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- //first segment done
- In this section, we start with a feasibility test that reveals the
- 3 key building blocks of the webcam peeking threat model,
- namely (1) reflection pixel size, (2) viewing angle, and (3) light
- signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). For the first two building blocks,
- we develop a mathematical model that quantifies the related
- impact factors. For light SNR, we analyze one major factor
- it encompasses, i.e., image distortions caused by shot noise,
- and investigate using multi-frame super resolution (MFSR)
- to enhance reflection images. We will analyze other physical
- factors that affect light SNR in Section IV-D. Experiments are
- conducted with the Acer laptop with its built-in 720p webcam,
- the pair of BLB glasses, and the pair of prescription glasses
- described in Appendix A.
- A. Feasibility Test:
- We conduct a feasibility test of recognizing single alphabet
- letters with a similar setup as in Figure 1. A mannequin
- wears the BLB glasses with a glass-screen distance of 30
- cm. Capital letters with different cap heights (80, 60, 40, 20,
- 10 mm) are displayed and captured by the webcam. Figure
- 2 (upper) shows the captured reflections. We find that the 5
- different cap heights resulted in letters with heights of 40, 30,
- 20, 10, and 5 pixels in the captured images. As expected, texts represented by fewer pixels are harder to recognize.
- The reflection pixel size acquired by adversaries is thus one
- key building block of the characteristics of webcam peeking
- attack that we need to model. In addition, Figure 2 (lower)
- shows the ideal reflections with these pixel sizes by resampling
- the template image. Comparing the two, we notice smallsize texts are subjected to additional distortions besides the
- issue of small pixel resolution and noise caused by the face
- background, resulting in a bad signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of
- the textual signals.
- To quantify the differences using objective metrics, we
- embody the notion of reflection quality in the similarity
- between the reflected texts and the original templates. We
- compared multiple widely-used image structural and textural
- similarity indexes including structural similarity Index (SSIM)
- [56], complex-wavelet SSIM (CWSSIM) [53], feature similarity (FSIM) [59], deep image structure and texture similarity
- (DISTS) [32] as well as self-built indexes based on scaleinvariant feature transform (SIFT) features [49]. Overall, we
- found CWSSIM which spans the interval [0, 1] with larger
- numbers representing higher reflection quality produces the
- best match with human perception results. Figure 2 shows the
- CWSSIM scores under each image.
- The differences show that the SNR of reflected light corresponding to the textual targets is another key building block we
- need to characterize. Finally, we notice that when we rotate
- the mannequin with an angle exceeding a certain threshold,
- the webcam images do not contain the displayed letters on the
- screen anymore. It suggests that the viewing angle is another
- critical building block of the webcam peeking threat model
- which acts as an on/off function for successful recognition
- of screen contents. In the following sections, we seek to
- characterize these three building blocks.
- B. Reflection Pixel Size:
- In the attack, the embodiment of textual targets undergoes
- a 2-stage conversion process: digital (victim software) →
- physical (victim screen) → digital (adversary camera). In the
- first stage, texts specified usually in point size in software by
- the user or web designers are rendered on the victim screen
- with corresponding physical cap heights. In the second stage,
- the on-screen texts get reflected by the glass, captured by the camera, digitized, and transferred to the adversary’s software as an image with certain pixel sizes. Generally, more usable
- pixels representing the texts enable adversaries to recognize
- texts more easily. The key is thus to understand the mechanism
- of point size → cap height → pixel size conversion.
- Point Size → Cap Height. Mapping between digital point
- size and physical cap height is not unique but dependent on
- user-specific factors and software.
- Cap Height → Pixel Size. We would like to remind the
- readers that we only use pixel size to represent the size of
- texts living in the images acquired by the adversary2
- . Figure
- 3 shows the model for this conversion process. To simplify
- the model, we assume the glasses lens, screen contents, and
- webcam are aligned on the same line with the same angle.
- The result of this approximation is the loss of projective transformation information, which only causes small inaccuracies
- for reflection pixel size estimation in most webcam peeking
- scenarios. Figure 3 only depicts one dimension out of the
- horizontal and vertical dimensions of the optical system but
- can be used for both dimensions. In this work we focus on the
- vertical dimension for analysis, i.e., the reflection pixel size
- we discuss is the height of the captured reflections in pixels.
- C. Viewing Angle:
- To model the effect of viewing angle and the range of
- angles that enables webcam peeking attack, we model the lens
- as spherical with a radius 2푓푔
- . A detailed derivation of the
- viewing angle model can be found in Appendix B. We consider
- two cases of successful peeking with a rotation of the glass
- lens. The first case All Page claims success as long as there
- exists a point on the screen whose emitted light ray can reach
- the camera. The second case Center claims success only if the
- contents at the center of the screen have emitted lights that can
- be reflected to camera. Table II summarizes the calculated
- theoretical angle ranges and the measured values. Both the
- theoretical model and measurements show that the webcam
- peeking attack is relatively robust to human positioning with different head viewing angles, which is validated later by the
- user study results (Section V-B).
