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- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- * 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
- 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
- 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
- 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
- 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
- 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
- 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
- 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
- */
- #define BOARD_STRING_SIZE 2004 + 1
- // Evaluation values.
- #define VALUE_KING 200
- #define VALUE_QUEEN 9
- #define VALUE_ROOK 5
- #define VALUE_BISHOP 3
- #define VALUE_KNIGHT 3
- #define VALUE_PAWN 1
- /* Positional bitwise operations
- * NOTE: @amount ALWAYS needs to be positive
- * Also, it should be checked before calling whether or not @amount is within
- * "legal" bounds (not exceeding the board size), e.g.:
- * - if @x represents the H8 square (upper right corner) the maximum value
- * @amount can take for NORTH_EAST is 0, for SOUTH_WEST 7 and for the other
- * two it is also 0;
- * - if @x represents the B7 square the maximum value @amount can take for
- * SOUTH_EAST is 6 and for the other three it is 1.
- */
- #define NORTH(x, amount) (x) << (8 * (amount))
- #define SOUTH(x, amount) (x) >> (8 * (amount))
- #define WEST(x, amount) (x) >> (amount)
- #define EAST(x, amount) (x) << (amount)
- #define NORTH_EAST(x, amount) (x) << (9 * (amount))
- #define NORTH_WEST(x, amount) (x) << (7 * (amount))
- #define SOUTH_EAST(x, amount) (x) >> (7 * (amount))
- #define SOUTH_WEST(x, amount) (x) >> (9 * (amount))
- // Positions on board.
- #define WHITE_SQUARES 0x55aa55aa55aa55aa
- #define BLACK_SQUARES 0xaa55aa55aa55aa55
- #define A_FILE 0x101010101010101
- #define B_FILE 0x202020202020202
- #define C_FILE 0x404040404040404
- #define D_FILE 0x808080808080808
- #define E_FILE 0x1010101010101010
- #define F_FILE 0x2020202020202020
- #define G_FILE 0x4040404040404040
- #define H_FILE 0x8080808080808080
- #define RANK_1 0xff
- #define RANK_2 0xff00
- #define RANK_3 0xff0000
- #define RANK_4 0xff000000
- #define RANK_5 0xff00000000
- #define RANK_6 0xff0000000000
- #define RANK_7 0xff000000000000
- #define RANK_8 0xff00000000000000
- // Positions (char array index) on board string.
- // There is an horizontal increment of 7 between pieces and a vertical
- // increment of 236. For example: the char representing the piece on A8
- // will be at @_board[123], the one on B8 at @_board[130] and the one on
- // A7 at @_board[123 + 236]
- #define S_HORIZONTAL_INC 7
- #define S_VERTICAL_INC 236
- #define S_A8 123 // upper left corner
- #define S_A7 (S_A8 + S_VERTICAL_INC)
- #define S_A6 (S_A8 + 2 * S_VERTICAL_INC)
- #define S_A3 (S_A8 + 5 * S_VERTICAL_INC)
- #define S_A2 (S_A8 + 6 * S_VERTICAL_INC)
- #define S_A1 (S_A8 + 7 * S_VERTICAL_INC)
- #define S_H1 1824 // lower right corner
- // States
- #define ST_PLAYING 0xf
- #define ST_DRAW 0
- #define ST_WHITE_WIN 1
- #define ST_WHITE_IN_CHECK 2
- #define ST_BLACK_WIN -1
- #define ST_BLACK_IN_CHECK -2
- #define PLAYER_WHITE 1
- #define PLAYER_BLACK -1
- uint64_t _wKing;
- uint64_t _wQueen;
- uint64_t _wRooks;
- uint64_t _wBishops;
- uint64_t _wKnights;
- uint64_t _wPawns;
- uint64_t _wPieces;
- uint64_t _bKing;
- uint64_t _bQueen;
- uint64_t _bRooks;
- uint64_t _bBishops;
- uint64_t _bKnights;
- uint64_t _bPawns;
- uint64_t _bPieces;
- // 16 eligible squares for en passant: the 7th rank and the 2nd rank
- uint64_t _enPassant; // could've made it 8bit but it gets promoted anyway
- // least significant 2 bits for white, the next two for black
- // first king-side, then queen-side (e.g.: for 1101 white can only castle
- // kingside but black can castle both ways).
