

Sep 16th, 2017
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  1. # ------------------------------ #
  2. #
  3. # FeatherBoard 2
  4. # Runs like a feather on your server
  5. # (c) Maxim Van de Wynckel
  6. #
  7. # ------------------------------ #
  9. # Permissions: To use the action groups give them the permission
  10. #<group>
  11. # Make sure to remove them from the other groups
  12. # when giving a new permission.
  14. # Variables: These variables can be used in the TEXT section
  15. # of both the header as the footer.
  16. #
  17. # {PLAYER} - Player name
  18. # {PLAYERNICK} - Player nickname
  19. # {SERVER} - Server name
  20. # {PLAYERCOUNT} - Server player count
  21. # {BUNGEECOUNT} - Bungee network player count
  22. # 850+ more ... see spigot page
  24. # Formatting: These are formatting tags allowing you to format the animations
  25. # or placeholders.
  26. #
  27. # Substring: This allows you to split a word (even a placeholder) in parts
  28. # example: <substring begin=0 end=3>Hello World</substring> = Hel
  29. # usage: This can be used to split placeholders when creating a typewriter
  30. # or to split the colors in a placeholder.
  31. #
  32. # Scroll: This creates a scrolling animation of the text inside it. It accepts
  33. # two arguments (the length and space between scrolls).
  34. # example: <scroll width=20 spaces=20>&2This is a &atest</scroll>
  35. #
  36. # PLENTY MORE! See spigot page
  38. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
  40. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
  42. ## Config version (DO NOT EDIT)
  43. config: 2
  45. ## Language file
  46. lang: 'en'
  48. ## Debug mode
  49. debug: false
  51. ## Log to file
  52. log:
  53. enabled: true
  54. # Reset log on startup
  55. reset: false
  57. ## Update checking
  58. update:
  61. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
  63. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
  65. # Placeholder settings
  66. placeholder:
  67. # logs the memory usage of placeholders on startup
  68. log-memory: false
  69. # Clear unused placeholders that are not enabled.
  70. clear-unused: true
  72. # Tweaks to increase performance (Use at own risk)
  73. tweaks:
  74. # This option does not send scoreboard remove packets
  75. # to the client on quit. This can increase performance on servers
  76. # where players quit a lot (hubs, ...)
  77. #
  78. # Removal of the plugin requires you to manually delete the scoreboard.dat in the worlds
  79. # /data folder
  80. #
  81. # Enabling this can cause the scoreboard not to work anymore. Use at your own risk
  82. keepScoreboardOnQuit: false
  85. # Disabled worlds. Add your world name in this list to
  86. # disable it.
  87. disabled-worlds:
  88. - 'example_world'
  90. # Show delay on join. Usefull if you wish to let the user
  91. # enjoy a Title MOTD without having the scoreboard obstructing
  92. # the view.
  93. show-delay: 0
  95. # Anti Flicker will use a new engine that will allow you to use fast animations
  96. # without any flicker.
  97. # You can disable this feature if you do not have fast refresh rates.
  98. antiflicker: true
  100. # A list of different scoreboards
  101. boards:
  102. default:
  103. title: # The first element in the group will be title.
  104. # We will show the server name animated, with a glow effect every 20 sec
  105. text:
  106. - ' <delay times="5">&c&lSKY &4&lCOOKIE</delay> '
  107. - ' &c&lS '
  108. - ' &c&lSK '
  109. - ' &c&lSKY '
  110. - ' &C&LSKY &4&lC '
  111. - ' &c&lSKY &4&lCO '
  112. - ' &C&lSKY &4&lCOO '
  113. - ' &c&lSKY &4&lCOOK '
  114. - ' &c&lSKY &4&lCOOKI '
  115. - ' &c&lSKY &4&lCOOKIE '
  116. # Interval the animation loops in ticks (20 ticks = 1 sec)
  117. # If you need waiting intervals look at the DELAY placeholder
  118. interval: 3
  119. # Do you want to randomize the animation frames?
  120. random: false
  121. header: # A header is recommended to make sure the scoreboard remains the same size
  122. text:
  123. - '&c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
  124. interval: 100
  125. random: false
  126. player-label: # You can add elements to the group and name them like you want
  127. # Lets make a static label
  128. text:
  129. - '&c&l> &4Player:'
  130. interval: 100 # The interval is not important since its just 1 static text.
  131. # Do you want to randomize the animation frames?
  132. random: false
  133. player: # Under the label we will show the actual player name
  134. text:
  135. - '<delay times="4">&c&o{PLAYER}</delay>'
  136. - '<delay times="1">&7x:&f{x} &7y:&f{y} &7z:&f{z}</delay>'
  137. interval: 100
  138. # Do you want to randomize the animation frames?
  139. random: false
  140. spacer-player: # This is a spacer an empty line
  141. text:
  142. - ''
  143. interval: 100
  144. # Do you want to randomize the animation frames?
  145. random: false
  146. news-label:
  147. text:
  148. - '&c&l> &4Discord Server:'
  149. interval: 100
  150. # Do you want to randomize the animation frames?
  151. random: false
  152. news:
  153. # Lets create some animated news
  154. # News is something you need to write quick
  155. # and usually you don't want to spend ages on creating
  156. # some cool effect. That is why FeatherBoard features
  157. # several presets you can use.
  158. text:
  159. - '<scroll width="5">&c</scroll>'
  160. interval: 1 # When using preset effects. The interval will apply to that effect
  161. # Do you want to randomize the animation frames?
  162. random: false
  163. spacer-news: # Another spacer (empty line)
  164. text:
  165. - ''
  166. interval: 100
  167. random: false
  168. moneytimesplayed-label: #Switch between site, times played and health
  169. text:
  170. - '&c&l> &4Online Players:'
  171. - '&c&l> &4Played:'
  172. - '&c&l> &4Health:'
  173. interval: 100
  174. random: false
  175. moneytimesplayed: #Switch between site, times played and health
  176. text:
  177. - '{PLAYERCOUNT}'
  178. - '{stat_timesplayed}'
  179. - '{healthbar}'
  180. interval: 100
  181. random: false
  182. spacer-money: # Another spacer (empty line) again you don't need to call this 'spacer'
  183. text:
  184. - ''
  185. interval: 100
  186. random: false
  187. server-label: # Server status label
  188. text:
  189. - '&c&l> &4Server Status:'
  190. interval: 100
  191. random: false
  192. server: # Server status (ram and tps)
  193. text:
  194. - '<repeat times="200">{usedram} &7MB &8&l/ &f{totalram} &7MB</repeat>' #Refresh the ram 200 times
  195. - '<repeat times="100">{tps_rounded} &7TPS &7&o(Avg {avgtps_rounded})</repeat>' #Refresh the tps 100 times
  196. interval: 1
  197. random: false
  198. footer: # A footer is recommended to make sure the scoreboard remains the same size
  199. text:
  200. - '&c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
  201. interval: 100
  202. random: false
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