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- local tArgs = { ... }
- local monitor = term.current()
- local sizeX,sizeY = monitor.getSize()
- local makeCharcoal = false
- local fuelPriority = {
- "minecraft:stick",
- "minecraft:charcoal",
- "minecraft:oak_log",
- }
- local origin = {X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0, direction = 0}
- local curPosition = {
- X = 0,
- Y = 0,
- Z = 0,
- direction = 0
- }
- local lastPosition = {
- X = 0,
- Y = 0,
- Z = 0,
- direction = 0
- }
- local targetPosition = {
- X = 0,
- Y = 0,
- Z = 0,
- direction = nil
- }
- local chestSide = nil
- local furnaceSide = nil
- local currentState = "setup"
- local lastPositionStack = {}
- -- Logging
- local lastMsg = ""
- local lastMsgCount = 0
- local function pmsg(msg)
- if lastMsg == msg then
- lastMsgCount = lastMsgCount + 1
- msg = msg .. " " .. lastMsgCount
- else
- lastMsg = msg
- lastMsgCount = 0
- monitor.scroll(1)
- end
- monitor.setCursorPos(1,13)
- monitor.clearLine()
- monitor.write(msg)
- end
- -- Utility
- local function indexOf(array, needle)
- for index, value in ipairs(array) do
- if value == needle then
- return index
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function copyPosition(position)
- local newPosition = {}
- newPosition.X = position.X
- newPosition.Y = position.Y
- newPosition.Z = position.Z
- newPosition.direction = position.direction
- return newPosition
- end
- local function arePositionEquals(pos1, pos2, checkDirection)
- if pos1.X == pos2.X and pos1.Y == pos2.Y and pos1.Z == pos2.Z then
- if checkDirection then
- return pos1.direction == pos2.direction
- else
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- -- save / Load
- local filePath = ""
- local function save()
- if currentState == "chopping" then
- lastPositionStack[#lastPositionStack+1] = copyPosition(curPosition)
- pmsg("new stack")
- -- lastPositionStack[#lastPositionStack].direction = (curPosition.direction + 2) % 4
- elseif currentState == "going_back" and #lastPositionStack > 1 then
- if curPosition.X == lastPositionStack[#lastPositionStack].X and curPosition.Y == lastPositionStack[#lastPositionStack].Y and curPosition.Z == lastPositionStack[#lastPositionStack].Z then
- lastPositionStack[#lastPositionStack] = nil
- pmsg("stack removed")
- end
- end
- -- disable save
- if true then
- return nil
- end
- if curPosition.direction > 3 then
- curPosition.direction = curPosition.direction - 4
- elseif curPosition.direction < 0 then
- curPosition.direction = curPosition.direction + 4
- end
- local savedFile =, "w")
- local savedValues = {
- [1] = curPosition,
- [2] = lastPosition,
- [3] = targetPosition,
- [4] = chestSide,
- [5] = furnaceSide,
- [6] = currentState,
- [7] = lastPositionStack,
- }
- savedFile.write(textutils.serialize(savedValues))
- savedFile.flush()
- savedFile.close()
- end
- local function load()
- if fs.exists(filePath) and fs.getSize(filePath) > 0 and #tArgs == 0 then
- local savedFile =, "r")
- local savedValues = textutils.unserialize(savedFile.readAll())
- curPosition = savedValues[1]
- lastPosition = savedValues[2]
- targetPosition = savedValues[3]
- chestSide = savedValues[4]
- furnaceSide = savedValues[5]
- currentState = savedValues[6]
- lastPositionStack = savedValues[7]
- savedFile.close()
- end
- end
- load()
- save()
- -- Setup
- local function findPeripherals()
- chestSide = nil
- furnaceSide = nil
- local sides = peripheral.getNames()
- for i=1, #sides do