- uint8_t _canCastle;
- int8_t _player; // 1 = white, -1 = black
- // 0xF = playing, 0 = draw/stalemate, -1 black win, 1 = white win
- // 2 = white in check, -2 = black in check
- int8_t _playingState;
- /* The fifty-move rule in chess states that a player can claim a draw if no
- * capture has been made and no pawn has been moved in the last fifty moves
- */
- uint8_t _50MoveRuleCount;
- char _board[BOARD_STRING_SIZE] =
- " ########################################################\n"
- " # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #\n"
- "8 # O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O #\n"
- " # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #\n"
- " ########################################################\n"
- " # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #\n"
- "7 # O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O #\n"
- " # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #\n"
- " ########################################################\n"
- " # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #\n"
- "6 # O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O #\n"
- " # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #\n"
- " ########################################################\n"
- " # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #\n"
- "5 # O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O #\n"
- " # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #\n"
- " ########################################################\n"
- " # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #\n"
- "4 # O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O #\n"
- " # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #\n"
- " ########################################################\n"
- " # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #\n"
- "3 # O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O #\n"
- " # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #\n"
- " ########################################################\n"
- " # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #\n"
- "2 # O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O #\n"
- " # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #\n"
- " ########################################################\n"
- " # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #\n"
- "1 # O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O ## O #\n"
- " # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #\n"
- " ########################################################\n"
- " A B C D E F G H\n\n";
- void clearBitPos(uint64_t *var, uint64_t x) {
- *var &= (~1u << x);
- }
- void setBitPos(uint64_t *var, uint64_t x) {
- *var |= (1 << x);
- }
- // Returns either 0 or a value greater than 0.
- uint64_t getBitPos(const uint64_t *var, uint64_t x) {
- return *var & (1 << x);
- }
- /* For versatility's sake, the board will always look the same but the way
- * pieces and empty squares are represented can be changed. This function works
- * for the random variant too.
- */
- void init_board_string() {
- #define A8 (1ull << (8 * 7))
- #define A2 (1ull << 8)
- #define S_OPEN_SQUARE ' ' // must be a single char
- uint64_t *ptrBlackPieces[6] = {
- &_bPawns, &_bRooks, &_bKnights, &_bBishops, &_bQueen, &_bKing
- };
- uint64_t *ptrWhitePieces[6] = {
- &_wPawns, &_wRooks, &_wKnights, &_wBishops, &_wQueen, &_wKing
- };
- enum Piece {
- Pawn = 0, Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen, King
- };
- char c;
- unsigned i, j, k;
- uint64_t square = A8;
- // black pieces
- for (i = S_A8; i <= S_A7; i = i + S_VERTICAL_INC) {
- for (j = i; j <= i + S_HORIZONTAL_INC * 7; j = j + S_HORIZONTAL_INC) {
- // determine what black piece resides here
- for (k = 0; k < 6; ++k) {
