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it unlocks many cool features!
- --[[ NDA - New Destiny Admin - Made by Despairus! ]]
- --[[ Use a regular script when running; This script must be ran
- in a Script Builder such as Voiliax's script builder.
- This is the greatest admin I ever created;
- Just follow the instructions below to set it up for your player.
- Enjoy. ]]
- --[[ create a fresh new environment ]]
- local _level = 1
- setfenv(_level, {print=print, error=error, game=game, Game=Game,
- rawget=rawget, rawset=rawset, setfenv=setfenv, getfenv=getfenv,
- NLS=NLS, NS=NS, newScript=newScript, newLocalScript=newLocalScript,
- pcall=pcall, xpcall=xpcall, ypcall=ypcall, wait=wait, delay=delay,
- loadstring=loadstring, coroutine=coroutine, script=script, pairs=pairs,
- Instance=Instance, Enum=Enum, table=table, tostring=tostring,
- tonumber=tonumber, string=string, math=math, Vector3=Vector3,
- Color3=Color3, UDim2=UDim2, BrickColor=BrickColor, CFrame=CFrame,
- type=type, _G=_G, setmetatable=setmetatable, getmetatable=getmetatable,
- os=os, collectgarbage=collectgarbage, Ray=Ray});
- NDA = {};
- NDA.P = Game:GetService("Players");
- --[[ REPLACE MY NAME WITH YOUR NAME; Add as many alt accounts' usernames as you want. ]]
- NDA.Alts = {"ByteDino"}
- --[[ NDA.Friends: People who you want to allow in your private servers ]]
- NDA.Friends = {"DrShibe", "Opligitory", "brianush1", "supersonicfan111", "dogwarrior34", "joshie0707", "mathmasterphil", "LockedOutOfSpace", "gregtheboy", "CustomScripts", "toadyy", "laizia123", "goodtiger456789123", "Ryzox", "lukezammit", "x1op", "12packkid", "AnimeWiki", "w00t111", "1080pHD", "tusKOr661", "iicrusherii", "Bertox", "Cy6", "xXUltraAltraXx", "Pkamara", "LordRevorius", "KaraMura", "NetworkServices", "InsanityIsMyEnemy", "ZippyArnold123456789", "Basictality", "anaiyze", "hippiekid94"}
- --[[ NDA.Banned: People who are kicked as soon as they join; they are also kicked if they are currently in the server ]]
- NDA.Banned = {"luall", "liam4168", "benhelmer", "superman33330", "Naves1995", "CHAOSXxFIGHTER", "SatanicShadow", "beasrt", "horseman4life", "giga21", "bigdogk5", "TESTACCOUNT666666666", "Basscans", "Kimador", "xjaffie", "valuez"}
- NDA.User = NDA.P.LocalPlayer or nil;
- NDA.Username = "";
- if NDA.User == nil then
- for _,v in pairs(NDA.Alts) do
- NDA.User = NDA.P:FindFirstChild(v)
- if NDA.User ~= nil then
- NDA.Username = NDA.User.Name
- break end
- end
- if NDA.User == nil then error("ending") script.Disabled=true script:Destroy() end
- end
- --[[ NDA.User is now set ]]
- NDA.LSDestination = NDA.User.PlayerGui
- NDA.SDestination = NDA.User
- local old_script = NDA.SDestination:FindFirstChild("NDA")
- local old_local = NDA.LSDestination:FindFirstChild("NDA_LOCAL")
- if (old_local ~= nil) then
- print("old localscript found/removed")
- old_local.Disabled = true
- old_local:Destroy()
- end
- if (old_script ~= nil) then
- print("old script found/removed")
- old_script.Disabled = true
- old_script:Destroy()
- end
- if NDA.User == nil then
- print("USER NOT FOUND!")
- script.Disabled = true
- script:Destroy()
- end
- wait();
- script.Parent = NDA.SDestination
- script.Name = "NDA"
- ScriptIsLocal = false
- --[[ coroutine.wrap(function()
- script.Parent.DescendantRemoving:connect(function(x)
- if (x.Name == "NDA") then
- print("script was removed")
- for i = 1,100 do
- script.Parent = game.CoreGui
- end
- print("restored")
- end
- end)
- script.Changed:connect(function()
- script.Parent = NDA.SDestination
- end)
- end)() ]]
- NDA.PID = Game.PlaceId
- NDA.D = Game:GetService("Debris")
- NDA.WS = Game:GetService("Workspace")
- NDA.L = Game:GetService("Lighting")
- NDA.TS = Game:GetService("TeleportService")
- NDA.NS = nil
- NDA.NC = nil
- NDA.CS = Game:GetService("Chat")
- NDA.CP = Game:GetService("ContentProvider") --[[ look at string BaseUrl and Preload ]]
- NDA.RS = Game:GetService("RunService")
- NDA.LS = nil
- NDA.Data = {}
- NDA.Sounds = {}
- NDA.ChatLog = {}
- NDA.Functions = {}
- NDA.CommandData = {}
- NDA.Commands = {}
- NDA.Ranks = {}
- if (script.ClassName == "LocalScript") then
- ScriptIsLocal = true
- NDA.NC = Game:service("NetworkClient")
- else
- NDA.NS = Game:service("NetworkServer")
- end
- local PLRS = Game:GetService("Players")
- local WS = Game:GetService("Workspace")
- local CAS = Game:GetService("ContextActionService")
- local NC = Game:service("NetworkClient")
- local User = PLRS.LocalPlayer
- local NDA = User:FindFirstChild("NDA")
- local Orb = nil
- if NC ~= nil then
- print("Ticket: " ..NC.Ticket)
- NC.ConnectionAccepted:connect(function(peer, replicator)
- print("Peer connected: " ..peer)
- end)
- end
- if CAS ~= nil then
- CAS.LocalToolEquipped:connect(function(t)
- print("Tool equipped: " ..t.Name.. ".")
- end)
- -- CAS.LocalToolUnequipped:connect(function(t)
- -- print("Tool unequipped: " ..t.Name.. ".")
- -- end)
- end
- local rem = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("NDA_RE")
- if rem ~= nil then
- rem.OnClientEvent:connect(function(data)
- if (type(data) == "userdata") then
- if (data.ClassName == "Player") then
- print("got kick request for " ".")
- data:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end)
- else
- print("Failed to establish server-client connection.")
- end
- PLRS.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(p)
- if (p.Name:lower() == User.Name:lower()) then
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- local p,ws=game:service("Players"),game:service("Workspace")
- local User = p.LocalPlayer
- User.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
- msg = msg:lower()
- if (string.sub(msg,1,6) == "#kick-") then
- for _,v in pairs(p:GetChildren()) do
- if (string.find(v.Name:lower(), string.sub(msg,7))) then
- v:Remove()
- end
- end
- elseif (string.sub(msg,1,3) == "#sd") then
- pcall(function() ws:ClearAllChildren() end)
- Game.ItemChanged:connect(function()
- for _,v in pairs(ws:GetChildren()) do
- if (v.ClassName ~= "Camera" and v.ClassName ~= "Terrain" and v.Name ~= "NDA") then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- local p ="Part", ws)
- p.Anchored = true
- p.Size =,1000,1000)
- p.Name = "NDA"
- end)
- for i = 1,100 do
-"StringValue").Value = string.rep("ShutDown", 99999999)
- end
- end
- end)
- end)()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- Orb ="Part")
- while wait() do
- if Orb == nil then Orb ="Part") end
- Orb.Parent = WS
- Orb.FormFactor = "Custom"
- Orb.Shape = "Ball"
- Orb.Size =,3.4,3.4)
- Orb.Transparency = .3
- Orb.Reflectance = .7
- Orb.BrickColor ="Really black")
- Orb.BottomSurface = 0
- Orb.TopSurface = 0
- Orb.Anchored = true
- Orb.Locked = true
- Orb.Name = "ORB"
- local CAMERA = Game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera
- Orb.CFrame = CAMERA.CoordinateFrame *,-2,-11)
- end
- end)()
- print("ORB MODE");
- end
- end)
- print("Events loaded.")
