
HBCC 3D Mac 128K edition, test results

Jan 24th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. This is valid for release 1
  3. Systems I've tested this on:
  4. a Mac 128K, thanks to u/petey815, System 1.1, works
  5. a Mac Classic II, my own, System 6.0.8L, works but the sound doesn't work
  6. a Performa 631CD, my own, Mac OS 8, works but the optional mouse controls are broken
  7. On every emulator I tested, the optional mouse controls are broken
  8. MiniVMac (128K), System 1.0, works
  9. MiniVMac (128K), System 1.1, works
  10. MiniVMac (128K), System 3.3, crashes when using the menu
  11. MiniVMac (Plus), System 1.1, works
  12. MiniVMac (Plus), System 3.3, works
  13. MiniVMac (Plus), System 6.0.8, works
  14. MiniVMac (Plus), System 7.5.5, works but it stutters
  15. MiniVMac (Mac II), System 6.0.8, works
  17. About remapping the controls (for azerty/dvorak/whatever):
  19. I didn't have time to implement a key remapping GUI, but I did add a facility for inputs to be remapped, though its not elegant.
  20. If you edit the 'gkbm'/GameKeyMap resource, you will see the following:
  21. rfdgshtzx yaLm??rfshdgtzx yaLm??
  22. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  23. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Tank controls:
  24. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||+- Unused
  25. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||+-- Unused
  26. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||+--- Pause
  27. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||+---- Pause actors (debug)
  28. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||+----- "Turn" key
  29. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||+------ "Use Item" key
  30. |||||||||||||||||||||||||+------- "View" key
  31. ||||||||||||||||||||||||+-------- "Slow" key
  32. |||||||||||||||||||||||+--------- "Fast" key
  33. ||||||||||||||||||||||+---------- "Use (doors)" key
  34. |||||||||||||||||||||+----------- Turn Right
  35. ||||||||||||||||||||+------------ Turn Left
  36. |||||||||||||||||||+------------- Strafe Right
  37. ||||||||||||||||||+-------------- Strafe Left
  38. |||||||||||||||||+--------------- Move Back
  39. ||||||||||||||||+---------------- Move Forward
  40. |||||||||||||||| Mouse controls:
  41. |||||||||||||||+----------------- Unused
  42. ||||||||||||||+------------------ Unused
  43. |||||||||||||+------------------- Pause
  44. ||||||||||||+-------------------- Pause actors (debug)
  45. |||||||||||+--------------------- "Turn" key
  46. ||||||||||+---------------------- "Use Item" key
  47. |||||||||+----------------------- "View" key
  48. ||||||||+------------------------ "Slow" key
  49. |||||||+------------------------- "Fast" key
  50. ||||||+-------------------------- "Use (doors)"
  51. |||||+--------------------------- Turn Right
  52. ||||+---------------------------- Turn Left
  53. |||+----------------------------- Strafe Right
  54. ||+------------------------------ Strafe Left
  55. |+------------------------------- Move Back
  56. +-------------------------------- Move Forward
  57. In order to remap keys, find the action you want to remap,
  58. trace the line leading to it back to the top line
  59. and -replace- the letter you see the line pointing to,
  60. with the letter of the key you want.
  61. The exact positions of each character is important.
  62. The first 32 bytes/characters of this exact file
  63. is loaded by the game to remap the keys.
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