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- '__author__'=='deepak Singh Mehta(learning graph :))) '
- #for testcases refer to
- if __name__=='__main__':
- tests = int(input())
- for _ in range(tests):
- vis = [False for i in range(120)]
- dist = [0 for i in range(120)]
- graph = [[] for i in range(120)]
- ladder = int(input()) #No. of ladders you want to invoke
- for _ in range(ladder):
- x,y = map(int,input().split()) #from -> to
- graph[x].append(y)
- dist[x]-=1
- snakes = int(input()) #No. of Snakes you want to invoke
- for _ in range(snakes):
- x,y = map(int,input().split()) #to -> from
- graph[x].append(y)
- dist[x]-=1
- #print(graph)
- for i in range(1,100):
- if len(graph[i])==0:
- for j in range(i+1,i+7):
- graph[i].append(j)
- if j>=100:
- break
- #print(graph)
- que = []
- que.append(1)
- dist[1]=0
- while len(que)!=0 and que[0]!=100:
- k = que[0]
- del que[0]
- for i in graph[k]:
- if not vis[i]:
- vis[i]=True
- que.append(i)
- dist[i]+=1+dist[k]
- print(-1 if not dist[100] else dist[100])
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