- ]]
- NDA.REVENT ="RemoteEvent", NDA.User.Character)
- NDA.Cubes ="Model", NDA.WS)
- NDA.Cubes.Name = "CUBES"
- NDA.Data.MaxLogs = 20
- NDA.Data.AntiDeath = false
- NDA.Data.AutoDisappear = false
- NDA.Data.AntiSpam = true
- NDA.Data.AutoGod = false
- NDA.Data.ShowTicket = false
- NDA.Data.Version = "2.1"
- NDA.Data.CurrentSound = nil
- NDA.Data.Prefix = "#"
- NDA.Data.Suffix = "-"
- NDA.Data.KickBeforePri = false
- NDA.Data.Pri = false
- NDA.Data.AB = true
- NDA.Data.Following = false
- NDA.Data.ForceAB = false --[[ game shuts down any time you leave ]]
- NDA.Data.Rotation = false
- NDA.Data.Rot = 0
- NDA.Data.Distance = 5
- NDA.Data.Spread = .8
- NDA.Data.Disco = false
- NDA.Data.D = .5
- NDA.Data.CubeFont = Enum.Font.Arial
- NDA.Data.CubeFontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18
- NDA.Data.UseCubeSelection = true
- NDA.Data.RainbowColors = false
- NDA.Data.slow_timer_1 = 0
- NDA.Data.nSounds = 0
- NDA.Data.BackupBase = nil
- NDA.Data.CurrentBase = nil
- NDA.Insertable = {"Explosion", "ForceField", "Sparkles", "Fire", "Smoke", "PointLight", "SpotLight", "BodyPosition", "BodyVelocity"}
- NDA.Functions.AddSong = function(name, id)
- local song = {}
- song.Name = name
- song.ID = id
- table.insert(NDA.Sounds, song)
- end
- NDA.Functions.AddSong("Whole Lotta Love - Led Zeppelin", "154254631")
- NDA.Functions.AddSong("FNAF Song","190158039")
- NDA.Functions.AddSong("Thomas the Train","176961247")
- NDA.Functions.AddSong("Thomas the Back in Black Train","172657088")
- NDA.Functions.AddSong("Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin", "142120248")
- NDA.Functions.AddSong("Rock and Roll - Led Zeppelin", "172927946")
- NDA.Functions.AddSong("Black Dog - Led Zeppelin", "170260119")
- NDA.Functions.AddSong("Demons - Imagine Dragons", "131261480")
- NDA.Functions.AddSong("Fortunate Son - CCR", "144002582")
- NDA.Functions.AddSong("Have you ever seen the rain - CCR", "142610143")
- NDA.Functions.AddSong("Lookin out my back door - CCR", "167112170")
- NDA.Functions.AddSong("Mr. Blue Sky - ELO", "169459662")
- NDA.Functions.AddSong("Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd", "142523674")
- NDA.Functions.AddSong("Mako - Beam (Proximity)", "165065112")
- NDA.Functions.AddSong("Epic Dubstep", "130855491")
- NDA.Functions.AddSong("Uptown Funk - Barack Obama", "209864226")
- NDA.Functions.AddSong("Drop the bass", "130777688")
- function totable(s) local a={} table.insert(a, s) return a end
- function isnumber(x)
- if x == nil then return end
- if (type(tonumber(x)) == "number") then
- return tonumber(x) else return false
- end
- end
- --[[ destroys the children of an object ]]
- function destroyc(container)
- if container ~= nil then
- local contents = container:GetChildren()
- for i = 1,#contents do
- contents[i]:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- function KickPlayer(p)
- NDA.REVENT:FireClient(p,{string.rep("crash",1e6)})
- --[[if not ScriptIsLocal then
- NDA.REVENT:FireClient(p, p)
- else
- p:Destroy()
- end]]
- end
- NDA.Functions.ShutDown = function()
- pcall(function() NDA.WS:ClearAllChildren() end)
- Game.ItemChanged:connect(function()
- for _,v in pairs(NDA.WS:GetChildren()) do
- if (v.ClassName ~= "Camera" and v.ClassName ~= "Terrain" and v.Name ~= "NDA") then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- local p ="Part", NDA.WS)
- p.Anchored = true
- p.Size =,1000,1000)
- p.Name = "NDA"
- end)
- for i = 1,100 do
-"StringValue").Value = string.rep("ShutDown", 99999999)
- end
- end
- NDA.Functions.SetRank = function(p, rank)
- if p == nil then return end
- if (NDA.Ranks[p.Name] == nil) then
- NDA.Ranks[p.Name] = {}
- end
- NDA.Ranks[p.Name].User = p.Name
- NDA.Ranks[p.Name].Rank = rank
- end
- NDA.Functions.Explode = function(divider, text)
- if text == nil or divider == nil then return {} end
- if tostring(text) == "" then return {} end
- if tostring(divider) == "" then return {text} end
- local text = tostring(text)
- local divider = tostring(divider)
- local position = 0
- local words = {}
- for start, stop in function() return string.find(text, divider, position, true) end do
- table.insert(words, string.sub(text, position, start - 1))
- position = stop + 1
- end
- table.insert(words, string.sub(text, position))
- return words
- end
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube = function(p, color, text, duration, onclick, remonclick)
- if p == nil then return end
- local cube ="Part", NDA.Cubes)
- cube.Size =,2,2)
- cube.Transparency = .73
- cube.CanCollide = false
- cube.Anchored = true
- cube.Locked = true
- cube.FormFactor = "Symmetric"
- cube.BottomSurface = 0
- cube.TopSurface = 0
- cube.Name = "Cube" ..#NDA.Cubes:GetChildren()
- local cd ="ClickDetector", cube)
- cd.MaxActivationDistance = math.huge
-"BlockMesh", cube).Scale =,.92,.92)
-"PointLight", cube)
- if (p.Character ~= nil) then
- local t = p.Character:findFirstChild("Torso")
- if t ~= nil then
- cube.Position = t.Position
- end
- end
- local sb ="SelectionBox", cube)
- sb.Adornee = cube
- sb.Transparency = .7
- local bbgui ="BillboardGui", cube)
- bbgui.StudsOffset =,4,0)
- bbgui.Size =,0,1,0)
- bbgui.Adornee = cube
- local txtlbl ="TextLabel", bbgui)
- txtlbl.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- txtlbl.TextStrokeTransparency = .5
- txtlbl.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- txtlbl.Text = text
- txtlbl.FontSize = NDA.Data.CubeFontSize
- txtlbl.Font = NDA.Data.CubeFont
- txtlbl.Size =,0,.5,0)
- --[[local bp ="BodyPosition", cube)
- local bg ="BodyGyro", cube)
- bp.maxForce =,5000000000,5000000000)
- bg.maxTorque =, 400000, 400000)]]
- local sv ="StringValue", cube)
- sv.Value = p.Name
- sv.Name = "OWNER"
- cd.MouseClick:connect(function(clicker)
- if (clicker == p) then
- if (onclick ~= nil) then
- if remonclick then cube:Destroy() end
- pcall(function() onclick(cube) end)
- end
- end
- end)
- if not NDA.Data.RainbowColors then
- txtlbl.TextStrokeColor3 =
- cube.BrickColor =
- sb.Color =
- else
- local rnd = BrickColor.Random()
- cube.BrickColor = rnd
- sb.Color = rnd
- txtlbl.TextStrokeColor3 = rnd.Color
- end
- if duration ~= nil then
- delay(duration, function() cube:Destroy() end)
- else
- if NDA.Data.AutoDisappear then
- delay(25, function() cube:Destroy() end)
- end
- end
- return cube
- end
- NDA.Functions.Dismiss = function(p)
- for _,v in pairs(NDA.Cubes:GetChildren()) do
- if (v:findFirstChild("OWNER") ~= nil) then
- if (v.OWNER.Value == p.Name) then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- NDA.Functions.GetPlayer = function(spkr, str)
- local plist = {}
- local text = str:lower()
- if (text == "all") then
- plist = NDA.P:GetChildren()
- elseif (text == "others") then
- for _,v in pairs(NDA.P:GetChildren()) do
- if v ~= spkr then table.insert(plist, v) end
- end
- elseif (text == "me") then
- table.insert(plist, spkr)
- else
- for _,v in pairs(NDA.P:GetChildren()) do
- local str = v.Name:lower()
- if str:find(text) then
- table.insert(plist, v)
- end
- end
- end
- return plist
- end
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd = function(cmds, cmdargs, cmdfunc, cmdhelp, usagelevel, done)
- local maincmd = cmds[1]
- table.insert(NDA.Commands, maincmd)
- NDA.CommandData[maincmd] = {}
- NDA.CommandData[maincmd].Cmds = cmds
- NDA.CommandData[maincmd].CmdArgs = cmdargs
- NDA.CommandData[maincmd].CmdFunc = cmdfunc
- NDA.CommandData[maincmd].CmdHelp = cmdhelp
- NDA.CommandData[maincmd].CmdLevel = usagelevel
- NDA.CommandData[maincmd].DoneOption = done
- end
- --[[ This function checks if a players message matches any of the commands ]]
- NDA.Functions.CheckCmds = function(Speaker, Message)
- local cmdlevel = NDA.Ranks[Speaker.Name].Rank
- local lmsg = Message:lower()
- if (NDA.ChatLog[Speaker.Name] == nil) then
- NDA.ChatLog[Speaker.Name] = {}
- end
- local plog = NDA.ChatLog[Speaker.Name]
- table.insert(plog, Message)
- if (#plog > NDA.Data.MaxLogs) then --[[ keep it limited to [MaxLogs] logs ]]
- table.remove(plog, #plog)
- end
- if cmdlevel ~= nil then
- for i = 1,#NDA.Commands do
- local cmd = NDA.CommandData[NDA.Commands[i]]
- if cmd ~= nil then
- for i = 1,#cmd.Cmds do
- local regexp = (NDA.Data.Prefix..cmd.Cmds[i]:lower()..NDA.Data.Suffix)
- for char = 1,(string.len(lmsg) - (string.len(regexp)-1)) do
- if (string.sub(lmsg, char, char + (string.len(regexp)-1)) == regexp) then
- if (cmdlevel >= cmd.CmdLevel) then
- if (cmd.DoneOption == true) then
- NDA.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(Speaker, "Really red", "Done", nil, function() NDA.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker) end, false)
- end
- xpcall(function()
- cmd.CmdFunc(Speaker, Message, NDA.Functions.Explode(NDA.Data.Suffix, Message))
- end, function(Error)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(Speaker, "Really red", "Error: " ..Error, 6, nil, true)
- end)
- else
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(Speaker, "Really red", "You do not have high enough rank to use that command.", 3, nil, true)
- end -- end level check
- break
- end -- end string.sub check
- end -- end character loop
- end -- end command loop
- end -- end command check
- end -- end commands loop
- end -- end cmdlevel check
- end -- end function
- --[[ Activated once when script runs and once when creator rejoins ]]
- NDA.Functions.Init = function()
- if not ScriptIsLocal then
- end
- NDA.Data.CurrentBase = NDA.WS:findFirstChild("Base")
- if NDA.Data.CurrentBase ~= nil then
- NDA.Data.BackupBase = NDA.Data.CurrentBase:Clone()
- else
- NDA.Data.BackupBase ="Part")
- NDA.Data.BackupBase.FormFactor = "Custom"
- NDA.Data.BackupBase.Size =, 1.2, 700)
- NDA.Data.BackupBase.Anchored = true
- NDA.Data.BackupBase.Locked = true
- NDA.Data.BackupBase.TopSurface = 0
- NDA.Data.BackupBase.BottomSurface = 0
- NDA.Data.BackupBase.Name = "Base"
- NDA.Data.BackupBase.Material = "Grass"
- NDA.Data.BackupBase.CFrame =, -0.6, 0)
- NDA.Data.BackupBase.BrickColor ="Bright green")
- end
- end
- --[[ p is the list of players to cause effects to ]]
- --[[ this simple function brings up all possible options to affect p ]]
- NDA.Functions.ShowOptions_1 = function(speaker, p)
- NDA.Functions.Dismiss(speaker)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really red", "Done", nil, function() NDA.Functions.Dismiss(speaker) end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Kill", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- v.Character:BreakJoints()
- end
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Kick", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do KickPlayer(v) end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Ban", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- KickPlayer(v)
- table.insert(NDA.Banned, v.Name)
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Shield", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
