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- namespace eval oper::identify {
- variable oi;
- # oper_identify.tcl --
- #
- ### Version:
- # 29.01.2024
- #
- ### Copyright:
- # CIRCLED C WITH OVERLAID BACKSLASH (c) 2023-2024 X-Anonymous-Y
- #
- ### License:
- # public domain (PD)
- #
- ### Contact:
- # #Eggdrop
- #
- ### Help:
- #
- ### Usage:
- #
- ### ToDo:
- #
- ### Changes:
- # 29.01.2024 (Bug fix) Fixed some small bugs (X-Anonymous-Y)
- # 28.01.2024 (Code cleaned) If clauses that are no longer needed have been deleted (X-Anonymous-Y)
- # 28.01.2024 (New feature) Added regex to check set variables (X-Anonymous-Y)
- # 25.01.2024 (Code changed) Added variable nsc [namespace current] and variable oi; for global usage. This makes the code a lot smaller and clearer (X-Anonymous-Y)
- # 22.01.2024 (Code changed) Changed comments and variables (X-Anonymous-Y)
- # 21.01.2024 (Code cleaned) Cleaned up comments and some code (X-Anonymous-Y)
- # 20.01.2024 (New feature) User modes change to oi(user:mode) after RAW 381 server notification (X-Anonymous-Y)
- # 01.01.2024 (Code cleaned) The code has been cleaned according to all possible best practices (X-Anonymous-Y)
- # 25.11.2016 (Script created) Script functions considered and script created (Diamond85 - my old nick)
- #
- #
- #
- ### The configuration begins
- #
- #
- ##
- # Variable settings
- ##
- # Set the name you want to use for the operator here.
- # Format: "name"
- # Examples: "The-Oper"
- set oi(name) "The-Oper"
- # Set the password you want to use for the operator here.
- # Format: "password"
- # Examples: "TopSecretOperPassword!"
- set oi(password) "TopSecretOperPassword!"
- # Set the network you want to connect to here.
- # Format: "network"
- # Examples: "KN-V2-Network"
- set oi(network) "KN-V2-Network"
- # Set here the user mods that should be set on the bot after the operator identification.
- # Format: "+/-user_mode"
- # Examples: "+B", "+iB-w", "+IBs +cCqQ" ...
- # Set it to "0" so that no user modes are changed.
- #
- # All possible user modes for InspIRCd can be found here: (
- # and server snomasks for InspIRCd user mode (+/-s) here: (
- #
- # If your bot is used on a different server, first check which user modes the server supports!
- set oi(user:mode) "+ITW-s"
- #
- #
- ### End of configuration
- #
- #
- ###
- ###
- ##
- # Various variables
- ##
- # [various:variables] :
- variable nsc [namespace current]
- set oi(logo:default) "\002\[Oper Identify\]\002"
- set oi(logo:color) "\002\[Oper Identify\]\002"
- set oi(logo:putlog) "\002*** \[Oper Identify\] ***\002"
- set oi(title:default) "\002\[Oper Identify\]\002"
- set oi(title:color) "\002\[Oper Identify\]\002"
- set oi(title:putlog) "\002*** \[Oper Identify\] ***\002"
- ##
- # Un/Binds | Init
- ##
- # [bind:evnt] :
- bind evnt - loaded ${nsc}::init
- bind evnt - prerehash ${nsc}::unbind:bindings
- bind evnt - prerestart ${nsc}::unbind:bindings
- bind evnt - rehash ${nsc}::init
- bind evnt - init-server ${nsc}::start:oper
- # [init] :
- proc init {args} {
- variable nsc;
- variable oi;
- if {[info exists ${nsc}::oi(name)] && ([string trim $oi(name)] eq "")} {
