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- -- [Blackhole v5 Alpha Release Documentation/Manual] Mar. 1, 2025 --
- The most complicated blackhole model in Roblox. a lot of controls that does something with each other, but uses simple maths.
- If you have complaints with the blackhole, please leave a comment on the model page. and please, dont go nerdy on me, I barely know general and special relativities.
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- IMPORTANT: Note that the blackhole is a MeshPart, resize the blackhole by holding `alt` to preserve proportions!
- If you want to use a regular sphere, copy and paste every child of the blackhole onto the new sphere.
- Can also be a cube, or custom MeshParts, but gravitational attraction is still spherical.
- `toggleMicroGravity` (quickly disable gravity) can be turned off or on if you dont want to go into the game settings manually.
- Change blackhole properties like `EventHorizon` (pitch black effect), color, transparency, mass, custom physical properties and more to your liking.
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- Blackhole v5 Prototype runs on BodyForce-based gravity. Blackhole v4.0+ runs on Velocity-based gravity, v4 Betas are hybrid-based (force or velocity).
- `gravitationalConstant` is the base strength of the blackhole's overall gravity, which are manipulated by `damping` (suppresses violent simulation between 0 & 1),
- and `rangeFactor` (area in studs where objects are pulled in, anything outside that is not affected. gravity is amplified for bigger values).
- When switching between BodyForce and Velocity gravity, note that gravitational constant is fixed, but the two behave differently. velocity-based is violent!
- BodyForce gravity: Stable, less accurate, customizable range. overall a mode to play around with!
- Velocity gravity: Violent, accurate, unlimited range. overall a mode to simulate blackholes with! (tweaked to synchronize with BodyForce)
- Since there's so many knobs to turn, you can break the blackhole. break it, I dare you. I double dare you. just kidding, just dont break the laws of math!
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- Objects are absorbed if `absorption` is enabled, which will follow `transparencySteps` (fading effect between 1 & 0 invisibilities)
- in a span of `dematerializeDuration` (time to progress each transparency step) while `partMaterialTransform` (material absorbed objects turn into) and
- `partColor` (color absorbed objects turn into) lead the object into deletion, causing `growth` to make the blackhole bigger and stronger with
- `sizeProportion` (how fast the blackhole grows, bigger means slower growth) and `rangeProportion` (how fast rangeFactor grows, bigger means faster growth).
- `sizeProportion` CANNOT be 0 as it divides, only non-zeroes. Positive = grow, negative = shrink, asymptote to 0 = max size of 2048 studs.
- Sizing: maximum is 2048 xyz, minimum is 0.001. not recommended to have micro blackholes as it causes issues, as well as infinity for range-related variables.
- Gravity: negative `damping` == repel objects like negative `gravitationalConstant`. also not recommended setting values to large numbers.
- `killPlayers` (kills absorbed players) can be turned on or off when simulating with a player. Please disable when doing rapid blackhole merging!
- An error will say {attempt to index nil with 'FindFirstChild'} because it cannot identify any humanoids fast enough.
- `fixedPosition` (anchor absorbed objects) can help with performance, along with `collision` (make objects pass through eachother while being absorbed), and
- `updateInterval` (value in seconds to update gravitational forces. lower values are accurate but slower, higher values are inaccurate but faster).
- If `absorption` is disabled, everything above within ABSORPTION is excluded EXCEPT `killPlayers`.
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- `infinityHandler` prevents objects that crosses `EventHorizon` (AKA the blackhole's volume) from accelerating into infinity at singularity (the very center)
- `paradoxHandler` prevents two blackholes from absorbing eachother when they touch.
- `mergeBlackholes` merges blackholes: bigger blackhole absorbs the smaller, equal blackholes merge into a blackhole twice as big.
- When two different sized blackholes touch eachother with this enabled, it will cause the winning blackhole to accelerate to infinity. [BUG FIXED]
- `gravityEngine` modes between BodyForce-based gravity and Velocity-based gravity. accepts "1" or "force" too, and accepts "2" or "speed" as well, respectively.
- BodyForce-based gravity ensures stable simulations, but a lower accuracy than to Velocity-based gravity, which is more violent, laggy and accurate.
- `glint` is the reference to a cosmetic the blackhole has. when changing its name and or location, you must also change the path of the variable.
