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- /*
- Correctness: 51/51 tests passed
- Memory: 22/22 tests passed
- Timing: 125/125 tests passed
- Aggregate score: 100.00%
- */
- import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.Stack;
- import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.Queue;
- import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.MinPQ;
- import java.util.Objects;
- public class Solver {
- private boolean firstRun1;
- private boolean firstRun2;
- private Node node;
- private int movesValue;
- private final boolean isSolvable;
- private Iterable<Board> solutionBoards;
- // find a solution to the initial board (using the A* algorithm)
- public Solver(Board board) {
- if (null == board) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
- movesValue = -1;
- firstRun1 = true;
- firstRun2 = true;
- Board twin = board.twin();
- Node neighbour1 = new Node(board.neighbors().iterator().next(), 0, null);
- Node neighbour2 = new Node(twin.neighbors().iterator().next(), 0, null);
- // to avoid a null pointer when we query the previous board as part of the critical optimisation we add itself as previous
- Node node1 = new Node(board, 0, neighbour1);
- Node node2 = new Node(twin, 0, neighbour2);
- // Exactly one of the two (initial node or any twin node made from initial) will lead to the goal board.
- // we run A* on two board instances, in lock-steps?, to find which board will lead to the goal board
- MinPQ<Node> pq1 = new MinPQ<>(); // the initial board PQ
- MinPQ<Node> pq2 = new MinPQ<>(); // a twin board PQ
- pq1.insert(node1); // insert initial node into PQ
- pq2.insert(node2);
- // the first goal board found exits the search as they can't both be a goal board
- while (!node1.board.isGoal() && !node2.board.isGoal()) {
- Node min1 = pq1.delMin();
- for (Node neighbor : min1.neighbors()) {
- // critical optimisation do not re-insert the previous node
- if(firstRun1){
- firstRun1 = false;
- neighbor.previous = min1;
- neighbor.moves = min1.moves + 1;
- pq1.insert(neighbor);
- }
- else if (!neighbor.board.equals(min1.previous.board)) {
- neighbor.previous = min1;
- neighbor.moves = min1.moves + 1;
- pq1.insert(neighbor);
- }
- }
- node1 = min1;
- // build of the second tree with twin as root
- Node minNode2 = pq2.delMin();
- for (Node neighbor : minNode2.neighbors()) {
- if (firstRun2){
- firstRun2 = false;
- neighbor.previous = minNode2;
- neighbor.moves = minNode2.moves + 1;
- pq2.insert(neighbor);
- }
- else if (!neighbor.board.equals(minNode2.previous.board)) {
- neighbor.previous = minNode2;
- neighbor.moves = minNode2.moves + 1;
- pq2.insert(neighbor);
- }
- }
- node2 = minNode2;
- }
- // we have exited the search so one of the boards is a goal!
- isSolvable = node1.board.isGoal(); // we are only interested in the solvability of node1?
- if (isSolvable) {
- node = node1;
- movesValue = node1.moves;
- } // if node2 is solvable we can be certain that node1 isn't see propriety of boards.
- }
- // is the initial board solvable? (see below)
- public boolean isSolvable() {
- return isSolvable;
- }
- // min number of moves to solve initial board
- public int moves() {
- return movesValue;
- }
- // sequence of boards in a shortest solution
- public Iterable<Board> solution() {
- if (!isSolvable()) return null;
- if (null != solutionBoards) return solutionBoards;
- else {
- Stack<Board> reversedStack = new Stack<>();
- Queue<Board> invertedSolutionQueue = new Queue<>();
- Queue<Board> solutionQueue = new Queue<>();
- while (null != node.previous) {
- invertedSolutionQueue.enqueue(node.board);
- node = node.previous;
- }
- while (!invertedSolutionQueue.isEmpty()) {
- reversedStack.push(invertedSolutionQueue.dequeue());
- }
- while (!reversedStack.isEmpty()) {
- solutionQueue.enqueue(reversedStack.pop());
- }
- solutionBoards = solutionQueue;
- }
- return solutionBoards;
- }
- // the Node type that holds:
- private static class Node implements Comparable<Node> {
- Board board;
- Node previous;
- int moves;
- final int manhattanValue;
- Node(Board board, int moves, Node previous) {
- this.board = board;
- this.moves = moves;
- this.previous = previous;
- this.manhattanValue = this.board.manhattan();
- }
- private final int priorityFunction() {
- return manhattanValue + moves; // We choose the manhattan priority function
- }
- // all the neighboring nodes
- Queue<Node> neighbors() {
- Queue<Node> nodeNeighbors = new Queue<>();
- for (Board neighbor : this.board.neighbors()) {
- Node nodeNeighbor = new Node(neighbor, this.moves + 1, this);
- nodeNeighbors.enqueue(nodeNeighbor);
- }
- return nodeNeighbors;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean equals(Object y) {
- if (y == this) return true;
- if (null == y) return false;
- if (y.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
- Node that = (Node) y;
- if (this.moves != that.moves) return false;
- if (this.priorityFunction() != that.priorityFunction()) return false;
- if (this.previous != that.previous) return false;
- if (!this.board.equals(that.board)) return false;
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public int hashCode() {
- return Objects.hash(board, previous, priorityFunction(), moves);
- }
- @Override
- public int compareTo(Node that) {
- int res = -1;
- if (this.priorityFunction() > that.priorityFunction()) res = 1;
- else if (this.priorityFunction() < that.priorityFunction()) res = 0;
- else if (this.priorityFunction() == that.priorityFunction()) {
- if (this.manhattanValue > that.manhattanValue) res = 1;
- else if (this.manhattanValue < that.manhattanValue) res = 0;
- else res = 1;
- }
- return res;
- }
- } // END of Node class
- // test client (see below)
- /* public static void main(String[] args) {
- // create initial board from file
- In in = new In(args[0]);
- int n = in.readInt();
- int[][] tiles = new int[n][n];
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
- for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
- tiles[i][j] = in.readInt();
- Board initial = new Board(tiles);
- StdOut.println("initial board :");
- StdOut.println(initial);
- // solve the puzzle
- Solver solver = new Solver(initial);
- // print solution to standard output
- if (!solver.isSolvable())
- StdOut.println("No solution possible");
- else {
- StdOut.println("1st call to moves() = " + solver.moves());
- solver.solution();
- StdOut.println("2nd call to moves() = " + solver.moves());
- solver.isSolvable();
- StdOut.println("3rd call to moves() = " + solver.moves());
- for (Board board : solver.solution())
- StdOut.println(board);
- }
- }*/
- }
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