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- import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
- import { Dimensions, Image, Pressable, StyleSheet, Text, View } from 'react-native';
- // Components
- import AddNewAccount from './AddNewAccount';
- // import InvestmentTips from './InvestmentTips';
- import NetWorthHistory from './NetWorthHistory';
- import TableChart from './TableChart';
- import TableCha from './TableCHa';
- //Redux
- import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
- import { selectConfigTheme, selectShowBalance } from '../../../store/slices/utilsSlice';
- import { selectAccountsListIsEmpty } from '../../../store/slices/accountSlice';
- // Utils
- import { abbreviateScalingNumber, currencyFormatter } from '../../../utils';
- import { ConfigColors } from '../../../utils/types';
- import { TotalInfo } from '../home.types';
- import Dashboard from '../screens/Dashboard';
- //Languages
- import { useTranslation } from '../../../context/language_context';
- import { selectCredentialProvidersData, selectUserPermissions, selectUserRoleType } from '../../../store/slices/userSlice';
- import { RoleType } from '../../../constants/enums';
- import { UserPermissions } from '../../../services/remote/backup/enums';
- import { TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native-gesture-handler';
- import ECCModule from '../../../services/local/crypto/ECC_Module';
- import { AESDecryptObject, AESEncryptObject } from '../../../services/local/crypto/aes.functions';
- const { height } = Dimensions.get('window');
- type Props = {
- navigation: any;
- totalInfo: TotalInfo;
- };
- const DashboardBody: React.FC<Props> = ({ navigation, totalInfo }) => {
- const { t } = useTranslation();
- const userPermissions = useSelector(selectUserPermissions);
- const schemaColor = useSelector(selectConfigTheme);
- const colors = schemaColor.colorSchema.colors;
- const accountsListIsEmpty = useSelector(selectAccountsListIsEmpty);
- const assetsNumber = totalInfo.totalAssets;
- const lipNumber = totalInfo.totalLib;
- // const token = useSelector(selectToken);
- // const ap = async () => {
- // const userId = '65679a0e764b5025ad189bf0';
- // console.log(token);
- // if (token) {
- // // const s = await moneyHubExchangeCode({
- // // token,
- // // code: 'uqZPXUz3eVWg4P6kpWUKKxw8ap8BqFSoB8s_UMt0UkP',
- // // idToken:
- // // 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IlRxVk1laV9XdUtqZW5HWlJUbnJpeUxXRnZuS2tzTjNvLWFuWXBqS0JEbVUifQ.eyJzdWIiOiI2NTY3NDE0ZGQwYmZjZDMzYTgxY2M0MjciLCJub25jZSI6ImJhciIsImNfaGFzaCI6ImNjUllmaTBKZDczQ3dobVFoT0Jhc3ciLCJzX2hhc2giOiJMQ2EwYTJqX3hvXzVtMFU4SFRCQk5BIiwiYXVkIjoiYzQzNjJmNTQtMDEwZS00ZWI2LTk2MDktNjI1OTMwOWUxN2U1IiwiZXhwIjoxNzAxMjY5MzUyLCJpYXQiOjE3MDEyNjU3NTIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaWRlbnRpdHkubW9uZXlodWIuY28udWsvb2lkYyJ9.VtJfPDfWGyu5rWtTkITK9bERNLhfrVyCif7-kTEsSJWkQOT0HSjCSURsWe4ft1EODAjEO3aSHTGPN0zYiatIfmJ6j0PGoPc3V9vdgA9HMjPI3RLLC489iYuX8thSXmsB7uQB9mRFmGUTfOLi6zhrhE8qvVtzc4W7yVgw32ud-jjPERm-CxSIQ8LVFkFQjvjJFKw7KFedfVyyPH9bLWkIT_a6YJ5acLFEoWacSNQBR5J_Kof39riEJfsy8jPYXQQiMu3cVM--6AVZWdxEm2eg9DNR94fk92yhbB31yqNyUGQUxaWA3fzoldEAeN2SxytURCdLy0gOZr_V0tSx8dnaAw',
- // // });
- // console.log('click');
- // // const s = await moneyHubExchangeCode({
- // // token,
- // // code: 'IC7jPCYo9vUxEnb4KIFPHqzSInhwgByqrYdtzrszlZQ',
- // // idToken:
