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- 05 gosub 25000
- 10 a$="ab "
- 20 b$=":: "
- 30 c$=".,,"
- 40 for i = 1 to 6: a$ = a$ + a$: b$=b$+b$: c$=c$+c$: next
- 45 i = 1:j=1:k=1:y=0:x=0
- 50 print "{home}" + mid$(a$, i, 40) + mid$(b$, j, 40) + mid$(c$,k,40)
- 60 i=i+1: if i=40 then i = 1
- 62 if int(i/2)=i/2 then j=j+1: goto 50
- 65 if int(i/3)=i/3 then k=k+1: goto 50
- 70 goto 50
- 25000 poke 53272,(peek(53272)and240)+12
- 25080 for ch=1to2
- 25090 for by=0to7
- 25100 read number
- 25110 poke 12288+(8*ch)+by,number: rem store the data in memory
- 25120 next by:next ch
- 25998 return
- 30010 data 255,255,127,63,31,3,0,0
- 30020 data 255,255,254,252,248,192,0,0
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