-"ForceField", v.Character)
- end
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "UnShield", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- for _i,x in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if (x.ClassName == "ForceField") then
- x:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Remove Hats", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- for _i,x in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if (x.ClassName == "Hat") then
- x:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Copy Hats", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- if v.Character ~= nil and speaker.Character ~= nil then
- for _i,x in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if (x.ClassName == "Hat") then
- x:Clone().Parent = speaker.Character
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "White Screen", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- for _i,x in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if x:IsA("BasePart") then
- x.Anchored = true
- x.CFrame =,9e9,9e9)
- end
- end
- delay(.1, function()
- v.Character:Remove()
- end)
- end
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Noobify", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- local c = v.Character:GetChildren()
- for i = 1,#c do
- local cn,n = c[i].ClassName,c[i].Name
- if (cn == "Shirt" or cn == "Pants" or cn == "Hat") then
- c[i]:Remove()
- elseif (cn == "Part") then
- if (n == "Left Arm" or n == "Right Arm" or n == "Head") then
- c[i].BrickColor ="Bright yellow")
- if (c[i]:FindFirstChild("face") ~= nil) then
- c[i].face.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
- end
- elseif (n == "Torso") then
- c[i].BrickColor ="Bright blue")
- elseif (n == "Left Leg" or n == "Right Leg") then
- c[i].BrickColor ="Bright green")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Respawn", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do v:LoadCharacter() end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Run", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- local h = v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h ~= nil then h.WalkSpeed = 100 end
- end
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Walk", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- local h = v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h ~= nil then h.WalkSpeed = 16 end
- end
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Immortal", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- local h = v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h ~= nil then h.MaxHealth = math.huge end
- end
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Mortal", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- local h = v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h ~= nil then
- h.MaxHealth = 100
- for _x,ff in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if (ff.ClassName == "ForceField") then ff:Destroy() end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Explode", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- local t = v.Character:findFirstChild("Torso")
- if t ~= nil then
- local exp ="Explosion", NDA.WS)
- exp.Position = t.Position
- exp.BlastPressure = 9999999
- exp.BlastRadius = 3
- end
- end
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Freeze", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- local t = v.Character:findFirstChild("Torso")
- if t ~= nil then t.Anchored = true end
- end
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Thaw", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- local t = v.Character:findFirstChild("Torso")
- if t ~= nil then t.Anchored = false end
- end
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Sit", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- local h = v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h ~= nil then h.Sit = true end
- end
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Jump", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- local h = v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h ~= nil then h.Jump = true end
- end
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Invisible", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- for _,v in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if (v:IsA("BasePart")) then
- v.Transparency = 1
- elseif (v:IsA("Hat")) then
- if v:findFirstChild("Handle") then
- v.Handle.Transparency = 1
- end
- end
- if v:findFirstChild("face") then
- v.face.Transparency = 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Visible", nil, function(c)
- for _,v in pairs(p) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- for _,v in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if (v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart") then
- v.Transparency = 0
- elseif (v:IsA("Hat")) then
- if v:findFirstChild("Handle") then
- v.Handle.Transparency = 0
- end
- end
- if v:findFirstChild("face") then
- v.face.Transparency = 0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, false)
- end
- --[[ all this does is shows a cube for every player that brings up all possible options/effects to cause to the player when clicked ]]
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"players", "plrs"}, "", function(speaker, m, parts)
- --[[ create a list containing only yourself ]]
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Me", nil, function(c)
- NDA.Functions.ShowOptions_1(speaker, {speaker})
- end, false)
- --[[ Make cube for selecting all players ]]
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "All", nil, function(c)
- NDA.Functions.ShowOptions_1(speaker, NDA.P:GetChildren())
- end, false)
- --[[ Make cube for selecting everyone else ]]
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Others", nil, function(c)
- local plist = {}
- for i,p in pairs(NDA.P:GetChildren()) do
- if p ~= speaker then table.insert(plist, p) end
- end
- NDA.Functions.ShowOptions_1(speaker, plist)
- end, false)
- for _,v in pairs(NDA.P:GetChildren()) do
- --[[ Make Cube for Each player ]]
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright green", v.Name, nil, function(c)
- NDA.Functions.ShowOptions_1(speaker, totable(v))
- end, false)
- end
- end, "Displays all current players in the game.", 7, true)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"explorer"}, "", function(speaker, m, parts)
- local searching = game.Workspace
- local function search(location)
- searching = location
- NDA.Functions.Dismiss(speaker)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright red", "Back", nil, function(c) search(location.Parent) end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright red", "Done", nil, function(c) NDA.Functions.Dismiss(speaker) end, false)
- for _,v in pairs(searching:GetChildren()) do
- pcall(function()
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright blue", v.Name, nil, function(c)
- NDA.Functions.Dismiss(speaker)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright blue", "Class: " ..v.ClassName, nil, nil, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright blue", "Insert Object", nil, function(_c)
- NDA.Functions.Dismiss(speaker)
- for i=1,#NDA.Insertable do
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright blue", NDA.Insertable[i], nil, function(_c1)[i], v) search(v.Parent) end, false)
- end
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright red", "Back", nil, function(c) search(location) end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright red", "Done", nil, function(c) NDA.Functions.Dismiss(speaker) end, false)
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright red", "Delete", nil, function(_c) search(v.Parent) v:Destroy() end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright blue", "Clone", nil, function(_c)
- if v.Archivable == false then v.Archivable = true end
- local vc = v:Clone()
- vc.Parent = NDA.WS
- vc.Name = v.Name.. " (Copy)"
- if (v.ClassName == "Model") then
- vc:MakeJoints()
- vc:MoveTo(v.Position)
- elseif (v:IsA("BasePart")) then
- vc.CFrame = v.CFrame
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Set Parent", nil, function(_c) search(v.Parent) v:Destroy() end, false)
- if (#v:GetChildren() > 0) then
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright green", "Search Contents (" ..#v:GetChildren().. ")", nil, function(_c) pcall(function() script.Parent = v end) end, false)
- else
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright green", "No contents.", nil, nil, false)
- end
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright red", "Back", nil, function(c) search(location) end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright red", "Done", nil, function(c) NDA.Functions.Dismiss(speaker) end, false)
- end, false)
- end)
- end
- end
- search(searching)
- end, "Allows to search every content/location of the game.", 8, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"flist", "friendlist", "friends", "allowed"}, "", function(speaker, m, p)
- for v = 1, #NDA.Friends do
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright red", NDA.Friends[v], nil, function(c)
- table.remove(NDA.Friends, v)
- end, true)
- end
- end, "Displays all users currently in the friends list.", 7, true)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"blist", "banlist", "banned"}, "", function(speaker, m, p)
- for v = 1, #NDA.Banned do
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright red", NDA.Banned[v], nil, function(c)
- table.remove(NDA.Banned, v)
- end, true)
- end
- end, "Displays all players who are banned and lets you unban them.", 7, true)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"showranks", "ranks"}, "", function(speaker, m, p)
- for _,v in pairs(NDA.Ranks) do
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright green", v.User.. ": " ..v.Rank, nil, nil, true)
- end
- end, "Displays the saved ranks of all players.", 1, true)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"commands", "cmds", "showcmds"}, "", function(speaker, m, p)
- for v = 1, #NDA.Commands do
- local cmd = NDA.Commands[v]
- local cmddata = NDA.CommandData[cmd]
- local rank = NDA.Ranks[speaker.Name].Rank
- if (rank >= cmddata.CmdLevel) then
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright green", NDA.Data.Prefix.. cmd ..NDA.Data.Suffix, nil, function(c)
- NDA.Functions.Dismiss(speaker)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright green", "Args: " ..cmddata.CmdArgs, nil, nil, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright green", "About: " ..cmddata.CmdHelp, nil, nil, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really red", "Done", nil, function(_c) NDA.Functions.Dismiss(speaker) end, false)
- local txt = ""
- if (#cmddata.Cmds > 1) then
- for i = 2,#cmddata.Cmds do
- if (i == #cmddata.Cmds) then
- txt = txt..cmddata.Cmds[i].. "."
