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- ## Event that can change the currently playing background music.
- ## This event won't play new music if it's already playing.
- class_name DialogicMusicEvent
- extends DialogicEvent
- ### Settings
- ## The file to play. If empty, the previous music will be faded out.
- var file_path: String = ""
- ## The length of the fade. If 0 (by default) it's an instant change.
- var fade_length: float = 0
- ## The volume the music will be played at.
- var volume: float = 0
- ## The audio bus the music will be played at.
- var audio_bus: String = ""
- ## If true, the audio will loop, otherwise only play once.
- var loop: bool = true
- ################################################################################
- ################################################################################
- func _execute() -> void:
- if not dialogic.Audio.is_music_playing_resource(file_path):
- dialogic.Audio.update_music(file_path, volume, audio_bus, fade_length, loop)
- finish()
- ################################################################################
- ################################################################################
- func _init() -> void:
- event_name = "Music"
- set_default_color('Color7')
- event_category = "Audio"
- event_sorting_index = 2
- func _get_icon() -> Resource:
- return load(self.get_script().get_path().get_base_dir().path_join('icon_music.png'))
- ################################################################################
- ################################################################################
- func get_shortcode() -> String:
- return "music"
- func get_shortcode_parameters() -> Dictionary:
- return {
- #param_name : property_info
- "path" : {"property": "file_path", "default": ""},
- "fade" : {"property": "fade_length", "default": 0},
- "volume" : {"property": "volume", "default": 0},
- "bus" : {"property": "audio_bus", "default": "",
- "suggestions": get_bus_suggestions},
- "loop" : {"property": "loop", "default": true},
- }
- ################################################################################
- ################################################################################
- func build_event_editor() -> void:
- add_header_edit('file_path', ValueType.FILE, {
- 'left_text' : 'Play',
- 'file_filter' : "*.mp3, *.ogg, *.wav; Supported Audio Files",
- 'placeholder' : "No music",
- 'editor_icon' : ["AudioStreamPlayer", "EditorIcons"]})
- add_body_edit('fade_length', ValueType.NUMBER, {'left_text':'Fade Time:'})
- add_body_edit('volume', ValueType.NUMBER, {'left_text':'Volume:', 'mode':2}, '!file_path.is_empty()')
- add_body_edit('audio_bus', ValueType.SINGLELINE_TEXT, {'left_text':'Audio Bus:'}, '!file_path.is_empty()')
- add_body_edit('loop', ValueType.BOOL, {'left_text':'Loop:'}, '!file_path.is_empty() and not file_path.to_lower().ends_with(".wav")')
- func get_bus_suggestions() -> Dictionary:
- var bus_name_list := {}
- for i in range(AudioServer.bus_count):
- bus_name_list[AudioServer.get_bus_name(i)] = {'value':AudioServer.get_bus_name(i)}
- return bus_name_list
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