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- import board
- import busio
- import adafruit_pca9685
- import datetime
- import time
- import json
- import sys
- import termios
- import tty
- import select
- # Constants
- CALIBRATION_FILE = "calibration_data.json"
- FINE_STEP = 50 # Fine tuning step (for left/right arrows)
- COARSE_STEP = 500 # Coarse tuning step (for up/down arrows)
- # Initialize PCA9685
- i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
- hat = adafruit_pca9685.PCA9685(i2c)
- hat.frequency = PWM_FREQUENCY
- # Define PWM channels
- clockSeconds = hat.channels[2]
- clockMinutes = hat.channels[1]
- clockHours = hat.channels[0]
- def is_key_pressed():
- """Checks if a key is pressed (non-blocking)."""
- fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
- old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
- try:
- tty.setcbreak(fd)
- rlist, _, _ =[sys.stdin], [], [], 0.1)
- if rlist:
- key =
- return key
- return None
- finally:
- termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
- def calibrate_dials():
- """
- Calibration mode to record or adjust PWM values for each step.
- Existing values from the calibration file can be adjusted or skipped.
- Saves the results to the calibration file.
- """
- print(
- "Calibration mode. Use LEFT/RIGHT for fine tuning, UP/DOWN for coarse tuning. Press SPACE to save and advance. Press ENTER to skip."
- )
- # Calibration steps
- seconds_minutes_steps = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]
- hours_steps = list(range(0, 13))
- # Try to load existing calibration data
- try:
- with open(CALIBRATION_FILE, "r") as f:
- calibration_data = json.load(f)
- except FileNotFoundError:
- calibration_data = {"seconds": {}, "minutes": {}, "hours": {}}
- # Helper function to calibrate a single dial
- def calibrate_dial(channel, steps, label):
- print(f"Calibrating {label} needle...")
- for step in steps:
- current_value = calibration_data.get(label, {}).get(str(step), 0)
- print(
- f"Step {step}: Adjust the needle to {step} using LEFT/RIGHT (fine) or UP/DOWN (coarse). Press SPACE when done, or ENTER to skip."
- )
- if current_value:
- print(f"Existing value for {step}: {current_value}. Press ENTER to skip or adjust.")
- pwm_value = current_value
- # Default PWM value for the channel
- channel.duty_cycle = pwm_value
- # Adjust PWM value until the user confirms or skips
- while True:
- key = is_key_pressed()
- if key == "\n": # Enter to skip
- print(f"Skipped adjustment for {label} {step}. Keeping value: {pwm_value}")
- break
- elif key == " ": # Spacebar to confirm the position
- print(f"Recorded PWM value {pwm_value} for {label} {step}.")
- calibration_data[label][str(step)] = pwm_value
- break
- elif key == "\x1b": # Arrow keys (Escape sequences)
- arrow =
- if arrow == "[D": # Left arrow key (fine decrement)
- pwm_value = max(0, pwm_value - FINE_STEP)
- elif arrow == "[C": # Right arrow key (fine increment)
- pwm_value = min(65535, pwm_value + FINE_STEP)
- elif arrow == "[A": # Up arrow key (coarse increment)
- pwm_value = min(65535, pwm_value + COARSE_STEP)
- elif arrow == "[B": # Down arrow key (coarse decrement)
- pwm_value = max(0, pwm_value - COARSE_STEP)
- # Update the needle position
- channel.duty_cycle = pwm_value
- # Calibrate each dial
- calibrate_dial(clockSeconds, seconds_minutes_steps, "seconds")
- calibrate_dial(clockMinutes, seconds_minutes_steps, "minutes")
- calibrate_dial(clockHours, hours_steps, "hours")
- # Save the calibration data to a file
- with open(CALIBRATION_FILE, "w") as f:
- json.dump(calibration_data, f, indent=4)
- print(f"Calibration complete. Data saved to {CALIBRATION_FILE}.")
- def load_calibration_data():
- """Load calibration data from the file."""
- try:
- with open(CALIBRATION_FILE, "r") as f:
- return json.load(f)
- except FileNotFoundError:
- print(f"No calibration file found. Please run the program with --calibrate to create one.")
- sys.exit(1)
- def interpolate_pwm(calibration, current_value):
- """
- Interpolates PWM values from calibration data for a given current value.
- Args:
- calibration: A dictionary containing calibration data (e.g., seconds, minutes).
- current_value: The current second, minute, or hour to interpolate for.
- Returns:
- The interpolated PWM value.
- """
- keys = sorted(int(k) for k in calibration.keys())
- for i in range(len(keys) - 1):
- if keys[i] <= current_value <= keys[i + 1]:
- lower_key = keys[i]
- upper_key = keys[i + 1]
- lower_pwm = calibration[str(lower_key)]
- upper_pwm = calibration[str(upper_key)]
- # Linear interpolation
- return int(lower_pwm + (upper_pwm - lower_pwm) * ((current_value - lower_key) / (upper_key - lower_key)))
- return int(calibration[str(keys[-1])]) # Default to the last key
- def move_needle_smoothly(channel, start_pwm, end_pwm, duration=0.1):
- """
- Smoothly move a needle between two PWM values.
- Args:
- channel: PCA9685 channel controlling the needle.
- start_pwm: Starting PWM value.
- end_pwm: Target PWM value.
- duration: Time duration (seconds) for the smooth transition.
- """
- steps = 50 # Number of steps for smooth motion
- step_time = duration / steps
- pwm_step = (end_pwm - start_pwm) / steps
- current_pwm = start_pwm
- for _ in range(steps):
- current_pwm += pwm_step
- channel.duty_cycle = int(current_pwm)
- time.sleep(step_time)
- def run_clock():
- """
- Main clock routine to move the needles based on current time
- using calibrated PWM values.
- """
- calibration_data = load_calibration_data()
- # Store the last known PWM values for smooth transitions
- last_second_pwm = 0
- last_minute_pwm = 0
- last_hour_pwm = 0
- while True:
- # Get the current time
- now =
- current_second = now.second + now.microsecond / 1_000_000 # Include fractional seconds
- current_minute = now.minute + current_second / 60 # Fractional minute
- current_hour = (now.hour % 12 or 12) + current_minute / 60 # Fractional hour
- # Interpolate PWM values
- second_pwm = interpolate_pwm(calibration_data["seconds"], current_second)
- minute_pwm = interpolate_pwm(calibration_data["minutes"], current_minute)
- hour_pwm = interpolate_pwm(calibration_data["hours"], current_hour)
- # Smoothly move the needles
- move_needle_smoothly(clockSeconds, last_second_pwm, second_pwm, 0.02)
- move_needle_smoothly(clockMinutes, last_minute_pwm, minute_pwm, 0.02)
- move_needle_smoothly(clockHours, last_hour_pwm, hour_pwm, 0.02)
- # Update last PWM values
- last_second_pwm = second_pwm
- last_minute_pwm = minute_pwm
- last_hour_pwm = hour_pwm
- # Sleep briefly before the next update (for smooth continuous operation)
- time.sleep(0.02)
- # Main logic
- if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "--calibrate":
- calibrate_dials()
- else:
- run_clock()
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