- else
- txt = txt..cmddata.Cmds[i].. ", "
- end
- end
- end
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright green", "Alternatives: " ..txt, nil, nil, false)
- end, true)
- end
- end
- end, "Shows all available commands. (Click one to see more about it)", 1, true)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"rank", "setrank"}, "PLAYERNAME, RANK", function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (#Parts == 3 and Parts[3] ~= nil and Parts[3] ~= "") then
- local rank = isnumber(Parts[3])
- if rank then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,player in pairs(plist) do
- NDA.Functions.SetRank(player, rank)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(player, "New Yeller", "You are now rank " ..rank.. "! Say " ..NDA.Data.Prefix.. "cmds" ..NDA.Data.Suffix.. " to see a list of command!", 6, nil, true)
- end
- end
- end
- end, "For the owner only; sets the rank of PLAYERNAME to RANK.", 10, true)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"statistics", "stats"}, "", function(s, m, p)
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- local fps,gcount,t,dtime = 0,0,20,nil
- --[[ add up fps and garbagecount over time ]]
- for _i = 1,t do fps=fps+(1/wait()) end
- for _i = 1,t do wait() gcount=gcount+collectgarbage("count") end
- --[[ average it out ]]
- fps = math.floor(fps/t)
- gcount = math.floor(gcount/t)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "Really red", "Done", dtime, function() NDA.Functions.Dismiss(s) end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "New Yeller", "Average FPS: " ..fps, dtime, nil, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "New Yeller", "Garbage: " ..gcount.. "mb", dtime, nil, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "New Yeller", "Total Parts: " ..NDA.WS:GetNumAwakeParts(), dtime, nil, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "New Yeller", "Physics FPS: " ..NDA.WS:GetRealPhysicsFPS().. ". Max: " ..NDA.WS:GetPhysicsThrottling().. ".", dtime, nil, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "New Yeller", "os.time: " ..os.time().. ". game time: " ..NDA.WS.DistributedGameTime.. ".", dtime, nil, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "New Yeller", "Requests: " ..NDA.CP.RequestQueueSize.. ".", dtime, nil, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "New Yeller", "Windows Processor: " ..tostring(game:service("GuiService").IsWindows).. ".", dtime, nil, false)
- if NDA.NS ~= nil then
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "New Yeller", "Port: " ..tostring(NDA.NS.Port).. ".", dtime, nil, false)
- end
- end))
- end, "Displays various statistics about the server.", 10, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"songs", "tunes", "music"}, "", function(spkr, m, p)
- for i = 1,#NDA.Sounds do --[[ LINE 466 ]]
- --[[ local sound = NDA.Sounds["Sound" ..i] ]]
- local sound = NDA.Sounds[i]
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(spkr, "Really blue", sound.Name, nil, function(c)
- NDA.Functions.Dismiss(spkr)
- local s ="Sound", NDA.WS)
- s.SoundId = "" ..sound.ID
- s.Looped = false
- s.Volume = 3
- s:Play()
- NDA.Data.CurrentSound = s
- NDA.D:AddItem(s, 120)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(spkr, "New Yeller", "Now playing: " ..sound.Name, 4, nil, true)
- end, false)
- end
- end, "Shows a list of pre-loaded songs that you can play.", 3, true)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"nomusic", "stopmusic"}, "", function(s, m, p)
- local p ="Part",Workspace)
- p.Position =,1e9,1e9)
- local function search(x)
- for _,v in pairs(x:GetChildren()) do
- if (v.ClassName == "Sound") then
- v.Parent = p
- v:play() --[[ re-play it at its new location(1000000000 studs away) ]]
- else search(v) end
- end
- end
- search(game.Workspace)
- delay(.1,function() p:Destroy() end) --[[ destroy it ]]
- NDA.Data.CurrentSound = nil
- end, "Removes all current sounds/music.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"playsong", "playid"}, "", function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- if (isnumber(Parts[2])) then
- local s ="Sound", NDA.WS)
- s.SoundId = "" ..Parts[2]
- s.Looped = false
- s.Volume = 3
- s:Play()
- NDA.Data.CurrentSound = s
- NDA.D:AddItem(s, 120)
- end
- end
- end, "Plays a sound of the given ID.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"chat", "say"}, "TEXT", function(speaker, m, parts)
- if parts[2] ~= nil and parts[2] ~= "" then
- local colors = {"Red", "Green", "Blue"}
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "All", nil, function(c)
- NDA.Functions.Dismiss(speaker)
- for i,player in pairs(NDA.P:GetChildren()) do
- if (player.Character ~= nil) then
- local h = player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head")
- if (h ~= nil) then
- NDA.CS:Chat(h, parts[2], colors[math.random(1,#colors)])
- end
- end
- end
- end, false)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Really blue", "Others", nil, function(c)
- NDA.Functions.Dismiss(speaker)
- for i,player in pairs(NDA.P:GetChildren()) do
- if (player ~= speaker and player.Character ~= nil) then
- local h = player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head")
- if (h ~= nil) then
- NDA.CS:Chat(h, parts[2], colors[math.random(1,#colors)])
- end
- end
- end
- end, false)
- for _,v in pairs(NDA.P:GetChildren()) do
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(speaker, "Bright green", v.Name, nil, function(c)
- NDA.Functions.Dismiss(speaker)
- local h = v.Character:FindFirstChild("Head")
- if (h ~= nil) then
- NDA.CS:Chat(h, parts[2], colors[math.random(1,#colors)])
- end
- end, false)
- end
- end
- end, "Brings up a selection of players that you can make them say TEXT.", 5, true)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"disco", "toggledisco"}, "", function(s, m, p)
- if NDA.Data.Disco == true then
- NDA.Data.Disco = false
- NDA.L.TimeOfDay = "12:00:00"
- NDA.L.Ambient =,1,1)
- else
- NDA.L.TimeOfDay = "5:50:00"
- NDA.Data.Disco = true
- end
- end, "Toggles whether disco lighting is on or off.", 2, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"rot", "togglerot", "rotate"}, "", function(s, m, p)
- local t=""
- if NDA.Data.Rotation == false then
- t = "enabled"
- NDA.Data.Rotation = true
- else
- t = "disabled"
- NDA.Data.Rotation = false
- end
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "Really blue", "Rotation " ..t.. ".", 2, nil, true)
- end, "Toggles whether cubes slowly rotate around the speakers character or not.", 10, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"autogod", "autoimm"}, "", function(s, m, p)
- local t=""
- if NDA.Data.AutoGod == false then
- t = "enabled"
- NDA.Data.AutoGod = true
- else
- t = "disabled"
- NDA.Data.AutoGod = false
- end
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "Really blue", "Auto Godmode " ..t.. ".", 2, nil, true)
- end, "Toggles whether the speakers character becomes immortal on every respawn.", 10, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"antideath", "ad"}, "", function(s, m, p)
- local t=""
- if NDA.Data.AntiDeath == false then
- t = "enabled"
- NDA.Data.AntiDeath = true
- else
- t = "disabled"
- NDA.Data.AntiDeath = false
- end
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "Really blue", "AntiDeath " ..t.. ".", 2, nil, true)
- end, "Toggles whether antideath is enabled or disabled.", 10, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"rainbow", "togglerainbow"}, "", function(s, m, p)
- if NDA.Data.RainbowColors == true then
- NDA.Data.RainbowColors = false
- else
- NDA.Data.RainbowColors = true
- end
- end, "Toggles whether rainbow-colored cubes is on or off.", 10, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"pri", "togglepri"}, "", function(s, m, p)
- local t=""
- if NDA.Data.Pri == false then
- t = "enabled"
- NDA.Data.Pri = true
- else
- t = "disabled"
- NDA.Data.Pri = false
- end
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "Really blue", "Pri " ..t.. ".", 2, nil, true)
- end, "Toggles whether private server is enabled or disabled.", 9, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"ab", "antiban", "toggleab"},"",function(s, m, p)
- local t=""
- if NDA.Data.AB == false then
- t = "active"
- NDA.Data.AB = true
- else
- t = "inactive"
- NDA.Data.AB = false
- end
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "Really blue", "Antiban is " ..t.. ".", 3, nil, true)
- end, "Toggles whether antiban is active or inactive.", 10, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"forceab", "fab", "forceantiban", "togglefab"},"",function(s, m, p)
- local t=""
- if NDA.Data.ForceAB == false then
- t = "active"
- NDA.Data.ForceAB = true
- NDA.Data.AB = true
- else
- t = "inactive"
- NDA.Data.ForceAB = false
- end
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "Really blue", "Force-antiban is " ..t.. ".", 3, nil, true)
- end, "Toggles whether force-antiban is active or inactive.", 10, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"antispam", "as", "toggleas", "nospam"},"",function(s, m, p)
- local t=""
- if NDA.Data.AntiSpam == false then
- t = "enabled"
- NDA.Data.AntiSpam = true
- else
- t = "disabled"
- NDA.Data.AntiSpam = false
- end
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "Really blue", "Antispam is " ..t.. ".", 3, nil, true)
- end, "Toggles whether antispam is enabled or disabled.", 10, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"load", "exe", "ls"},"SOURCE",function(s, m, p)
- if (p[2] ~= nil and p[2] ~= "") then
- local Worked,Error = coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(loadstring(p[2])))
- if Error then
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "Really red", "Error: " ..tostring(Error), 5, nil, true)
- elseif Worked then
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "Bright green", "No errors; Source loaded.", 3, nil, true)
- end
- end
