = false
  1711. end
  1712. end)
  1713. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  1714. if key == "f" and attack == false and evadecooldown == false then
  1715. Fdash()
  1716. end
  1717. end)
  1718. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  1719. if key == "g" and attack == false and evadecooldown == false then
  1720. Adash()
  1721. end
  1722. end)
  1723. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  1724. if key == "e" and attack == false and evadecooldown == false then
  1725. Ldash()
  1726. end
  1727. end)
  1728. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  1729. if key == "r" and attack == false and evadecooldown == false then
  1730. Rdash()
  1731. end
  1732. end)
  1733. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  1734. if key == "q" and attack == false and df == false then
  1735. Fkickcombo()
  1736. end
  1737. end)
  1738. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  1739. if key == "t" and attack == false then
  1740. Bdash()
  1741. end
  1742. end)
  1743. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  1744. if key == "y" and attack == false and df == false then
  1745. Magicform()
  1746. end
  1747. end)
  1748. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  1749. if key == "u" and attack == false and df == true then
  1750. Magicrevert()
  1751. end
  1752. end)
  1753. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  1754. if key == "l" and attack == false and df == true then
  1755. laser()
  1756. end
  1757. end)
  1758. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  1759. if key == "h" and attack == false and df == true then
  1760. Sphere2()
  1761. end
  1762. end)
  1763. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  1764. if string.byte(key) == 32 then
  1765. local ray =, Torso.CFrame.lookVector * 2)
  1766. local hit, position, normal = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray, character)
  1767. if hit and hit ~= lastwall then
  1768. print("walljump")
  1769. local velo ="BodyVelocity", Torso)
  1770. velo.MaxForce =, 400000, 400000)
  1771. velo.Velocity = -Torso.CFrame.lookVector * 20 +, 16, 0)
  1772. game.Debris:AddItem(velo, 0.1)
  1773. lastwall = hit
  1774. wait(0.4)
  1775. lastwall = nil
  1776. end
  1777. end
  1778. end)
  1779. for _, v in next, game:service("Players").localPlayer.Character:GetDescendants() do
  1780. if v:IsA("BasePart") then
  1781. local BF ="BodyForce", v)
  1782. BF.force =, workspace.Gravity * v:GetMass() / 1.121, 0)
  1783. end
  1784. end
  1785. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  1786. if string.byte(key) == 48 then
  1787. Swing = 2
  1788. if df == true then
  1789. Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 38.82
  1790. end
  1791. if df == false then
  1792. Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 28.82
  1793. end
  1794. end
  1795. end)
  1796. mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key)
  1797. if string.byte(key) == 48 then
  1798. Swing = 1
  1799. Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 8
  1800. end
  1801. end)
  1802. Humanoid.JumpPower = 43.3
  1803. Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 8
  1804. while true do
  1805. swait()
  1806. sine = sine + change
  1807. local torvel = (RootPart.Velocity *, 0, 1)).magnitude
  1808. local velderp = RootPart.Velocity.y
  1809. hitfloor, posfloor = rayCast(RootPart.Position,, RootPart.Position -, 1, 0)).lookVector, 4, Character)
  1810. if attack == true or attack == false then
  1811. if attack == false then
  1812. idle = idle + 1
  1813. else
  1814. idle = 0
  1815. end
  1816. if not (idle >= 500) or attack == false then
  1817. end
  1818. if RootPart.Velocity.y > 1 and hitfloor == nil then
  1819. Anim = "Jump"
  1820. if attack == false then
  1821. change = 1
  1822. Humanoid.CameraOffset =, 0, 0)
  1823. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, -0.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-13), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1824. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(-30 + 2.05 * math.cos(sine / 5)), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1825. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-30 + 2.05 * math.cos(sine / 5)), math.rad(0), math.rad(50 - 2.05 * math.cos(sine / 5))), 0.1)
