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- #:import get_color_from_hex kivy.utils.get_color_from_hex
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- "We offer services like; touring,self driving , we rent spacial cars "\
- ",traveling, we rent wedding cars for wedding ceremonies ; "\
- "MR. K Travel And Tourism Uganda says travel and tourism is a good idea, so "\
- "come deal with us , We will travel and tour Uganda with you. we book hostels, lodges for our travelers and tourists\n\n"\
- "Feel free to contact us for more information"
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- "Is a Travel and Tour campany in Uganda "\
- "we offer services like; touring, traveling , rent cars ,"\
- "spacial cars for any journey "\
- "in Uganda. just contact us "
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- "One would wonder where Queen Elizabeth National Park is Located. Well, it is found in the western part of Uganda laying between Lakes Gorge and Albert with the Kazinga Channel crossing through its 700 sq mile land area. The park was named after the Queen of England in 1954 following her visit.\n\n"\
- "The park is home to 618 bird species which is the 6th highest diversity in the world and the highest in Africa making it a perfect destination for Uganda Birding Safaris, in addition to 10 primate species like chimpanzees and 95 mammals including big game."
- font_size:20
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- text:'Book a tour Now'
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- text:'Murchison Falls National Park'
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- "Also known as the Kabalega National Park, the Murchison Falls National Park is popularly known for having the world’s most powerful waterfall that emits large volumes of water about 300 cubic meters per second or 11,000 ft³/s at a very powerful pressure that cause the surrounding to tremble. The park was first gazetted in 1927 and today is the largest park in Uganda covering an area of 3840 sq km / 1483 sq miles. It is commonly visited for Uganda Safari Tours because of its diverse safari activities and rich wildlife."
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- "Lake Mburo National Park is located in Kiruhura District in the Western Region of Uganda, about 30 km (19 mi) east of Mbarara and about 240 km (150 mi) by road west of Kampala.\n"
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
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- MDLabel:
- text:
- "Kidepo Valley is in the remote northeast corner of the country. The park has a true wilderness feel and is a great destination for the adventurous traveler. It has excellent wildlife viewing during the Dry season, featuring several species not encountered anywhere else in the country."
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
- MDFillRoundFlatButton:
- text:'Book a tour Now'
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- "Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is located in the southwestern part of Uganda on the rim of the Rift Valley. The hillsides which are mist-covered are sheltered by one of the ancient and very biologically varied rainforests in Uganda that dates back to more than 25,000 years, comprising of about 400 varied plant species. More notably, this “impenetrable forest” in addition protects an predictable 320 population of mountain gorillas – approximately half of the population in the world, among which are a number of habituated groups, that can be tracked by visitors.Bwindi is habitat to more than half the world’s population of Mountain Gorillas"
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
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- text:'Book a tour Now'
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- MDLabel:
- text:
- "Kibale Forest National Park is one of the best safari destinations in Africa for chimpanzee trekking safaris and has the highest number and diversity of primates in East Africa. There are 13 species of primates including chimpanzees living within its 795km2 land cover with the most beautiful and most diversified tracts of tropical forest in the whole of Uganda. The Forest covering predominates in the central and northern part of the park on the raised Fort Portal plateau. At the park’s northern tip, Kibale is highest and stands 1590m above sea level"
- font_size:20
- bold:True
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- text:'Book a tour Now'
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- source:'parks/mgahinga Gorilla.jpg'
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- text:'Mgahinga Gorilla National Park'
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- MDLabel:
- text:
- "At just 33.7km2, Mgahinga National Park is Uganda’s smallest national park. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is located in the southwestern corner of Uganda. The Park covers the northern slopes of the three northernmost Virunga Volcanoes: Mt. Muhavura (4,127 m), Mt. Gahinga (3,474 m), and Mt. Sabinyo (3,645 m). The Park is about 10 km south of Kisoro and is bordered to the south by the Volcanoes National Park of Rwanda and to the west by the Virunga National Park of the Democratic Republic of Congo.\n\n "
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
- MDFillRoundFlatButton:
- text:'Book a tour Now'
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- on_release: root.show_simple_dialog()