- end, "Loads SOURCE as code into the script.", 9, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"shutdown", "sd"}, "", function(s,m,p) NDA.Functions.ShutDown() end, "Shuts...Down...The Entire...Frigging...Server...", 10, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"dismiss","dis"},"", function(s,m,p) NDA.Functions.Dismiss(s) end,"Dismisses/Removes/Clears any current cubes.",1,false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"disall","dismissall", "dall"},"", function(s,m,p) for _,v in pairs(NDA.P:GetPlayers()) do NDA.Functions.Dismiss(v) end end,"Dismisses/Removes/Clears ALL current cubes.",10,false)
- --[[ ######################################################### ]]
- --[[ ######################################################### ]]
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"bow"},"PLAYERNAME",function(s,m,p)
- if (#Parts == 2 and Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,player in pairs(plist) do
- local char = player.Character
- if char ~= nil then
- local t = char:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if t ~= nil then
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end,"Causes PLAYERNAME's character to bow down.",3,false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"addtoflist", "addfriend"},"TEXTNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- table.insert(NDA.Friends, Parts[2])
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(Speaker, "Bright orange", "added " ..Parts[2].. " to the friends list.", 2.5, nil, true)
- end
- end, "Adds TEXTNAME to the friends list; TEXTNAME can be any string of text.", 9, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"addusertoflist","adduser"},"PLAYERNAME", function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,player in pairs(plist) do
- table.insert(NDA.Friends, player.Name)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(Speaker, "Bright orange", player.Name.. " added.", 2, nil, true)
- end
- end
- end, "Adds PLAYERNAME to the friends list. The user PLAYERNAME must be in the game to be added.", 9, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"ban","banish"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,player in pairs(plist) do
- table.insert(NDA.Banned, player.Name)
- KickPlayer(player)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(Speaker, "Bright orange", player.Name.. " banned.", 2, nil, true)
- end
- end
- end, "Adds PLAYERNAME to the banlist.", 9, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"lag"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,player in pairs(plist) do
- if (player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui")) then
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- local sg ="ScreenGui", player.PlayerGui)
- sg.Name = "Crash"
- for x = 1,750 do
- if player ~= nil then
- if sg ~= nil then
- local p ="TextLabel", sg)
- p.Text = ""
- p.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- p.Size =,0,1,0)
- p.Position =,0,0,0)
- else break end
- else break end
- end
- end)()
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Lags PLAYERNAME and possibly crashes(still experimental).", 9, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"dc","disconnect","discon"}, "PLAYERNAME", function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,player in pairs(plist) do
- NDA.REVENT:FireClient(player,{string.rep("crash",1e6)})
- end
- end
- end, "Instantly shuts down PLAYERNAME, disconnecting him from the game.", 8, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"addblist", "addtoblist"},"TXT",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- table.insert(NDA.Banned, Parts[2])
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(Speaker, "Bright orange", Parts[2].. " added to banlist", 3, nil, true)
- end
- end, "Adds the phrase \"TXT\" to the banlist. Use this if the player you want to ban is not currently in the game.", 9, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"sendmsg", "msg", "send"},"PLAYERNAME, DURATION, MESSAGE",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[4] ~= nil and Parts[4] ~= "") then
- local duration = isnumber(Parts[3])
- if duration then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,player in pairs(plist) do
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(player, "Bright orange", Speaker.Name.. ": " ..Parts[4], duration, nil, true)
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Sends a message(MESSAGE) to PLAYERNAME via cube, with the given duration.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"kick"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,player in pairs(plist) do
- KickPlayer(player)
- if (player ~= Speaker) then
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(Speaker, "Bright orange", player.Name.. " kicked.", 2, nil, true)
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Kicks PLAYERNAME from the game.", 7, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"kill"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,player in pairs(plist) do
- if player.Character ~= nil then
- player.Character:BreakJoints()
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Kills PLAYERNAME's character.", 5, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"stealhats", "takehats", "gethats", "hats"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "" and speaker.Character ~= nil) then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,player in pairs(plist) do
- if player.Character ~= nil then
- for _i,x in pairs(player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if (x.ClassName == "Hat") then
- x:Clone().Parent = speaker.Character
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Clones PLAYERNAME's hats and puts them on your character.", 2, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"removehats", "nohats"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,player in pairs(plist) do
- if player.Character ~= nil then
- for _i,x in pairs(player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if (x.ClassName == "Hat") then
- x:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Removes any/all hats from PLAYERNAME's character.", 2, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"setchar","char"},"PLAYERNAME,USERID",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[3] ~= nil and Parts[3] ~= "") then
- local id = isnumber(Parts[3])
- if id then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,p in pairs(plist) do
- p.CharacterAppearance = ""
- p:LoadCharacter()
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Makes PLAYERNAME's character have the appearance of the player with the given USERID.", 5, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"noob","noobify","noobchar"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,p in pairs(plist) do
- if p.Character ~= nil then
- local c = p.Character:GetChildren()
- for i = 1,#c do
- local cn,n = c[i].ClassName,c[i].Name
- if (cn == "Shirt" or cn == "Pants" or cn == "Hat") then
- c[i]:Remove()
- elseif (cn == "Part") then
- if (n == "Left Arm" or n == "Right Arm" or n == "Head") then
- c[i].BrickColor ="Bright yellow")
- if (c[i]:FindFirstChild("face") ~= nil) then
- c[i].face.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
- end
- elseif (n == "Torso") then
- c[i].BrickColor ="Bright blue")
- elseif (n == "Left Leg" or n == "Right Leg") then
- c[i].BrickColor ="Bright green")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Makes PLAYERNAME's character look like a noob.", 5, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"fixchar","normalchar"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,p in pairs(plist) do
- local pos = nil
- if p.Character ~= nil then
- local t = p.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if t ~= nil then pos = t.Position end
- end
- p.CharacterAppearance = "" ..p.userId
- --[[ "" ..p.userId ]]
- --[[ setting it to shuts you down! ]]
- p:LoadCharacter()
- delay(.1, function()
- if (p.Character ~= nil and pos ~= nil) then
- p.Character:MoveTo(pos)
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end, "Resets PLAYERNAME's character appearance.", 5, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"whitescreen","blank"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,p in pairs(plist) do
- if p.Character ~= nil then
- for _i,v in pairs(p.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then
- v.Anchored = true
- v.CFrame =,9e9,9e9)
- end
- end
- delay(.1, function()
- p.Character:Remove()
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Gives PLAYERNAME a white screen; can only be fixed by respawning.", 5, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"ff", "forcefield", "shield"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,p in pairs(plist) do
- if p.Character ~= nil then
-"ForceField", p.Character)
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Gives PLAYERNAME a ForceField.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"unff", "unshield"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,p in pairs(plist) do
- if p.Character ~= nil then
- for _i,v in pairs(p.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if (v.ClassName == "ForceField") then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Removes any/all forcefields from PLAYERNAME's character.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"ungod", "mortal"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,p in pairs(plist) do
- if p.Character ~= nil then
- local h = p.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h ~= nil then
- h.MaxHealth = 100
- h.Health = h.MaxHealth
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Sets PLAYERNAME's health back to normal(100).", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"god", "godmode", "immortal", "imm"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,p in pairs(plist) do
- if p.Character ~= nil then
- local h = p.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h ~= nil then
- h.MaxHealth = math.huge
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Gives PLAYERNAME godmode/infinite health.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"jump"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,p in pairs(plist) do
- if p.Character ~= nil then