- if peripheral.getType(sides[i]) == "minecraft:chest" then
- chestSide = sides[i]
- elseif peripheral.getType(sides[i]) == "minecraft:furnace" then
- furnaceSide = sides[i]
- end
- end
- return chestSide ~= nil and furnaceSide ~= nil
- end
- -- Block/Item Check
- local function isSapling(itemName)
- return string.match(itemName, "_sapling$") ~= nil
- end
- local function isLog(itemName)
- return string.match(itemName, "_log$") ~= nil
- end
- local function isLeaves(itemName)
- return string.match(itemName, "_leaves$") ~= nil
- end
- local function shouldMineBlock(direction, allowLeaves)
- allowLeaves = (allowLeaves == nil) or allowLeaves
- local turtleInspect = turtle.inspect
- if direction == "up" then
- turtleInspect = turtle.inspectUp
- elseif direction == "down" then
- turtleInspect = turtle.inspectDown
- end
- local success, frontItem = turtleInspect()
- if success and (isLog( or (allowLeaves and isLeaves( then
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- local function suckItems()
- if not turtle.detect() then
- turtle.suck()
- end
- if not turtle.detectUp() then
- turtle.suckUp()
- end
- if not turtle.detectDown() then
- turtle.suckDown()
- end
- end
- -- Movement
- local function moveUp()
- suckItems()
- if turtle.up() then
- curPosition.Z = curPosition.Z + 1
- save()
- return true
- else
- while shouldMineBlock("up") and turtle.digUp() do
- end
- if not turtle.detectUp() then
- turtle.attackUp()
- end
- return false
- end
- end
- local function moveDown()
- suckItems()
- if turtle.down() then
- curPosition.Z = curPosition.Z - 1
- save()
- return true
- else
- while shouldMineBlock("down") and turtle.digDown() do
- end
- if not turtle.detectDown() then
- turtle.attackDown()
- end
- return false
- end
- end
- -- Fonction pour avancer et gérer les obstacles
- local function moveForward(curPosition, axis)
- suckItems()
- if turtle.forward() then
- curPosition[axis] = curPosition[axis] + ((curPosition.direction == 0 or curPosition.direction == 1) and 1 or -1)
- save()
- return true
- else
- while shouldMineBlock("front") and turtle.dig() do
- end
- if not turtle.detect() then
- turtle.attack()
- end
- return false
- end
- end
- -- Fonction pour tourner à droite
- local function turnRight()
- suckItems()
- if turtle.turnRight() then
- curPosition.direction = (curPosition.direction + 1) % 4
- save()
- end
- end
- -- Fonction pour tourner à gauche
- local function turnLeft()
- suckItems()
- if turtle.turnLeft() then
- curPosition.direction = (curPosition.direction + 3) % 4
- save()
- end
- end
- -- Fonction pour faire demi-tour
- local function turnAround()
- turnLeft()
- turnLeft()
- end
- local function moveToTarget()
- -- Si on doit monter on commence par monter
- if curPosition.Z < targetPosition.Z then
- return moveUp()
- -- Vérifiez la direction actuelle de la turtle
- elseif curPosition.X ~= targetPosition.X or curPosition.Y ~= targetPosition.Y then
- if curPosition.direction == 0 then -- Nord
- if curPosition.X < targetPosition.X then
- return moveForward(curPosition, "X")
- elseif curPosition.X > targetPosition.X then
- turnAround()
- return moveForward(curPosition, "X")
- elseif curPosition.Y < targetPosition.Y then
- turnRight()
- return moveForward(curPosition, "Y")
- elseif curPosition.Y > targetPosition.Y then
- turnLeft()
- return moveForward(curPosition, "Y")
- end
- elseif curPosition.direction == 1 then -- Est
- if curPosition.Y < targetPosition.Y then
- return moveForward(curPosition, "Y")