- if (*ptrBlackPieces[k] & square) {
- switch (k) {
- case Pawn :
- c = 'p';
- break;
- case Rook :
- c = 'r';
- break;
- case Knight:
- c = 'n';
- break;
- case Bishop :
- c = 'b';
- break;
- case Queen :
- c = 'q';
- break;
- case King :
- c = 'k';
- break;
- default:
- c = '?';
- }
- }
- }
- _board[j] = c;
- square = EAST(square, 1);
- }
- square = SOUTH(A8, 1); // A7
- }
- // open squares
- for (i = S_A6; i <= S_A3; i = i + S_VERTICAL_INC) {
- for (j = i; j <= i + S_HORIZONTAL_INC * 7; j = j + S_HORIZONTAL_INC) {
- _board[j] = S_OPEN_SQUARE;
- }
- }
- // white pieces
- square = A2;
- for (i = S_A2; i <= S_A1; i = i + S_VERTICAL_INC) {
- for (j = i; j <= i + S_HORIZONTAL_INC * 7; j = j + S_HORIZONTAL_INC) {
- for (k = 0; k < 6; ++k) {
- if (*ptrWhitePieces[k] & square) {
- switch (k) {
- case Pawn :
- c = 'P';
- break;
- case Rook :
- c = 'R';
- break;
- case Knight:
- c = 'N';
- break;
- case Bishop :
- c = 'B';
- break;
- case Queen :
- c = 'Q';
- break;
- case King :
- c = 'K';
- break;
- default:
- c = '?';
- }
- }
- }
- _board[j] = c;
- square = EAST(square, 1);
- }
- square = SOUTH(A2, 1); // A1
- }
- }
- void init_board() {
- _wKing = RANK_1 & E_FILE;
- _wQueen = RANK_1 & D_FILE;
- _wRooks = (RANK_1 & A_FILE) | (RANK_1 & H_FILE);
- _wBishops = (RANK_1 & C_FILE) | (RANK_1 & F_FILE);
- _wKnights = (RANK_1 & B_FILE) | (RANK_1 & G_FILE);
- _wPawns = RANK_2;
- _bKing = RANK_8 & E_FILE;
- _bQueen = RANK_8 & D_FILE;
- _bRooks = (RANK_8 & A_FILE) | (RANK_8 & H_FILE);
- _bBishops = (RANK_8 & C_FILE) | (RANK_8 & F_FILE);
- _bKnights = (RANK_8 & B_FILE) | (RANK_8 & G_FILE);
- _bPawns = RANK_7;
- _wPieces = _wKing | _wQueen | _wRooks | _wBishops | _wKnights | _wPawns;
- _bPieces = _bKing | _bQueen | _bRooks | _bBishops | _bKnights | _bPawns;
- }
- // Generate source squares of pawns able to push
- // TODO (latest): Optimize (check 1 square advance and then the second one (if starting on r2))
- void gen_PawnMoves(uint64_t *board) {
- *board = 0;
- if (_player == PLAYER_WHITE) {
- if (RANK_2 & _wPawns) {
- // those pawns can move two squares
- // TODO: check for white pieces in the way
- *board = *board |
- (NORTH((RANK_2 & _wPawns), 2) &
- ~((RANK_4 & _bPieces) | (NORTH((RANK_3 & _bPieces), 1)) |
- (RANK_4 & _wPieces) | (NORTH((RANK_3 & _wPieces), 1))));
- }
- // 1 square advance for every pawn
- }
- }
- // generates the entire bitboard for available moves every time it's called
- // will optimize later; TODO: optimize gen_move()
- void gen_move(uint64_t *moveBoard, unsigned piece) {
- *moveBoard = 0;
- enum Pieces {
- Pawn = 0, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen, King
- };
- switch (piece) {
- case Pawn:
- break;
- case Knight:
- break;
- case Bishop:
- break;
- case Rook:
- break;
- case Queen:
- break;
- case King:
- break;
- default:
- *moveBoard = 0; // redundant?
- break;
- }
- }
- // TODO: rename @_playingState to @_state
- void play() {
- _playingState = ST_PLAYING; // new game
- enum Pieces {
- Pawn = 0, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen, King
- };
- uint64_t wMoveBoards[6];
- uint64_t bMoveBoards[6];
- while (_playingState == ST_PLAYING) {
- // generate moves for side, see source piece, pick one move randomly
- if (_player == PLAYER_WHITE) {
- // white moves
- }
- if (_player == PLAYER_BLACK) {
- // black moves
- }
- // check for a change of state (win or check or whatever)
- }
- }
- void print_board() {
- printf("%s", _board);
- }
- int main() {
- srand((unsigned int) time(NULL));
- init_board();
- init_board_string();
- print_board();
- return 0;
- }
- /* TODO: Add states (castling rights, en passant, 50-move rule)
- * TODO: Add play(), random variant for init_board()
- */
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