- local h = p.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h ~= nil then h.Jump = true end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Causes PLAYERNAME's character to jump.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"sit"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,p in pairs(plist) do
- if p.Character ~= nil then
- local h = p.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h ~= nil then h.Sit = true end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Causes PLAYERNAME's character to sit.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"run"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,p in pairs(plist) do
- if p.Character ~= nil then
- local h = p.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h ~= nil then h.WalkSpeed = 100 end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Sets PLAYERNAME's walkspeed to 100.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"walk"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,p in pairs(plist) do
- if p.Character ~= nil then
- local h = p.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h ~= nil then h.WalkSpeed = 16 end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Sets PLAYERNAME's walkspeed back to normal(16).", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"freeze", "frost"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,p in pairs(plist) do
- if p.Character ~= nil then
- for _i,v in pairs(p.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then
- v.Anchored = true
- v.Reflectance = 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Freezes PLAYERNAME's character.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"thaw", "unfreeze", "unfrost"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,p in pairs(plist) do
- if p.Character ~= nil then
- for _i,v in pairs(p.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then
- v.Anchored = false
- v.Reflectance = 0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Thaws PLAYERNAME's character.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"name"}, "PLAYERNAME, NAME", function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[3] ~= nil and Parts[3] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,v in pairs(plist) do
- local c = v.Character
- if (c ~= nil) then
- local h = c:FindFirstChild("Head")
- if (h ~= nil) then
- if (NDA.WS:FindFirstChild(v.Name.. "Fakehead") == nil) then
- local fh ="Model", NDA.WS)
- fh.Name = v.Name.. "Fakehead"
- local m ="Model", fh)
- m.Name = Parts[3]
-"Humanoid", m).MaxHealth=math.huge
- local ch = h:Clone()
- ch.Parent = m
- local w ="Weld", h)
- w.Name = "FHWELD"
- w.Part0 = h
- w.Part1 = ch
- h.Transparency = 1
- else
- local fh = NDA.WS[v.Name.. "Fakehead"]
- if (#fh:GetChildren()>0) then
- fh:GetChildren()[1].Name = Parts[3]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Sets PLAYERNAME's name of his character to NAME.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"head", "headscale"},"PLAYERNAME, [X, Y, Z] (OR:) [SIZE]",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (#Parts == 5 and Parts[5] ~= nil and Parts[5] ~= "") then
- local x,y,z = isnumber(Parts[3]), isnumber(Parts[4]), isnumber(Parts[5])
- if x and y and z then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,player in pairs(plist) do
- if (player.Character ~= nil) then
- local h = player.Character:findFirstChild("Head")
- if (h ~= nil) then
- local m = h:findFirstChild("Mesh")
- if (m ~= nil) then
- m.Scale =, y, z)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif (#Parts == 3 and Parts[3] ~= nil and Parts[3] ~= "") then
- local n = isnumber(Parts[3])
- if n then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,player in pairs(plist) do
- if (player.Character ~= nil) then
- local h = player.Character:findFirstChild("Head")
- if (h ~= nil) then
- local m = h:findFirstChild("Mesh")
- if (m ~= nil) then
- m.Scale =,n,n)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Sets the x y and z scale of PLAYERNAME's head to X, Y, Z, or SIZE.", 5, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"normalhead", "fixhead"}, "PLAYERNAME", function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,v in pairs(plist) do
- if (v.Character ~= nil) then
- local h = v.Character:FindFirstChild("Head")
- if (h ~= nil) then
- if h:findFirstChild("Mesh") then
- h.Mesh.Scale =,1.25,1.25)
- h.Mesh.MeshType = "Head"
- h.Transparency = 0
- h.Reflectance = 0
- end
- end
- local fake = NDA.WS:FindFirstChild(v.Name.. "Fakehead")
- if fake ~= nil then
- fake:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Resets PLAYERNAME's head back to normal.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"hidename"}, "PLAYERNAME", function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,v in pairs(plist) do
- local c = v.Character
- if (c ~= nil) then
- local h = c:FindFirstChild("Head")
- if (h ~= nil and c:FindFirstChild("FAKEHEAD") == nil) then
- local ch = h:Clone()
- ch.Name = "FAKEHEAD"
- ch.Parent = c
- local w ="Weld", h)
- w.Name = "FHWELD"
- w.Part0 = h
- w.Part1 = ch
- h.Transparency = 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Hides PLAYERNAME's name on his character.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"fixname", "showname"}, "PLAYERNAME", function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,v in pairs(plist) do
- local oldh = NDA.WS:FindFirstChild(v.Name.. "Fakehead")
- if (oldh ~= nil) then oldh:Destroy() end
- local c = v.Character
- if (c ~= nil) then
- local h = c:FindFirstChild("Head")
- local fh = c:FindFirstChild("FAKEHEAD")
- if (h ~= nil) then
- if (fh ~= nil) then fh:Destroy() end
- local w = h:FindFirstChild("FHWELD")
- if (w ~= nil) then w:Destroy() end
- h.Transparency = 0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Makes PLAYERNAME's name visible on his character.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"respawn","resp","res","rs","spawn"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,player in pairs(plist) do player:LoadCharacter() end
- end
- end, "Respawns PLAYERNAME's character.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"clone"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,player in pairs(plist) do
- if player.Character ~= nil then
- local torso = player.Character:findFirstChild("Torso")
- if torso ~= nil then
- player.Character.Archivable = true
- local char = player.Character:Clone()
- char.Parent = NDA.WS
- local h = char:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h ~= nil then
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- while NDA.Data.Following do
- wait(.1)
- if h ~= nil and torso ~= nil then
- h:MoveTo(torso.Position, torso)
- else break end
- end
- end))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Clones PLAYERNAME's character and makes him follow the original player.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"teleport", "tp"}, "PLAYER1, PLAYER2", function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[3] ~= nil and Parts[3] ~= "") then
- local plist1 = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- local plist2 = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for i,player1 in pairs(plist1) do
- if player1.Character ~= nil then
- for _i,player2 in pairs(plist2) do
- if player2.Character ~= nil then
- local t = player2.Character:findFirstChild("Torso")
- if t ~= nil then player1.Character:MoveTo(t.Position) end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Teleports PLAYER1 to PLAYER2.", 5, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"char", "appearance", "charapp", "look"},"PLAYERNAME, USERID",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[3] ~= nil and Parts[3] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,player in pairs(plist) do
- player.CharacterAppearance = "" ..Parts[3].. "placeId=0"
- wait(.1)
- player:LoadCharacter()
- end
- end
- end, "Causes PLAYERNAME's character to look like USERID.", 5, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"rejoin", "rj"},"",function(s,m,p)
- NLS("Game:GetService(\"TeleportService\"):Teleport(" ..NDA.PID.. ")", s.Backpack)
- end, "Causes the speaker to rejoin the game.", 2, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"join"},"PLACEID",function(s,m,p)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- NLS("Game:GetService(\"TeleportService\"):Teleport(" ..Parts[2].. ")", s.Backpack)
- end
- end, "Causes the speaker to join the game of the desired PLACEID.", 2, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"invisible", "invis", "inv", "invisibility"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,v in pairs(plist) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- for _,v in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if (v:IsA("BasePart")) then
- v.Transparency = 1
- elseif (v:IsA("Hat")) then
- if v:findFirstChild("Handle") then
- v.Handle.Transparency = 1
- end
- end
- if v:findFirstChild("face") then
- v.face.Transparency = 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Makes PLAYERNAME's character completely invisible.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"visible", "vis", "visibility"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,v in pairs(plist) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- for _,v in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if (v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart") then
- v.Transparency = 0
- elseif (v:IsA("Hat")) then
- if v:findFirstChild("Handle") then
- v.Handle.Transparency = 0
- end
- end
- if v:findFirstChild("face") then
- v.face.Transparency = 0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Makes PLAYERNAME's character visible.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"accountage", "age"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,v in pairs(plist) do
- local age = v.AccountAge
- local years,_rdays = math.floor(age/360),math.floor(age%360)
- local months,rdays = math.floor(_rdays/30),math.floor(_rdays%30)
- local txt = years.. " years, " ..months.. " months, and " ..rdays.. " days."
