
nae and orca

Dec 12th, 2015
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  1. [15:14:49] NlELSERINO - Russian Army - Echo > teeth are hurting
  2. [15:14:54] CrowdedTrunk - Russian Army - Echo > i get pissed if id ont eat
  3. [15:15:00] ShouTBF - Russian Army > Naeqo squad pls
  4. [15:15:03] Fisupoika69 - Russian Army > no
  5. [15:15:04] CrowdedTrunk - Russian Army - Echo > do you have braces
  6. [15:15:05] Fisupoika69 - Russian Army > hes mine
  7. [15:15:45] Naeqo - Russian Army > DESTROY THE CONNECTORS
  8. [15:15:50] Naeqo - Russian Army > INSTEAD OF SHOOTING INF
  9. [15:15:52] Naeqo - Russian Army > MORONS
  10. [15:15:53] mleczkomatic has disconnected from the server (reason: Player left)..
  11. [15:16:02] Naeqo - Russian Army > GOOD
  12. [15:16:20] NlELSERINO > hey orca
  13. [15:16:24] chromatic_orca > hi
  14. [15:17:44] pwnBlack > omg
  16. -----------------------------------
  18. [15:17:51] Naeqo > switch now or game over
  19. [15:17:55] Naeqo > @fmove naeqo
  20. [15:18:02] NlELSERINO > should I also switch?
  21. [15:18:04] Naeqo > yes
  22. [15:18:07] Angers93 > thanks#
  23. [15:18:08] NlELSERINO > !fmove NIELSERINO
  24. [15:18:10] chromatic_orca > what about "never switching"?
  26. -----------------------------------
  28. [15:18:19] Naeqo > depends on how bad it is
  29. [15:18:31] Naeqo > if we stay it turns into spawn rape and no1 has fun or kills
  30. [15:18:43] Olympian_Virgin > BUT
  31. [15:18:44] CrowdedTrunk > should i switch or are u ok for now
  32. [15:18:47] Fisupoika69 > asdasdas
  33. [15:18:51] Olympian_Virgin > It is spawn kill so far! Look at map
  34. [15:18:53] NlELSERINO > LOL dat spawn
  35. [15:19:17] CrowdedTrunk > :<
  36. [15:19:28] Fisupoika69 > nice c4
  37. [15:19:31] CrowdedTrunk > fuckin hell niels
  38. [15:19:31] Fisupoika69 > didnt see that coming
  39. [15:19:57] NlELSERINO > hahah
  40. [15:20:04] NlELSERINO > 3rd time i hit u with c4 trunk
  41. [15:20:05] Naeqo > wait
  42. [15:20:08] Naeqo > now you switched ?
  43. [15:20:09] CrowdedTrunk > :<
  44. [15:20:11] Naeqo > wtf
  45. [15:20:14] NlELSERINO > no
  46. [15:20:17] Naeqo > orca
  47. [15:20:22] Olympian_Virgin > are you kiding me ? We can't even pass our spawn
  48. [15:20:26] NlELSERINO > I switched WAAAAAAY earlier
  49. [15:20:27] chromatic_orca > yes, why not?
  50. [15:20:35] CrowdedTrunk > lol
  51. [15:20:44] Naeqo > are u fucking kidding me ?
  53. -----------------------------------
  55. [15:20:58] CrowdedTrunk - Russian Army - Echo > lmso
  56. [15:21:01] chromatic_orca > what seems to be the problem, officer?
  57. [15:21:01] CrowdedTrunk - Russian Army - Echo > lmao
  58. [15:21:01] Naeqo > we switch, to balance these fucked teams
  59. [15:21:10] Fisupoika69 - Russian Army - Echo > :D:D:
  61. -----------------------------------
  63. [15:21:10] Naeqo > to help u
  64. [15:21:15] Naeqo > and u fucking switch to winning ?
  65. [15:21:16] CrowdedTrunk - Russian Army - Echo > lol
  66. [15:21:17] trojan42_Zz - US Army > [Commo Rose] Sorry!
  67. [15:21:18] mvav1991 - US Army > [Commo Rose] Request medic!
  68. [15:21:19] trojan42_Zz - US Army > [Commo Rose] Request medic!
  69. [15:21:22] chromatic_orca > am I being detained?
  70. [15:21:25] NlELSERINO > lol
  71. [15:21:40] chromatic_orca - Russian Army - Echo > [Commo Rose] Request orders!
  73. -----------------------------------
  75. [15:21:40] Fisupoika69 > why not just everyone stay where they started
  76. [15:21:42] mvav1991 - US Army > [Commo Rose] Request medic!
  77. [15:21:42] PUSClFER > Jesus, we're getting our shit pushed in this server.
  79. -----------------------------------
  81. [15:21:57] Naeqo - US Army - Golf > @fmove chromatic_orca
  82. [15:21:57] trojan42_Zz - US Army > [Commo Rose] Request medic!