- // // 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IlRxVk1laV9XdUtqZW5HWlJUbnJpeUxXRnZuS2tzTjNvLWFuWXBqS0JEbVUifQ.eyJzdWIiOiI2NTY4NWNiNWYxMWRiY2Q0ZjBlNTg0ZWMiLCJub25jZSI6ImJhciIsImNfaGFzaCI6InpleFZpTnk0SnROSmRpWUhDSk5yU3ciLCJzX2hhc2giOiJMQ2EwYTJqX3hvXzVtMFU4SFRCQk5BIiwiYXVkIjoiYzQzNjJmNTQtMDEwZS00ZWI2LTk2MDktNjI1OTMwOWUxN2U1IiwiZXhwIjoxNzAxMzQxOTAyLCJpYXQiOjE3MDEzMzgzMDIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaWRlbnRpdHkubW9uZXlodWIuY28udWsvb2lkYyJ9.V1F_uEaRPCIj9XwLqq94CooMV5sLjRprSK9uCJakUfFgaFyWD8NoRg_qn8Q7NaJmU2vlp6yfDZS133u6Bk36gSN4vGCbBDV4oY9PD7Z5doAsUELg3UEPRpWQv09uK-cZPqhE9o0fMMN_xGl6WzoF-KZq-FtlPTRWLmoMJNIj3p13clqXfXfYVU8OP63jpMN9hVDRQUvG4DLSSL0lurHfuOCIfitgGCX1f0Izjyk09jB1HlyiCWSBvCaHB3afG_4PF4OXP9ggNiF4f0RXwVQvuxumQ4ZAwpFT_4uu0ynMYE-6dbUSXIEvruX65sQh307BV-7NmpdxNMbY9CVFEwZ4ZA',
- // // });
- // const s = await moneyHubGetAccounts({userId, token});
- // console.log(s);
- // }
- // };
- const showBalance = useSelector(selectShowBalance);
- //encryption shenanigans
- const { keysPair } =
- useSelector(selectCredentialProvidersData);
- //console.log("client keysPair "+JSON.stringify(keysPair)); //uncomment to use yours
- const clientKeypair = {
- publicKey: "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE+91/PKCpfXC2nvwyTWX7cu989MdBSbMVIZVv0gByo6QczJRMQ57LNcn2gmJw8SKfpQ+P+/0ZW+Dn+YKzC/njzQ==",
- privateKey: "MIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQgZIGRjt4gm4Z2Ta5+nXAzz1OX0JwzoERcJ64+cYEFJbShRANCAAT73X88oKl9cLae/DJNZfty73z0x0FJsxUhlW/SAHKjpBzMlExDnss1yfaCYnDxIp+lD4/7/Rlb4Of5grML+ePN"
- }
- //function to generate and log key pairs
- async function generateKeyPairs() {
- const keysPair = await ECCModule.generateKeyPair();
- console.log("keysPair "+JSON.stringify(keysPair));
- }
- // you can use these or replace with what you got by clicking generate receipient keypairs:
- const advisorsKeyPair={
- publicKey: "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEJE5N6SaWkpWui4iZnwnWGkpBPsXwTTSdxNWqPE3xf1QU+7iCTRQ8U4uwclcRUlLLJhZo0Ypird/8JlGYijqWjA==",
- privateKey: "MIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQgK4a+g04BGWHCcaOUXNzK/jyZ/n7fJ9HDUMDUl+GIcuqhRANCAAQkTk3pJpaSla6LiJmfCdYaSkE+xfBNNJ3E1ao8TfF/VBT7uIJNFDxTi7ByVxFSUssmFmjRimKt3/wmUZiKOpaM"
- }
- //obj to be encrypted
- const block = {
- enc_blockData: '{"name":"John Doe","age":25,"city":"New York"}',
- blockHash: "0x1234567890",
- blockId: "0x1234567890",
- blockType: "user",
- createTime: 1633700000000,
- itemId: "0x1234567890",
- lastSyncTime: 1633700000000,
- userId: "0x1234567890"
- }
- // function to encrypt data
- async function encryptData() {
- const sharedKey = await ECCModule.deriveSharedSecret(
- clientKeypair.privateKey,
- clientKeypair.publicKey,
- // advisorsKeyPair.publicKey
- );
- const encryptedData = AESEncryptObject({
- plainObject: JSON.parse(block.enc_blockData), // Ensure it’s parsed back to an object
- secretKey: sharedKey,
- });
- console.log("encryptedData "+JSON.stringify(encryptedData));
- }
- const theEncryptedData = "U2FsdGVkX1+ci/ttOX6C3KQCXjn2fjwy1Yy3U09ZqMuUclNjxaQQWTCxl/e5SeLnCCbVJCvXSM0+LahT9KIXjA=="
- // function to decrypt data
- async function decryptData(encryptedData:any) {
- const sharedKey = await ECCModule.deriveSharedSecret(
- clientKeypair.privateKey,
- // advisorsKeyPair.privateKey,
- clientKeypair.publicKey
- );
- const decryptedData = AESDecryptObject({
- cipherText: encryptedData,
- secretKey: sharedKey,
- });
- console.log("decryptedData " + JSON.stringify(decryptedData));
- }
- return (
- <View style={styles(colors).container}>
- <Pressable
- style={styles(colors).card}
- // onPress={ap}
- onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Analytic', { screen: 'Assets' })}
