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- @echo off
- Rem This tool is intended for educational and research purposes only. The author of this tool does not condone illegal activities, and the tool should not be used to cause harm to any individual, service, or organization. By using this tool, you acknowledge that any misuse of the tool is entirely your responsibility, and you accept full liability for your actions.
- Rem Paste this code into notepad and save it as IP-Multi-Tool.bat
- Rem Coded by DSTAT. Instagram: @DDoS_Filter
- Rem Copyright © [2019] [@DDoS_Filter]
- Rem
- Rem | Original
- Rem | Win10+
- Rem Option 9 opens the last API response in a text document. (Works with options 1,2,5,6,7)
- title IP Multi Tool
- color 0A
- set webclient=webclient
- set localversion=
- if exist "%temp%\%webclient%.vbs" del "%temp%\%webclient%.vbs" /f /q /s >nul
- :menu
- mode con lines=24 cols=70
- set ip=
- set action=0
- cls
- echo IP-Multi-Tool v%localversion% Coded by @DDoS_Filter
- echo Menu
- echo.
- echo View Your IP: (1)
- echo.
- echo Lookup An IP: (2)
- echo.
- echo Ping An IP: (3)
- echo.
- echo TraceRoute An IP: (4)
- echo.
- echo Disabled: (5)
- echo.
- echo Domain To IP Lookup: (6)
- echo.
- echo WhoIs Lookup: (7)
- echo.
- echo NSLookup: (8)
- echo.
- echo View Response Text: (9)
- echo.
- echo Check For Updates: (10)
- echo.
- :action
- set /p action=Type your choice. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10:
- if '%action%'=='1' set "sUrl=" & set "sRequest=key=riB7e0h8BROyidr8KIdEJOfRAfrOsweN" & goto apirequest
- if '%action%'=='2' goto iplookup
- if '%action%'=='3' goto ipping
- if '%action%'=='4' goto traceroute
- if '%action%'=='5' goto menu
- if '%action%'=='6' goto domain2ip
- if '%action%'=='7' goto whois
- if '%action%'=='8' goto nslookup
- if '%action%'=='9' goto opentext
- if '%action%'=='10' goto update_ipmt
- echo.
- echo Please enter a valid choice.
- echo.
- goto action
- :apirequest
- if exist "%temp%\response.txt" del "%temp%\response.txt" /f /q /s >nul
- if %action% NEQ update (
- set rqst_type=POST
- cls
- echo.
- echo Waiting for API response. . .
- )
- curl --connect-timeout 5 --max-time 10 -s -H "User-Agent: IP-Multi-Tool-By-DDoS_Filter" -X %rqst_type% -d "%sRequest%" -o "%temp%\response.txt" "%sUrl%"
- if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
- echo.
- echo Did not receive a response from the API.
- echo.
- pause
- goto menu
- )
- if %action% EQU update if '%dlupdate%'=='y' goto update
- find "error code: 1006" %temp%\response.txt >nul
- if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto banned
- find "One more step" %temp%\response.txt >nul
- if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto cbanned
- find "Web server is down" %temp%\response.txt >nul
- if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto offline
- find "Connection timed out" %temp%\response.txt >nul
- if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto offline
- find "404 Not Found" %temp%\response.txt >nul
- if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto offline
- goto verified
- :banned
- cls
- echo.
- echo Error: You have been banned for abuse.
- ping -n 4 -w 1000 >nul
- del "%temp%\response.txt" /f /q /s >nul
- exit
- :cbanned
- cls
- echo.
- echo Error: Your IP has been blocked for security purposes.
- echo Contact @DDoS_Filter on instagram for help.
- echo Sorry for any inconvinience.
- echo If you are using a VPN and have received this error message,
- echo turn off the VPN, and try again.
- ping -n 8 -w 1000 >nul
- del "%temp%\response.txt" /f /q /s >nul
- exit
- :offline
- cls
- echo.
- echo Error: The API is offline.
- ping -n 4 -w 1000 >nul
- del "%temp%\response.txt" /f /q /s >nul
- goto menu
- :verified
- set "data=findstr /R /N "^^" %temp%\response.txt | find /C ":"",
- for /f %%i in ('!data!') do set lines=%%i
- if %lines% LSS 10 (
- set /a lines=20
- ) else (
- set /a lines=%lines% + 3
- )
- if '%action%'=='update' goto checkversion
- if '%action%'=='1' goto parseiplookup
- if '%action%'=='2' goto parseiplookup
- if '%action%'=='5' goto parsepscan
- if '%action%'=='6' goto parsedomain2ip
- if '%action%'=='7' goto parsewhois
- goto menu
- :iplookup
- cls
- echo.
- echo Type an IP to lookup
- echo.
- set /p ip=IP:
- set "sUrl="
- set "sRequest=key=riB7e0h8BROyidr8KIdEJOfRAfrOsweN&ip=%ip%"
- goto apirequest
- :parseiplookup
- mode con lines=%lines% cols=70
- cls
- echo.
- for /f "delims= " %%i in ('findstr /i ":" %temp%\response.txt') do (
- set data=%%i
- echo !data!
- )
- echo.