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- FitImage:
- source:'parks/Mount-Elgon-NP-banner.jpg'
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- text:'Mount Elgon National Park'
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- MDLabel:
- text:
- "This extinct volcano is one of Uganda’s oldest physical features, first erupting around 24 million years ago\n"\
- "Mt Elgon was once Africa’s highest mountain, far exceeding Kilimanjaro’s current 5,895m. Millennia of erosion have reduced its height to 4,321m, relegating it to the 4th highest peak in East Africa and 8th on the continent"\
- "Mt Elgon is home to two tribes, the Bagisu and the Sabiny, with the marginalized Ndorobos forced to dwell deep within the forest of Benet."\
- "The Bagisu, also known as the BaMasaba, consider Mount Elgon to be the embodiment of their founding father Masaba and refer to the mountain by this name"
- font_size:20
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- text:'Mount Rwenzori National Park'
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- MDLabel:
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- "The Rwenzori Mountains National Park covers nearly 100,000 ha in western Uganda and comprises the main part of the Rwenzori mountain chain, which includes Africa's third highest peak (Mount Margherita: 5,109 m). The region's glaciers, waterfalls and lakes make it one of Africa's most beautiful alpine areas. The park has many natural habitats of endangered species and a rich and unusual flora comprising, among other species, the giant heather."
- font_size:20
- adaptive_height:True
- bold:True
- MDFillRoundFlatButton:
- text:'Book a tour Now'
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- text:'Semuliki National Park'
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- color:app.theme_cls.primary_color
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- MDLabel:
- text:
- "Semuliki Forest Reserve was created in 1932 and upgraded to national park status in 1993. "\
- "It is the only tract of true lowland tropical forest in East Africa, hosting 441 recorded bird species and 53 mammals "\
- "Large areas of this low-lying park may flood during the wet season, a brief reminder of the time when the entire valley lay at the bottom of a lake for seven million years"\
- "\nFour distinct ethnic groups live near the park – Bwamba farmers live along the base of the Rwenzori while the Bakonjo cultivate the mountain slopes. Batuku cattle keepers inhabit the open plains and Batwa, pygmies, traditionally hunter gathers, live on the edge of the forest"
- font_size:20
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- "The Nile is one of the world's great waterways, at 4,180 miles (6,695 kilometers) generally regarded as the longest river in the world and among the most culturally significant natural formations in human history.[1] Flowing northward from remote sources in the mountains of Ethiopia and central Africa and draining into the Mediterranean Sea, the Nile has flooded seasonally over millennia to provide life-giving fertile soils and irrigation for Egypt's people. The drainage basin of the Nile encompasses about 10 percent of the area of Africa"
- font_size:20
- bold:True
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- MDFillRoundFlatButton:
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- "The Kafu River which is about 180km in length is located in Western Uganda and flows through the districts of Luwero, Nakaseke, Nakasongola, Kyankwazi, Hoima, and Masindi. Its source is the swamp located approximately 12 kilometers northeast of the village of Kitoma, in Kibaale District, Western Uganda. It empties into Victoria Nile around Masindi Port in the District of Masindi, Western Uganda."
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
- MDFillRoundFlatButton:
- text:'Book a tour Now'
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- "River Katonga with a length of 220 km is located in the south-western part of Uganda. It starts from Lake Victoria and flows, first, northwards into Lake Wamala. The river then flows westwards to empty into Lake George which connects via the Kazinga Channel, with Lake Edward on the border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. "\
- "The source of River Katonga is located in Lukaya, Kalungu District. River Katonga enters Lake George at Mpanga in Kamwenge District. On its course westwards, the river forms the borders of the following districts: Kalungu District, Bukomansimbi District, Mpigi District, and Butambala District."
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
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- text:'River Mayanja'
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- "The Mayanja River is located in Central Uganda. It starts from the hills, northeast of the town of Wakiso, in Wakiso District, Central Uganda and flows in a northwestern direction to empty into River Kafu, Nakaseke District at its border with Masindi District and Kyankwanzi District. "\
- "The source of River Mayanja is located in Wakiso, with coordinates: Latitude:0.41000, 32.52000. River Mayanja enters River Kafu near the village of Ndede, in Nakaseke District, with coordinates: Latitude:1.357"
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- text:'River Ora'
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- MDLabel:
- text:
- "Ora River is next to Rabiya and is located in Arua District, Northern Region, Uganda. Ora River has a length of 25.1 kilometres."
