
Forces that made democracy or use it as strategy..

Nov 16th, 2021
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  3. as one of the main priority, others being making heart ill in moral sense and over working good people as much as possible so .. oh how dearly hard time there is to be, for a Woman, even the Gol_den age where we are in a way, for now, a great time, as at least, there is strong theoretical ability to make Real sift in direction of freedom based on the same technology that they try to demonize right now in SOME part and extreme advance it with out human element in all other known and unknown fields, but to allow computers to save for us meaningful information, allow meaningful connections and meaningful safe research, this is soon diminish if not realized what forces are in total domination of all fields
  5. Alright what i write to You now, you can take as a lonely man wild self protective psychological fantasy to coop with confused life or as spiritual protection or some combinations of the same that is beneficial to Your own life even thought the labels and situations might different in Your case, as You say You spiritual then You JUST might be able to coop with as the labels i mention , are anything BUT spiritual but You know, spiritual does not mean "a good" same way as democracy or election or politician does not mean a good, it just is and can be many varieties that are complete opposite to one another, (in fact this is why they made the democracy, and why is good we are i guess educated well, constantly daily bases, and only about democracy but what are the actual dangerous sides of "stronger/bigger will rule" mindset, if the foundation is not fixed on values first... this is another longer and as colorful, or more so then the fallowing:
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  7. Computer AI recommend to fix that 2 paragraphs to:
  8. Oh, how difficult it is to be a woman, even in the Gol_den age, when we have a strong theoretical ability to make real sifts in the direction of freedom based on the same technology that they try to demonize right now in SOME parts and without the human element in all other known and unknown fields, but to allow computers to save meaningful information, allow meaningful connections, and meaningful safe resea
  10. Okay, what I'm writing to you now can be taken as a lonely man's wild self-protective psychological fantasy to cope with a confused life, or as spiritual protection, or some combination of the two that is beneficial to your own life. As you know, spiritual does not mean "a good" in the same way that democracy, election, or politician does not mean a good thing. It just is and can be many variations that are completely opposite to one another.
  12. // in english, is it better or did it lose some context ? As i see things on my own way and know not jet all Your mind fields, then am not jet so sure what is always the best, i just know i want to write in a way that is most efficiant nad best for You.
  13. As what is best for a woman, mother, child - IS best for man, is my elementary logic that besides feelings i see more and more logical proof as well, if there is ever need for it.
  19. It might sound weird, but it seems to me (but not just me) that i can make new time, or more time in some periods. Even in the most dangerous situations where I live, cats extend and protect my life in one way, but they are now a new source of war against me(s) in this homosexual filled, soviet minded, secret village (one lodge is across the road, that also served as a sacred centrum for communist think tanks for "five red stars" before). Ironically, their own communist-anarchists would have burned the manor, but it was saved back then (Bolshevik Revolution time) by the village people.
  21. All of the mentioned "labels" are themselves so gangerous as forces that they should not even be talked about, no matter how "nice" or "normal" as humans they look. In fact, they do use human bodies and they, in purose, have sacrificed part of their ovn in human skin (not actually sure if they have a full connection as "s-elf" to a body or if they truly use it as just a "meat bag" - the bodies that are compatible to take over ). They instead force those with more royal ancestry (meaning those with stronger motherly blood and heart, consiosness) into alcoholism (i guess drugs in the US), poverty, "part of the growth that makes offers you cannot refuse," or (and) poison them with hardship and all kinds of things people themselves know little about as God/Good and humans' constant self-healing fixes most things that are impossible for us to know or even exist as God/Good and humans' constant self-healing fixes mostIn a poor situation in which a person has not been able to get heritage or be able to build a country house (which is made extremely complicated, impossible without finance as everyone is forced to work for a stranger and any human friendship is considered a big crime actually, especially if they try to do something useful),
  23. But i guess the hardship that i have suffered is nothing compared to the things that have happened all my life to my mother, who is a medical miracle in and of herself. I have tried my best to fix Her and Her mother's "heart relation lines" as even though their grandmother is not alive in this world, one of the main weapons they use, to separate people and to access later their kids-kids, is to make some deep scars between relationships. I suppose they can between all humans, but especially between mothers and daughters at a young age (the first attempt to integrate another soul into a human is between the ages of 6–8 according to what I've heard, another period is around the age of 14, and separation from friends is around the age of 21 (usually it involves early work or a lot of drinking with fake friends who are allowed to be near, to learn everything about this person). It is made to appear that "people got their own lives," which is why they all separated from their flocks, but it is actually much more sophisticated already in ancient and modern times.
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  30. partly paraphrased by before free service was cut:
  33. It may sound strange, but it appears to me (and not just me) that I have the ability to create new time or additional time in some moments. Cats extend and safeguard my life in even the most perilous situations where I live, but they are now a new cause of war against me(s) in this homosexual-filled, soviet-minded, underground community (one lodge is across the road, that also served as a sacred centrum for communist think tanks for "five red stars" before). Ironically, their own communist-anarchists would have set fire to the manor, but the village people preserved it during the Bolshevik Revolution.
  34. All of the aforementioned "labels" are so heinous as forces that they should not even be addressed, no matter how "pleasant" or "normal" they appear to be as persons. They do, in reality, use human bodies and have sacrificed a portion of their ovn in human skin (not sure if they have a full connection as "s-elf" to a body or if they simply use it as a "meat bag" - the bodies that are compatible to take over). Instead, they compel those with more royal ancestry (i.e., those with a greater motherly blood and heart, consiosness) into drunkenness (or, in the United States, drugs), poverty, "part of the growth that makes offers you cannot reject," or (and) poison them with sorrow and suffering.
  37. Which has been made incredibly difficult, if not impossible, without money, because everyone is compelled to work for a stranger, and any human friendship is actually considered a major crime, especially if they try to accomplish something good.
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