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- /*******************************************************************************************************************
- ** Program to demonstrate the INA226 library for the Arduino IDE. A simple infinite loop of measurments will **
- ** display the bus voltage and current running through the INA226. **
- ** **
- ** Detailed documentation can be found on the GitHub Wiki pages at **
- ** **
- ** This example is for a INA226 set up to measure a 5-Volt load with a 0.1 Ohm resistor in place, this is the same**
- ** setup that can be found in the Adafruit INA219 breakout board. The complex calibration options are done at **
- ** runtime using the 2 parameters specified in the "begin()" call and the library has gone to great lengths to **
- ** avoid the use of floating point to conserve space and minimize runtime. This demo program uses floating point **
- ** only to convert and display the data conveniently. The INA226 uses 15 bits of precision, and even though the **
- ** current and watt information is returned using 32-bit integers the precision remains the same. **
- ** **
- ** As of version 1.0.3 the library supports multiple INA226 devices. The Atmel's EEPROM is used to store the 96 **
- ** bytes of static information per device using function calls. **
- ** Although up to 16 devices could theoretically be present on the I2C bus the actual limit is determined by the **
- ** available EEPROM - ATmega328 UNO has 1024k so can support up to 10 devices but the ATmega168 only has 512 bytes**
- ** which limits it to supporting at most 5 INA226s. The library has been modified to be backwards compatible and **
- ** the device number (from 0 to number of devices found) is passed as the last parameter. **
- ** **
- ** The datasheet for the INA226 can be found at and it contains the **
- ** information required in order to hook up the device. Unfortunately it comes as a VSSOP package but it can be **
- ** soldered onto a breakout board for breadboard use. The INA226 is quite similar to the INA219 mentioned above, **
- ** but it can take bus voltages of up to 36V (which I needed in order to monitor a 24V battery system which goes **
- ** above 28V while charging and which is above the absolute limits of the INA219). It is also significantly more **
- ** accurate than the INA219. **
- ** **
- ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General **
- ** Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your **
- ** option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY **
- ** WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the **
- ** GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License **
- ** along with this program. If not, see <>. **
- ** **
- ** Vers. Date Developer Comments **
- ** ====== ========== ============================= ============================================================== **
- ** 1.0.5 2018-06-08 removed unneeded prototype definitions **
- ** 1.0.4 2018-06-01 Corrected loop **
- ** 1.0.3 2017-09-18 Multiple INA226s **
- ** 1.0.2 2017-08-09 Cosmetic changes **
- ** 1.0.1 2017-01-12 Minor code cleanup and added more comments **
- ** 1.0.0 2017-01-09 Cloned example from test program suite **
- ** **
- *******************************************************************************************************************/
- #include <INA226.h> // INA226 Library //
- /*******************************************************************************************************************
- ** Declare program Constants **
- *******************************************************************************************************************/
- const uint32_t SERIAL_SPEED = 115200; // Use fast serial speed //
- /*******************************************************************************************************************
- ** Declare global variables and instantiate classes **
- *******************************************************************************************************************/
- INA226_Class INA226; // INA class instantiation //
- uint8_t devicesFound = 0; // Number of INA226s found //
- /*******************************************************************************************************************
- ** Method Setup(). This is an Arduino IDE method which is called first upon initial boot or restart. It is only **
- ** called one time and all of the variables and other initialization calls are done here prior to entering the **
- ** main loop for data measurement and storage. **
- *******************************************************************************************************************/
- void setup() { // //
- Serial.begin(SERIAL_SPEED); // Start serial communications //
- #ifdef __AVR_ATmega32U4__ // If we are a 32U4 processor, then //
- delay(2000); // wait 2 seconds for the serial //
- #endif // interface to initialize //
- Serial.print(F("\n\nDisplay INA226 Readings V1.0.5\n")); // Display program information //
- Serial.print(F(" - Searching & Initializing INA226\n")); // Display program information //
- // The begin initializes the calibration for an expected ±1 Amps maximum current and for a 0.1Ohm resistor, and //
- // since no specific device is given as the 3rd parameter all devices are initially set to these values //
- devicesFound = INA226.begin(1,100000); // Set expected Amps and resistor //
- Serial.print(F(" - Detected ")); // //
- Serial.print(devicesFound); // //
- Serial.println(F(" INA226 devices on I2C bus")); // //
- INA226.setAveraging(4); // Average each reading n-times //
- INA226.setBusConversion(7); // Maximum conversion time 8.244ms //
- INA226.setShuntConversion(7); // Maximum conversion time 8.244ms //
- INA226.setMode(INA_MODE_CONTINUOUS_BOTH); // Bus/shunt measured continuously //
- } // of method setup() // //
- /*******************************************************************************************************************
- ** This is the main program for the Arduino IDE, it is called in an infinite loop. The INA226 measurements are **
- ** run in a simple infinite loop **
- *******************************************************************************************************************/
- void loop() { // Main program loop //
- static uint16_t loopCounter = 0; // Count the number of iterations //
- for (uint8_t i=0;i<devicesFound;i++) { // Loop through all devices found //
- Serial.print(F("Bus voltage ")); // //
- Serial.print(i+1); // //
- Serial.print(F(": ")); // //
- Serial.print((float)INA226.getBusMilliVolts(true,i)/1000.0,4); // Convert to millivolts //
- Serial.print(F("V\nShunt voltage ")); // //
- Serial.print(i+1); // //
- Serial.print(F(": ")); // //
- Serial.print((float)INA226.getShuntMicroVolts(true,i)/1000.0,3); // Convert to millivolts //
- Serial.print(F("mV\nBus amperage ")); // //
- Serial.print(i+1); // //
- Serial.print(F(": ")); // //
- Serial.print((float)INA226.getBusMicroAmps(i)/1000.0,4); // Convert to milliamp //
- Serial.print(F("mA\nBus wattage ")); // //
- Serial.print(i+1); // //
- Serial.print(F(": ")); // //
- Serial.print((float)INA226.getBusMicroWatts(i)/1000.0,4); // Convert to milliwatts //
- Serial.print(F("mW\n\n")); // //
- } // of for-next each device loop // //
- delay(5000); // Wait 5 seconds for next reading //
- Serial.print(F("Loop iteration ") ); // //
- Serial.print(++loopCounter); // //
- Serial.print(F("\n\n") ); // //
- } // of method loop //----------------------------------//
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