  84. ------------- HE GOT SWITCHED BACK HERE ---------------------------------------
  86. [15:22:03] chromatic_orca > admin abuse
  87. [15:22:11] Naeqo > happens
  88. [15:22:16] chromatic_orca > okay
  89. [15:22:18] NlELSERINO > accidents happen
  90. [15:22:20] PatBE85 > grrr, hi all
  91. [15:22:20] NlELSERINO > Ow
  92. [15:22:22] CrowdedTrunk > ohh baby a triple
  93. [15:22:26] Naeqo > actually its not abuse
  94. [15:22:28] Naeqo > u switched
  95. [15:22:35] NlELSERINO - US Army - Golf > hes playing games with you...
  96. [15:22:37] PUSClFER > Should we like, balance the team or something?
  97. [15:22:46] CrowdedTrunk > lol
  98. [15:22:55] Fisupoika69 > this is madness
  100. --------------- HE GOT KICKED HERE -------------------------------------------------
  102. [15:22:56] Naeqo > /@kick chromatic_orca Since you dont care about this server anyway
  103. [15:22:56] chromatic_orca has disconnected from the server (reason: Since you dont care about this server anyway)..
  104. [15:23:04] CrowdedTrunk > wow]
  105. [15:23:04] Fisupoika69 > i cant kill a thing without other killing me
  106. [15:23:10] CrowdedTrunk > who kicked him?
  107. [15:23:12] Naeqo > i did
  108. [15:23:16] CrowdedTrunk > lmao
  109. [15:23:18] Naeqo > he switched again
  110. [15:23:29] CrowdedTrunk > should i switch?
  111. [15:23:32] Fisupoika69 > no
  112. [15:23:33] Fisupoika69 > please
  113. [15:23:34] PUSClFER > yes
  114. [15:23:35] Naeqo > nah its already over
  115. [15:23:36] CrowdedTrunk > ur still getting raped
  116. [15:23:38] Fisupoika69 > it will be too op
  117. [15:24:02] michaeloneill1 > so much nade spam
  118. [15:23:46] CaspZD's 16 kill streak was ended by smollmann
  119. [15:24:06] kefoe85 has disconnected from the server..
  121. --------------- he joins the server again
  123. [15:24:06] chromatic_orca has joined the server..
  124. [15:23:49] Admin chromatic_orca is joining the server
  125. [15:24:10] PUSClFER > Thi sucks.s is why Locker and Metro fucking
  126. [15:24:22] PUSClFER > This is why* fucking sucks*
  127. [15:24:23] NlELSERINO - US Army - Golf > ofc theres a shitlord DMR camper on the hills
  128. [15:24:28] Fisupoika69 > dont switch all goods to other side it makes no sens
  129. [15:24:32] Naeqo > so lucky
  130. [15:24:32] Naeqo > rofl
  131. [15:24:35] Aririi - Russian Army > lock down b
  132. [15:24:41] Olympian_Virgin > this balance..
  133. [15:24:48] CrowdedTrunk - Russian Army - Echo > wow
  134. [15:25:06] PUSClFER - US Army > DON'T BLOCK THE DOOR
  135. [15:25:19] Naeqo > tryna get banned today orca ?
  136. [15:25:21] Naeqo > u bored ?
  137. [15:25:24] Rom3n - Russian Army - Golf > [Commo Rose] Request orders!
  138. [15:25:13] AdKatsLRT > Say > Amphilen > [spawn] Amphilen please remove [TYPE 88 LMG BIPOD] from your loadout.
  139. [15:25:14] AdKatsLRT > Tell[7s] > Amphilen > Please remove TYPE 88 LMG BIPOD from your loadout
  140. [15:25:38] chromatic_orca > so when I was attacking and my team was spawntrapped yesterday it was okay
  141. [15:25:50] chromatic_orca > but now I go 14/10 and suddenly I am the bad guy
  142. [15:25:58] Naeqo > yes ur team got raped
  143. [15:25:59] PUSClFER > What's with admin telling jokes? It clutters up the chat log.
  144. [15:26:06] Naeqo > your team got raped
  145. [15:26:08] PatBE85 > omg
  146. [15:26:12] Naeqo > and we were so nice
  147. [15:26:15] Naeqo > to come and help u
  148. [15:26:20] Naeqo > we dont even have to do that
  149. [15:26:23] Naeqo > but we did
  150. [15:26:26] chromatic_orca > I didnt ask you to
  151. [15:26:32] Naeqo > ok
  152. [15:26:40] CrowdedTrunk > orca hunting season starts today
  153. [15:26:40] Naeqo > still doesnt mean u can switch teams to winning
  154. [15:26:51] chromatic_orca > I didnt ask flux, tiki and niels to help me either, and they didnt
  155. [15:26:33] All hail glorious master overlord Flux!
  156. [15:26:55] Angers93 > fuck off
  157. [15:27:01] Naeqo > k
  158. [15:27:07] NICOJlAS - US Army - Juliet > k
  160. [15:27:12] Naeqo > K ?