- D. Image Distortion Characterization:
- Generally, the possible distortions are composed of imaging
- systems’ inherent distortions and other external distortions. Inherent distortions mainly include out-of-focus blur and various
- imaging noises introduced by non-ideal camera circuits. Such
- inherent distortions exist in camera outputs even when no user
- interacts with the camera. External distortions, on the other
- hand, mainly include factors like motion blur caused by the
- movement of active webcam users.
- User Movement-caused Motion Blur: When users move
- in front of their webcams, reflections from their glasses move
- accordingly which can cause blurs in the camera images. User
- motions can be decomposed into two components, namely
- involuntary periodic small-amplitude tremors that are always
- present [33], and intentional non-periodic large-amplitude
- movements that are occasionally caused by random events such
- as a user moving its head to look aside. For tremor-based motion, existing research suggests the
- mean displacement amplitude of dystonia patients’ head
- tremors is under 4 mm with a maximum frequency of about
- 6 Hz [34]. Since dystonia patients have stronger tremors than
- healthy people, this provides an estimation of the tremor amplitude upper bound. With the example glass in Section III-B
- and a 30 fps camera, the estimated pixel blur is under 1
- pixel. Such a motion blur is likely to affect the recognition of
- extremely small reflections. Intentional motion is not a focus
- of this work due to its random, occasional, and individualspecific characteristics. We will experimentally involve the
- impacts of intentional user motions in the user study by letting
- users behave normally.
- Distortion Analysis: To observe and analyze the dominant
- types of distortions, we recorded videos with the laptop
- webcam and a Nikon Z7 DSLR [17] representing a higherquality imaging system. The setup is the same as the feasibility
- test except that we tested with both the still mannequin and a
- human to analyze the effects of human tremor. Figure 14 (a)
- shows the comparison between the ideal reflection capture and
- the actual captures in three consecutive video frames of the
- webcam (1st row) and Nikon Z7 (2nd row) when the human
- wears the glasses. Empirically, we observed the following
- three key features of the video frames in this setup with both
- the mannequin and human (see Appendix D for details):
- ∙ Out-of-focus blur and tremor-caused motion blur are generally negligible when the reflected texts are recognizable.
- ∙ Inter-frame variance: The distortions at the same position
- of each frame are different, generating different noise
- patterns for each frame.
- ∙ Intra-frame variance: Even in a single frame, the distortion patterns are spatially non-uniform.
- One key observation is that the captured texts are subjected
- to occlusions (the missing or faded parts) caused by shot
- noise [19] when there is an insufficient number of photons
- hitting the sensors. This can be easily reasoned in light of the
- short exposure time and small text pixel size causing reduced
- photons emitted and received. In addition, other common
- imaging noise such as Gaussian noise gets visually amplified
- by relatively higher ISO values due to the bad light sensitivity
- of the webcam sensors. We call such noise ISO noise. Both two
- types of distortions have the potential to cause intra-frame and
- inter-frame variance. The shot and ISO noise in the webcam
- peeking attack plays on a see-saw with an equilibrium point
- posed by the quality of the camera imaging sensors. It suggests
- that the threat level will further increase (see the comparison
- between the webcam and Nikon Z7’s images in Figure 14)
- as future webcams get equipped with better-quality sensors at
- lower costs.
- E. Image Enhancing with MFSR:
- The analysis of distortions calls for an image reconstruction
- scheme that can reduce multiple types of distortions and
- tolerate inter-frame and intra-frame variance. One possible
- method is to reconstruct a better-quality image from multiple
- low-quality frames. Such reconstruction problem is usually
- defined as multi-frame super resolution (MFSR) [58]. The
- basic idea is to combine non-redundant information in multiple
- frames to generate a better-quality frame.
- We tested 3 common light-weight MFSR approaches that
- do not require a training phase, including cubic spline interpolation [58], fast and robust MFSR [36], and adaptive
- kernel regression (AKR) based MFSR [41]. Test results on the
- reflection images show that the AKR-based approach generally
- yields better results than the other two approaches in our
- specific application and setup. All three approaches outperform
- a simple averaging plus upsampling of the frames after frame
- registration, which may be viewed as a degraded form of
- MFSR. An example of the comparison between the different
- methods and the original 8 frames used for MFSR is shown
- in Figure 4 (a). We thus use the AKR-based approach for the
- following discussions.
- One parameter to decide for the use of webcam peeking
- is the number of frames used to reconstruct the high-quality
- image. Figure 4 (b) shows the CWSSIM score improvement of
- the reconstructed image over the original frames with different
- numbers of frames used for MFSR when a human wears the
- glasses to generate the reflections. Note that increasing the
- number of frames do not monotonically increase the image
- quality since live users’ occasional intentional movements can
- degrade image registration effectiveness in the MFSR process and thus undermine the reconstruction quality. Based on the
- results, we empirically choose to use 8 frames for the following
- evaluations. In addition, the improvement in CWSSIM scores
- also validates that MFSR-resulted images have better quality
- than most of the original frames. We thus only consider
- evaluation using the MFSR images in the following sections.
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