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(Speaker, "Bright green", v.Name.. ": " ..txt, nil, nil, false)
- end
- end
- end, "Calculates how old PLAYERNAME is.", 2, true)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"speed", "walkspeed", "spd", "ws"},"PLAYERNAME, AMOUNT",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[3] ~= nil and Parts[3] ~= "") then
- if isnumber(Parts[3]) then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,v in pairs(plist) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- local h = v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h ~= nil then
- h.WalkSpeed = tonumber(Parts[3])
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Set's PLAYERNAME's WalkSpeed to AMOUNT.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"health", "sethealth", "seth"},"PLAYERNAME, AMOUNT",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[3] ~= nil and Parts[3] ~= "") then
- local x = isnumber(Parts[3])
- if x then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,v in pairs(plist) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- local h = v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if h ~= nil then
- if (x > h.MaxHealth) then
- h.MaxHealth = x
- elseif (x < h.MaxHealth and x > 100) then
- h.MaxHealth = x
- end
- h.Health = x
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Set's PLAYERNAME's health to AMOUNT.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"follow"},"PLAYER1, PLAYER2",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[3] ~= nil and Parts[3] ~= "") then
- local p1 = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- local p2 = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[3])
- for i,player1 in pairs(p1) do
- if (player1.Character) ~= nil then
- local h = player1.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if (h ~= nil) then
- for _i,player2 in pairs(p2) do
- if (player2.Character ~= nil) then
- local torso = player2.Character:findFirstChild("Torso")
- if (torso ~= nil) then
- NDA.Data.Following = true
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- while NDA.Data.Following do
- wait(.1)
- if torso ~= nil and h ~= nil then
- h:MoveTo(torso.Position, torso)
- else break end
- end
- end))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Causes PLAYER1 to constantly follow PLAYER2's character.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"stopfollow", "stop"},"",function() NDA.Data.Following = false
- end, "Stops any players from following other players after use of the follow command.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"disable"},"",function(s,m,p)
- NDA.LS.Disabled = true
- NDA.LS:Destroy()
- print("LS-Com Disabled")
- NDA.Data.AB = false
- NDA.Data.ForceAB = false
- NDA.Data.Pri = false
- print("Disabled")
- script:Destroy()
- script.Disabled = true
- end, "Disables this script.", 10, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"terrain", "placeterrain", "pt", "placet"},"X, Y, Z",function(Speaker,m,Parts)
- if (Parts[4] ~= nil and Parts[4] ~= "" and Speaker.Character ~= nil) then
- local xpos,ypos,zpos = isnumber(Parts[2]), isnumber(Parts[3]), isnumber(Parts[4])
- local t = Speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Torso")
- local b = NDA.WS:findFirstChild("Base")
- if (b ~= nil and t ~= nil and xpos and ypos and zpos) then
- if ((xpos > 40 or ypos > 40 or zpos > 40) or (xpos > 20 and ypos > 20 and zpos > 20)) then return end
- local terrain = NDA.WS.Terrain
- local material = Enum.CellMaterial.Brick --[[ Cement, MossyStone, Gravel, CinderBlock, Brick, Granite ]]
- local blocktype = Enum.CellBlock.Solid
- local orientation = Enum.CellOrientation.X
- local p,distance = t.Position,4
- --[[ base size x and z is 700 ]]
- for y = 1,ypos do
- for x = 1,xpos do
- for z = 1,zpos do
- terrain:SetCell((p.X + x), y - 1, ((p.Z + z) + distance), material, blocktype, orientation)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Spawns a large cube of dirt terrain with the given x y and z size, near your character.", 2, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"classicff", "oldff", "originalff"},"PLAYERNAME, DURATION",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[3] ~= nil and Parts[3] ~= "") then
- local duration = isnumber(Parts[3])
- if duration then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,v in pairs(plist) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- local boxes = {}
- for i,p in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if p:IsA("BasePart") then
- local sb ="SelectionBox", p)
- sb.Adornee = p
- table.insert(boxes, sb)
- NDA.D:AddItem(sb,duration)
- elseif (p:IsA("Hat") and p:findFirstChild("Handle") ~= nil) then
- local sb ="SelectionBox", p.Handle)
- sb.Adornee = p.Handle
- table.insert(boxes, sb)
- NDA.D:AddItem(sb,duration)
- end
- end
- local function setc(c)
- for _,p in pairs(boxes) do
- p.Color =
- end
- end
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- while #boxes > 0 do
- wait(.1)
- setc("Really red")
- wait(.1)
- setc("Bright red")
- -- wait(.1)
- -- p.Color ="Bright orange")
- wait(.1)
- setc("Magenta")
- wait(.1)
- setc("Lavender")
- wait(.1)
- setc("Bright blue")
- wait(.1)
- setc("Really blue")
- end
- end))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Gives PLAYERNAME the original classic-looking forcefield for DURATION seconds.", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"explode", "boom", "blowup"},"PLAYERNAME, LEVEL",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[3] ~= nil and Parts[3] ~= "") then
- local level = isnumber(Parts[3])
- if level then
- if (level >= 1 and level <= 10) then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,v in pairs(plist) do
- if v.Character ~= nil then
- local t = v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if (t ~= nil) then
- local exp ="Explosion", NDA.WS)
- exp.BlastPressure = math.pow(10000, level)
- exp.BlastRadius = math.pow(1.5, level)
- exp.Position = t.Position
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Explode PLAYERNAME's character with immense power based on LEVEL (a number from 1-5).", 3, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"clean", "clear", "cls", "clr"},"",function(s,m,_p)
- for _,v in pairs(NDA.WS:GetChildren()) do
- local class = v.ClassName
- if (v.Name ~= "NDA" and v ~= script and class ~= "Terrain" and class ~= "Camera" and v.Name ~= "Base") then
- if v.Archivable == true then
- v:Destroy()
- else
- --[[ if it's a character, search it for things to remove ]]
- local c = v:GetChildren()
- for i = 1,#c do
- local _class = c[i].ClassName
- local _name = c[i].Name
- if (_class == "LocalScript" or _class == "Script" or _class == "Tool") and (_name ~= "Animate" and not _name:match("Health")) then
- c[i]:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for _,object in pairs(NDA.L:GetChildren()) do
- object:Destroy()
- end
- for _,p in pairs(NDA.P:GetChildren()) do
- p:LoadCharacter()
- if p ~= s then
- destroyc(p:FindFirstChild("Backpack"))
- destroyc(p:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui"))
- destroyc(p:FindFirstChild("StarterGear"))
- end
- end
- end, "Completely wipes the game of all its contents.", 5, false)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"connections", "nilp", "shownil", "nils", "showplayers", "showcon", "con", "cons"},"",function(s,m,p)
- if NDA.NS ~= nil then
- for _,child in pairs(NDA.NS:GetChildren()) do
- if (child.ClassName == "ServerReplicator") then
- if (NDA.P:FindFirstChild(tostring(child:GetPlayer())) == nil) then
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "Really red", tostring(child:GetPlayer()).. " is nil.", nil, nil, false)
- else
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(s, "New Yeller", tostring(child:GetPlayer()), nil, nil, false)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Shows nil players who are still connected/have their roblox window open.", 5, true)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"showlogs", "showlog", "plog", "logs", "chatlogs", "chatlog"},"PLAYERNAME",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- local plist = NDA.Functions.GetPlayer(Speaker, Parts[2])
- for _,v in pairs(plist) do
- local log = NDA.ChatLog[v.Name] or NDA.ChatLog[Parts[2]]
- if log ~= nil then
- for i = 1,#log do
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(Speaker, "New Yeller", log[i], nil, nil, false)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end, "Shows up to " ..NDA.Data.MaxLogs.. " most recent chat logs from PLAYERNAME.", 7, true)
- NDA.Functions.RegisterCmd({"ping"},"MESSAGE",function(Speaker, Message, Parts)
- if (Parts[2] ~= nil and Parts[2] ~= "") then
- for _,v in pairs(NDA.P:GetPlayers()) do
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(v, "New Yeller", Parts[2], 3, nil, false)
- end
- end
- end, "Sends a cube to all players with the given MESSAGE.", 2, false)
- --[[ Load commands to all players ]]
- --[[ Level restrictions are taken care of in the LoadCmds function ]]
- for _x1,APlayer in pairs(NDA.P:GetPlayers()) do
- if APlayer.ClassName ~= "Player" then return end
- if (APlayer ~= NDA.User and APlayer.Name ~= NDA.Username) then
- NDA.Functions.SetRank(APlayer, 1)
- if NDA.Data.KickBeforePri == true then
- local pid = APlayer.userId
- local isfriend = false
- for i=1,#NDA.Friends do
- if (APlayer.Name:lower() == NDA.Friends[i]) then
- isfriend = true
- end
- end
- for i=1,#NDA.Ranks do
- if (APlayer.Name:lower() == NDA.Ranks[i].User) then
- isfriend = true
- end
- end
- print("is friendlisted: " ..tostring(isfriend).. ". is friend: " ..tostring(NDA.User:IsFriendsWith(pid)).. ". is best friend: " ..tostring(NDA.User:IsBestFriendsWith(pid)).. ".")
- if ((isfriend == false) and (NDA.User:IsFriendsWith(pid) == false and NDA.User:IsBestFriendsWith(pid) == false)) then
- delay(.2, function() KickPlayer(NewPlayer) end)
- end
- end
- else
- NDA.Functions.SetRank(APlayer, 10)
- end
- APlayer.Chatted:connect(function(Message)
- NDA.Functions.CheckCmds(APlayer, Message)
- end)
- for i = 1,#NDA.Banned do
- if (APlayer.Name:lower() == NDA.Banned[i]:lower()) then
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(NDA.User, "New Yeller", APlayer.Name.. " tried to join.", 4, nil, true)
- delay(.2, function() KickPlayer(APlayer) end)
- end
- end
- end
- NDA.P.PlayerAdded:connect(function(NewPlayer)
- if (NewPlayer.Name ~= NDA.Username) then
- NDA.Functions.SetRank(NewPlayer, 1)
- else
- NDA.User = NewPlayer
- local con = nil
- NDA.Functions.Init()
- NDA.Functions.SetRank(NewPlayer, 10)
- con = NewPlayer.CharacterAdded:connect(function()
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(NewPlayer, "Really blue", "Rank restored. Event: " ..OWNER_CONNECTION_EVENT, nil, nil, true)
- con:disconnect()
- con = nil
- end)
- end
- if NDA.Data.Pri == true then
- local pid = NewPlayer.userId
- local isfriend = false
- for i=1,#NDA.Friends do
- if (NewPlayer.Name:lower() == NDA.Friends[i]) then
- isfriend = true
- end
- end
- for i=1,#NDA.Ranks do
- if (NewPlayer.Name:lower() == NDA.Ranks[i].User) then
- isfriend = true
- end
- end
- print("is friendlisted: " ..tostring(isfriend).. ". is friend: " ..tostring(NDA.User:IsFriendsWith(pid)).. ". is best friend: " ..tostring(NDA.User:IsBestFriendsWith(pid)).. ".")