- elseif curPosition.Y > targetPosition.Y then
- turnAround()
- return moveForward(curPosition, "Y")
- elseif curPosition.X > targetPosition.X then
- turnRight()
- return moveForward(curPosition, "X")
- elseif curPosition.X < targetPosition.X then
- turnLeft()
- moveForward(curPosition, "X")
- end
- elseif curPosition.direction == 2 then -- Sud
- if curPosition.X > targetPosition.X then
- return moveForward(curPosition, "X")
- elseif curPosition.X < targetPosition.X then
- turnAround()
- return moveForward(curPosition, "X")
- elseif curPosition.Y > targetPosition.Y then
- turnRight()
- return moveForward(curPosition, "Y")
- elseif curPosition.Y < targetPosition.Y then
- turnLeft()
- return moveForward(curPosition, "Y")
- end
- elseif curPosition.direction == 3 then -- Ouest
- if curPosition.Y > targetPosition.Y then
- return moveForward(curPosition, "Y")
- elseif curPosition.Y < targetPosition.Y then
- turnAround()
- return moveForward(curPosition, "Y")
- elseif curPosition.X < targetPosition.X then
- turnRight()
- return moveForward(curPosition, "X")
- elseif curPosition.X > targetPosition.X then
- turnLeft()
- return moveForward(curPosition, "X")
- end
- end
- -- Si on doit descendre on fini par descendre
- elseif curPosition.Z > targetPosition.Z then
- return moveDown()
- -- Enfin on aligne la direction
- elseif targetPosition.direction ~= nil and curPosition.direction > targetPosition.direction then
- turnLeft()
- elseif targetPosition.direction ~= nil and curPosition.direction < targetPosition.direction then
- turnRight()
- else
- save()
- end
- end
- -- Inventory
- local function findItemSlotInTurtleInventory(itemName)
- for slot=1, 16 do
- local itemDetail = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)
- if itemDetail ~= nil and == itemName then
- return true, slot
- end
- end
- return false, nil
- end
- local function findItemSlotInInventory(inventory, itemName, stackMustHaveFreeSpace)
- -- TODO : use a callback to validate itemName
- -- if is string use a default callback (anonymous function)
- -- if is function use it as callback (and validator(
- local size = inventory.size()
- for slot=1, size do
- local itemDetail = inventory.getItemDetail(slot)
- if itemDetail ~= nil and == itemName and (not stackMustHaveFreeSpace or itemDetail.count < itemDetail.maxCount) then
- return slot, itemDetail
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function findEmptySlot(itemList, size)
- for slot=1, size do
- if not itemList[slot] then
- return true, slot
- end
- end
- return false, nil
- end
- local function clearFurnaceOutput()
- if findPeripherals() then
- local furnace = peripheral.wrap(furnaceSide)
- local chest = peripheral.wrap(chestSide)
- local outputSlotItemDetail = furnace.getItemDetail(3)
- if outputSlotItemDetail ~= nil and outputSlotItemDetail.count > 0 then
- local itemName =
- local chestSlot, chestItemDetail = findItemSlotInInventory(chest, itemName, true)
- while (chestSlot ~= nil and chestItemDetail ~= nil) and outputSlotItemDetail ~= nil and outputSlotItemDetail.count > 0 do
- furnace.pushItems(chestSide, 3, chestItemDetail.maxCount - chestItemDetail.count, chestSlot)
- outputSlotItemDetail = furnace.getItemDetail(3)
- chestSlot, chestItemDetail = findItemSlotInInventory(chest, itemName, true)
- end
- if chestSlot == nil and outputSlotItemDetail ~= nil and outputSlotItemDetail.count > 0 then
- local success, chestSlot = findEmptySlot(chest.list(), chest.size())
- if success then