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
- MDFillRoundFlatButton:
- text:'Book a tour Now'
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- text:'River Rwizi'
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- MDLabel:
- text:
- "The River Rwizi is a beautiful river that navigates through the town of Mbarara in South Western Uganda, providing a source of water and livelihood to people across the region.11 Economic activities in the catchment area include mainly subsistence and commercial crop agriculture, livestock rearing, fish farming, brickmaking, sand mining, tourism and industries like Coca Cola production and beer breweries, among others"
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
- MDFillRoundFlatButton:
- text:'Book a tour Now'
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- text:'River Sezzibwa'
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- MDLabel:
- text:
- "The Sezibwa River is located in Central Uganda. It starts from the wetlands between Lake Victoria and Lake Kyoga, west of the Victoria Nile and flows in a generally northerly direction to empty into Lake Kyoga. The source of River Sezibwa is located in Buikwe District, near the town of Ngogwe. River Sezibwa enters Lake Kyoga in Kayunga District, near the town of Galilaya. The length of River Sezibwa is approximately 150 kilometers (93 mi) from source to end. Between its source in Buikwe District, but before it enters Kayunga District, the river flows through Mukono District"
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
- MDFillRoundFlatButton:
- text:'Book a tour Now'
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- on_release: root.show_simple_dialog()
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- source:'parks/lugogo river.jpg'
- radius: 36, 36
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- text:'Lugogo River'
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- halign:'center'
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- MDLabel:
- text:
- "River Lugogo (River Lugogo) is a ditch (class H - Hydrographic) in Uganda (general), Uganda (Africa) with the region font code of Africa/Middle East. It is located at an elevation of 1,183 meters above sea level. "\
- "River Lugogo is also known as Lugogo Channel, River Lugogo."
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
- MDFillRoundFlatButton:
- text:'Book a tour Now'
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- FitImage:
- source:'parks/achwa river.jpg'
- radius: 36, 36
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- text:'River Achwa'
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- adaptive_height:True
- font_name:'fonts/popins.ttf'
- color:app.theme_cls.primary_color
- halign:'center'
- MDLabel:
- text:
- "The Achwa River is a river of Uganda in eastern Africa. It flows through the northern central part of the country, draining much of Uganda's northern plateau and northeastern highlands, before crossing the border into South Sudan where it joins the White Nile. In South Sudan it is known as the Aswa River"
- bold:True
- font_size:20
- adaptive_height:True
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- text:'Book a tour Now'
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- size_hint:.8,.3
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- text:'Mountain Gahinga'
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- "Mount Gahinga is a dormant/extinct volcano in the Virunga Mountains on the border between Rwanda and Uganda. Gahinga lies between Muhabura and Sabyinyo"
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
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- text:'Book a tour Now'
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- text:'Mountain Rwenzori'
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- MDLabel:
- text:
- "Mountain Rwenzori National Park is located within the “Mountains of the Moon”, as Mount Rwenzori is called. Mountain Rwenzori is situated in Western Uganda in the East African Rift Valley and straddles also to the Democratic Republic of Congo and its conservation area known as Virunga National Park. The mountain is the third highest in Africa"
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
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- text:'Book a tour Now'
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- source:'parks/mountain_muhabura.jpg'
- radius: 36, 36
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- text:'Mountain Muhabura'
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- font_name:'fonts/popins.ttf'
- color:app.theme_cls.primary_color
- halign:'center'
- adaptive_height:True
- MDLabel:
- text:
- "Mount Muhabura, also known as Mount Muhavura, is an inactive volcano in the Virunga Mountains on the border between Rwanda and Uganda. At 4,127 metres Muhabura is the third highest of the eight major mountains of the mountain range, which is a part of the Albertine Rift, the western branch of the East African Rif"