- >
- <Text style={styles(colors).textHeader}>{t.dashboard.body.dashboardCard.assets}</Text>
- {showBalance ? (
- <Text style={styles(colors).textBody}>
- {totalInfo.currency} {/* {currencyFormatter(totalInfo.totalAssets) ?? 500} */}
- {abbreviateScalingNumber(assetsNumber, false)}
- </Text>
- ) : (
- <Text style={styles(colors).textBody}>{totalInfo.currency} xxxxxx</Text>
- )}
- </Pressable>
- <Pressable
- style={styles(colors).card}
- onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Analytic', { screen: 'Liabilities' })}
- >
- <Text style={styles(colors).textHeader}>{t.dashboard.body.dashboardCard.liabilities}</Text>
- {showBalance ? (
- <Text style={styles(colors).textBody}>
- {/* {totalInfo.currency} {currencyFormatter(totalInfo.totalLib) ?? 500} */}
- {totalInfo.currency} {abbreviateScalingNumber(lipNumber, false)}
- </Text>
- ) : (
- <Text style={styles(colors).textBody}>{totalInfo.currency} xxxxxx</Text>
- )}
- </Pressable>
- {userPermissions.find((i) => i === UserPermissions.Write) && (
- <AddNewAccount navigation={navigation} />
- )}
- {/* generate keypairs */}
- <TouchableOpacity
- style={styles(colors).container}
- onPress={() => {
- generateKeyPairs();
- }}
- >
- <Text style={styles(colors).title}>Generate receipient keypairs-only click once then save from log</Text>
- </TouchableOpacity>
- {/* a simple pressable with the text 'encrypt' inside and when pressed should simply log ('encrypted') */
- }
- <TouchableOpacity
- style={styles(colors).container}
- onPress={() => {
- encryptData();
- }}
- >
- <Text style={styles(colors).title}>Encrypt</Text>
- </TouchableOpacity>
- {/* //for decrypting */}
- <TouchableOpacity
- style={styles(colors).container}
- onPress={() => {
- decryptData(theEncryptedData);
- }}
- >
- <Text style={styles(colors).title}>Decrypt</Text>
- </TouchableOpacity>
- {/* <CachedImage
- source=
- ''
- style={{ height: 350, width: 150 }}
- /> */}
- {accountsListIsEmpty ? (
- <Image
- style={{ alignSelf: 'center', marginVertical: 64 }}
- source={require('../../../assets/images/no_data.png')}
- />
- ) : (
- <>
- <TableCha />
- {/* <TableChart /> */}
- <NetWorthHistory />
- </>
- )}
- {/* <View style={[styles(colors).card, { marginVertical: 10 }]}>
- <Text style={styles.title}>Debt to Equity Ratio</Text>
- <View
- style={{
- flexDirection: 'row',
- alignItems: 'center',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- width: width * 0.25,
- }}
- >
- <Text style={{ fontSize: 20, color: 'black' }}>2.2</Text>
- <FeatherIcon name="arrow-down-right" size={20} color="green" />
- <FeatherIcon name="info" size={20} color={COLORS.Primary} />
- </View>
- </View> */}
- {/* <InvestmentTips /> */}
- </View>
- );
- };
- const styles = (colors: ConfigColors) =>
- StyleSheet.create({
- textHeader: { fontSize: 16, fontWeight: '700' },
- container: {
- paddingHorizontal: 20,
- marginTop: height * 0.07,
- // alignItems: 'center',
- },
- textBody: {
- fontSize: 16,
- fontWeight: '600',
- color: colors.primary.light[0],
- },
- card: {
- width: Dimensions.get('window').width * 0.9,
- marginTop: 16,
- backgroundColor: 'white',
- paddingHorizontal: 10,
- paddingVertical: 16,
- borderRadius: 5,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- alignItems: 'center',
- shadowColor: '#000000',
- shadowOffset: {
- width: 1,
- height: 6,
- },
- shadowOpacity: 0.21,
- shadowRadius: 6.65,
- elevation: 9,
- },
- title: {
- fontSize: 16,
- color: colors.mainText.light[0],
- },
- });
- export default DashboardBody;
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