- furnace.pushItems(chestSide, 3, 64, chestSlot)
- end
- end
- outputSlotItemDetail = furnace.getItemDetail(3)
- end
- return outputSlotItemDetail == nil or outputSlotItemDetail.count > 0
- end
- return false
- end
- local function fillFurnaceInput()
- if findPeripherals() then
- local furnace = peripheral.wrap(furnaceSide)
- local chest = peripheral.wrap(chestSide)
- local furnaceItemInput = furnace.getItemDetail(1)
- local chestSlot, chestItemDetail = findItemSlotInInventory(chest, "minecraft:oak_log", false)
- while chestSlot ~= nil and chestItemDetail ~= nil and (furnaceItemInput== nil or furnaceItemInput.count < furnaceItemInput.maxCount) do
- furnaceItemInput = furnace.getItemDetail(1)
- chestSlot, chestItemDetail = findItemSlotInInventory(chest, "minecraft:oak_log", false)
- if chestSlot ~= nil and chestItemDetail ~= nil then
- chest.pushItems(furnaceSide, chestSlot)
- end
- end
- local furnaceFuelInput = furnace.getItemDetail(2)
- local fuelItem = "minecraft:oak_log"
- if furnaceFuelInput ~= nil and ~= nil then
- fuelItem =
- end
- chestSlot, chestItemDetail = findItemSlotInInventory(chest, fuelItem, false)
- while chestSlot ~= nil and chestItemDetail ~= nil and (furnaceFuelInput == nil or furnaceFuelInput.count < furnaceFuelInput.maxCount) do
- furnaceFuelInput = furnace.getItemDetail(2)
- chestSlot, chestItemDetail = findItemSlotInInventory(chest, fuelItem, false)
- if chestSlot ~= nil and chestItemDetail ~= nil then
- chest.pushItems(furnaceSide, chestSlot)
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- -- turtle must be facing, below or over the chest
- local function takeItemInChest(itemName)
- local turtleSuck = turtle.suck
- local oldChestSide = chestSide
- if chestSide == "right" then
- turnRight()
- chestSide = "front"
- elseif chestSide == "left" then
- turnLeft()
- chestSide = "front"
- elseif chestSide == "back" then
- turnAround()
- chestSide = "front"
- elseif chestSide == "top" then
- turtleSuck = turtle.suckUp
- elseif chestSide == "down" then
- turtleSuck = turtle.suckDown
- end
- local returnValue = false
- local chest = peripheral.wrap(chestSide)
- local chestItemSlot, chestItemDetail = findItemSlotInInventory(chest, itemName, false)
- if chestItemSlot ~= nil then
- if chestItemSlot == 1 then
- turtleSuck()
- returnValue = true
- else
- -- find empty slot
- local success, chestEmptySlot = findEmptySlot(chest.list(), chest.size())
- if success then
- if chestEmptySlot == 1 then
- -- move fuitemel to slot 1
- chest.pushItems(chestSide, chestItemSlot, chestItemDetail.count, 1)
- turtleSuck()
- returnValue = true
- else
- -- move slot 1 to empty slot
- chest.pushItems(chestSide, 1, 64, chestEmptySlot)
- -- move item to slot 1
- chest.pushItems(chestSide, chestItemSlot, chestItemDetail.count, 1)
- turtleSuck()
- returnValue = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if oldChestSide == "right" then
- turnLeft()
- elseif oldChestSide == "left" then
- turnRight()
- elseif oldChestSide == "back" then
- turnAround()
- end
- chestSide = oldChestSide
- return returnValue
- end
- local function clearTurtleInventory()
- local needEmptying = false
- local fuelItem = nil
- for slot=1, 16 do
- local itemDetail = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)
- if itemDetail ~= nil and not (indexOf(fuelPriority, or isSapling( or == "minecraft:bone_meal") then
- needEmptying = true
- break
- elseif itemDetail ~= nil and fuelItem == nil and indexOf(fuelPriority, then