- pause
- goto menu
- :ipping
- rem Inteli-Ping by @DDoS_Filter
- set /a replies=0
- set /a timeouts=0
- set /a packets_sent=0
- set responsetime=N/A
- set avgtime=N/A
- set min=N/A
- set max=N/A
- cls
- echo.
- echo Type an IP or URL to ping
- echo.
- set /p ip=Host:
- echo.
- set /p ipv6= IPv6? y/n:
- if '%ipv6%'=='y' (
- set tokens=5
- set searchstring=: time
- ) else (
- set tokens=7
- set searchstring=time
- )
- mode con lines=16 cols=30
- :ping
- set success=false
- for /F "tokens=%tokens% delims=<>= " %%i in ('ping -n 1 %ip% ^| find "%searchstring%"') do (
- set responsetime=%%i
- set responsetime=!responsetime:~0,-2!
- set success=true
- )
- set /a packets_sent=packets_sent + 1
- if %replies% EQU 0 if %success% EQU true if %replies% NEQ N/A set min=99999 & set max=0
- if %success% EQU false (
- set status=Host is offline
- set /a timeouts=timeouts + 1
- color 0C
- ) else (
- set status=Host is online
- set /a replies=replies + 1
- set /a totaltime=%totaltime% + %responsetime%
- set /a avgtime=totaltime / replies
- color 0A
- if %responsetime% LSS %min% (
- set min=%responsetime%
- )
- if %responsetime% GTR %max% (
- set max=%responsetime%
- )
- )
- set /a packet_loss=((packets_sent-timeouts)*100)/packets_sent
- cls
- echo Pinging %ip%
- echo.
- echo %status%^^!
- echo.
- echo Successful Replies: %replies%
- echo.
- echo Requests Timed Out: %timeouts%
- echo.
- echo Success Percentage: %packet_loss%
- echo.
- echo Avrg Response Time: %avgtime%ms
- echo.
- echo Last Response Time: %responsetime%ms
- echo.
- echo Min: %min%ms Max: %max%ms
- ping -n 2 -w 1000 >nul
- goto ping
- :traceroute
- mode con lines=30 cols=100
- cls
- echo.
- echo Type an IP or URL to trace route
- echo.
- set /p ip=Host:
- tracert %ip%
- echo.
- pause
- goto menu
- :domain2ip
- cls
- echo.
- echo Type a domain to lookup
- echo.
- set /p ip=Domain:
- set "sUrl="
- set "sRequest=key=riB7e0h8BROyidr8KIdEJOfRAfrOsweN&host=%ip%"
- goto apirequest
- :parsedomain2ip
- mode con lines=%lines% cols=70
- cls
- echo.
- for /f "delims= " %%i in ('findstr /i "IP Error" %temp%\response.txt') do (
- set data=%%i
- echo !data!
- )
- echo.
- pause
- goto menu
- :whois
- cls
- echo.
- echo Type a host to WhoIs lookup
- echo.
- set /p ip=Host:
- set "sUrl="
- set "sRequest=key=riB7e0h8BROyidr8KIdEJOfRAfrOsweN&host=%ip%"
- goto apirequest
- :parsewhois
- mode con lines=%lines% cols=100
- cls
- echo.
- for /f "delims= " %%i in ('findstr /i ":" %temp%\response.txt') do (
- set data=%%i
- echo !data!
- )
- echo.
- pause
- goto menu
- :nslookup
- cls
- echo.
- echo Type an IP or Domain to NSLookup
- echo.
- set /p ip=Host:
- cls
- echo.
- echo Name Server Look up using Cloudflare DNS. . .
- echo.
- nslookup %ip%
- echo.
- pause
- goto menu
- :opentext
- if exist "%temp%\response.txt" start %temp%/response.txt
- goto menu
- :update_ipmt
- cls
- set action=update
- set rqst_type=GET
- echo.
- echo Checking for updates. . .
- set "sUrl="
- goto apirequest
- :checkversion
- set /p version=<"%temp%\response.txt"
- if %localversion% EQU %version% (
- del "%temp%\response.txt" /f /q /s >nul
- echo.
- echo You are on the latest version^^!
- echo.
- echo Version: %version%
- echo.
- pause
- goto menu
- )
- cls
- echo.
- echo An update is available for IP Multi Tool^^!
- echo.
- echo. New version: %version%
- echo.
- echo Your version: %localversion%
- echo.
- set /p dlupdate= Would you like to download the update? y/n:
- if '%dlupdate%'=='y' (
- cls
- echo.
- echo Downloading to Downloads folder. . .
- echo.
- set "sUrl="
- goto apirequest
- :update
- find "6Ip5ithetropU1lSpiwRlcrLN5ro6er7" %temp%\response.txt >nul
- if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
- echo Error downloading update^^!
- echo.
- pause
- goto menu
- )
- move %temp%\response.txt C:\Users\%username%\Downloads\IP-Multi-Tool.bat >nul
- set dlupdate=0
- echo Starting updated version. . .
- ping -n 2 -w 1000 >nul
- start C:\Users\%username%\Downloads\IP-Multi-Tool.bat
- exit
- ) else (
- goto menu
- )
- Rem Coded by DSTAT. Instagram: @DDoS_Filter
- Rem
- Rem
- Rem
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