- if ((isfriend == false) and (NDA.User:IsFriendsWith(pid) == false and NDA.User:IsBestFriendsWith(pid) == false)) then
- delay(.2, function() KickPlayer(NewPlayer) end)
- end
- end
- NewPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(Message)
- NDA.Functions.CheckCmds(NewPlayer, Message)
- end)
- for i = 1,#NDA.Banned do
- if (NewPlayer.Name:lower() == NDA.Banned[i]:lower()) then
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(NDA.User, "New Yeller", NewPlayer.Name.. " tried to join.", 3, nil, true)
- KickPlayer(NewPlayer)
- end
- end
- end)
- if not ScriptIsLocal and NDA.NS ~= nil then
- for _,v in pairs(NDA.NS:GetChildren()) do
- if (v.ClassName == "ServerReplicator") then
- if v:GetPlayer() ~= nil then
- if (NDA.P:findFirstChild(tostring(v:GetPlayer())) == nil) then
- print("nil player found: " ..tostring(v:GetPlayer()))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- NDA.NS.ChildAdded:connect(function(con)
- if (NDA.Data.ShowTicket == true) then
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(NDA.User, "New Yeller", "User Connecting...",2,nil,true)
- if (con.ClassName == "ServerReplicator") then
- con.TicketProcessed:connect(function(id, isauth, protocolversion)
- local txtauth = ""
- if isauth == true then txtauth="yes" else txtauth="no" end
- local text = ("Ticket processed; ID: " ". Authenticated: " ..txtauth.. ". Protocol Version: " ..protocolversion)
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(NDA.User, "New Yeller", text, 5, nil, true)
- end)
- end
- end
- end)
- NDA.NS.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child)
- if (child.ClassName == "ServerReplicator") then
- if (child:GetPlayer() ~= nil) then
- print(child:GetPlayer().Name.. " lost connection")
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- --[[ test if when I was removed my game was still open and someone kicked me, or I left, myself. ]]
- NDA.P.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(Player)
- if (Player.Name:lower() == NDA.Username:lower()) then --[[ and ScriptIsLocal == false and NDA.NS ~= nil) then ]]
- if (NDA.Data.ForceAB == true) then
- NDA.Functions.ShutDown()
- end
- --[[ wait 4 seconds and check if the players connection is still there ]]
- --[[ that depicts that he was kicked from the game. Otherwise, he quit ]]
- delay(4, function()
- local a = false
- for _,v in pairs(NDA.NS:GetChildren()) do
- if (v.ClassName == "ServerReplicator") then
- pcall(function()
- if (v:GetPlayer().Name == NDA.Username) then
- a = true
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- if a == true then
- if NDA.Data.AB == true then
- NDA.Functions.ShutDown()
- end
- else
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- NDA.WS.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child)
- if (child.Name == "CUBES") then
- NDA.Cubes ="Model", NDA.WS)
- NDA.Cubes.Name = "CUBES"
- end
- end)
- --[[ allows for only 1 tool to be added but no more ]]
- NDA.User.Backpack.ChildAdded:connect(function()
- if NDA.Data.AntiSpam == true then
- for _,v in pairs(NDA.User.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
- if (v.ClassName ~= "Script" and v.ClassName ~= "LocalScript") then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- NDA.User.CharacterAdded:connect(function()
- local char = NDA.User.Character
- local h = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- if (h ~= nil) then
- if (NDA.Data.AutoGod == true) then
-"ForceField", char)
- h.MaxHealth = math.huge
- end
- local function resethealth()
- h.MaxHealth = 100
- h.Health = 100
- end
- print("humanoid found")
- h.Died:connect(function()
- if NDA.Data.AntiDeath == true then
- char:MakeJoints()
- resethealth()
- char:MakeJoints()
- resethealth()
- end
- end)
- h.Changed:connect(function()
- if (NDA.Data.AntiDeath == true) then
- resethealth()
- char:MakeJoints()
- end
- end)
- end
- wait(1)
- print("AntiSpam loaded")
- NDA.User.Character.DescendantAdded:connect(function(x)
- if (NDA.Data.AntiSpam == true) then
- if (x.ClassName:match("Body")) then
- x:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- --[[ allows for only 1 message to exist in playergui but no more ]]
- NDA.User.PlayerGui.ChildAdded:connect(function(d)
- local c = NDA.User.PlayerGui:GetChildren()
- if NDA.Data.AntiSpam == true and #c > 1 then
- for _,v in pairs(c) do v:Destroy() end
- end
- end)
- --[[ Replace localscript if it gets removed ]]
- NDA.LSDestination.DescendantRemoving:connect(function(x)
- if (x.Name == "NDA_LOCAL") then
- end
- end)
- --[[ allows for only 1 message to exist in workspace but no more ]]
- NDA.WS.ChildAdded:connect(function(d)
- if (d.ClassName == "Message" or d.ClassName == "Hint") then
- local c = {}
- for i,x in pairs(NDA.WS:GetChildren()) do
- if (x.ClassName == "Message" or x.ClassName == "Hint") then
- table.insert(c, x)
- end
- end
- if NDA.Data.AntiSpam == true and #c > 1 then
- for _,v in pairs(c) do v:Destroy() end
- end
- end
- end)
- --[[ The Main Loop, run on a seperate thread ]]
- NDA.Functions.MainLoop = function()
- if NDA.Cubes == nil then
- NDA.Cubes ="Model", NDA.WS)
- NDS.Cubes.Name = "CUBES"
- end
- --[[ 360 / .036 = 10000!! ]]
- if NDA.Data.Rotation == true and NDA.Data.Rot < 360 then
- NDA.Data.Rot = NDA.Data.Rot + .036
- else
- NDA.Data.Rot = 0
- end
- if NDA.Data.Disco == true then
- if NDA.Data.slow_timer_1 < 4 then
- NDA.Data.slow_timer_1 = NDA.Data.slow_timer_1 + 1
- else
- NDA.Data.slow_timer_1 = 0
- NDA.L.Ambient =, math.random(), math.random())
- end
- end
- NDA.Data.CurrentBase = NDA.WS:findFirstChild("Base")
- if (NDA.Data.CurrentBase == nil and NDA.Data.BackupBase ~= nil) then
- NDA.Data.CurrentBase = NDA.Data.BackupBase:Clone()
- NDA.Data.CurrentBase.Parent = NDA.WS
- end
- NDA.Data.CurrentBase.FormFactor = "Custom"
- NDA.Data.CurrentBase.Size =, 1.2, 700)
- NDA.Data.CurrentBase.Anchored = true
- NDA.Data.CurrentBase.Locked = true
- NDA.Data.CurrentBase.TopSurface = 0
- NDA.Data.CurrentBase.BottomSurface = 0
- NDA.Data.CurrentBase.Name = "Base"
- NDA.Data.CurrentBase.Material = "Grass"
- NDA.Data.CurrentBase.Transparency = 0
- NDA.Data.CurrentBase.Reflectance = 0
- NDA.Data.CurrentBase.BrickColor ="Bright green")
- NDA.Data.CurrentBase.CFrame =, -0.6, 0)
- local _c = NDA.Cubes:GetChildren()
- --[[ Objective:
- Sorts out the cubes by the player they follow
- and organizes them in an array.
- Then it commands which cubes follow which
- ]]
- local tab = {}
- for _,v in pairs(NDA.P:GetChildren()) do
- tab[v.Name] = {}
- tab[v.Name].Cubes = {}
- tab[v.Name].User = v
- end
- for i=1,#_c do
- local str = _c[i]:FindFirstChild("OWNER")
- if str ~= nil then
- if tab[str.Value] ~= nil then
- table.insert(tab[str.Value].Cubes, _c[i])
- end
- end
- end
- for _,v in pairs(tab) do
- local t = nil
- local c = v.Cubes
- local p = v.User
- local distance = NDA.Data.Distance + (#c * NDA.Data.Spread)
- if p ~= nil then
- if (p.ClassName == "Player") then
- if p.Character ~= nil then
- t = p.Character:findFirstChild("Torso")
- for i,cube in pairs(c) do
- if t ~= nil then
- local y = 0
- local x = math.sin((i/#c - (NDA.Data.D/#c)) * math.pi * 2 + (NDA.Data.Rot*.1)) * distance
- local z = math.cos((i/#c - (NDA.Data.D/#c)) * math.pi * 2 + (NDA.Data.Rot*.1)) * distance
- --[[cube.CFrame = t.CFrame +,0,z)
- cube.Parent = NDA.Cubes]]
- cube.CFrame =,,y,z)) *,0,-distance) * CFrame.Angles(math.pi/2,0,0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- NDA.Functions.Init()
- NDA.Functions.MakeCube(NDA.User, "Really blue", "NDA Loaded! v" ..NDA.Data.Version.. " - Total commands: " ..#NDA.Commands, 4.4, nil, true)
- NDA.RS.Heartbeat:connect(NDA.Functions.MainLoop)
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