- fuelItem = fuelPriority[indexOf(fuelPriority,]
- elseif itemDetail ~= nil and fuelItem ~= nil and indexOf(fuelPriority, and fuelItem ~= fuelPriority[indexOf(fuelPriority,] then
- needEmptying = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not needEmptying then
- return true
- end
- if findPeripherals() then
- local turtleDrop = turtle.drop
- local oldChestSide = chestSide
- if chestSide == "right" then
- turnRight()
- chestSide = "front"
- elseif chestSide == "left" then
- turnLeft()
- chestSide = "front"
- elseif chestSide == "back" then
- turnAround()
- chestSide = "front"
- elseif chestSide == "top" then
- turtleDrop = turtle.dropUp
- elseif chestSide == "down" then
- turtleDrop = turtle.dropDown
- end
- local chest = peripheral.wrap(chestSide)
- local fuelSlot = {slot = 0, count = 0, maxCount = 0, name = nil}
- local saplingSlot = {slot = 0, count = 0, maxCount = 0, name = nil}
- local fertilizerSlot = {slot = 0, count = 0, maxCount = 0, name = nil}
- for slot=1, 16 do
- if not findEmptySlot(chest.list(), chest.size()) then
- return false
- end
- local itemDetail = turtle.getItemDetail(slot, true)
- if itemDetail ~= nil then
- -- c'est un log
- if isLog( then
- turtleDrop()
- -- c'est un fuel et je n'en ai pas
- elseif == nil and indexOf(fuelPriority, then
- for fuelIndex = 1, #fuelPriority do
- if == fuelPriority[fuelIndex] then
- =
- fuelSlot.count = itemDetail.count
- fuelSlot.maxCount = itemDetail.maxCount
- fuelSlot.slot = slot
- end
- end
- -- c'est mon fuel et j'ai de la place
- elseif == and fuelSlot.count < fuelSlot.maxCount then
- turtle.transferTo(fuelSlot.slot, fuelSlot.maxCount - fuelSlot.count)
- local fuelDetail = turtle.getItemDetail(fuelSlot.slot, true)
- if fuelDetail ~= nil then
- fuelSlot.count = fuelDetail.count
- end
- -- c'est mon fuel et j'avais de la place mais je n'en ai plus
- if itemDetail.count > (fuelSlot.maxCount - fuelSlot.count) then
- turtleDrop()
- end
- -- c'est un sapling et je n'en ai pas
- elseif == nil and isSapling( then
- =
- saplingSlot.count = itemDetail.count
- saplingSlot.maxCount = itemDetail.maxCount
- saplingSlot.slot = slot
- -- c'est mon sapling et j'ai de la place
- elseif == and saplingSlot.count < saplingSlot.maxCount then
- turtle.transferTo(saplingSlot.slot, saplingSlot.maxCount - saplingSlot.count)
- local saplingDetail = turtle.getItemDetail(saplingSlot.slot, true)
- if saplingDetail ~= nil then
- saplingSlot.count = saplingDetail.count
- end
- -- c'est mon sapling et j'avais de la place mais je n'en ai plus
- if itemDetail.count > (saplingSlot.maxCount - saplingSlot.count) then
- turtleDrop()
- end
- -- c'est un fertilizer et je n'en ai pas
- elseif == nil and == "minecraft:bone_meal" then
- =
- fertilizerSlot.count = itemDetail.count
- fertilizerSlot.maxCount = itemDetail.maxCount
- fertilizerSlot.slot = slot
- -- c'est mon sapling et j'ai de la place
- elseif == and fertilizerSlot.count < fertilizerSlot.maxCount then
- turtle.transferTo(fertilizerSlot.slot, fertilizerSlot.maxCount - fertilizerSlot.count)
- local fertilizerDetail = turtle.getItemDetail(fertilizerSlot.slot, true)
- if fertilizerDetail ~= nil then
- fertilizerSlot.count = fertilizerDetail.count
- end
- -- c'est mon sapling et j'avais de la place mais je n'en ai plus
- if itemDetail.count > (fertilizerSlot.maxCount - fertilizerSlot.count) then
- turtleDrop()
- end
- else
- turtleDrop()
- end
- end
- end
- if == nil or saplingSlot.count < saplingSlot.maxCount then
- -- search sapling in chest ?