- `glintProportion` not to be confused with `glintProportions`, modified value of `glintProportions` multiplied by `glintProportion` to change `glint` proportions.
- `rocheLimitFactor` is the area around the blackhole (multiple of the radius) where any joint is destroyed for realistic simulation. this feature is from v4.0+
- This can be disabled by setting it to zero!
- `gravitySync` synchronizes the gravitational prowess of velocity-based gravity with the force-based gravity without modifying `gravitationalConstant`.
- When disabled, note that velocity-based gravity is significantly more powerfull than force-based gravity, and modification to the constant is needed.
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- Automatically disables other BH scripts to prevent conflicts.
- For `Constraint-based gravity`: `gravitationalStrength` = `gravitationalConstant`, `absorption`, `toggleMicroGravity`, `constraintMode` = `gravityEngine`, and
- `detectionRange` = `rangeFactor` are the same as their main script counterparts EXCEPT:
- `dampingFactor` is the elasticity of constraints, 0 means no bouncy and 1 is bouncy. `damping` is reversed in logic.
- `innerEventHorizon` is similar to `infinityHandler` but the range is in studs in which constraints stop applying forces. more on `infinityHandler` next section.
- `visibleConstraints` simply allows you to see active constraints on objects for testing. this does not affect performance.
- `centerOfMassBased` sets if forces are applied at the center of MASS. force attachments are placed at the center of GEOMETRY.
- `forceCap` sets the maximum force for objects when using linear and realistic LineForce. this prevents infinite speed at singularity.
- -- ADVANCED --
- `gravitationMode` toggles between universal and selective gravitation for specifc objects. requires tags in desired objects with the same value as `attractionTag`
- `attractionTag` is the specific id for the blackhole to pick out and apply gravity while leaving anything without the tag alone.
- Constraint modes:
- `spring` or `1` - pretty self-explanatory, uses elasticity to reel in objects, causing them to get jiggy with it.
- `rope` or `2` - just like spring, but with less jiggy, but both can have their jiggy-ness controlled with `dampingFactor`.
- `line` or `3` - a "constraint", but a force like BodyForce. this version may replace bodyforce-based gravity entirely, but I'll still keep the legacy mode.
- `vector` or `4` - similar to lineforces, but uses xyz distribution to apply gravity. generally how bodyforce-based gravity works.
- `linear1` or `5.1` - line-based linear velocity. the old velocity-based gravity and mat replace it, but it can also be accessed. THIS HAS MODEL SUPPORT! RAAAAAH
- `linear2` or `5.2` - vector-based linear velocity. does not support orbits and boring in my opinion.
- Experimentals doesn't have much freedom for parameters, only when they're fully integrated into the main scripts. a complete revamp of `gravityEngine` is underway!
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- If you know how to code, you can edit the script to your liking.
- Tips:
- In `CheckAndApplyGravity(obj)`, you can change `if not obj:IsDescendantOf(game.Workspace) or not obj:IsA("BasePart") then return end` to exclude specific objects.
- Changing `if obj == hole or obj.Parent:IsA("Player") then return end` will cause glitches. however, you may change `obj.Parent:IsA("Player")` without issues.
- Tinkering with `ApplyGravity(object)` and `onTouched(part)` can throw simulation accuracy off, modify cautiously.
- Overriding `infinityHander` code can make the blackhole have strange, but cool behavior. Be careful with your math!
- Examples of overriding the function:
- local holeRadius = hole.Size.Magnitude * 2 -- Increase the area bigger than the blackhole (twice in size). can be any value.
- ...
- if distance < holeRadius then
- force = -- Removes gravity, acts like a vacuum (make into -force for something epic to happen) [DEFAULT]
- OR
- force = -force -- Inverts gravity, creating a forcefield shell around the blackhole [NEW!]
- direction = -- Prevents direction inversion for velocity-based logic [KEEP]
- end
- `gravitySync` is not an exact synchronization, only an approximation. If you have a solution to make it exact, modify the following dunction in the main script:
- if engineType == "velocity" or engineType == "speed" or engineType == "2" and gravitySync then
- magnitude = magnitude / (gravitationalConstant * 0.1) -- Dampening factor for velocity-based gravity
- end
- `gravitationMode` and `attractionTag` are relatively easy to use if you know how tags work. why did I make it advanced? I wanted to make cool demoes.
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- You may be wondering, how much did I put into this?
- Yes.
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