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- REM This will copy files from the Maxto camera to a subfolder under
- REM the drive letter an path the batch file is launched from.
- REM It uses the date pattern in the filename to determine what folder
- REM to copy the files to. If it is looking for a folder named
- REM 20220429 and finds 20220429_North_Park it is smart enough
- REM to use the existing folder.
- REM This will show you the dates of the media currently stored on the camera.
- REM The user can use this to determine how many days back they want to copy.
- REM This method does not copy files as fast and bulk copying with File Explorer,
- REM but it is automated and you don't have to focus on it while you get other
- REM things done.
- REM Ben Sacherich - 4/29/2022 -
- REM Shared online:
- REM BS 11/11/2022: Implemented filelist.txt that avoids the long delay
- REM of the previous method when starting the loop.
- REM Also tested using Robocopy and discovered that the copy speed was
- REM basically the same as xcopy. It does give a nice percentage indicator
- REM for each file but I felt to stick with xcopy because everyone has it.
- REM If you want more speed the best thing is to use a faster USB port.
- REM BS 11/19/2023: It will now show a summary of the past 15 recording dates
- REM with the number of days back, and the number of files for that date.
- REM This is shown before the user selects how many days back to begin copying.
- REM You must include FolderDayQty.ps1 in the same folder as this batch file,
- REM (,
- REM or you can comment out the call to powershell and let the old method run.
- REM Note: If the clock in your Maxto M3 is incorrect (like after daylight savings) you
- REM should use the app to link to the camera and that should re-sync the clock. If
- REM you have already recorded video and you want to correct the time shown in the
- REM file properties and the filenames (but not the overlay shown on screen) then you
- REM can run a Python script I made called
- REM A good way to know how much your M3 clock is off is to find an image where your
- REM phone screen is in view, like when you are unlocking the phone.
- REM Show the name of this batch file in the command window title bar
- TITLE %0
- REM Instead of maintaining separate files for MOVIE and PHOTO files,
- REM I decided to set variables so I could easily deploy updates for
- REM either file type.
- REM set media=PHOTO
- REM set ext=jpg
- set ext=mp4
- set media=MOVIE
- set folderpath=%~dp0
- set logpath="%folderpath%MaintLog.txt"
- REM Set your source and destination folders.
- REM ### You must update the following line with the drive letter of your USB reader. ###
- set SourceFolder=E:\CARDV\%media%
- set TargetFolder=%folderpath%%media%
- REM ## See the "Continue:" section further down to adjust the folder name that is the root of the daily folders.
- if not exist %SourceFolder% (
- REM Check the F: drive if not found on E:
- set SourceFolder=F:\CARDV\%media%
- )
- if not exist %SourceFolder% (
- ECHO WARNING: You must have the camera connected with a folder named %SourceFolder% for this to work.
- pause
- goto :eof
- )
- if not exist %TargetFolder% (
- ECHO WARNING: You must have the backup drive connected with folder %TargetFolder% available for this to work.
- pause
- goto :eof
- )
- TITLE %0 reading from %SourceFolder%
- REM _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- REM First show the the user the dates of the media currently stored on the camera.
- ECHO Today is %Date%.
- ECHO [101;93m Source file count per date: [0m
- REM Count the number of files per date.
- REM BS 11/19/2023: Added PowerShell script to get the number of days back each recording sessions is and limit it to 15 rows.
- powershell -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -File FolderDayQty.ps1 %SourceFolder%
- goto :GetDays
- REM --- Use this method to list the file count per folder without the day count for the last 10 dates.
- REM --- The advantage of this method is no dependency on the PowerShell script file: FolderDayQty.ps1
- REM How to change text colors in a command prompt window:
- setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
- set "count=0"
- set "previous="
- set "dates=0"
- for /f %%f in ('dir "%SourceFolder%" /a-d /tc /o-d ^| findstr /r /c:"^[^ ]"') do (
- if "!previous!"=="%%f" (
- set /a "count+=1"
- ) else (
- if defined previous echo !previous! : !REG3XP0!>!count!
- set "previous=%%f"
- set "count=1"
- set /a "dates+=1"
- )
- if "!dates!"=="11" goto :GetDays
- )
- if defined previous echo !previous! : !REG3XP0!>!count!
- endlocal
- REM Prompt the user to enter the number of days to go back from today to be included
- REM in the copy. A postive number will be converted to a negative number.
- :GetDays
- set qty=3
- set /p "qty=How many many days do you want to copy back from? [%qty%] : "
- REM Change the entered quantity into a negative number.
- if %qty% GTR 0 set qty=-%qty%
- SET "startTime=%time: =0%"
- ECHO [32m
- Echo ----------------------------------------------------------- >> %logpath%
- Echo ===] %~nx0 started %date% at %time% >> %logpath%
- Echo ===] %~nx0 started at %time%
- REM This section calculates a formatted date that is %qty% days ago.