- takeItemInChest("minecraft:oak_sapling")
- end
- if == nil or fuelSlot.count < fuelSlot.maxCount then
- -- search fuel in chest ?
- if ~= nil then
- takeItemInChest(
- else
- for fuelIndex = 1, #fuelPriority do
- if takeItemInChest(fuelPriority[fuelIndex]) then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if oldChestSide == "right" then
- turnLeft()
- elseif oldChestSide == "left" then
- turnRight()
- elseif oldChestSide == "back" then
- turnAround()
- end
- chestSide = oldChestSide
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- local function useFertilizer()
- local success, fertilizerSlot = findItemSlotInTurtleInventory("minecraft:bone_meal")
- if success then
- end
- end
- local function refuel()
- local minimumFuelAMount = (math.abs(curPosition.X) + math.abs(curPosition.Y) + math.abs(curPosition.Z)) + 200
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() > minimumFuelAMount then
- return true
- end
- local success, fuelSlot
- for fuelIndex = 1, #fuelPriority do
- success, fuelSlot = findItemSlotInTurtleInventory(fuelPriority[fuelIndex])
- if success then
- local itemDetail = turtle.getItemDetail(fuelSlot)
- turtle.refuel(itemDetail.count)
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() > minimumFuelAMount then
- return true
- end
- end
- success = takeItemInChest(fuelPriority[fuelIndex])
- if success then
- success, fuelSlot = findItemSlotInTurtleInventory(fuelPriority[fuelIndex])
- if success then
- local itemDetail = turtle.getItemDetail(fuelSlot)
- turtle.refuel(itemDetail.count)
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() > minimumFuelAMount then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return turtle.getFuelLevel() > minimumFuelAMount
- end
- local function recursiveChopping()
- local mineLeaves = true
- for i = 1, 1 do
- if shouldMineBlock("down", mineLeaves) then
- while shouldMineBlock("down", mineLeaves) and turtle.digDown() do
- end
- if moveDown() then
- recursiveChopping()
- moveUp()
- end
- end
- if shouldMineBlock("up", mineLeaves) then
- while shouldMineBlock("up", mineLeaves) and turtle.digUp() do
- end
- if moveUp() then
- recursiveChopping()
- moveDown()
- end
- end
- local sidesSeen = {0, 0, 0, 0}
- for turn = curPosition.direction, curPosition.direction + 3 do
- local oldPosition = copyPosition(curPosition)
- local newPosition = copyPosition(curPosition)
- if shouldMineBlock("front", mineLeaves) then
- while shouldMineBlock("front", mineLeaves) and turtle.dig() do
- end
- if newPosition.direction == 0 or newPosition.direction == 2 then -- Nord ou Sud
- newPosition.X = newPosition.X + (newPosition.direction == 0 and 1 or -1)
- elseif newPosition.direction == 1 or curPosition.direction == 3 then -- Est ou Ouest
- newPosition.Y = newPosition.Y + (newPosition.direction == 1 and 1 or -1)
- end
- targetPosition = copyPosition(newPosition)
- while not arePositionEquals(curPosition, targetPosition, true) do
- moveToTarget()
- end
- recursiveChopping()
- -- targetPosition = copyPosition(oldPosition)
- -- moveToTarget()
- end
- -- turnToUnseenSide
- newPosition = copyPosition(oldPosition)
- sidesSeen[oldPosition.direction] = 1
- if sidesSeen[(oldPosition.direction + 1) % 4] ~= 1 then
- newPosition.direction = (oldPosition.direction + 1) % 4
- elseif sidesSeen[(oldPosition.direction - 1) % 4] ~= 1 then
- newPosition.direction = (oldPosition.direction - 1) % 4
- elseif sidesSeen[(oldPosition.direction + 2) % 4] ~= 1 then
- newPosition.direction = (oldPosition.direction + 2) % 4
- elseif sidesSeen[(oldPosition.direction - 2) % 4] ~= 1 then
- newPosition.direction = (oldPosition.direction - 2) % 4
- elseif sidesSeen[(oldPosition.direction + 3) % 4] ~= 1 then
- newPosition.direction = (oldPosition.direction + 3) % 4
- elseif sidesSeen[(oldPosition.direction - 3) % 4] ~= 1 then
- newPosition.direction = (oldPosition.direction - 3) % 4
- else
- break
- end
- targetPosition = copyPosition(newPosition)
- while not arePositionEquals(curPosition, targetPosition, true) do
- moveToTarget()
- end
- end
- mineLeaves = true
- end
- end
- -- Main Loop
- local function mainLoop()
- while true do
- sleep(0)
- local lastState = currentState
- if currentState == "setup" then
- -- est-on à l'origine ?