  1826. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-30 + 2.05 * math.cos(sine / 5)), math.rad(0), math.rad(-50 + 2.05 * math.cos(sine / 5))), 0.1)
  1827. end
  1828. if attack == false then
  1829. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-25 + 3.05 * math.cos(sine / 5)), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1830. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -0.47, -0.7) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-12 + 3.05 * math.cos(sine / 5)), math.rad(-3), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1831. end
  1832. elseif RootPart.Velocity.y < -1 and hitfloor == nil then
  1833. Anim = "Fall"
  1834. change = 1
  1835. if attack == false then
  1836. Humanoid.CameraOffset =, 0, 0)
  1837. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1, 0.2) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-10), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1838. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(20), math.rad(90)), 0.1)
  1839. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(-20), math.rad(-90)), 0.1)
  1840. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(40), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1841. end
  1842. if attack == false or attack == true then
  1843. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-8), math.rad(3), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1844. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -0.67, -0.4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(25), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1845. end
  1846. elseif torvel < 1 and hitfloor ~= nil then
  1847. Anim = "Idle"
  1848. change = 1.54
  1849. if attack == false and equip == false then
  1850. Humanoid.CameraOffset =, 0, 0)
  1851. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1 - 0.1 * math.cos(sine / 40), 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-43), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1852. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(7 + 5 * math.sin(sine / 40)), math.rad(-4), math.rad(43)), 0.1)
  1853. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5 + 0.07 * math.sin(sine / 40), 0) * angles(math.rad(-13), math.rad(0 + 7 * math.cos(sine / 40)), math.rad(14 + 3.2 * math.cos(sine / 40))), 0.1)
  1854. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5 + 0.07 * math.sin(sine / 40), 0) * angles(math.rad(-3), math.rad(0 - 7 * math.cos(sine / 40)), math.rad(-14 - 3.2 * math.cos(sine / 40))), 0.1)
  1855. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1.03 + 0.1 * math.cos(sine / 40), 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(25), math.rad(-4)), 0.1)
  1856. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1 + 0.1 * math.cos(sine / 40), 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-14), math.rad(-9), math.rad(7)), 0.1)
  1857. end
  1858. elseif torvel > 2 and torvel < 25 and hitfloor ~= nil then
  1859. Anim = "Walk"
  1860. change = 0.76
  1861. if attack == false and equip == false then
  1862. Humanoid.CameraOffset =, 0, 0)
  1863. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1 + 0.23 * math.cos(sine / 3.5), -0.3) * angles(math.rad(-7 + 3 * math.cos(sine / 3.5)), math.rad(0 + 4 * math.cos(sine / 7)), math.rad(0) + RootPart.RotVelocity.Y / 46), 0.1)
  1864. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(0 - 6 * math.cos(sine / 3.5)), math.rad(0), math.rad(0) + RootPart.RotVelocity.Y / 13), 0.1)
  1865. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, 0 + 0.34 * math.sin(sine / 7)) * angles(math.rad(0 - 44 * math.sin(sine / 7)) + RootPart.RotVelocity.Y / -34, math.rad(0), math.rad(5 + 14 * math.sin(sine / 7)) - RootPart.RotVelocity.Y / 34), 0.1)
  1866. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0,, 0.5, 0 - 0.34 * math.sin(sine / 7)) * angles(math.rad(0 + 44 * math.sin(sine / 7)) + RootPart.RotVelocity.Y / 34, math.rad(0), math.rad(-5 + 14 * math.sin(sine / 7)) + RootPart.RotVelocity.Y / -34), 0.1)