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
- MDFillRoundFlatButton:
- text:'Book a tour Now'
- md_bg_color: app.theme_cls.primary_color
- size_hint:.8,.3
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- on_release:root.show_simple_dialog()
- MDCard:
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- source:'parks/Mount-Elgon-NP-banner.jpg'
- radius: 36, 36
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- text:'Mountain Elgon'
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- adaptive_height:True
- font_name:'fonts/popins.ttf'
- color:app.theme_cls.primary_color
- halign:'center'
- MDLabel:
- text:
- "Mount Elgon is an extinct shield volcano on the border of Uganda and Kenya, north of Kisumu and west of Kitale. The mountain's highest point, named 'Wagagai', is located entirely within Uganda"
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
- MDFillRoundFlatButton:
- text:'Book a tour Now'
- md_bg_color: app.theme_cls.primary_color
- size_hint:.8,.3
- pos_hint:{'center_x':.5}
- on_release:root.show_simple_dialog()
- MDCard:
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- source:'parks/tororo-rock.jpg'
- radius: 36, 36
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- MDLabel:
- text:'Tororo Rock'
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- adaptive_height:True
- font_name:'fonts/popins.ttf'
- color:app.theme_cls.primary_color
- halign:'center'
- MDLabel:
- text:
- "Tororo Rock is a rock formation located in the town of Tororo in the Eastern Region of Uganda. It serves as the defining feature of the town. It is also a tourist attraction being climbable in around an hour. The climb involves four ladders up the last sections but the walk does not require any skill"
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
- MDFillRoundFlatButton:
- text:'Book a tour Now'
- md_bg_color: app.theme_cls.primary_color
- size_hint:.8,.3
- pos_hint:{'center_x':.5}
- on_release:root.show_simple_dialog()
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- icon:'arrow-left'
- on_press:root.manager.current='home'
- MDLabel:
- text: "Dams In Uganda;"
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- bold:True
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- font_size:30
- Widget:
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- "Nalubaale Power Station, formerly known as Owen Falls Dam, is a hydroelectric power station across the White Nile near its source at Lake Victoria in Uganda. Nalubaale is the Luganda name for Lake Victoria"
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- "Nalubaale Power Station, formerly known as Owen Falls Dam, is a hydroelectric power station across the White Nile near its source at Lake Victoria in Uganda. Nalubaale is the Luganda name for Lake Victoria"
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- "Lake Victoria is the world's largest tropical lake and the largest lake in the African Great Lakes region. The lake supports the largest freshwater fishery in the world, producing 1 million tons of fish per year and employing 200,000 people in supporting the livelihoods of 4 million people. The major threats to the lake are deforestation, land use change, wetland degradation and discharge from urban areas, industries and farmlands."
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- "Lake Kyoga (literally 'the place of bathing' in Runyoro language) is a large shallow lake in Uganda, about 1,720 km2 (660 sq mi)[1] in area and at an elevation of 1,033 metres.[2] The Victoria Nile flows through the lake on its way from Lake Victoria to Lake Albert. The main inflow from Lake Victoria is regulated by the Nalubaale Power Station in Jinja. Another source of water is the Mount Elgon region on the border between Uganda and Kenya. While Lake Kyoga is part of the African Great Lakes system, it is not itself considered a great lake"
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- "Lake Edward (locally Rwitanzigye or Rweru) is one of the smaller African Great Lakes. It is located in the Albertine Rift, the western branch of the East African Rift, on the border between the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Uganda, with its northern shore a few kilometres south of the equator."
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- "Lake Katwe is known throughout Uganda and the East African region for its substantial salt production and has been producing high quality salt for many years. Geographically, Lake Katwe is found within an explosion crater in the formerly active volcanic area north-east of Lake Edward and south-east of Lake George. The lake is found in the small run-down town of Katwe on the outskirts of the Queen Elizabeth National Park in the Kasese district"
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- "Located in southwestern Uganda, Lake George is a shallow lake with an average depth of around 2.4 metres. The lake is in the western part of the Great Rift Valley and the explorer Henry M. Stanley named it after King George V."