  163. -----------------------------------
  165. [15:27:19] CrowdedTrunk - Russian Army - Echo > /!fmove trunk
  166. [15:27:22] CrowdedTrunk - Russian Army - Echo > /!yes
  167. [15:27:33] NlELSERINO - US Army > golf
  168. [15:27:34] Amphilen - Russian Army > !rank
  169. [15:27:37] NICOJlAS - US Army > no 20xp resp!
  170. [15:27:38] Naeqo > we tryna create balance
  171. [15:27:40] PUSClFER > Jesus christ, what a cesspit of a server.
  172. [15:27:45] Naeqo > even if u dont ask for it
  173. [15:27:47] Naeqo > we try
  174. [15:27:54] Naeqo > and u will not fuck our efforts
  175. [15:27:58] Naeqo > by switching to winning teams
  176. [15:27:59] chromatic_orca > no one tried yesterday when I lost 4 times
  177. [15:28:04] NICOJlAS - US Army > no 20xp resp!
  178. [15:28:06] Fisupoika69 > /78
  179. [15:28:10] Fisupoika69 > /7
  180. [15:28:10] chromatic_orca > I lost 4 times in a row and no one helped
  181. [15:28:12] ShouTBF > /7
  182. [15:28:18] cca_ccb - Russian Army - Delta > /2
  183. [15:28:19] Naeqo > u said u dont want help ?
  185. -----------------------------------
  187. [15:28:19] mvav1991 - US Army > jst stfu and ur daram
  188. [15:28:20] TheJokaaar > naeqo
  189. [15:28:23] Fisupoika69 > i loose all games noone helps now stfu
  190. [15:28:34] Naeqo > also, u played over 2000 fucking hours
  191. [15:28:39] Naeqo > get used to having losing streams
  192. [15:28:40] chromatic_orca > you just said I don't have to ask
  193. [15:28:42] Naeqo > streaks
  194. [15:28:49] Naeqo > dude
  195. [15:28:50] Naeqo > wtf
  196. [15:28:51] TheJokaaar > can u check caspZD?
  197. [15:28:55] Naeqo > all this is irrelevant
  198. [15:28:58] Rom3n - Russian Army - Golf > [Commo Rose] Attack/Defend!
  199. [15:28:59] Naeqo > you cant switch to winning team
  200. [15:29:03] Naeqo > period
  201. [15:29:06] NlELSERINO - US Army - Golf > /3
  202. [15:29:12] FirehawkHD > kid
  203. [15:29:16] chromatic_orca > well now I joined the winning team while joining the server
  204. [15:29:21] WWWorm0101 - US Army > /5
  205. [15:29:25] itzuken > /5
  206. [15:29:33] Naeqo > and the only reason ur still here is cuz im listening to ur reasoning
  207. [15:29:39] Olympian_Virgin > hey guys
  208. [15:29:46] Naeqo > obviously u are done tho
  209. [15:29:47] Olympian_Virgin > I wanna say FUCK you all
  210. [15:29:49] chromatic_orca > or what would have happened?
  211. [15:29:52] Olympian_Virgin > And punch you in the face
  212. [15:29:53] Olympian_Virgin > lol
  213. [15:29:57] Fisupoika69 > nice spray prolike
  214. [15:29:57] PatBE85 > bad rev
  215. [15:30:11] michaeloneill1 > /4
  218. ------------------------ HERE HE GETS BANNED- ---------------------------------
  220. [15:30:15] Naeqo > /@ban chromatic_orca This. Stop being salty over losing. It happens.
  221. [15:30:16] chromatic_orca has disconnected from the server (reason: This. Stop being salty over losing. It happens. (Naeqo))..
  222. [15:30:16] X_Mat_X_04 > /7
  223. [15:30:16] LicTO_SRB has joined the server..
  224. [15:30:18] szymon997a - Russian Army > outside b
  225. [15:30:31] Fisupoika69 > noob
  226. [15:30:32] CrowdedTrunk - US Army - Golf > lmao
  227. [15:30:35] NlELSERINO > i can see this going well
  228. [15:30:36] NlELSERINO > :<
  229. [15:30:38] Shidoshi_uk has disconnected from the server..
  230. [15:30:24] CaspZD's 11 kill streak was ended by smollmann
  231. [15:30:45] CrowdedTrunk > never seen an admin get banned
  232. [15:31:00] CrowdedTrunk > history in the making
  234. -----------------------------------
  236. [15:31:08] Naeqo > lol wasnt i perfectly reasonable with him ?
  237. [15:31:09] NlELSERINO > straight to the history battlefield 4 books
  238. [15:31:16] Naeqo > i mean wtf is he doing
  239. [15:31:16] CrowdedTrunk > yea
  240. [15:31:20] Fisupoika69 > lol so cool this server
  241. [15:31:41] PatBE85 > this map is every time unbalanced :)
  242. [15:31:44] CrowdedTrunk - US Army - Golf > /v
  243. [15:31:47] PatBE85 > ok, somtimes not
  244. [15:32:10] Fisupoika69 > mostly yes
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