- -- les peripheriques sont-ils présents ?
- if not findPeripherals() then
- pmsg("Please place a chest and a furnace next to the turtle.")
- return false;
- end
- -- inspecte devant, cherche un sapling
- local success, frontItem = turtle.inspect()
- if not success or not isSapling( then
- -- si obstacle on mine ?
- while turtle.detect() and turtle.dig() do
- end
- -- si pas de sapling on en cherche dans l'inventaire
- local success, saplingSlot = findItemSlotInTurtleInventory("minecraft:oak_sapling")
- if not success then
- local success, saplingSlot = findItemSlotInTurtleInventory("minecraft:oak_sapling")
- -- sinon on n'en cherche dans le coffre
- end
- if success then
- -- enfin on le plante
- currentState = "wait"
- else
- pmsg("Can't find sappling.")
- return false;
- -- ou si toujours pas trouvé afficher message
- end
- end
- currentState = "wait"
- elseif currentState == "wait" then
- if makeCharcoal and not clearFurnaceOutput() then
- pmsg("Chest is full")
- elseif makeCharcoal and not fillFurnaceInput() then
- pmsg("Please place a chest and a furnace next to the turtle.")
- elseif not clearTurtleInventory() then
- pmsg("Chest is full")
- elseif makeCharcoal and not fillFurnaceInput() then
- pmsg("Please place a chest and a furnace next to the turtle.")
- elseif not refuel() then
- pmsg("Can't refuel")
- -- we do nothing, not enought fuel
- elseif #lastPositionStack > 1 then
- targetPosition = lastPositionStack[#lastPositionStack]
- moveToTarget()
- pmsg("Move to target " .. #lastPositionStack)
- else
- pmsg("Inspect")
- local success, frontItem = turtle.inspect()
- if success and isLog( then
- recursiveChopping()
- currentState = "going_back"
- elseif success and isSapling( then
- useFertilizer()
- end
- end
- elseif currentState == "going_back" then
- if #lastPositionStack >= 1 then
- local lastPositionInStack = lastPositionStack[#lastPositionStack]
- if curPosition.X == lastPositionInStack.X and curPosition.Y == lastPositionInStack.Y and curPosition.Z == lastPositionInStack.Z then
- lastPositionStack[#lastPositionStack] = nil
- end
- if #lastPositionStack >= 1 then
- targetPosition = lastPositionStack[#lastPositionStack]
- moveToTarget()
- end
- elseif curPosition.X ~= 0 or curPosition.Y ~= 0 or curPosition.Z ~= 0 or curPosition.direction ~= 0 then
- targetPosition = origin
- moveToTarget()
- else
- currentState = "setup"
- end
- end
- if lastState ~= currentState then
- pmsg(currentState)
- end
- end
- end
- mainLoop()
- -- parallel.waitForAll(mainLoop, drawLoop)
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