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- "Lake Albert is shared between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The lake's water is mainly controlled by the Nile River. Population density in some parts of the lake basin is as high as 149 people/km2. The population growth rate is also quite high."
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- "Lake Bunyonyi (‘place of many little birds’) is undoubtedly the loveliest lake in Uganda. Its contorted shore encircles 29 islands, surrounded by steep terraced hillsides reminiscent of parts of Nepal"
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- "Lake Wamala is one of the freshwater bodies located in Central Uganda, covering a total area of 250 km². It is a relatively shallow with a depth ranging from 1.5 m to 4.5 m. It is surrounded by papyrus beds, reed (Phragmites), Raphia palms and wild date palms (Phoenix reclinata)."
- font_size:20
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- "Lake Mutanda is a small, freshwater lake in the far southwest of Uganda, close to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. It is drained by the Rutshuru River, flowing northward to Lake Edward."
- font_size:20
- bold:True
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- "The Kabaka’s lake is situated in Ndeeba in between Nabunya road and ring road. The lake is a few kilometers away from Kampala Uganda’s capital city. Historically this lake was constructed in 1880. Kabaka Mwanga II orded wanted it mainly act as an escape corridor during the British armed conflicts."
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- "Entebbe International Airport is the only international airport in Uganda. It is located about 6 kilometres southwest of the town of Entebbe, on the northern shores of Lake Victoria. This is approximately 40 kilometres by road south-west of the central business district of Kampala, the capital city of Uganda"
- font_size:20
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- "The Uganda Wildlife Conservation Education Centre (Entebbe Zoo) is located 15 minutes from Entebbe International Airport, 36 kilometers from Uganda's capital Kampala. The centre cares for rescued animals, often victims of bush meat trade, habitat destruction, or illegal trade. "
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
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- "Imperial Beach:"\
- "Enabling some matchless water sports and golden sunset views Imperial Resort Beach and Imperial Botanical Beach are two iconic beaches located just beside to Imperial Beach Resort Hotel."
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- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
- MDFillRoundFlatButton:
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- text:'Kampala Serena Hotel'
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- MDLabel:
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- "This high-end hotel is 3 km from the Uganda Museum, 4 km from Kabaka's Palace and 6 km from Kasubi Tombs"
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
- MDFillRoundFlatButton:
- text:'Book a tour Now'
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- halign:'center'
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- MDLabel:
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- "Lido Beach is a small beach in Entebbe.It's around 0.48km in length"
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
- MDFillRoundFlatButton:
- text:'Book a tour Now'
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- source:'parks/nakasero.jpg'
- radius: 36, 36
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- text:'Nakasero Market'
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- MDLabel:
- text:
- "Nakasero Market is a market in Kampala, Uganda, located at the foot of Nakasero hill. It sells fresh food, textiles, shoes and cheap electronics. Nakasero market is located 50 meters off the Entebbe Road.It is one of the biggest markets in Kampala city central business District"
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
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- text:'Book a tour Now'
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- text:'Spennah Beach Entebbe'
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- MDLabel:
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- "Spenah Beach is a private beach located the serene waters of Lake Victoria in Entebbe. It's available for families, friends, events and meet-ups"
- font_size:20
- bold:True
- adaptive_height:True
- MDFillRoundFlatButton:
- text:'Book a tour Now'
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- text:'The Equator'
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- "The Uganda equator is one of the most and well known landmarks in Uganda.” The intersection of the earth’s surface with the plane perpendicular to the earth’s axis of rotation and containing the earth’s center of mass” is what Wikipedia sometimes refers to the equator as, but it is still the imaginary line that divides the world into two halves"
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- text:'Owino Market'
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- "St Balikuddembe market was started in 1971 with 320 vendors who were reallocated by Kampala City Council from Nakasero Market to this site. The City Council named the new market; Municipal Market which was later renamed by vendors to Owino Market after an old man called Owino whom the vendors found on the site roasting maize and sweet potatoes."
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- MDLabel:
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- "The unicameral Parliament of Uganda is the country's legislative body. The most significant of the Ugandan parliament's functions is to pass laws which will provide good governance in the country. The government ministers are bound to answer to the people's representatives on the floor of the house."
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