  1867. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1 - 0.22 * math.cos(sine / 7), 0 + 0.22 * math.sin(sine / 7)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 - 65 * math.sin(sine / 7)), math.rad(3), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1868. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1 + 0.22 * math.cos(sine / 7), 0 - 0.22 * math.sin(sine / 7)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 65 * math.sin(sine / 7)), math.rad(-3), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1869. end
  1870. if attack == true and noleg == false then
  1871. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1 - 0.12 * math.cos(sine / 18), 0 + 0.22 * math.sin(sine / 18)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 - 30 * math.sin(sine / 18)), math.rad(3), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1872. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1 + 0.12 * math.cos(sine / 18), 0 - 0.22 * math.sin(sine / 18)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 30 * math.sin(sine / 18)), math.rad(-3), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1873. end
  1874. elseif torvel >= 25 and hitfloor ~= nil then
  1875. Anim = "Run"
  1876. if df == false then
  1877. change = 1
  1878. end
  1879. if df == true then
  1880. change = 1.35
  1881. end
  1882. if attack == false and equip == false then
  1883. Humanoid.CameraOffset =, 0, 0)
  1884. Torso.Weld.C0 = clerp(Torso.Weld.C0,, -1 - 0.42 * math.cos(sine / 2.5), -0.8) * angles(math.rad(-27), math.rad(0), math.rad(0) + RootPart.RotVelocity.Y / 26), 0.1)
  1885. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * angles(math.rad(-13 + 20 * math.sin(sine / 2.5)), math.rad(0), math.rad(0 + 5 * math.sin(sine / 5)) + RootPart.RotVelocity.Y / 13), 0.1)
  1886. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0,, 0.5, 0 + 0.34 * math.sin(sine / 5)) * angles(math.rad(0 - 80 * math.sin(sine / 5)), math.rad(0), math.rad(10 + 18 * math.sin(sine / 5))), 0.15)
  1887. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5, 0 - 0.34 * math.sin(sine / 5)) * angles(math.rad(0 + 80 * math.sin(sine / 5)), math.rad(0), math.rad(-10 + 18 * math.sin(sine / 5))), 0.15)
  1888. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1 - 0.24 * math.cos(sine / 5), 0 + 0.32 * math.sin(sine / 5)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 - 85 * math.sin(sine / 5)), math.rad(3), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1889. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1 + 0.24 * math.cos(sine / 5), 0 - 0.32 * math.sin(sine / 5)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 85 * math.sin(sine / 5)), math.rad(-3), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1890. end
  1891. if attack == true and noleg == false then
  1892. LeftLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(LeftLeg.Weld.C0,, -1 - 0.24 * math.cos(sine / 5), 0 + 0.32 * math.sin(sine / 5)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 - 65 * math.sin(sine / 5)), math.rad(3), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1893. RightLeg.Weld.C0 = clerp(RightLeg.Weld.C0,, -1 + 0.24 * math.cos(sine / 5), 0 - 0.32 * math.sin(sine / 5)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0 + 65 * math.sin(sine / 5)), math.rad(-3), math.rad(0)), 0.2)
  1894. end
  1895. end
  1896. end
  1897. if 0 < #Effects then
  1898. for e = 1, #Effects do
  1899. if Effects[e] ~= nil then
  1900. local Thing = Effects[e]
  1901. if Thing ~= nil then
  1902. local Part = Thing[1]
  1903. local Mode = Thing[2]
  1904. local Delay = Thing[3]
  1905. local IncX = Thing[4]
  1906. local IncY = Thing[5]
  1907. local IncZ = Thing[6]
  1908. if Thing[2] == "Shoot" then
  1909. local Look = Thing[1]
  1910. local move = 30
  1911. if Thing[8] == 3 then
  1912. move = 10
  1913. end
  1914. local hit, pos = rayCast(Thing[4], Thing[1], move, m)
  1915. if Thing[10] ~= nil then
  1916. da = pos
  1917. cf2 =[4], Thing[10].Position)
  1918. cfa =[4], pos)
  1919. tehCF = cfa:lerp(cf2, 0.2)
  1920. Thing[1] = tehCF.lookVector
  1921. end
  1922. local mag = (Thing[4] - pos).magnitude
  1923. Effects.Head.Create(Torso.BrickColor,[4] + pos) / 2, pos) * CFrame.Angles(1.57, 0, 0), 1, mag * 5, 1, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.2)
  1924. if Thing[8] == 2 then
  1925. Effects.Ring.Create(Torso.BrickColor,[4] + pos) / 2, pos) * CFrame.Angles(1.57, 0, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.57, 0, 0), 1, 1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 1)