- putlog "$oi(title:putlog) \[Error\] Please check \002oper_identify.tcl\002 --> \002set oi(name) \"$oi(name)\"\002"
- return
- }
- if {[info exists ${nsc}::oi(password)] && ([string trim $oi(password)] eq "")} {
- putlog "$oi(title:putlog) \[Error\] Please check \002oper_identify.tcl\002 --> \002set oi(password) \"$oi(password)\"\002"
- return
- }
- if {[info exists ${nsc}::oi(network)] && ([string trim $oi(network)] eq "")} {
- putlog "$oi(title:putlog) \[Error\] Please check \002oper_identify.tcl\002 --> \002set oi(network) \"$oi(network)\"\002"
- return
- }
- if {[info exists ${nsc}::oi(user:mode)] && ([string trim $oi(user:mode)] eq "") || ([${nsc}::check:regex user:mode:oper $oi(user:mode)])} {
- putlog "$oi(title:putlog) \[Error\] Please check \002oper_identify.tcl\002 --> \002set oi(user:mode) \"$oi(user:mode)\"\002"
- return
- }
- bind raw - 381 ${nsc}::user:mode
- bind ctcp -|- VERSION ${nsc}::version:reply
- }
- # [unbind:bindings] :
- proc unbind:bindings {args} {
- variable nsc;
- unbind raw - 381 ${nsc}::user:mode
- unbind ctcp -|- VERSION ${nsc}::version:reply
- }
- ##
- # Script information
- ##
- # [script:variables] :
- set oi(tcl:name) "oper_identify"
- set oi(tcl:project:name) "oidentify"
- set oi(tcl:author) "X-Anonymous-Y"
- set oi(tcl:contact) " #Eggdrop"
- set oi(tcl:copyright) "©"
- set oi(tcl:year) "2023-2024"
- set oi(tcl:version) "29.01.2024"
- set oi(tcl:website) ""
- ##
- # Actions
- ##
- # [start:oper] :
- proc start:oper {type} {
- variable oi;
- putquick "OPER $oi(name) $oi(password)"
- putlog "$oi(title:putlog) \[Info\] Identify as operator with \002$oi(name)\002 on \002$oi(network)\002"
- return
- }
- # [user:modes] :
- proc user:mode {from keyword args} {
- variable nsc;
- variable oi;
- putlog "$oi(title:putlog) \[Info\] Successfully identified as operator."
- if {([string trim $oi(user:mode)] == 0)} {
- return
- } else {
- global botnick
- putquick "MODE $botnick $oi(user:mode)"
- putlog "$oi(title:putlog) \[Info\] User modes changed to \002$oi(user:mode)\002"
- return
- }
- }
- # [check:regex] : type arg
- proc check:regex {type arg} {
- if {($type eq "user:mode:oper")} {
- if {[regexp -- {^[+-][ioswBcdDgGHhIkLNORrSTWxz]*(?:([+-][ioswBcdDgGHhIkLNORrSTWxz]*(?:(\s)[+-][aAcCkKoOqQtxXdDfFgGjJlLnNrRvVwW]*(?:([+-][aAcCkKoOqQtxXdDfFgGjJlLnNrRvVwW]*)))*))$} ${arg}]} {
- return 0
- } else {
- return 1
- }
- }
- }
- ##
- # CTCP
- ##
- # [version:reply] :
- proc version:reply {nick uhost hand dest key arg} {
- variable oi;
- puthelp "NOTICE $nick :VERSION $oi(title:default) Name: \002$oi(tcl:name)\002 \| Projectname: \002$oi(tcl:project:name)\002 \| Version: \002$oi(tcl:version)\002 \| \002$oi(tcl:copyright)\002 \002$oi(tcl:year)\002 by \002$oi(tcl:author)\002 \| Contact: \002$oi(tcl:contact)\002 \| Website: \037\002$oi(tcl:website)\002\037"
- #putlog "$oi(title:putlog) \[Info\] CTCP version from $nick ($uhost)"
- return
- }
- }
- putlog "$oper::identify::oi(title:putlog) Name: \002$oper::identify::oi(tcl:name)\002 \| Projectname: \002$oper::identify::oi(tcl:project:name)\002 \| Version: \002$oper::identify::oi(tcl:version)\002 \| \002Loaded\002."
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