- set date1=today
- set separator=/
- if /i "%date1%" EQU "TODAY" (set date1=now) else (set date1="%date1%")
- echo >"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" s=DateAdd("d",%qty%,%date1%)
- echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" d=weekday(s)
- echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" WScript.Echo year(s)^&_
- echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" right(100+month(s),2)^&_
- echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" right(100+day(s),2)^&_
- echo>>"%temp%\%~n0.vbs" d
- for /f %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%temp%\%~n0.vbs"') do set result=%%a
- del "%temp%\%~n0.vbs"
- endlocal& (
- set "YY=%result:~0,4%"
- set "MM=%result:~4,2%"
- set "DD=%result:~6,2%"
- set "daynum=%result:~-1%"
- )
- set "day=%MM%%separator%%DD%%separator%%YY%"
- REM ^^^ If your country has a different order of date fields at the command prompt
- REM then you may have to alter this formula. In the USA it is MM/DD/YY
- echo.
- echo Searching for new files since [0m%day%[32m in %SourceFolder%
- REM Show a count of the number of files that will be processed.
- xcopy /S /L %SourceFolder%\*.%ext% /d:%day% | find "File(s)" >> %logpath%
- xcopy /S /L %SourceFolder%\*.%ext% /d:%day% | find "File(s)"
- REM echo (It may hang here for a minute before you see any action)
- setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
- REM for /f "delims=" %%a in ('forfiles /p %SourceFolder% /d %day% /m *.%ext% /c "cmd /c echo @path"') do (
- REM REM echo %%~na
- REM set "fname=%%~na"
- REM REM Call a routine that copies each file.
- REM call :continue
- REM )
- xcopy /S /L %SourceFolder% /d:%day% | find "File(s)" /v > %folderpath%\filelist.txt
- sort %folderpath%\filelist.txt > %folderpath%\sortedfilelist.txt
- for /f "delims=" %%a in (%folderpath%\sortedfilelist.txt) do (
- REM for /f "delims=" %%a in ('xcopy /S /L f:\cardv\movie /d:11/4/2022 | find "File(s)" /v') do (
- REM echo %%a "%%~na"
- set "fname=%%~na"
- REM pause
- REM Call a routine that copies each file.
- call :continue
- )
- REM =========================================================================================================
- REM Pause if there was an error.
- COLOR 47
- ECHO ### Error running %0 >> %logpath%
- ECHO ### Error running %0
- Pause
- )
- REM Get end time:
- SET "endTime=%time: =0%"
- REM Get elapsed time:
- SET "end=!endTime:%time:~8,1%=%%100)*100+1!" & set "start=!startTime:%time:~8,1%=%%100)*100+1!"
- SET /A "elap=((((10!end:%time:~2,1%=%%100)*60+1!%%100)-((((10!start:%time:~2,1%=%%100)*60+1!%%100), elap-=(elap>>31)*24*60*60*100"
- REM Convert elapsed time to HH:MM:SS:CC format:
- SET /A "cc=elap%%100+100,elap/=100,ss=elap%%60+100,elap/=60,mm=elap%%60+100,hh=elap/60+100"
- SET "elapsedTime=%hh:~1%%time:~2,1%%mm:~1%%time:~2,1%%ss:~1%%time:~8,1%%cc:~1%"
- REM Delete the file list.
- IF EXIST %folderpath%\filelist.txt DEL %folderpath%\filelist.txt
- IF EXIST %folderpath%\sortedfilelist.txt DEL %folderpath%\sortedfilelist.txt
- ECHO. [104;97m
- ECHO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ECHO Maxto M3 archive completed at %date% %time% in %elapsedTime% >> %logpath%
- ECHO Maxto M3 archive completed at %date% %time% in %elapsedTime%
- ECHO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [0m
- ECHO.>> %logpath%
- pause
- exit /b
- REM ============
- :continue
- REM ============
- REM This section is called for every file that needs to be copied.
- REM echo "%fname%" "%fname:~0,8%"
- set datefolder=%fname:~0,8%
- REM dir .\%media%\%datefolder%*
- REM echo if not exist .\%media%\%datefolder%* (
- if not exist .\%media%\%datefolder%* (
- echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >> %logpath%
- echo Creating folder: .\%media%\%datefolder%_ >> %logpath%
- echo [37mCreating folder: .\%media%\%datefolder%_ [32m
- md .\%media%\%datefolder%_
- )
- REM Copy the file to the folder.
- for /D %%i in ("%TargetFolder%\%datefolder%*") do (
- if not exist %%i\%fname%.%ext% (
- echo XCOPY /D %SourceFolder%\%fname%.%ext% %%i >> %logpath%
- echo XCOPY %SourceFolder%\%fname%.%ext% to %%i
- XCOPY /D "%SourceFolder%\%fname%.%ext%" "%%i" > nul
- COLOR 47
- ECHO ### Error copying %SourceFolder%\%fname%.%ext% >> %logpath%
- ECHO ### Error copying %SourceFolder%\%fname%.%ext%
- Pause
- )
- ) else (
- ECHO %fname%.%ext% already exists in %%i >> %logpath%
- ECHO [33m%fname%.%ext% already exists in %%i [32m
- )
- REM pause
- )
- goto :eof
- :eof
- echo EOF
- pause
- exit /b
- If you have a Maxto M3 camera you can use this file to archive all of the media on the camera. It will create a folder for each day of recording. If you append a description to the folder name it won't disturb it if you run the batch file subsequent times.
- I typically archive all of my recorded video within a few days of recording it so -3 days is the default look back.
- The copy method used is not as fast as Windows Explorer, but because this can run unattended and it generates a log file, I love using it.
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