  1926. end
  1927. Thing[4] = Thing[4] + Look * move
  1928. Thing[3] = Thing[3] - 1
  1929. if 2 < Thing[5] then
  1930. Thing[5] = Thing[5] - 0.3
  1931. Thing[6] = Thing[6] - 0.3
  1932. end
  1933. if hit ~= nil then
  1934. Thing[3] = 0
  1935. if Thing[8] == 1 or Thing[8] == 3 then
  1936. Damage(hit, hit, Thing[5], Thing[6], Thing[7], "Normal", RootPart, 0, "", 1)
  1937. elseif Thing[8] == 2 then
  1938. Damage(hit, hit, Thing[5], Thing[6], Thing[7], "Normal", RootPart, 0, "", 1)
  1939. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil or hit.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
  1940. ref = CFuncs.Part.Create(workspace, "Neon", 0, 1,"Really red"), "Reference",
  1941. ref.Anchored = true
  1942. ref.CFrame =
  1943. CFuncs.Sound.Create("161006093", ref, 1, 1.2)
  1944. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(ref, 0.2)
  1945. Effects.Block.Create(Torso.BrickColor, * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50)), 1, 1, 1, 10, 10, 10, 0.1, 2)
  1946. Effects.Ring.Create("Bright yellow"), * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50)), 1, 1, 0.1, 4, 4, 0.1, 0.1)
  1947. MagnitudeDamage(ref, 15, Thing[5] / 1.5, Thing[6] / 1.5, 0, "Normal", "", 1)
  1948. end
  1949. end
  1950. ref = CFuncs.Part.Create(workspace, "Neon", 0, 1,"Really red"), "Reference",
  1951. ref.Anchored = true
  1952. ref.CFrame =
  1953. Effects.Sphere.Create(Torso.BrickColor,, 5, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1, 0.07)
  1954. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(ref, 1)
  1955. end
  1956. if Thing[3] <= 0 then
  1957. table.remove(Effects, e)
  1958. end
  1959. end
  1960. if Thing[2] == "FireWave" then
  1961. if Thing[3] <= Thing[4] then
  1962. Thing[1].CFrame = Thing[1].CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 1, 0)
  1963. Thing[3] = Thing[3] + 1
  1964. Thing[6].Scale = Thing[6].Scale +[5], 0, Thing[5])
  1965. else
  1966. Part.Parent = nil
  1967. table.remove(Effects, e)
  1968. end
  1969. end
  1970. if Thing[2] ~= "Shoot" and Thing[2] ~= "Wave" and Thing[2] ~= "FireWave" then
  1971. if Thing[1].Transparency <= 1 then
  1972. if Thing[2] == "Block1" then
  1973. Thing[1].CFrame = Thing[1].CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50))
  1974. Mesh = Thing[7]
  1975. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale +[4], Thing[5], Thing[6])
  1976. Thing[1].Transparency = Thing[1].Transparency + Thing[3]
  1977. elseif Thing[2] == "Block2" then
  1978. Thing[1].CFrame = Thing[1].CFrame
  1979. Mesh = Thing[7]
  1980. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale +[4], Thing[5], Thing[6])
  1981. Thing[1].Transparency = Thing[1].Transparency + Thing[3]
  1982. elseif Thing[2] == "Fire" then
  1983. Thing[1].CFrame =[1].Position) +, 0.2, 0)
  1984. Thing[1].CFrame = Thing[1].CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50))
  1985. Thing[1].Transparency = Thing[1].Transparency + Thing[3]
  1986. elseif Thing[2] == "Cylinder" then
  1987. Mesh = Thing[7]
  1988. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale +[4], Thing[5], Thing[6])
  1989. Thing[1].Transparency = Thing[1].Transparency + Thing[3]
  1990. elseif Thing[2] == "Blood" then
  1991. Mesh = Thing[7]
  1992. Thing[1].CFrame = Thing[1].CFrame *, 0.5, 0)
  1993. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale +[4], Thing[5], Thing[6])
  1994. Thing[1].Transparency = Thing[1].Transparency + Thing[3]
  1995. elseif Thing[2] == "Elec" then
  1996. Mesh = Thing[10]
  1997. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale +[7], Thing[8], Thing[9])
  1998. Thing[1].Transparency = Thing[1].Transparency + Thing[3]
  1999. elseif Thing[2] == "Disappear" then
  2000. Thing[1].Transparency = Thing[1].Transparency + Thing[3]
  2001. elseif Thing[2] == "Shatter" then
  2002. Thing[1].Transparency = Thing[1].Transparency + Thing[3]
  2003. Thing[4] = Thing[4] *, Thing[7], 0)
  2004. Thing[1].CFrame = Thing[4] * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(Thing[6], 0, 0)
  2005. Thing[6] = Thing[6] + Thing[5]
  2006. end
  2007. else
  2008. Part.Parent = nil
  2009. table.remove(Effects, e)
  2010. end
  2011. end
  2012. end
  2013. end
  2014. end
  2015. end
  2016. end
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